We find that the Measurement Based Quantum Computing (MBQC) search algorithm on an unsorted list is not the same as Grover's search algorithm (GSA). More importantly, the MBQC search algorithm is exponentially faster than both GSA and its... more
The development of the advanced Radio Frequency Timer of electrons is described. It is based on a helical deflector, which performs circular or elliptical sweeps of keV electrons, by means of 500 MHz radio frequency field. By converting a... more
Only a few classes of quantum algorithms are known which provide a speed-up over classical algorithms. However, these and any new quantum algorithms provide important motivation for the development of quantum computers. In this article... more
We present two measures of distance between quantum processes based on the superfidelity, introduced recently to provide an upper bound for quantum fidelity. We show that the introduced measures partially fulfill the requirements for... more
We present two measures of distance between quantum processes based on the superfidelity, introduced recently to provide an upper bound for quantum fidelity. We show that the introduced measures partially fulfill the requirements for... more
State tomography on qubit pairs is routinely carried out by measuring the two qubits separately, while one expects a higher efficiency from tomography with highly symmetric joint measurements of both qubits. Our numerical study of... more
High-speed-photon detectors are some of the most important tools for observations of high energy cosmic rays. As technologies of photon detectors and their read-out electronics improved rapidly, the time resolution of some cosmic ray... more
We present a foundational theoretical framework for the optimization and control of semantic fields through the introduction of Quantum Noetics (QN). This framework establishes a rigorous mathematical formalism operating in... more
When an informationally complete measurement is not available, the reconstruction of the density operator that describes the state of a quantum system can be accomplish, in a reliable way, by adopting the maximum entropy principle (MaxEnt... more
This review serves as a concise introductory survey of modern compressive tomography developed since 2019. These are schemes meant for characterizing arbitrary low-rank quantum objects, be it an unknown state, a process or detector, using... more
Standard Bayesian credible-region theory for constructing an error region on the unique estimator of an unknown state in general quantum-state tomography to calculate its size and credibility relies on heavy Monte Carlo sampling of the... more
We perform several numerical studies for our recently published adaptive compressive tomography scheme [D. Ahn et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 100404 (2019)], which significantly reduces the number of measurement settings to unambiguously... more
We present a compressive quantum process tomography scheme that fully characterizes any rank-deficient completely-positive process with no a priori information about the process apart from the dimension of the system on which the process... more
In quantum-state tomography on sources with quantum degrees of freedom of large Hilbert spaces, inference of quantum states of light for instance, a complete characterization of the quantum states for these sources is often not feasible... more
Pulsed homodyne quantum tomography usually requires a high detection efficiency limiting its applicability in quantum optics. Here, it is shown that the presence of low detection efficiency (< 50%) does not prevent the tomographic... more
We investigate generalized measurements, based on positive-operator-valued measures, and von Neumann measurements for the unambiguous discrimination of two mixed quantum states that occur with given prior probabilities. In particular, we... more
Quantum State Tomography (QST) is a fundamental technique in Quantum Information Processing (QIP) for reconstructing unknown quantum states. However, the conventional QST methods are limited by the number of measurements required, which... more
The matrix product state has been demonstrated to be able to explore the most relevant portion of the exponentially large quantum Hilbert space and find accurate solutions for one-dimensional interacting quantum many-body systems.... more
Matrix product state has become the algorithm of choice when studying one-dimensional interacting quantum many-body systems, which demonstrates to be able to explore the most relevant portion of the exponentially large quantum Hilbert... more
We present a tomographic method which requires only 4d − 3 measurement outcomes to reconstruct any pure quantum state of arbitrary dimension d. Using the proposed scheme we have experimentally reconstructed a large number of pure states... more
In this article we report that the entanglement produced by single photon subtraction is maximum, by studying the entanglement of multi photon subtraction from two mode squeezed states. We argue that the single photon subtraction produces... more
We report the first measurement of the joint photon-number probability distribution for a two-mode quantum state created by a nondegenerate optical parametric amplifier. The measured distributions exhibit up to 1.9 dB of quantum... more
Complete and precise characterization of a quantum dynamical process can be achieved via the method of quantum process tomography. Using a source of correlated photons, we have implemented several methods, each investigating a wide range... more
Recently introduced shadow tomography protocols use "classical shadows" of quantum states to predict many target functions of an unknown quantum state. Unlike full quantum state tomography, shadow tomography does not insist on accurate... more
We report on a new class of dimension witnesses, based on quantum random access codes, which are a function of the recorded statistics and that have different bounds for all possible decompositions of a high-dimensional physical system.... more
