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Review of Peter Dickinson, C. E. Gatchalian, Kathleen Oliver,
and Dalbir Singh, editors. Q2Q: Queer Canadian Theatre and
Performance and Q2Q: Queer Canadian Performance Texts, Playwrights
Canada, 2018.
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      Canadian TheatreQueer TheatreQueer Performance
This article examines instead how theatricality, as an aesthetic strategy, can challenge social conventions and may even invite viewers to take up positions on social issues. For such a filmic theatricality, I coined the concept of... more
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      Queer TheatreThéâtre québécoisCanadian/Quebecois Cinema
Since its beginnings, Luchino Visconti’s career was characterized by scandals, controversies, censures and even seizures, as a consequence of a particularly reactionary context but also of a transgressive intention which found its main... more
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      Cultural StudiesGender StudiesQueer StudiesCensorship
In Approaching the Millennium: Essays on Angels in America, ed. Steven F. Kruger and Deborah R. Geis, 173-84.  Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1997
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      Theatre StudiesPerformance StudiesDramaModern Drama
Sul teatro gay italiano e sul libro "Il teatro gay in Italia" di Antonio Pizzo.
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      Queer TheatreGay TheatreGay and Lesbian TheatreLGBT Theatre
Abridged Dramaturg Log on the Japan-Britain Contemporary Theatre Exchange's Hebden Bridge Residency on 4.48 Psychosis by Sarah Kane. August 2019.
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      Theatre StudiesDramaturgyLuce IrigarayQueer Theatre
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      Queer StudiesTheatre StudiesQueer TheoryGay And Lesbian Studies
Jess Dobkin's emergence onto the Toronto performance scene in 2002, with her confrontational, albeit tongue in cheek, performance style in cabarets, theatre festivals, and art galleries, has garnered considerable attention.
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      ArchivesCanadian TheatreQueer TheatreMemory
La prima volta che indossai le mutandine di seta nera ebbi immediatamente un'erezione. Mi sentivo umiliato dalla cintura delle giarrettiere. Mi sentivo bene. Nelle scarpe coi tacchi alti diventai un prigioniero. Subivo lampi di freddo e... more
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      Theatre StudiesGay And Lesbian StudiesQueer TheatreCamp, Kitsch, Popular Culture
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      Queer StudiesTheatre StudiesTheatre HistoryPerformance Studies
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      Queer TheoryLiberation TheologyLGBT IssuesFelix Guattari
Der Autor stellt eine Re-Vision theatralischer Werke der französischen und amerikanischen Avantgarde der Moderne und Postmoderne zur Diskussion. Schon bei den frühen Avantgardisten des ausgehenden 19. Jh. zeichnet sich ein performativer... more
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      Gender StudiesRichard ForemanSurrealismAvant-Garde Theater
This short paper studies the question of women in Subaltern Studies through putting three authors in conversation: Dipesh Chakrabarty, Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak and Himani Bannerji.
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      Critical Race StudiesIranian StudiesAutoethnographyQueer Theatre
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      Cultural StudiesPerformance StudiesQueer TheoryPerformance Art
is still the subject of a double mythologizing 1. First, he is the culturally idealized innovator of Modern Greek Theatre and on the other hand he is haunted, if not stigmatized, by a series of anecdotes regarding his personal life and... more
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      Theatre StudiesTheatre HistoryDirectingModern Greek literature
Per Copi teatro e fumetto sono due possibilità, differenti e parallele, per rappresentare il mondo. Beninteso, il suo mondo. Che è al tempo stesso fantastico e iperrealista, fiabesco e grottesco, delicato e crudele, comico e tragico,... more
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      Comics StudiesQueer TheatreSemiotica del fumettoCopi
This chapter is from a collection of essays, 'Reflections on Female and Trans* Masculinities' edited by Dr Nina Kane and Jude Woods for Cambridge Scholars Publishing (June 2017). In this, Dr Kane explores the potential of Tennyson’s... more
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      Queer StudiesPerforming ArtsTheatre StudiesPerformance Studies
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      Queer StudiesAdaptationQueer TheatreAdaptation (Literature)
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      Queer StudiesTheatre StudiesReception StudiesReception Theory
If citing or quoting from this document please reference it as follows: ‘Nina Kane: Artist-in-Residence Daily Log, 29 January - 10 February 2018, Wakabacho Wharf, Yokohama, Japan. Japanese translation by Tomoco Kawaguchi’, Academia. Edu,... more
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      Theatre StudiesDramaturgyJapanese TheatreQueer Theatre
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      Queer TheatreContemporary TheatreLatin American TheatreUniversity of Kansas
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      Greek TragedyQueer TheoryQueer TheatreAncient Greek Tragedy
This article develops the concept of "gay useful media" to explore a case study of gay entrepreneurship in Houston, Texas, of the 1970s. A father and son developed a gay media empire in the city, which spanned bars, bookstores,... more
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      Queer StudiesGay And Lesbian StudiesMedia IndustriesQueer Theatre
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      Queer StudiesTheatre StudiesQueer TheoryDramaturgy
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      African and Caribbean Theatre HistoryQueer TheatreIn-depth InterviewsWomen in the Theatre
What is lesbian theatre? Does this category even exist in Slovenia? How to conceptualise and perform it? This article investigates the reach of lesbian theatre in both the wider sociological view – as a phenomenon in the Slovenian society... more
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      Theatre StudiesQueer TheatreGay and Lesbian HistorySociology of the Theatre
In adapting Tony Kushner’s "Angels in America" for television, Mike Nichols accurately respected the political agenda of the author (democratic, hebrew and homosexual), who also wrote the screenplay. The choice of Hadrian’s Villa (instead... more
