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This book examines a set of theoretical perspectives that critically engage with the notion of postmodernism, investigating whether this concept is still useful to approach contemporary cinema. This question is explored through a... more
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      Film StudiesFilm TheorySlavoj ŽižekJacques Rancière
in: Linda Erker, Alexander Salzmann, Lucile Dreidemy, Klaudija Sabo (Hg.): Update! Perspektiven der Zeitgeschichte. Zeitgeschichtetage 2010. StudienVerlag: Innsbruck/Wien/Bozen 2012, S. 332-339
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      Film StudiesFilm TheoryPolitical TheoryAnti-nazi resistance
В статье анализируется фильм Квентина Тарантино «Джанго Освобожденный» (2012) как результат определенной эволюции инициального жанра американского кино. В этом цитатном, но лишенном ностальгии ироническом спагетти-вестерне также получает... more
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      Film StudiesQuentin TarantinoThe American Western FilmRevisionist Westerns
Are we supposed to show mercy, like Jules in Pulp Fiction, or seek revenge, like the Bride in Kill Bill? Although it might not seem so at first, Tarantino does have a consistent view when it comes to our obligations regarding showing... more
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      PhilosophyRevengeMercyQuentin Tarantino
In this article, I argue that "The Irishman" and "Once Upon a Time in Hollywood" are two of the most suitable films of the Trump presidency, because they provide an otherwise-unattainable closure to various aspects of American history. In... more
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      American HistoryCultural HistoryAmerican StudiesFilm Studies
In: Violència i identitat, eds. Francesco Ardolino and Elena Losada. Barcelona: Universitat de Barcelona Edicions, pp. 101-116.
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      Film StudiesCinema StudiesQuentin Tarantino
This paper argues that change practitioners could benefit from expanding change communication strategies to allow for the emergence and use of multi-genre change stories in place of minimalist storylines. We argue that minimalist... more
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      Organizational ChangeStorytellingChange agentsQuentin Tarantino
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      PostmodernismAnti-nazi resistanceStanley KubrickRepresentations of Nazism
While many have praised director Quentin Tarantino's films for its charming dialogue and casual inclusion of violence, one commonly unrecognized aspect of his films is its attention to camerawork. This is especially the case in... more
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      Pulp FictionCinema StudiesQuentin TarantinoCameraWork
Possivelmente tudo já foi dito sobre Django Livre, de Quentin Tarantino, desde seu lançamento -das mais variadas reações, a favor e contra, à simples e taxativa recusa de tratar do filme. Muito do que se disse versou sobre o conteúdo: o... more
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      Film StudiesBertolt BrechtGenre TheoryCinema
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      PostmodernismHip-Hop/RapAuteur TheoryAuteur Studies
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      Contemporary American CinemaQuentin TarantinoMartin Scorsese
La relation qu’entretient Tarantino avec le classicisme ne paraît pas d’emblée évidente tant le cinéaste américain (s’)est associé au cinéma indépendant, d’exploitation, d’art et d’essai ou encore au blockbuster. Mais si cette présence... more
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      Film AestheticsClassical HollywoodContemporary HollywoodHollywood
A pesar de tener en contra toda una tradición mítica y literaria universal, que ha reservado tradicionalmente el “viaje del héroe” a personajes masculinos, las mujeres han conseguido emprender su propio periplo azaroso en la ficción,... more
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      Joseph CampbellBuffy the Vampire SlayerStar WarsQuentin Tarantino
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      Film StudiesHistory of SlaveryAfrican American StudiesBlack Masculinity
A reading of gendered violence, body horror, "hyperreality," and postmodern cinematic nostalgia in Quentin Tarantino's 'Death Proof' through Jean Baudrillard's 'Simulacra and Simulation' and 'America' as well as Gilles Deleuze's "Coldness... more
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      Critical TheorySemioticsCultural StudiesPsychoanalysis
Popular American Film, which reached its peak in the 1980s, declined in terms of quality in the following years. In 1990s, American Film Industry has managed to survive thanks to blockbusters such as "Terminator II", "Titanic" (D: James... more
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      Film StudiesFilm TheoryFilm AnalysisPostmodernism
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      PostmodernismAnti-nazi resistanceStanley KubrickRepresentations of Nazism
"Quentin Tarantino’s latest violent masterpiece Inglourious Basterds has been well yet critically received. Many reviewers have pointed out that the film is morally ambivalent the least because of the aesthetics of violence and the... more
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      Film StudiesReligion and FilmReligion, Media, and CultureReligion and Popular Culture
Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar as nuances do caráter feminista das protagonistas no filme À Prova de Morte (2007), de Quentin Tarantino, a partir da utilização de referências de gêneros na lógica pós-moderna, principalmente a... more
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      Exploitation CinemaCinema of AttractionsCinemaGénero
The main objective of the thesis is to provide an analysis of the technical and contextual elements behind the violent scenes in movies directed by Quentin Tarantino, in order to clearly identify the film production methods he uses to... more
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      Film TheoryFilm AnalysisAmerican CinemaViolence in Cinema
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      Irish StudiesQuentin TarantinoMartin McDonaghAnglo-Irish Drama
In 1967 H. Rap Brown, chairman of the SNCC declared violence an integral part of the American ethos. A necessary opposition, an addictive antagonism, taught alongside the American Dream. Denied in traditional narrative, this seclusive... more
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      ViolencePleasureMasochismFilm Noir
This article presents Tarantino's Inglourious Basterds as a 'masterpiece' of meta-cinema that satirizes its audience(s) directly. The particular focus is how Tarantino creates and leverages a network of analogical relations and/or... more
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      ViolenceSpectatorshipSatireQuentin Tarantino
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      Contemporary American CinemaQuentin Tarantino
The violence in Pulp Fiction is characterized as hyper-real violence and Quentin Tarantino plays with the audience's feeling of suspense and relief in order to make the violence comical and entertaining. This paper will, with a... more
