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      ReligionComparative ReligionHistoryEuropean History
Quran translation into Western cultures is a high volatility intercultural act. In it many of the translator’s choices are not purely dictated by linguistic necessity alone, but, rather, are due to the Text’s shifting dynamic of... more
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      Translation StudiesTranslation theoryBible TranslationQuranic Studies
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      ReligionMetaphysicsMedieval PhilosophyTheology
Esotericism and the Qur’an/L’ésotericism et le Coran, international conference, University of Lausanne, 5-7 May 2022
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      SufismTimurids (Islamic History)OccultismTafsir
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      International Relations TheoryPolitical TheoryIslamic StudiesIslam
This study conducts a literary analysis of the traditions and comments of al-Tabari with regards to Muhammad's Night Journey and Ascension is undertaken within the context of al-Tabari's exegesis of Qur'ān, 17:1. The linguistic... more
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      Quranic StudiesTafsirQuranic and Islamic StudiesQuran and Tafsir Studies
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      PhilosophyEthicsMedieval PhilosophyTheology
This article contrasts techniques from non-narrative, poetic and Qurʾānic texts with the narratives of Qiṣaṣ al-anbiyāʾ (the Stories of the Prophets) in order to interpret passages on Sulaymān/Solomon in pre-and early Arabic-Islamic... more
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      Arabic LiteratureQuranic StudiesClassical Arabic PoetryProphets of the Hebrew Bible/"Old Testament"
Employing the tools of postcolonial studies, this paper examines the manner in which the legacy of colonialism continues to influence the analysis of the Quran in the Euro-American academy. While Muslim lands are no longer directly... more
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      Quranic StudiesIslamic StudiesQuranic ExegesisDecolonial Thought
The past few decades have witnessed a proliferation of theories on the origins of Islam which have called into question long-held scholarly axioms. One such axiom is the traditional date of 632 CE for the death of the prophet Muhammad,... more
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      Late Antique and Byzantine HistoryQur'anic StudiesQuranic StudiesLate Antiquity
In his objective study of the texts, Maurice Bucaille clears' away many preconceived ideas about the Old Testament, the Gospels and the Quran. He tries, in this collection of Writings, to separate what belongs to Revelation from what is... more
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      ChristianityComparative ReligionComputer ScienceIslamic Law
Tafsir Al Mishbah Jilid 06 Dr. M. Quraish Shihab
Musholla Nurul Hidayah Randukenceng Krajan Tuban. 62381
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      TafsirTafsir IndonesiaMetode TafsirQuran and Tafsir Studies
Tafsir Al Mishbah Jilid 11 Dr. M. Quraish Shihab
Musholla Nurul Hidayah Randukenceng Krajan Tuban. 62381
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      TafsirSufi TafsirMetode TafsirQuran and Tafsir Studies
Lisans tez çalışmasında, proje aşamasından sonuçlanmasına kadarki süreçte bilimsel etiğe ve akademik kurallara özenle riayet ettiğimi, tez içindeki tüm bilgileri, bilimsel ahlak ve gelenek çerçevesinde elde ettiğimi, tez yazım kurallarına... more
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    • Quran and Tafsir Studies
This thesis (1999) delves into Nasr Hamid Abu Zayd's hermeneutics of the Qur'an, which was, at that time, not yet systematically formulated. It tries to reconstruct his theories of text and interpretation based on his works, and gives... more
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      Textual CriticismHermeneuticsNarrative and interpretationReligious Pluralism
The study of Jesus in the Qur'an might profitably begin with the fact that there he is called not the expected Arabic Yasu' but rather the unaccountable 'Isa. From there the reader of the Qur'an may wonder to what extent the writer of the... more
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      New TestamentQur'anic StudiesGospelsSynoptic Gospels
Review by Brian Welter, Journal of Shi'a Islamic Studies, Volume 10, Number 2, Spring 2017, pp. 239-241.