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      Queer StudiesFilm StudiesTelevision StudiesFilm Analysis
As well as having been stamped as the hallmark of queer drama in the literature of North America, Angels in America contributed in great extent to raise awareness for the queer and AIDS activism which was having its heyday at the... more
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      Queer StudiesQueer TheoryHIV/AIDSGender and Sexuality
In this essay, I reflexively consider the role white privilege plays in programming and artistic scholarship in the dominant (read: white) Canadian queer theatre communities. It is clear that Toronto’s queer and LGBT communities have... more
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      Theatre StudiesQueer TheoryQueer TheatreFeminist Theatre
Este dossier compila una docena de ensayos; en orden de aparición: “Sobre la piel: Reinaldo Arenas y Severo Sarduy en contacto”, de Javier Guerrero; “Pánico a la discoteca: tea­tro, transición y underground (Chile, época 1990)”, de... more
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      Cultural HistorySociologyCultural StudiesLatin American Studies
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      Theatre StudiesQueer TheatreTheatre
Δημητριάδη ΧΑΡΤΗΣ 6 {ΙΟΥΝΙΟΣ 2019} {Θέατρο} Τέχνες του Γιώργου Σαμπατακάκη Η λογοτεχνία είναι ένας μη επιτρεπτός τρόπος αγάπης Δ. Δημητριάδης Οι σύγχρονες μεταγραφές της αρχαιοελληνικής τραγωδίας συχνότατα συνιστούν πράξεις λογοτεχνικής... more
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      Queer StudiesTheatre StudiesQueer TheoryGay And Lesbian Studies
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      Performance StudiesQueer TheoryDramaturgyQueer Theatre
As theater is an art form that many times juxtaposes texts with the performing body, one of its main contributions to Jewish culture could be in its "corporeal reading" of Jewish textual heritage. Tony Kushner's celebrated play Angels in... more
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      Jewish American LiteratureQueer TheatreBody in PerformanceJewish Theatre
The aim of this talk is not only to present a thematic analysis of the art of AIDS in Greece, but also to address two vital questions: - Why was the art of HIV/AIDS in Greece condemned to invisibility? - Is this invisibility a cultural... more
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      Queer StudiesHIV/AIDSGay And Lesbian StudiesModern Greek literature
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      Gender StudiesQueer StudiesQueer TheatreContemporary Theatre
This paper will explore how intersecting identity theatre work can serve as a catalyst to begin a broader conversation about how multiple-minority individuals live and are perceived in the contemporary Canadian metropolis of Toronto.... more
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      Black Studies Or African American StudiesQueer StudiesTheatre StudiesTheatre History
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      Queer StudiesTheatre StudiesQueer TheoryDrama
Through a close analysis of the temporal shifts in Jess Dobkin's The Magic Hour, this article considers how a refusal to submit to a gendered expectation to rush, might offer not only a means of illuminating the disciplining logic of... more
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      Theatre StudiesPerformance StudiesQueer TheoryTrauma Studies
The Pera Palace Hotel has long been a site of transnational interest. Already its original intent when built in 1892 was to host passengers of the Orient Express and its nickname as the “oldest European hotel of Turkey” aptly reflects... more
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      Queer TheatreTurkish Literature
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      Queer StudiesPerformance StudiesGay And Lesbian StudiesQueer Theatre
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      Critical TheoryCultural StudiesQueer StudiesMedia and Cultural Studies
Full version of the review of the Sarah Kane Season at Sheffield Theatres written for Litro Magazine including reviews of Cleansed, Crave, 4.48 Psychosis and Blasted. See in the post below for the shortened and edited version that... more
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      Gender StudiesQueer StudiesTheatre StudiesPerformance Studies
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      Queer TheoryGay And Lesbian StudiesQueer TheatreModern Greek Studies
Co-Authors: Anoushka Ratnarajah, lee williams boudakian, Laine Zisman Newman Co-sponsored by Simon Fraser University and the frank theatre company, Q2Q: A Symposium on Queer Theatre and Performance in Canada was held in Vancouver, BC,... more
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      Queer TheoryCanadian TheatreQueer TheatreIntersectionality
Reyes "We're here, we're queer, we're fabulous, get used to it!" fue el lema que representó la formidable toma de poder y la subsecuente emancipación de la comunidad gay al finalizar la década de los ochentas en los Estados Unidos. Al... more
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      Queer StudiesPerformance StudiesQueer TheoryQueer Theatre
CTR 165, Winter 2016 Equity in Theatre Edited by Rebecca Burton and Laine Zisman Newman Striving to achieve equity in theatre requires not simply an acknowledgement of marginalization and exclusion, but a rectification of imbalances and... more
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      Theatre StudiesPerformance StudiesQueer TheatreWomen in the Theatre
The way as society deals, understands and treats gender diversity affects drastically the relationships for people who are identified as transgender, transsexual, as well as those identified as gender fluid or non-binary gender. Our... more
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      Gender StudiesQueer StudiesAestheticsTheatre Studies
An audio recording of this paper can be downloaded at Chirbit by cutting and pasting the following link into your browser. - "The paper draws on dramaturgical enquiry into Sarah Kane's 1998 play Cleansed,... more
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      Theatre StudiesFeminist TheoryQueer TheoryGay And Lesbian Studies
The author examines the limitations and potential in the "Arabization" of the playwriting process through an exploration of the Lebanese Civil War and the inheritance (or erasure) of intergenerational memory. Through a series of studio... more
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      Applied Drama/TheatreDramaPost-ColonialismQueer Theatre