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As smart phones, tablets and many other portable devices are getting closer and closer to the humankind, many technologies are being released day by day. Among them, security has been one major aspect where much research has been done.... more
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      Computer ScienceEmbedded SystemsWireless SystemsArduino
Undergraduate Topics in Computer Science
Introduction to Data Science
A Python Approach to Concepts, Techniques and Applications
By Laura Igual · Santi Seguí
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      Computer ScienceArtificial IntelligenceMachine LearningData Science

Kaynak olarak kullanılan metnin, sayfanın veya kısmın ilgili çalışmada kaynak olarak belirtilmesi rica olunur.
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      Data MiningData AnalysisPython Programming
The era of static websites has passed. Now users demand dynamic content and application like look and feel. Instead of constantly reloading the page and hitting F5, the page should adjust itself automatically.
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      Web DevelopmentWeb ApplicationsPython ProgrammingAngularJS
Viele Dissertationen in der Archäologie enthalten am Ende der Arbeit einen Katalog, in dem die untersuchten Daten in einem bestimmten System aufgeschlüsselt präsentiert werden. In diesem Beitrag wird eine effiziente Gestaltung eines... more
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyHumanitiesDigital Humanities
'El Diario de Juárez' is a local newspaper in a city of 1.5 million Spanish-speaking inhabitants that publishes texts of which citizens read them on both a website and an RSS (Really Simple Syndication) service. This research applies... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceNatural Language ProcessingMachine LearningComputational Intelligence
This site contains our report, the parse tree data, and an IPython Notebook that can be used to manipulate the dataset and reproduce our results.
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      Discourse AnalysisSociologyComputer ScienceMedia Studies
To buy this project in ONLINE, Contact: Email: [email protected], Website: Location Inference for Non-geotagged Tweets in User Timelines Social media like Twitter have become globally popular in the... more
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    • Python Programming
Man Eating Chicken ( মানুষ মুরগী খায় ) এবং Man-eating Chicken (মানুষখেকো মুরগী ) শুধু মাত্র একটা “-” ( ড্যাশ ) ব্যবহারের কারণে, উপরের বাক্য দুটির মধ্যে যে সম্পূর্ণ বিপরীতধর্মী অর্থ বহন করছে, তা আমরা মানুষেরা বুঝলেও, কম্পিউটার বোঝে না... more
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      Python ProgrammingComputing In PythonPROGRAMMING (PYTHON
Viele Dissertationen in der Archäologie enthalten am Ende der Arbeit einen Katalog, in dem die untersuchten Daten in einem bestimmten System aufgeschlüsselt präsentiert werden. In diesem Beitrag wird eine effiziente Gestaltung eines... more
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyHumanitiesDigital Humanities
Some studies suggest that more than 25% of the tech companies are now using or considering Python in their technology stack. Building healthcare solutions with Python enables companies to make the best use of data. Checkout blog on Why... more
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      IT in healthcarePython Programming
— Availability of mining machines plays a significant role in mine production. Dragline's reliability has a great impact on sustaining economic feasibility of open cast coal mining projects. In that sense, reliability of draglines and... more
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      Mining EngineeringMachine LearningStatistical machine learningPython Programming
K-Means, PCA, and Dendrogram on the Animals with Attributes Dataset To download the dataset, go to: This Document is also available in ipython notebook format at:... more
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      Machine LearningData AnalysisPrincipal Component AnalysisK-means
Formation Python - Les fichiers - Yassine Ben Salah - Yassine Ben Ghriba
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      Artificial IntelligenceMachine LearningData ScienceDeep Learning
В статье рассматриваются перспективы внедрения дисциплины «Профессионально ориентированное программирование» при обучении лингвистов-преподавателей; указывается на ее соответствие ФГОС ВО по направлениям подготовки «45.03.02 Лингвистика»... more
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      Higher EducationMOODLEApplied LinguisticsTeaching of Foreign Languages
A lawnmower is a machine that uses a revolving blade or blades to cut a lawn grass. Many designs have been made, each suited to a particular purpose. Manual grass cutter has environmental issues regarding pollution's and also require the... more
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      Mobile RoboticsFinancial EngineeringAutomation & COntrolPython Programming
Formation Python - Les fichiers JSON en Python - Yassine Ben Salah - Yassine Ben Ghriba
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      Machine LearningArtifical IntelligenceData ScienceBig Data
ABSTRACTThe growth of the telecommunication industry is fast-paced with ground-breaking engineering achievements. Notwithstanding the technological advancement in the industry, it had continued to cope with the phenomenon ofresource... more
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      Wireless CommunicationsObject Recognition (Computer Vision)Data Structures and AlgorithmsAutomation
This master project report titled, ‘Document Management Software Tool for Safety-related Application (ISO 26262)’ was prepared because it represents a certain evaluation grade for the master course on Functional Safety Engineering at the... more
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      Python ProgrammingDocument Management SystemISO 26262
Numpy est une bibliothèque phyton très importante pour les travaux en machine learning, deeplearnig,.. Avec Numpy, on dispose d'un objet très important qu'on appelle NDArray qui nous permettra de créer et de manipuler des tableaux à une... more