The potential of achieving computational hardware with quantum advantage depends heavily on the quality of quantum gate operations. However, the presence of imperfect two-qubit gates poses a significant challenge and acts as a major... more
Quantum state tomography, an important task in quantum information processing, aims at reconstructing a state from prepared measurement data. Bayesian methods are recognized to be one of the good and reliable choices in estimating quantum... more
Information metrics give lower bounds for the estimation of parameters. The Cencov-Morozova-Petz Theorem classifies the monotone quantum Fisher metrics. The optimum bound for the quantum estimation problem is offered by the metric which... more
From the experimental measurement of probability distributions of quadrature-field amplitudes, fol- lowed by numerical inversion (optical homodyne tomography), we have determined distributions and/or moments of the optical phase of... more
We have performed experimental quantum state tomography of NOON states with up to four photons. The measured states are generated by mixing a classical coherent state with spontaneous parametric down-conversion. We show that this method... more
We establish a general principle for the tomographic approach to quantum state reconstruction, till now based on a simple rotation transformation in the phase space, which allows us to consider other types of transformations. Then, we... more
Entanglement is not only fundamental for understanding multipartite quantum systems but also generally useful for quantum information applications. Despite much effort devoted so far, little is known about minimal resources for detecting... more
This review covers latest developments in continuous-variable quantum-state tomography of optical fields and photons, placing a special accent on its practical aspects and applications in quantum information technology. Optical homodyne... more
Does chaos in the dynamics enable information gain in quantum tomography or impedes it? We address this question by considering continuous measurement tomography in which the measurement record is obtained as a sequence of expectation... more
We introduce and experimentally demonstrate a technique for performing quantum state tomography on multiple-qubit states despite incomplete knowledge about the unitary operations used to change the measurement basis. Given unitary... more
We examine a variety of strategies for numerical quantum-state estimation from data of the sort commonly measured in experiments involving quantum-state tomography. We find that, in some important circumstances, an elaborate and... more
We propose a technique for performing quantum state tomography of photonic polarizationencoded multi-qubit states. Our method uses a single rotating wave plate, a polarizing beam splitter and two photon-counting detectors per photon mode.... more
Tomography is an indispensable part of quantum computation as it enables diagnosis of a quantum process through state reconstruction. Existing tomographic protocols are based on determining expectation values of various Pauli operators... more
We develop a technique for single qubit quantum state tomography using the mathematical setup of generalized quantization scheme for games. In this technique Alice sends an unknown pure quantum state to Bob who appends it with |0 0| and... more
When an informationally complete measurement is not available, the reconstruction of the density operator that describes the state of a quantum system can be accomplish, in a reliable way, by adopting the maximum entropy principle (MaxEnt... more
Quantum state tomography is an integral part of quantum computation and offers the starting point for the validation of various quantum devices.
The photon statistics and, moreover, the density matrix (quantum state) of a single light mode can be sampled using homodyne detection. That is, the density matrix is computed by averaging a set of sampling functions with respect to the... more
We develop a technique for single qubit quantum state tomography using the mathematical setup of generalized quantization scheme for games. In this technique Alice sends an unknown pure quantum state to Bob who appends it with |0 0| and... more
Non-classical states are of practical interest in quantum computing and quantum metrology. These states can be detected through their Wigner function negativity in some regions. In this paper, we calculate the ground state of the... more
Non-classical states are of practical interest in quantum computing and quantum metrology. These states can be detected through their Wigner function negativity in some regions. We show that the surfaces of minimum fidelity or maximum... more
The development of the advanced Radio Frequency Timer of electrons is described. It is based on a helical deflector, which performs circular or elliptical sweeps of keV electrons, by means of 500 MHz radio frequency field. By converting a... more
We propose an interferometric scheme for the estimation of a linear combination with non-negative weights of an arbitrary number M > 1 of unknown phase delays, distributed across an M-channel linear optical network, with... more
The polarization properties of macroscopic Bell states are characterized using three-dimensional quantum polarization tomography. This method utilizes three-dimensional inverse Radon transform to reconstruct the polarization... more
Polarization quantum tomography is performed on 4 mode squeezed vacuum states. Three dimensional polarization quasiprobability functions are obtained and compared to that of an equal intensity coherent state. These distributions clearly... more
The development of the advanced Radio Frequency Timer of electrons is described. It is based on a helical deflector, which performs circular or elliptical sweeps of keV electrons, by means of 500 MHz radio frequency field. By converting a... more