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      PsychologyQualitative MethodsStorytellingQualitative Research
The Second Annual Transpersonal Research Colloquium (TRC) was held in Northampton, UK on September 15-16, 2016. This document is the final program with presenters abstracts, bios, and contact information. For further information, see... more
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      Research MethodologyHeuristicsQualitative methodologyQualitative Methods
Article Marking and responding to the " participatory turn " in rhetorical criticism, the essays in this issue engage the synergies, tensions , and consequences that arise from intertwining rhetorical and qualitative approaches to... more
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      RhetoricQualitative methodologyQualitative MethodsRhetorical Analysis
In this time of reconciliation, Indigenous researchers-in-relation are sharing research paradigms and approaches that align with Indigenous worldviews. This article shares an interpretation of the Mi'kmaw concept of Two-Eyed Seeing as the... more
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      NursingSocial WorkQualitative Methods
Thesis Title: Careers and Labour Market Flexibility in Global Industries: The Case of Seafarers The flexibilisation of labour in the global labour market has been a bone of contention among scholars from different disciplines over the... more
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      SociologyGlobalizationQualitative Methods (Sociology)Qualitative methodology
Acrescentei a ficha de avaliação do volume tendo em vista sua tradução para o português. A dispetto della sua ampia diffusione, la ricerca qualitativa continua a essere bersaglio di critiche sulla solidità dei suoi risultati e sulla loro... more
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      Social Research Methods and MethodologyResearch Methods and MethodologyResearch MethodologyQualitative studies (Psychology)
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      Hermeneutics (Research Methodology)Qualitative methodologyQualitative MethodsHermeneutics
Empirical research within critical psychology is strongly associated with the use of qualitative methods. In the field of qualitative psychology a distinction can be made between experiential and critical approaches (Braun & Clarke,... more
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      Qualitative MethodsCritical PsychologyReflexivityQualitative Research
Research Methods in the Social Sciences is a comprehensive yet compact A-Z for undergraduate and postgraduate students undertaking qualitative and quantitative research across the social sciences, featuring 71 entries that cover a wide... more
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      Social Research Methods and MethodologyResearch Methods and MethodologyResearch MethodologyMethodology
Bringing together interdisciplinary leaders in methodology and arts-based research (ABR), this comprehensive handbook explores the synergies between artistic and research practices and addresses issues in designing, implementing,... more
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      Fiction WritingSociologyPublic SociologyVisual Sociology
for The Handbook of Qualitative Methods in Psychology] 1 The Handbook of Qualitative Methods in Psychology Chapter 28: Community Psychology
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      Community PsychologyOntologyEpistemologyQualitative methodology
Bu kitap; duygusal ve davranışsal bozukluklara sahip öğrenciler hakkında bilgi sahibi olmak isteyen sınıf öğretmenleri, özel eğitim öğretmenleri ve alanda çalışan uzmanlar için hazırlanmış giriş niteliğinde bir uygulama kitabıdır. Her bir... more
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      Creative WritingCritical TheoryInformation TechnologyEntrepreneurial Economics
Anormal Psikoloji kitabı, ruhsal bozukluklar alanında çalışan tüm profesyoneller, psikiyatristler, klinik psikologlar, psikologlar, psikolojik danışmanlar, hekimler, sosyal hizmet uzmanları, psikiyatri hemşireleri ve bu alanlarda öğrenci... more
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      Creative WritingEntrepreneurshipManagementPsychology
Stratejinin oluşumundan gerçekleşmesine kadar olan sürece ışık tutan bu kitap, akıcı ve anlaşılır içeriği ile hem öğrenciler, hem öğretim görevlileri hem de ilgi duyan herkes için bir rehber niteliğinde olacaktır.
