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The message of peace and nonviolence was believed in the early church until the claim of Constantine's vision was endorsed by Eusebius and Lactantius. Scriptures and quotes from early church writers are reviewed, and thought questions... more
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      Political ParticipationPeace and Conflict StudiesTheologyViolence
Welsh and Northwest English Quakers organized their settlement in the Delaware Valley to promote the spiritual development of their children and thereby built a rich agricultural economy that discouraged slavery locally while promoting it... more
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      History of SlaveryWelsh HistoryQuaker StudiesHistory of Childhood
Atheism is scientific method masquerading as theology.
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      Creative WritingAtheismQuaker StudiesFaith
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      Quaker StudiesCivil Rights (History)School DesegregationConnecticut History
"Testimonies of Truth." Christian History #117, January 2016.  An essay on the Quaker Testimonies:
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      ChristianityPeace and Conflict StudiesTheologyLeadership
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    • Quaker Studies
New Writing 16.3 (2019): 336-42. Print.
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      Gender StudiesTheatre StudiesVictorian StudiesNineteenth Century Studies
Helen's presentation is prompted both by her experience in James Turrell's work and his teasing remark: "This idea of going inside to gain outlook is of course this idea that there is in meditation. And certainly the Quakers were... more
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      HeterotopiaQuaker StudiesSculptureQuakerism
This essay reappraises the origins of French Quakerism based on new archival research conducted on both sides of the Channel. It identifies 34 Quaker missionaries in 17th- and early 18C France, sheds new light on the French reception of... more
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      TransnationalismFrench RevolutionTransatlantic relationsEighteenth Century History
This eloquent minute (around which most of the discussion in annual sessions in Wilmington Yearly Meeting was based) was approved on January 15, 2017, in a small rural Friends' church in New Vienna, Ohio. It was in response to a... more
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      American ReligionQuaker StudiesDebate over Same-Sex MarriageAmerican Religious History
This essay argues that the center of Quaker Faith and Practice is the immediacy of Christ; connected to the center are convictions regarding authentic worship, universal ministry, incarnational sacramentology, nonviolent peacemaking,... more
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      ReligionChristianityComparative ReligionPeace and Conflict Studies
Her picture is on the five-pound British note. She brought about prison reform in Britain, which spread to civilized nations in Europe and beyond. Her school of nursing inspired and supported the work of Florence Nightingale. She was the... more
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      ReligionSocial WorkWomen's StudiesSocial Sciences
This 40-day invitation to a transformative reading of a biblical text puts into play what I call "The 5 Rs of Transformative Bible Reading—Read, Reflect, Respond, Remember, Record". Especially meaningful during Lent, but a worthy exercise... more
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      ReligionTransformative LearningReligious EducationContemporary Spirituality
First published in 1982 by Barclay Press, the Meet the Friends Series has been a leading introduction to the Quaker movement. The third edition (2011, Newberg, OR: Barclay Press) makes a correction or two and illumines the complexion of... more
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      ReligionChristianitySociology of ReligionPhilosophy Of Religion
In a time when ‘if one was born a male, one became a soldier’, what does it mean to be a man who refuses to fight? This article uses Connell’s framework of ‘hegemonic masculinity’ to locate conscientious objectors’ male identities as a... more
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      ReligionGender StudiesWar StudiesGender and Sexuality
This chapter explores the oral prophetic culture of several French Protestant movements that emerged in south-eastern France in the aftermath of the revocation of the Edict of Nantes in 1685. While Huguenots largely dismissed beliefs in... more
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      Quaker StudiesMillenarianismLanguedocProphecy
In this paper I will compare and contrast two significant Friends ministries that attempted to “tell the secret of Quakerism” to people of African descent in the United States. The Southland Institute in Helena, Arkansas, considered “the... more
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      Quaker StudiesAfrican American HistoryQuakerismHistory of Quakerism
The heart of Turrell’s work is the Roden Crater, out in Arizona. François Jonquet met the artist at his ranch, in the Painted Desert, and visited the Crater, this work which he is constantly sculpting and developing. He reports on this... more
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      PlatoQuaker StudiesAnthropology of Tibet and the HimalayasHopi studies (Anthropology)
In 1903 Hannah Whitall Smith, a free-spirited product of Orthodox Quakerism” in the 19th century, proudly admitted in her spiritual autobiography: “I have always rather enjoyed being considered a heretic, and have never wanted to be... more
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      Quaker StudiesWomen Studies in Religion
From autumn 2015, Drs Rebecca Wynter and Sian Roberts, on behalf of Central England Quakers and the University of Birmingham’s School of Education, ran a collaborative project to research Quaker experiences of the First World War and its... more
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      Women's HistoryQuaker StudiesFirst World WarHistory of Humanitarianism
This essay played a significant role in my directing of two Lilly grants on discernment-oriented leadership across 9 different Christian traditions. A Quaker approach to discerning how God speaks includes Scripture, history and tradition,... more
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      ReligionChristianitySociology of ReligionPhilosophy Of Religion
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
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      American HistoryAmerican StudiesMaterial Culture StudiesQuaker Studies
This new version has a Foreword by Michael Darby and new illustrations on the covers. John Kelsall (1683-1743) was a Quaker teacher and diarist, well-known for the detailed Diaries which he kept from 1720 to 1743, which record his time... more
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      Economic HistoryIndustrial HistoryEighteenth Century HistoryWelsh History
George Washington’s death in December of 1799 sparked a revolutionary chain of events that transformed a small corner of Fairfax County, Virginia, from an assemblage of slave labor plantations into a successful community based on free... more
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      History of SlaveryQuaker StudiesAnti-slaveryVirginia History
This lesson introduces network metrics and how to draw conclusions from them when working with humanities data. Readers learn how to use the NetworkX Python package to produce and work with these network statistics.
