Queer Geography

136 papers
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Queer Geography is an interdisciplinary field that examines the spatial dimensions of sexual and gender identities, exploring how place, space, and environment influence and are influenced by queer experiences and communities. It analyzes the relationships between sexuality, identity, and geography, challenging traditional notions of space and advocating for inclusivity in spatial practices.
Entry from The Encyclopedia of Human Geography
Creolizing Marcuse bridges the gap between traditional interpretations of Herbert Marcuse and Caribbean/Africana theory. It challenges the rigid boundaries often found in Marcusean scholarship, especially those shaped by ideas of purity... more
Esse trabalho possui o intuito sintetizar uma análise acerca do uso e importância dos WebMappings, com o intuito de apresentar questões que o conceituam como uma ferramenta de suma importância junto a área cartográfica. Assim sendo,... more
Crisis rhetoric and practice is all around us, whether pertaining to the current migration flows or to the global financial meltdown. This Discover Society issue will address the topic of ‘Relationships and Families across Crises’ by... more
While queer people exist everywhere, including within the confines of militarism, rurality, religiosity, and Southernness, their geographies remain underexplored. Thus, this paper examines the state of queer identity and belonging in... more
How can the 'dark side' of urban policy and planning be transformed into a 'light side?' How can displaceability and exclusion of an urban minority be reversed? How can marginalized groups enter the mainstream and achieve recognition,... more
The question of refugee rights and immigrant entry to the UK presently has come under attack with the rise of nationalist sentiment and the exit of the UK from the European Union. The figure of the Muslim migrant has been normatively... more
Neoliberal discourses associate resilience with active stances and independence. Conceptualizing the relationship between vulnerability and resilience, this paper discusses lesbian, bisexual, and transgender (LBT) women's experiences of... more
This contribution is rooted in an ethnographic exploration conducted in Rome aimed at investigating the urban geographies of street sex workers. Capturing the voices of those entangled in the phenomenon, including trans sex workers and... more
Η παρούσα εργασία -παρά τον ευρύ της τίτλο- επικεντρώνεται στην μελέτη της πόλης και της σεξουαλικότητας την περίοδο της Μεταπολίτευσης. Σημεία αναφοράς είναι οι λογοτεχνικές αναπαραστάσεις της πόλης στο λογοτεχνικό λεύκωμα Ομόνοια 1980... more
Research shows that gay couples living in gay neighborhoods across America stay closer to home than their straight neighbors. Many gays and lesbians move to LGBT neighborhoods in order to be near other gays, lesbians, and LGBT-oriented... more
What is left of subsumption Petrus Liu's book comes as a welcoming intervention in the field and at least makes two significant advancements. First, this book makes material concerns central to the theorizing and researching of Book... more
In this article, we explore how people in conflict-affected societies use language to navigate the affective constraints that political conflicts impose. Specifically, we consider the role of multilingualism in enabling sexual and... more
This paper contributes to research on metropolitan gayborhood trajectories and homonormative urban entrepreneurialism by assessing a South Florida case study. We probe allegations of gay men being displaced from South Beach and the... more
Acerca de las personas autoras Comité de pares académcos *En todo el texto se ha respetado el uso de lenguaje no sexista desde la perspectiva de sus personas autoras.
La primera ola de personas LGBTIQ+ que se politizó y visibilizó ya ha envejecido. Sin embargo, pese a los logros en materia de derechos, de visibilidad y de política, las vejeces LGBTIQ+ han quedado relegadas al margen de los discursos... more
V současnosti se čím dál tím otevřeněji mluví o existenci gay, lesbické a transgender komunity (LGBT) a mnoho lidí se nebojí svou orientaci veřejně přiznat. Vzhledem k tomu, že lékařská péče o tuto část populace se v některých faktorech... more
Feedforward Interview (FFI) is an organizational intervention designed as a replacement or an augmentation of various feedback interventions (Kluger & Nir, 2010). FFI consists of a systematic analysis of a story regarding peak work... more
Gavin Brown (University of Leicester, UK) is one of today's most eminent scholars of political geography and sexualities. In this intellectual-biographical interview, he describes his academic path, as well as discusses some of his major... more
This paper uses framing theory to challenge previous understandings of queer safe space, their construction, and fundamental logics. Safe space is usually apprehended as a protected and inclusive place, where one can express one's... more
Gay tourism is commonly studied through pride events in cities. Rethinking the role gay men's bodies and politics play in the context of tourism to Israeli heritage sites, this paper contributes to debates on geopolitics and geographies... more
In this chapter, I focus on providing a perspective through which we may understand the current conditions and challenges of LGBT+ activism in Czechia and the other countries that are part of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). By zooming... more