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      Creative WritingCritical TheoryInformation TechnologyEntrepreneurial Economics
Within this article we use the metaphor of the “Research Onion” (Saunders et al., 2012: 128) to illustrate how these final elements (the core of the research onion) need to be considered in relation to other design elements (the outer... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceSocial Research Methods and MethodologyNatural Language ProcessingResearch Methods and Methodology
In search of 'best practice' in school self-evaluation: An exploratory study in secondary schools' 1 Statement of the problem and objective of the research Recent developments in secondary education are increasing school autonomy. This is... more
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      Qualitative MethodsVocational EducationSecondary EducationSelf Evaluation
Although texts recommend the generation of rich data from interviews, no empirical evidence base exists for achieving this. This study aimed to operationalise richness and to assess which components of the interview (for example, topic,... more
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      Medical SociologyQualitative MethodsQualitative ResearchInterview Skills
In this article we examine the characteristics, challenges and added value of qualitative prison research in a Belgian context. As the many dynamics and challenges of qualitative research are often underreported in academic publications,... more
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      EthnographyQualitative Methods
Indigenous youth continue to live with a socioeconomic and political legacy of colonization and marginalization, confronted by environments harmful to their psychosocial development. Resource strained communities may compound these... more
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      NursingSocial WorkQualitative Methods
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      SociologyPolitical SociologySocial TheorySocial Psychology
As a professed symbolic interactionist and qualitative researcher I often find it difficult to maintain a relatively impermeable boundary between my occupational life and my everyday experience. This feature of being a qualitative... more
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      EthnographyQualitative Methods
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      Qualitative MethodsSecond World WarHistory of MentalityMAXQDA
La profession des pompiers du Québec demeure peu étudiée. Par une méthodologie inductive et mixte (qualitative et quantitative), inspirée des assises épistémologiques et méthodologiques de la MTE, nous avons réalisé un portrait de cette... more
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      AnthropologyFire and Emergency ServicesQualitative MethodsSocial and Cultural Anthropology
Since the sociology of religion became recognised as a distinct sub-discipline over the last century, the dominance of approaches taking their inspiration from the sociological classics has increasingly been challenged. Empirical findings... more
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      Critical TheoryDiscourse AnalysisReligionSociology
Les premières banlieues pavillonnaires nord-américaines sont problématiques pour le vieillissementà domicile. Malgré la dépendanceà l'automobile, les banlieusardsâgés aspirentà y vieillir. Plutôt que de déménager, ils adaptent leur... more
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      Human GeographySpatial AnalysisQualitative MethodsQuantitative Methods
Resumen El artículo considera que las desigualdades son una de las principales coordenadas que construyen lo social en sus esferas económica, mundo de vida y política, por lo que los acercamientos metodológicos y técnicos cualitativos... more
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      PhilosophyPovertyQualitative MethodsSocial Inequality
The emergence of public housing estate renewal programs in Australia in the last decade has been one of the most prominent developments in social housing policy. These programs have undertaken a broad mix of renewal activity, ranging from... more
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      Human GeographyQualitative methodologyQualitative MethodsCommunity Development
The integration of technology into content area learning requires from teachers to constantly balance the mastery of technology with content area mastery because, greater the mastery of any technology of the classroom teacher be less... more
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      MathematicsStatisticsEducational TechnologyMethodology
The paper discusses analytical applications of the business model canvas (BMC) formulated by Osterwalder & Pigneur [1]. From this model, a methodological tool was devised and used as part of an academic research project, in which the... more
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      Research MethodologyMethodologyQualitative methodologyQualitative Methods
O conceito de motricidade concebe um corpo de ação contínua e significante, um corpo vivo de/em movimento intencional e transcendente para/com o mundo e para/com os outros. Alinhado a este conceito, a ecomotricidade abrange este corpo... more
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      Environmental EducationSocial Research Methods and MethodologyResearch Methods and MethodologyResearch Methodology
This study investigated personal and contextual influences to young children’s perceived self-efficacy (SE) in social and independent learning situations. The participants were children (n = 24) 6–8 years old from four Finnish elementary... more
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      Qualitative MethodsSelf-EfficacySocial CompetenceStimulated recall interview
Social work educators have found a variety of experiential and creative methods to be valuable aids in teaching culturally sensitive social work practice. By utilizing experiential/creative methods as tools of self-reflection, faculty can... more
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      SociologyCultural StudiesPolitical SociologySocial Movements