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      Quranic StudiesQur'anic HermeneuticsQuran and Tafsir Studies
The utterance of “ahl al-kitap” (people of book) as a noun clause, is one of the words that Quran made it a term and uses for a special meaning. When we analyse the verses that contains “book” at Quran, we can see, the noun clause “ahl... more
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      Quranic StudiesIslamic StudiesQuranTefsir
Critical Approach to Some Comments In The Tafsir Of Rûhu’l Furkân Abstract The Qur'an is a guide to life sent by Allah through Muhammad to mankind. Starting from the seventh century in which it began to descend, this book, which sets... more
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    • Quran and Tafsir Studies
این پژوهش، مروری است بر ارتباط سیاق و اسباب نزول؛ ارتباطی متقابل که گاه به تردید در یکی از این دو قرینه منجر می‌شود. این نوشتار، به بررسی موقعیت سیاق و اسباب نزول و رابطه‌ی این دو در تفسیر آیه‌ی احصار می‌پردازد؛ گرچه معترفیم که بحث سیاق و... more
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      Quranic StudiesQuran and Tafsir StudiesIslamic law and jurisprudence
Kur'an imlası / تهجئة و ترقيم القرآن / Spelling (Punctuation) of the Qur'an. Lütfen -okuduğunuzda- resmi mushaf ve diğer tercümelerle karşılaştırınız. Please -when you read- compare with the offical mushaf and other translations.... more
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      HermeneuticsQuranic StudiesIslamic StudiesQuranic Exegesis
Bahan (Tulisan dan slide) ini dipresentasikan dihadapan mahasiswa-i dalam mata kuliah studi ilmu al-Qur'an
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      Quranic StudiesQuranic and Islamic StudiesUlumul QuranQuran and Tafsir Studies
This article analyzed the phrase “baldatun thayyibatun wa rabbun ghafûr”, one of main keywords in Islamic quality of life research, with reference to the interpretations given by tafsir nusantara i.e. Marâh Labîd, Tafsir An Nur, Tafsir... more
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      IndonesiaIslamic StudiesQuality of Life (Social Sciences)Tafsir
Tafsir Nurul Quran Jil. 5 bag.2
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      TafsirKajian Tafsir Al-QuranSyiahTafsir Indonesia
تفسیر الفرقان واجد ویژگی‌های کم‌نظیری در تفسیر آیات ادیانی و به‌ویژه آیات مرتبط با یهودیت است. وجه کم‌نظیر بودن این ویژگی‌ها تنها در مقایسهٔ آن با دیگر تفاسیر مهم اسلامی رخ می‌نماید. در این مقاله با انتخاب المیزان به عنوان نمایندهٔ... more
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      TafsirQuran and Tafsir Studies
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      ReligionComparative ReligionGeologyCosmology (Physics)
Paper ini ditulis oleh mahasiswa prodi Perbankan Syariah, Jurusan Syariah dan Ekonomi Islam, Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Negeri (STAIN) Curup, semester 4 RK, dalam mata kuliah Tafsir Ayat Ekonomi. Artikel ini ditulis secara berkelompok... more
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      Islamic EconomicsAlquran StudiesQuran and Tafsir Studies
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      Kalam (Islamic Theology)Islamic StudiesTafsirQuran and Tafsir Studies
The male female relations in Holy Qur’ān
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      GenderQuran and Tafsir Studies
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      Qur'anic StudiesIslamic feminismTafsirQuran and Tafsir Studies
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      Qur'anic StudiesTafsirQuran and Tafsir Studies
Prema jednoglasnom mišljenju komentatora Kur’ana, sura El-Hudžurat je objavljena u medinskom periodu Objave, tj. u vrijeme kada je ‒ nakon učvršćivanja imana u srcima vjernika ‒ trebalo izgraditi zdravo društvo, tj. uzornu zajednicu, u... more
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      IslamQuran and Tafsir Studies
Kitab Nasoihul Ibad Makna Gandul Pesantren
Kitab Nashoihul Ibad Makna Gandul Pesantren
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      TafsirKajian Tafsir Al-QuranTafsir IndonesiaHistory of Tafsir
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      Quranic StudiesIslamic StudiesQuranic ExegesisModern Islamic Thought
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      Quranic StudiesIslamic StudiesQuranQuranic Exegesis
The scholarship of reading has been supposed to be the superlative one among the Islamic sciences due to its investigation of the Koran's wording. The fact that the changes, come into existence in the wordings because of reading... more
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      Qur'anic StudiesQuranic StudiesQuranic RecitationTajweed
Francesco Malaguti, L'epoca d'oro della scienza araba e la rivoluzione scientifica mancata, in "Rassegna di Teologia" LX 2019, n. 4, pp. 585-606.