Attività didattica e incarichi ufficiali di docenza presso istituzioni accademiche Corso di Geografia (corso annuale) presso l'Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore per Geografia (sede di Brescia e di Milano, Fac. Scienze della... more
Returning to the Radical Roots of Queer Liberation through Prison Abolition As a phenomenological inquiry, this project is first and foremost concerned with human experiences of incarceration, queerness, and the lifeworlds that grow up in... more
This article charts the changing knowledges within Israeli feminist geography in the last few decades. It briefly reviews some of the topics that characterize Israeli scholarship, and in particular the ways in which the academic knowledge... more
Pubblicato con licenza Creative Commons Attribuzione-Non Commerciale-Non opere derivate 4.0 Internazionale (CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0) L'opera, comprese tutte le sue parti, è tutelata dalla legge sul diritto d'autore. L'Utente nel momento in cui... more
The Maria Sibylla Merian International Centre for Advanced Studies in the Humanities and Social Sciences Conviviality-Inequality in Latin America cannot be held responsible for errors or any consequences arising from the use of... more
This report explores a number of factors which might contribute to making public space safer and more inclusive for all, not least LGBTQ+ people. It examines issues including the rise of the gayborhood, the location of hate crimes and... more
In the postwar decades, Miami Beach became a majority Jewish city partially due to the entrepreneurship first of Jewish hotel owners and then of Jewish builders. As a popular, middle-class vacation resort, it blended elements of big city... more
Around the globe, trans and gender diverse people have a wide range of access to health care, psychological as well as physical, that is unique to their home country's context. Some of the contributing factors are nations' health care... more
Building on a review of the literature combined with ethnographic research, this chapter concentrates first on women’s participation in formal political institutions to show how they are underrepresented in decision-making and political... more
I would first like to thank all my research partners, friends, mentors, and teachers in Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, and Salvador. Your careful, critical insights served as a constant intellectual guiding light. It has truly been an honor... more
Queer Urbanism deserves a place in any sort of conversation about our built world, examining how we traverse, alter and think about our relationship with cities. Rebellious movements in the past such as Dadaism, Situationism and Fluxus... more
Chairetis, Spyros (2020) «Μόνο εδώ βρίσκω αυτό που θέλω’: διασταυρώσεις φύλου, ομοσεξουαλικότητας και ηλικίας στα αθηναϊκά τσοντοσινεμά» [‘Mono edo vrisko afto pou thelo’: diastauroseis fylou, omosexoualikotitas kai ilikias sta athinaika... more
A permanente reflexao metodologica durante todo o processo da pesquisa, preocupando-se em questionar se a metodologia escolhida e capaz de apreender o objeto estudado e de extrema importância. No entanto, a Geografia, de uma maneira... more
This article aims to review and reflect on the diverse life patterns and social needs of aging gay men in Israeli culture from an interpretive socio-historical perspective. Using the life course perspective as a leading theoretical... more
Despite the popular impression of prisons and other carceral spaces as disconnected from broader social systems, they are traversed by various circulations that reach within and beyond their boundaries. This article opens a new analytical... more
בניית חיים משותפים בישראל היא משימה המתבצעת במרחב לא-נודע ובתנאים מאתגרים במיוחד. הימשכות הסכסוך הישראלי-פלסטיני, מאבקי הדת והמדינה, ריבוי השסעים הפנים-ישראליים, אי-השוויון המבני, השיטה הפוליטית ומגבלותיה, ומעל לכול המרחב הפיזי המצומצם... more
Drawing on the life stories of nine LGBTTTIQ-identified people who have lived in Acapulco (Guerrero, Mexico), this article provides a queer mapping of this city, peripherally situated in the Global South yet with longstanding entangled... more
This paper discusses about the relation between discontinuous paradoxical territory, LGBT movement, prostitution and pimping in Southern Brazil. Such proposition relates to the content analysis of 22 interviews with travestis which acted... more
Bali as a global destination has been recognized by various of people including the LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender) community. Despite of being known for its cultural tourism, the pink tourism phenomenon exists and lives... more
This article accentuates higher education LGBTQ+ (HE-LGBTQ+) students’ lived experiences of off-campus housing in the Deonar Campus District of Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai, India. It is observed that key urban stakeholders... more
Cook and EvansÕ anthology offers a rich analytic assemblage of urban queer culture in Europe from 1945 to the present time. Although its temporal focus requires further conceptual substantiation, the work is generally effective in... more
As more cities and local governments resort to gender sensitive approaches to urban planning, it is insightful to address gender and the environment as crosscutting issues (Levy, 1992). Indeed, the greening of cities is a widespread... more
International audienceAs more cities and local governments resort to gender sensitive approaches to urban planning, it is insightful to address gender and the environment as crosscutting issues (Levy, 1992). Indeed, the greening of cities... more