This exploratory, qualitative study investigates the perceptions of Guatemalans regarding the impact of tourism and migration in Antigua, Guatemala. The vehicle of data representation is the research poem, a new and valuable innovation... more
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      Latin American StudiesAnthropologyInternational RelationsDevelopment Studies
Understanding terrorism as a communicative action is the base of this research, which firstly tries to revisit communication in crisis caused by terrorism, through the prism of Kenneth Burke’s dramatistic theory as well as other authors’... more
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      TerrorismQualitative methodologyQualitative MethodsPolitical Violence and Terrorism
Cooperative Inquiry is a method of developing technology in which children and adults are partners in the design process. Researchers use Cooperative Inquiry to empower children in the design of their own technology and to design... more
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      Participatory DesignQualitative MethodsCooperative InquiryChildren
autor desea agradecer los comentarios vertidos por el dictaminador anónimo de este ensayo, así como por Covadonga Meseguer. Sus comentarios nutrieron este ensayo, aunque por limitaciones de espacio el autor no pudo introducir todas las... more
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      Qualitative MethodsCase Studiespolítica y gobierno
Michelle Van Impe a & Olga Petintseva b a Doctoraal onderzoeker, Institute for International Research on Criminal Policy (IRCP), vakgroep Criminologie, Strafrecht en Sociaal Recht, Universiteit Gent b Postdoctoraal onderzoeker FWO,... more
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      CriminologyParticipatory Action ResearchQualitative methodologyQualitative Methods
I developed this integrative model for counseling/ ​psychotherapy, teaching, and research in my research textbook, Heuristic Inquiry: Researching Human Experience Holistically, to demonstrate the multifaceted nature of human experience... more
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      Teaching and LearningQualitative methodologyPsychotherapy and CounselingQualitative Methods
Este artículo dedicado a los procesos procreativos desde la Antropología presenta una propuesta analítica que tiene por finalidad ahondar en las estructuras básicas que subyacen en la procreación humana desde la perspectiva cultural. La... more
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      AnthropologyMedical AnthropologyEthnographyQualitative methodology
This introduction to quantitative and qualitative research methods largely succeeds in conveying the main aims of contemporary empirical research in psychology. However, while the scope of the text is admirable, qualitative methods are... more
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      Qualitative MethodsQuantitative MethodsQualitative Research Methods
The Canadian youth services system is fragmented with less than one third of youth accessing the mental health services they need. Experts have called for systems transformation that will increase the integration of youth services and... more
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      NursingSocial WorkQualitative Methods
BACKGROUND: Qualitative research into the effect of school recess on children's physical activity is currently limited. This study used a write and draw technique to explore children's perceptions of physical activity opportunities during... more
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      Health PromotionPlayQualitative methodologyQualitative Methods
What happens when focus groups are conducted in challenging situations across languages, cultures, and educational settings? What adjustments might need to be made? How can adaptations be made while still maintaining the integrity of the... more
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      NursingMulticulturalismSocial WorkFeminist Theory
How does the media influence society? How do media representations of South Asians, as racial and ethnic minorities, perpetuate stereotypes about this group? How do advancements in visual media, from creative storytelling to streaming... more
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      Media StudiesTelevision StudiesQualitative MethodsAudience and Reception Studies
Sequence stratigraphy is a major research subject in the geosciences academia and the oil industry. However, the geoscience education literature addressing students' understanding of the basic concepts of sequence stratigraphy is... more
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      Qualitative MethodsGeoscience EducationSequence StratigraphyAccommodation
I: Introduction-Feminism as Cultural Capital in the Matrilineal Marshall Islands A. Topic area: Missionization (Christianization) and Colonization have left a mark on women in the Asia-Pacific Region where in many ways, aspects of liberal... more
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      Gender StudiesQualitative MethodsCase Study ResearchFeminism
Organ donation and transplantation in the written press. A study in Western Mexico Este estudio examina la cobertura que la prensa escrita hizo sobre la donación y el transplante de órganos. Se seleccionaron 1 026 notas periodísticas,... more
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      Qualitative MethodsHealthOrgan Donation and TransplantationMexico
Within recent years, there has been an increasing call for qualitative research in cross-cultural psychology. Despite this general openness, there seems to be some confusion about how to evaluate the quality of such research. This has... more
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      Qualitative studies (Psychology)Qualitative MethodsCross-Cultural PsychologyQualitative Research
Fairy tales play a substantial role in the shaping of childhoods. Developed into stories and played out in picture books, films and tales, they are powerful instruments that influence conceptions and treatments of the child and... more
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      PhilosophyPolitical PhilosophyEducationMedia Studies