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      Jewish StudiesQumranic StudiesSecond Temple JudaismLate Antiquity
Michael Segal, “Interpreting History in Qumran Texts,” in M. Kister, M. Segal, and R. Clements (eds.), The Religious Worldviews Reflected in the Dead Sea Scrolls: Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Symposium of the Orion Center... more
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      HistoryHebrew BibleTargumDead Sea Scrolls (Religion)
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      Qumranic StudiesJohannine LiteratureNew testament exegesisExegese Biblical
A Study of Augustine's City of God and the Sources of his Doctrine of the Two Cities By j o h a n n e s v a n o o r t isbn 978-90-04-24628-7
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      ReligionGnosticismHistoryAncient History
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      Discourse AnalysisReligionHistoryGender Studies
Complete view and Download at _______________________________________________________________________________________ The great Poem of Babylonian Creation, the myth of Enmeduranki, the book of secrets of... more
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyMetaphysics of TimeQumranic StudiesEnoch literature
6 Mentioned in four tractates (Niddah 24b, Baba Bathra 73a, Šabbat 151b, ‛Erubin 100b) as a long-haired winged being. In midrashic tradition Lilit was Adam's first wife. He gendered with her the šēdim who bring plagues and afflictions on... more
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      Near Eastern ArchaeologyAnthropologyQumranic StudiesDemonology
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      Qumranic StudiesSecond Temple JudaismBiblical ExegesisDead Sea Scrolls
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      Jewish StudiesDead Sea Scrolls (Religion)Qumranic StudiesRabbinics
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      Dead Sea Scrolls (Religion)Qumranic StudiesQumran
Introduzione, pp. 7-8
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionArchaeologyNear Eastern ArchaeologyNear Eastern Studies
Scroll 5Q21 is extremely fragmentary and difficult to decipher. Its DJD editor, Joseph Milik, did not even attempt to provide an edition of the scroll. A re-examination of the fragments revealed it is to be a copy of the Temple Scroll. In... more
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      Qumranic StudiesSecond Temple JudaismBiblical Hebrew (Languages And Linguistics)Qumran
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      LiturgyQumranic StudiesBooks of SamuelOld Testament Textual Criticism
This article provides an overview of the structure and goals of the Scripta Qumranica Electronica project.
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      Digital HumanitiesHebrew BibleQumranic StudiesOld Testament
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      Gender StudiesNew TestamentHebrew BibleDead Sea Scrolls (Religion)
4QApocryphon of Daniel ar (4Q246) is a rather famous text from Qumran with a storied recent past, thanks to the close parallels between 4Q246 2:1 and Luke 1:32, 35. 2 However, despite its 'official name', Apocryphon of Daniel ar, 3 4Q246... more
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      Qumranic StudiesBook of Daniel
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      Qumranic StudiesQumran
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      TheologyDead Sea Scrolls (Religion)Old Testament ProphecyEarly Christianity
The Third meeting of the joint Research Seminar in Ancient Hebrew Language of Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Department for Bible, and Tel Aviv University, Department for Hebrew Culture Studies will take place in Halle... more
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      Hebrew LanguageHebrew BibleQumranic StudiesAncient Hebrew
This is the original German ms. of an entry subsequently translated into German and published in German.
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      Dead Sea Scrolls (Religion)Qumranic StudiesSecond Temple JudaismSecond Temple Period
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      TheologyArabicQumranic StudiesBiblical Studies
Il Dizionario Teologico degli scritti di Qumran ha per obiettivo di contribuire in misura sostanziale alla conoscenza e allo studio della letteratura di Qumran. Vengono passati in rassegna nella loro specificità tutti gli scritti... more
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      ArchaeologyNew TestamentTextual CriticismQumranic Studies
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      Jewish LawTheologyDead Sea Scrolls (Religion)Early Christianity
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      Qumranic StudiesFlavius Josephus
The article describes the double documents from the Judaean Desert, on the one hand their material conditions and their lay out, on the other hand the relationship between the upper (inner) and the lower (outer) texts. There are three... more
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      PapyrologyQumranic StudiesGreek PapyrologyQumran
Bibliografia (1989-2020 aggiornata al 30 settembre)
Bibliography (1989-2020)
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      Qumranic StudiesJewish - Christian RelationsChronicles-Ezra-NehemiahQoheleth
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      ReligionGnosticismEthicsMoral Psychology
Link to official URL (if available): This version is made available in accordance with publishers' policies. All material made available by CReaTE is protected by intellectual property law, including copyright law. Any use made of the... more
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      GeographyPolitical ScienceQumranic StudiesAdoption
4Q390 is a document akin to but not identical with Apocryphon of Jeremiah C. It presents the exilic and postexilic era of history of Israel as a period of 70 x 7 = 70 + 7 x 49 + 70 + 7 years of forced theocracy. 4Q390 may partially... more
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      Dead Sea Scrolls (Religion)Qumranic StudiesMessianismBook of Daniel
In 2012 the Israel Antiquities Authority launched the new photographic digital database for Judaean Desert manuscripts, the Leon Levy Digital Dead Sea Scrolls Library ( The site features new images of a large number... more
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      Early Judaism (2nd Temple, Greco-Roman)Dead Sea Scrolls (Religion)Qumranic StudiesManuscript Studies
A number of texts from the Qumran scrolls demonstrate the community's interest in heavenly ascent and in communion with angels. This article lays out a pattern observable in some of the poetic/liturgical texts (for example, the... more
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      ArtRitualDead Sea Scrolls (Religion)Qumranic Studies
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      Qumranic StudiesSecond Temple JudaismCommentaryDead Sea Scrolls
New ostraca from the new excavations at Khirbet Qumran 1993-2004, including photos and drawings
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      Qumranic StudiesJewish HistoryNorthwest Semitic EpigraphyEpigraphy
The association of the Essenes with the site of Qumran, and the specific instructions regarding latrine placement and etiquette in the Temple and War Scrolls, combine to make the toilet practices of the Qumran community an issue with a... more
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      Ancient HistoryArchaeologyNear Eastern ArchaeologyArchaeology of Ancient Israel
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      Hebrew BibleDead Sea Scrolls (Religion)Qumranic StudiesBiblical Hebrew (Languages And Linguistics)
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      Dead Sea Scrolls (Religion)Qumranic StudiesBiblical StudiesQumran
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      Dead Sea Scrolls (Religion)Qumranic StudiesSecond Temple JudaismSeleucid Empire
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      Near Eastern ArchaeologyHebrew BibleDead Sea Scrolls (Religion)Qumranic Studies
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      Qumranic StudiesOld Testament Textual CriticismMasoretic Studies
Georg Molin gehörte zu den ersten, die die neu aufgefundenen Qumran-Schriften übersetzte, außerdem war er einer der wenigen evangelischen Theologen, der als Fachmann für Altorientalistik an der Einheitsübersetzung des Alten Testaments... more
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      Qumranic StudiesAltorientalistikQumranAltes Testament
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      Qumranic StudiesArchaelogyQumran
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      HistoryJewish LawJewish StudiesTalmud
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    • Qumranic Studies
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      Early Judaism (2nd Temple, Greco-Roman)Early ChristianityQumranic StudiesAngelology
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      Early ChristianityQumranic StudiesHistory of ReligionsRabbinic Literature
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      Jewish StudiesTheologyDead Sea Scrolls (Religion)Early Christianity