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A logical physical ontology is code theory, wherein reality is neither deterministic nor random. In light of Conway and Kochens' free will theorem and strong free will theorem, we discuss the plausibility of a third axiomatic... more
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      PhysicsTheoretical PhysicsQuantum PhysicsOntology
Un cours pour débutants sur la géométrie cristalline. Le diamant et le quartz sont des cristaux typiques par leur transparence pure et leurs formes géométriques. La géométrie extérieure est la manifestation d'une géométrie intérieure. Les... more
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      Computer ScienceFractalsQuasicrystals
In this study, new compositions of Tsai-type 1/1 quasicrystal approximants Gd(14)Au(70)Si(16), Gd(14)Au(67)Ge(19), Tb(14)Au(70)Si(16) and Yb(16)Au(65)Ge(19) are synthesized using both self-flux and arc-meltingannealing techniques. Both... more
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    • Quasicrystals
Trois textes réunis : Contre la méthode, Soleil de minuit 2015-2017 et Entrelacs quasi-cristallins, 2016 Ce mémoire décrit en détail le travail de recherche qui a mené à la création de deux projets d'œuvres publiques monumentales. Seule... more
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      Colour ScienceColorimetryContemporary ArtGlass
Inspired by the Hilbert–Polya proposal to prove the Riemann Hypothesis we have studied the Schroedinger QM equation involving a highly nontrivial potential, and whose self-adjoint Hamiltonian operator has for its energy spectrum one which... more
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      MathematicsNumber TheoryMathematical PhysicsPhysics
Since antiquity, the packing of convex shapes has been of great interest to many scientists and mathematicians [1-7]. Recently, particular interest has been given to packings of three-dimensional tetrahedra [8-20]. Dense packings of both... more
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      PhysicsTheoretical PhysicsQuantum PhysicsGeometry
Emergence theory is a code-theoretic first-principles based discretized quantum field theoretic approach to quantum gravity and particle physics. This overview covers the primary set of ideas being assembled by Quantum Gravity Research.
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      AlgebraLie AlgebraPhysicsTheoretical Physics
Based on the Cayley-Dickson process, a sequence of multidimensional structured natural numbers (infinions) creates a path from quantum information to quantum gravity. Octonionic structure, exceptional Jordan algebra, and e8 Lie algebra... more
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      MathematicsAlgebraLie AlgebraQuantum Gravity
Partie 2 du livre "mémoire d'atelier..."
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      Contemporary ArtGlassStained GlassColor
We introduce the 2-dimensional square Fibonacci tiling and its generalization to higher dimensions as models for quasicrystals without 'forbidden' symmetries. We derive some of the basic mathematical properties of the tiling as well as... more
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      Materials EngineeringCondensed Matter PhysicsSymmetryDiffraction
Given that the two-parameter $ p, q$ quantum-calculus deformations of the integers $ [ n ]_{ p, q} = (p^n - q^n)/ ( p - q) = F_n $ coincide precisely with the Fibonacci numbers (integers), as a result of Binet's formula when $ p =... more
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      Noncommutative GeometryFibonacci SeriesQuasicrystalsFibonacci numbers
Achieving high mechanical strength and ductility in age-hardenable Al7000 series (Al-Zn-Mg) alloys fabricated by selective laser melting (SLM) remains challenging. Here, we show that crack-free AlZnMgCuScZr alloys with an unprecedented... more
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      MicrostructureElectron Backscatter Diffraction (EBSD)Electron DiffractionMechanical Behavior Of Materials
Two-dimensional aperiodic tilings are collections of polygons, devoid of any translational symmetries, capable of covering a plane without gaps and overlaps. Although aperiodic, these structures can exhibit order and symmetry in an... more
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      Electromagnetic WavesQuasicrystalsAntenna ArrayElectrical And Electronic Engineering
A rigorous approach for the analysis of diffraction from quasicrystalline gratings is presented. Previous methods for determining the diffraction properties of quasicrystalline gratings have relied on periodic supercell approximations.... more
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      Solid State PhysicsQuasicrystals
It is argued that the prevailing definition of quasicrystals, requiring them to contain an axis of symmetry that is forbidden in periodic crystals, is inadequate. This definition is too restrictive in that it excludes an important and... more
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The irreversible transformation from an icosahedral quasicrystal (i-QC) CaAu4.39Al1.61 to its cubic 2/1 crystalline approximant (CA) Ca13Au56.31(3)Al21.69 (CaAu4.33(1)Al1.67, Pa3̅ (No. 205); Pearson symbol: cP728; a = 23.8934(4)),... more
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      Transmission Electron MicroscopyX-ray DiffractionQuasicrystals
Abstract: We analyze transmission electron microscopy (TEM) images of self-assembled quasicrystals, composed of binary systems of nanoparticles. We use an automated procedure that identifies the positions of dislocations and determines... more