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      ViolenceHumorPulp FictionHumour Studies
“There’s a nigger on the horse” marks the beginning of Quentin Tarantino’s most recent violation of filmic style, language, and good taste other directors might not get by with. As offensive as language and images might be, the film’s... more
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      ReligionSociologySocial SciencesFilm Studies
In this paper I present an overview of the authorial theory as it was articulated by Peter Wollen and Andrew Sarris, followed by an analysis of Quentin Tarantino's feature films, in relation to the concept of auteur. The purpose of this... more
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      SociologyFilm StudiesCinemaQuentin Tarantino
Too often dismissed as nothing more than ‘trash cinema’, exploitation films have become both earnestly appreciated cult objects and home video items that are more accessible than ever. In this wide-ranging new study, David Church explores... more
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      Gender StudiesTechnologyFilm StudiesMaterial Culture Studies
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      Postcolonial StudiesRace and EthnicityJacques DerridaIndian English Literature
In this essay I use theories of counterfactual history and cinematic affect to argue that, while we often think of narrative cinema as being purely fictional, in some senses it might not be. I argue that cinema may function as something... more
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      Quantum PhysicsFilm StudiesFilm TheoryWar Films
This provocative and unique anthology analyzes Quentin Tarantino's controversial Inglourious Basterds in the contexts of cinema, cultural, gender, and historical studies. The film and its ideology is dissected by a range of scholars and... more
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      Film StudiesFilm AnalysisSecond World WarAmerican Cinema
The aim of this monograph is the attempt of reading the poem Moscow-Petushki by Venedikt Erofeev and the film Pulp Fiction by Quentin Tarantino using the comparative approach, in which we go beyond the range of factual relationships,... more
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      Russian StudiesComparative LiteratureRussian LiteratureFilm Studies
I commence my thesis by introducing the Western genre and American Western cinema before the early 1960s, and carry on with Italo-Westerns, also called „Spaghetti” Westerns, produced in Italy. Here I mention the beginnings of the new... more
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      Film StudiesPostmodernismMetacinemaQuentin Tarantino
The essay (final draft) begins by exploring the classical concepts of narratology, before proceeding to consider to what extent such concepts apply to audiovisual narrative. The essay then critically examines the relevance of narratology... more
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      Translation StudiesNarratologyAVT (Translation Studies)Narrative Theory
Comedy is a cross-media genre which employs humour as a driving force. A comedy film’s goal is to produce laughter from the audience through entertaining stories and characters. The leading theories of that which engender comic amusement... more
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Facoltà di Scienze della comunicazione
Corso di Laurea in Comunicazione, Media e Pubblicità
Elaborato finale in Letterature Comparate
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      Literature and cinemaViolence in CinemaPulp FictionChuck Palahniuk
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      American independent cinemaQuentin TarantinoIndiewood
With a central problematic concerning the role of fiction in relation to reality and a provocative falsification of the historical events of the Nazi occupation of France during World War II, Quentin Tarantino's Inglourious Basterds... more
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      Film StudiesGilles DeleuzeQuentin Tarantino
The content (proposed as naturalness, originality, childlikeness, and authenticity) and mechanism (as an infinite rotation of maintaining, searching, re-/finding) of genuineness are described in order to firstly apply the phenomenon to... more
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      AuthenticityAesthetic ExperienceQuentin TarantinoStyle
Este libro expone el cine de Quentin Tarantino haciendo uso de la violencia como hilo conductor. El autor argumenta que Tarantino hace estética a la violencia al separarla de la realidad y separándola de sus consecuencias reales. Al... more
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      ViolenceAesthetics and EthicsViolence in CinemaFilm Aesthetics
Discuss the use of surrealism in any two or more texts.
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      LiteratureLiterature and cinemaSurrealismPostmodernism
Offensive and taboo exchanges are very recurrent in Quentin Tarantino's films, whose screenplays are full of characters who swear, curse and make ample use of taboo terms. The way subtitlers deal with such terms can cause a greater impact... more
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      SubtitlingQuentin TarantinoManipulationTaboo language
Attraverso strumenti filosofici di interpretazione, il presente saggio indaga le ragioni del successo del cinema di Quentin Tarantino, concentrandosi sulla complessità teorica che categorie come quelle di simulacro, violenza, citazione e... more
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      Film StudiesViolencePostmodern Literary Theory and Popular CultureQuentin Tarantino
This chapter explores representations of handicapped women warriors in the neo-exploitation films of Robert Rodriguez and Quentin Tarantino. Analyzing characters that are designed as good-looking yet bare-knuckle female fighters marked by... more
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      Gender StudiesFilm StudiesDisability StudiesQuentin Tarantino
Resumen: La manera en la que el lenguaje ofensivo y tabú se subtitula representa una práctica delicada y polémica pues este lenguaje funciona como vehículo léxico que aporta información sobre la personalidad, clase social y entorno de los... more
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      SubtitlingAudiovisual TranslationQuentin TarantinoTaboo language
Este artículo pretende mostrar que si comparamos la violencia tal como es representada por Martin Scorsese y por Quentin Tarantino nos daremos cuenta de que estas son de naturalezas distintas, pues que en el primer caso la aproximación a... more
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      Violence in CinemaQuentin TarantinoMartin Scorsese
La imagen-espejo posmoderna es una forma de representación autorreferencial que encuentra su origen remoto en el pop art y el arte conceptual, y cuyo influjo es esencial en el cine de fin de siglo: intertextualidad, apropiacionismo,... more
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      GlobalizationDigital MediaDigital CinemaFilm History