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      EpistemologyPhilosophy of ScienceTheologyIslamic Philosophy
لقد كرّست اهتمامي في السنين الأخيرة لمطالعة وتصحيح تفسير الوزير المغربي المسمّى بـ: المصابيح في تفسير القرآن، وكتبت بعض المقالات في هذا الخصوص، وقد تطرّقت في مقالتي هذه إلى وصف النسخ الثلاث الموجودة منه، ومناقشة الأخطاء والنواقص التي وردت... more
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      Arabic Language and LinguisticsArabicQur'anic StudiesQuranic Studies
Tulisan ini mengulas buku Sejarah Kenabian karya Aksin Wijaya.
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      Islamic HistoryEarly Islamic HistoryQuran and Tafsir Studies
ابوعثمان عمرو بن بحر ملقب به جاحظ، ادیب و متکلم معتزلی قرن سوم است، وي در طول عمر 100 ساله خويش قريب 300 كتاب به رشته تحرير درآورده است كه در برخي از اين كتب مستقیم یا غیرمستقیم به بحث اعجاز و برخی از مباحثِ علوم قرآنی و تفاسير برخي از... more
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    • Quran and Tafsir Studies
Nowadays da'wa shows its significance in all of human life. Da'wa experienced a great significance in the spread of Islam and the development of religious conscience, especially in the West. Da'wa observers believe that Islam is the... more
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      Women and Gender Issues in IslamIslamic communicationQuran and Tafsir StudiesInterfaith Relationships
A comparison of Islam's view of (for example) human nature to orthodox Christianity's.
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      Historical TheologySystematic TheologyIslamic Contemporary StudiesQuranic Studies
, it cui generoso contributo ha reso possibile la pubblicazione del presente volume: We gratefully acknowledge the following institutions within the University of British Columbia (UBC Vancouver, Canada), whose generosity has made... more
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      Comparative ReligionIslamic LawPersian LiteratureTheology
Interpretation of the verses concerning القدر
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      Kalam (Islamic Theology)Qur'anic StudiesQuranic StudiesKader
Çok acıyan, Pek acıyan Allah'ın adıyla.. [1] Övgü-şükür (akıllı) alemlerin rabbi Allah'adır. [2] Çok acıyan'a, Pek acıyan'a.. [3] Din gününün sahibine/kralına.. [4] Yalnız Sana ibadet ederiz ve Senden yardım dileriz sadece! [5] Bizi,... more
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      Biblical StudiesQur'anic StudiesQuranic StudiesTrinity
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      ReligionQuranic StudiesIslamic StudiesIslam
article in The Study Qur'an: A New Translation and Commentary (this time it is not missing a page!)
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      Qur'anic StudiesTafsirHistory of TafsirQuran and Tafsir Studies
The Qur'ān lies at the heart of Muslim spirituality, and provides the fount and wellspring for its doctrines and practices. To the extent that classical Islam as a whole was animated in both form and spirit by its central Scripture, all... more
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      EthicsVirtue EthicsMysticismQuranic Studies
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      TafsirHistory of TafsirQuran and Tafsir Studies