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      Colloids and SurfacesNanoparticlesDislocations Theory, Deformation and Fracture MechanismsQuasicrystals
In light of the self-simulation hypothesis, a simple form implementation of the principle of efficient language is discussed in a self-referential geometric quasicrystalline state sum model in three dimensions. Emergence is discussed in... more
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We present an icosahedral quasicrystal, a Fibonacci icosagrid, obtained by spacing the parallel planes in an icosagrid with the Fibonacci sequence. This quasicrystal can also be thought as a golden composition of five sets of Fibonacci... more
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      Icosahedral packingQuasicrystalsIcosahedral Quasicrystals
We report a study of the structure-processing-property relationships in a high strength Al 93 Fe 3 Cr 2 Ti 2 nano-quasicrystalline alloy and composites containing 10 and 20 vol% ductilising pure Al fibres. The superimposed contributions... more
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      CompositesMechanical propertiesAluminium AlloysQuasicrystals
A theoretical study of optical reflectance and reflection bands of 1-D photonic quasi-crystals (Fibonacci type arrangement) composed of exponentially graded material is presented. The proposed structures consist of two different layers,... more
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      Photonic CrystalsOptical physicsQuasicrystalsElectrical And Electronic Engineering
The orthorhombic -Al 5 Mg 11 Zn 4 phase is known to be related to quasicrystalline phases, but the exact relationship has not been shown yet. In this study, the relationship of this phase to the icosahedral quasicrystalline phase is... more
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      Materials EngineeringCondensed Matter PhysicsIntermetallicsCrystal structure
The projection method for constructing quasiperiodic tilings from a higher dimensional lattice provides a useful context for computing a quasicrystal's vertex configurations, frequencies, and empires (forced tiles). We review the... more
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      MathematicsPhysicsTheoretical PhysicsEmpire
An overview of recent experimental and theoretical investigations on undercooled liquids is given, indicating developing short-range order with undercooling. Our in situ synchrotron X-ray diffraction studies of electrostatically levitated... more
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      Materials EngineeringNon crystalline solidsQuasicrystals
Localized nonlinear modes, or solitons, are obtained for the two-dimensional nonlinear Schrödinger equation with various external potentials that possess large variations from periodicity, i.e., vacancy defects, edge dislocations, and... more
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      EngineeringDirect Numerical SimulationMathematical SciencesFixed Point Theory
A rigorous approach for the analysis of diffraction from quasicrystalline gratings is presented. Previous methods for determining the diffraction properties of quasicrystalline gratings have relied on periodic supercell approximations.... more
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      Solid State PhysicsQuasicrystals
In a previous paper we outlined a series of historical touchpoints between classical aether theories and modern theoretical physics which showed a shared conceptual lineage for the modern tools and methods of the most common... more
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      Plasma PhysicsQuantum PhysicsInformation TheoryQuantum Information
In quasicrystals, any given local patch-called an emperor-forces at all distances the existence of accompanying tiles-called the empire-revealing thus their inherent nonlocality. In this chapter, we review and compare the methods... more
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      PhysicsQuasicrystalsSpacetime QuasicrystalsIcosahedral Quasicrystals
This article presents a novel Hamiltonian architecture based on vertex types and empires for demonstrating the emergence of aperiodic order (quasicrystal growth) in one dimension by a suitable prescription for breaking translation... more
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      Condensed Matter PhysicsQuantum PhysicsQuasicrystals
The projection method for constructing quasiperiodic tilings from a higher dimensional lattice provides a useful context for computing a quasicrystal's vertex configurations, frequencies, and empires (forced tiles). We review the... more
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      MathematicsPhysicsTheoretical PhysicsEmpire
Nano-quasicrystalline Al-Fe-Cr based alloys produced by rapid solidification processes exhibit high strength at elevated temperatures. Nevertheless, the quasicrystalline particles in these systems become unstable at high temperature... more
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      Materials EngineeringCondensed Matter PhysicsNanomaterialsNanostructured materials
New crystal structure of an orthorhombic phase formed at the alloy composition Cu 48.1 Al 36.4 Sc 15.5 has been analyzed by means of Rietveld method using synchrotron radiation diffraction data. The starting model for this analysis was... more
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      EngineeringSynchrotron RadiationCrystal structureMathematical Sciences