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      Digital HumanitiesDigital HistoryQuaker StudiesSocial Network Analysis (SNA)
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      British LiteratureEnglish LiteraturePoetryModernist poetry
This thesis is a geographic and temporal case study of the carpentry and joinery trades present in the Delaware River Valley region from the period of Anglo-European settlements in the 1660s to about 1740. This examination of the region’s... more
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      Material Culture StudiesColonial AmericaLabor MigrationQuaker Studies
The definition of "theocracy" has perplexed scholars for many centuries. Some argue that theocracy exists only when religious leaders are also the actual, official political leaders and, as such, impose their particular theological views... more
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      American HistoryPolitical PhilosophyPolitical TheoryEarly Modern History
During the American Revolution, Quakers were divided over the idea of going to war with Britain. Despite their adherence to a singular doctrine, many Quakers opposed fighting, while others were eager to join the war effort. In this paper,... more
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      American HistoryAmerican ReligionQuaker StudiesAmerican Revolution
THE STYLE OF QUAKER CONSUMPTION IN BRITISH COLONIAL NEW JERSEY: The Link between Religious Beliefs and Values and the Archaeological Record of The Society of Friends Michael L. Young This research focuses on the role of beliefs and values... more
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      ConsumerismArchaeology of ReligionQuaker StudiesConsumption and Material Culture
This essay outlines the history of Quakers' receiving the Nobel Peace Prize in 1947. It will be published in Quakers and the Future of Peacemaking, edited by Alonzo Valentine, Quakers and the Disciplines 8 (Friends Association for Higher... more
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      ReligionPeace and Conflict StudiesSocial SciencesViolence
This thesis brings the fields of Christian theologies of atonement and reconciliation and Liberal Quaker theology into dialogue, and lays the foundation for developing an original Liberal Quaker reconciliation theology. This dialogue... more
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      Quaker StudiesThe AtonementReconciliationChristian Theology
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      Jewish HistoryJesuit historyQuaker StudiesReligious Toleration
This thesis examines the work of British and American Quakers in the Spanish Civil War and its immediate aftermath. The focus is on the relief effort and the relief workers who operated in the field, but it also looks at the development... more
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      Refugee StudiesMissiology and Mission TheologyHistory of MissionsQuaker Studies
This is an outline of the QRT #105 essay, "A Dynamic Christocentricity--The Center of Faithful Praxis" (2005): 20-36.
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      ReligionPhilosophy Of ReligionPeace and Conflict StudiesTheology
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    • Quaker Studies
some primary sources
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Neotestamentica 41:1 (2007): 6-41. This essay builds on the works of Harnack, Barrett, Kaesemann and others in exploring the Johannine-Matthean dialectic over church structure and governance in the late first-century situation of the... more
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      Critical TheoryChristianityNew TestamentHistory of Christianity
Whilst there has been an expanding amount of literary works on Thomas Paine in recent years, for a long time his significance was lost to history. This dissertation of 11,982 words (total 15,201) seeks to uncover the significance of Paine... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryEconomic HistoryPhilosophy
This essay argues, in dialogue with recent interpretations of the character and vision of the early Quaker movement, that the best lens for understanding the beginnings and development of Quakerism is William Penn's description of the... more
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      ReligionComparative ReligionSociology of ReligionPhilosophy Of Religion
This is a list of some two dozen book length projects I'm working on (two thirds of which are largely written) and over a dozen books I hope to edit in the next few years. Some will be trade book projects; potential publisher inquiries... more
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Of all the new religious movements that emerged during the English Revolution of 1641–60 the Quakers were the largest, most successful and enduring. Naturally, they are also the most studied. This chapter begins with a summary of the... more
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      Early Modern HistoryQuaker StudiesRadicalismThe English Civil War and Revolution
Freedom of religion generally resonates in the collective mind as a prized legacy of the European Enlightenment alongside most individual liberties and modern values. This assumption, however, is flawed as it tends to downplay centuries... more
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      ReligionEarly Modern HistoryHistory of ReligionRefugee Studies
This essay builds on the 15 theses of Robert Barclay's An Apology for the True Christian Divinity (1676 in Latin; 1678 in English), condensing them into 12. It was published in Quaker Religious Thought #114 (2010): 20-37.
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      ReligionChristianityNew Religious MovementsSociology of Religion
This paper builds on the work of Alan Kolp, who follows on the work of Edward Schillebeeckx, regarding the character of sacramentology itself. It furthers the discussion, however, by rooting an incarnational view in the ministry of Jesus... more
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      ReligionChristianitySociology of ReligionAnthropology
The interplay of religion, culture and society in any country, at any given time, is one of the most complex phenomena experts have attempted to understand and explain.To analyze such interaction in a nation in which the predominant... more
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      ReligionHistoryLawInternational Relations
This article examines the life and agency of one African American family in Federal period Delaware. The Coopers used various practices, behaviors, and know-how to systematically confront racism, carve a place for themselves in the face... more
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      Black Studies Or African American StudiesHistorical ArchaeologyArchitectureMaterial Culture Studies
This is a historical-critical analysis of George Fox's Book of Miracles, edited by Henry J. Cadbury (1948, 1973; (Philadelphia and London: Quakers Uniting in Publications, 2000), pp. xviii-xxvii.
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      ReligionNew Religious MovementsHistory of ReligionPsychology of Religion
This publication accompanies the exhibition "Light in Darkness: The Mystical Philosophy of Jacob Böhme, held 29 April-5 July 2019 in Coventry Cathedral. The volume includes sections about Böhme's life, his main philosophical concepts and... more
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      17th Century & Early Modern PhilosophyHistory of ScienceMysticismJakob Böhme