A simple generalization of the Swift-Hohenberg equation is proposed as a model for the pattern- forming dynamics of a two-dimensional field with two unstable length scales. The equation is used to study the dynamics of surface waves in a... more
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      Pattern FormationQuasicrystals
As solar radiation is the most plentiful energy source on earth, thermoelectric energy harvesting emerges as an interesting solution for the Internet of Things (IoTs) in outdoor applications, particularly using semiconductor... more
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      Materials ScienceOptoelectronicsEnergy HarvestingQuasicrystals
This paper reviews the empire problem for quasiperiodic tilings and the existing methods for generating the empires of the vertex configurations in quasicrystals, while introducing a new and more efficient method based on the... more
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      PhysicsTheoretical PhysicsEmpiresTiles
In this paper, we explore the effects of misfit strain fields on both heterogeneous nucleation behavior and anisotropic growth of islands at submonolayer coverages and compositional patterning at complete monolayer coverage via... more
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      Pattern FormationSelf AssemblySelf-organization (Physics)Thin Films
In this paper, we will investigate the optical waveguiding properties of the quasi-periodic Band Gap structures. In this case the Fibonacci quasi-crystals are used and the Eigenmodes and eigenvalues of the electromagnetic wave propagating... more
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      PhysicsOptical WaveguidesBand StructureElectromagnetic Waves
W e present an icosahedral quasicrystal, a Fibonacci icosagrid, obtained by spacing the parallel planes in an icosagrid with the Fibonacci sequence. This quasicrystal can also be thought as a golden composition of five sets of Fibonacci... more
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      Icosahedral packingQuasicrystalsEIcosahedral Quasicrystals
The fairly recent discovery of "quasicrystals", whose X-ray diffraction patterns reveal certain peculiar features which do not conform with spatial periodicity, has motivated studies of the wave-dynamical implications of "aperiodic... more
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      Stochastic processesAntenna arraysGeometryX Rays
In light of the self-simulation hypothesis, a simple form implementation of the principle of efficient language is discussed in a self-referential geometric quasicrystalline state sum model in three dimensions. Emergence is discussed in... more
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      MathematicsPhysicsGeometryGeometric Algebra
Quasicrystals geometry applied to sculpture and architecture
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      Architectural TheoryQuasicrystals
On a two-dimensional quasicrystal, a Penrose tiling, we simulate for the first time a game of life dynamics governed by non-local rules. Quasicrystals have inherently non-local order since any local patch, the emperor, forces the... more
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      PhysicsTheoretical PhysicsQuantum PhysicsParticle Physics
Os quase-cristais apresentam simetrias de rotação impossíveis em cristalografia que estão associadas aos números metálicos. Os seus átomos distam uns dos outros de modo diferente, embora permitam gerar padrões regulares não repetitivos.... more
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Lubricants can affect quasicrystalline coatings surfaces by modifying commensurability of the interfaces. We report results of the first computer simulation studies of physically adsorbed hydrocarbons on a quasicrystalline surface:... more
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      Computer SimulationPhysical sciencesMethaneNucleation and Growth
Room temperature adsorption of C 60 on the¯at quasicrystalline surface of Al 70 Pd 21 Mn 9 has been investigated using scanning tunnelling microscopy. A dispersed overlayer is formed at low coverage, with avoidance of step-edges. There is... more
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      Condensed Matter PhysicsQuantum PhysicsSurface ScienceCarbon
The compound Ca 13 Cd 76 has been synthesized and its structure has been solved from single crystal X-ray diffraction data. The discovery of the stable binary icosahedral quasicrystals YbCd 5.7 and CaCd 5.7 opens the doors to new... more
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      CalciumNatural ScienceCHEMICAL SCIENCESQuasicrystals
Yb-Cd (Tsai-type) quasicrystals constitute the largest icosahedral quasicrystal family where Yb can be replaced by other rare earth elements (RE) and Cd by pairs of p-and d-block elements. YbCd 6 is a prototype 1/1 Tsai-type approximant... more
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      Single crystal x-ray diffractionThermoelectric MaterialsQuasicrystals
We present an icosahedral quasicrystal as a modification of the icosagrid, a multigrid with 10 plane sets that are arranged with icosahedral symmetry. We use the Fibonacci chain to space the planes, thereby obtaining a quasicrystal with... more
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      MathematicsPhysicsChemistryFibonacci Series
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      Materials EngineeringCondensed Matter PhysicsSAXSQuasicrystals