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      Machine LearningData SciencePython ProgrammingNumpy Python library
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      Scientific VisualizationPhilosophy of AgencyVisualizationMachine Learning
To buy this project in ONLINE, Contact: Email: [email protected], Website: SentiDiff: Combining Textual Information andSentiment Diffusion Patterns for TwitterSentiment Analysis Twitter sentiment... more
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      Python ProgrammingPROGRAMMING (PYTHON
IRIS data set analysis using python (Multivariate Gaussian Classifier, PCA, Python) Download the IRIS data set from: This is a data set of 150 points in R4, with... more
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      Programming LanguagesMachine LearningPython ProgrammingIris Flower Data Set
<p>The necessity of sustainable development for landscapes has emerged as an important theme in recent decades. Moreover, past landscape reconstruction enables a better understanding of human resilience to climatic and environmental... more
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      Computer ScienceLandscape ArchaeologyOpen Source SoftwareFluvial Geomorphology
We introduce in this paper an application developed in the Python programming language that can be used to generate digital signals with known frequencies and amplitudes. These digital signals, since have known parameters, can be used to... more
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      Computer ScienceSignal ProcessingDigital Signal ProcessingPython Programming
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      Python ProgrammingPhyton
Optimization algorithms are search system where the target is to get a good solvency of a problem. The knowledge of animals and insects have a counted models of swarm intelligence. Swarm intelligence has become a powerful technique for... more
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      Computer ScienceComputer EngineeringOperations ResearchAstronomy
Abstract This study uses a novel approach to describe modern English academic texts in terms of the amount and distribution of syntactic subordination, coordination and phrasal structures. Inconsistent results have been reported in... more
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      English for Academic PurposesTeaching English as a Second LanguageEnglish languageAcademic Writing
Skin cancer is the most common among all cancers and its early diagnosis increases the patient's chances of healing. One of the ways to make this diagnosis is through dermatoscopy. Dermatoscopy is a technique that consists of recognizing... more
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      Machine LearningEmbedded SoftwareOpenCv or Computer VisionSkin Cancer
Object-Z is an object-oriented specification language which extends the Z language with classes, objects, inheritance and polymorphism that can be used to represent the specification of a complex system as collections of objects. There... more
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      Computer ScienceSoftware EngineeringObject Oriented ProgrammingSoftware Development
In this research, we do a software writing in Python to calculate the efforts, bending moments and deformations in beams of different materials. This computational tool, that we developed, is of great help in area of computational... more
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      PhysicsSocial Science Research NetworkCivil EngeeneringPython Programming
Modeling and predicting snow-related power loss is important to economic calculations, load management and system optimization for all scales of photovoltaic (PV) power plants. This paper describes a new method for measuring snow shedding... more
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      Image ProcessingPhotovoltaicsRenewable EnergyImage Analysis
DETECCIÓN DE ROSTROS EN IMAGENES, CON Python y "opencv". Es sabido que una de las posibilidades que nos ofrece la librería "opencv" es la de detectar distintos tipos de elementos en una imagen, vídeo, grabación.., mediante el uso de... more
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      Computer ScienceTechnologyOpen Source SoftwareFace Detection
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      Java ProgrammingPHP ProgrammingPython Programming
Millions of people utilise social networking services all over the world. Users' interactions with social media sites like Twitter and Facebook have a huge impact on daily life, with some unfavourable consequences. Spammers have... more
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      Computer ScienceData MiningSocial MediaCloud Computing
Our primarly goal was to detect clusters via gensim libraries in news data consisting of information regarding health and threats.
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      Artificial IntelligenceNatural Language ProcessingMachine LearningTopic modeling
A simplicidade de Python permite que você se torne produtivo rapidamente, porém isso muitas vezes significa que você não estará usando tudo que ela tem a oferecer. Com este guia prático, você aprenderá a escrever um código Python... more
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      Python ProgrammingCiência da ComputaçãoComputing In PythonPROGRAMMING (PYTHON
งานวิจัยนี้เป็นการศึกษาการพัฒนาภาษาไพธอน (Python) สำหรับวิเคราะห์, ออกแบบ และ เขียนแบบก่อสร้างชิ้นส่วนคานคอนกรีตเสริมเหล็ก โดยมีจุดมุ่งหมายในการใช้ภาษาไพธอนที่เป็นภาษารหัสเปิด เป็นภาษาสำหรับวิเคราะห์ และออกแบบ... more
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      Python ProgrammingScalable Vector GraphicsContinuous Beam Analysis
The dataset has a good mix of categorical independent variables, and a continuous dependent variable (price). This dataset contains house sale prices for King County, which includes Seattle. It includes homes sold from May 2014 to May... more
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      Data AnalysisData VisualizationPython ProgrammingBig Data Analytics
Formation Python - Le module turtle en Python - Yassine Ben Salah - Yassine Ben Ghriba
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      AnimationComputer AnimationMotion Graphics2D animation
Course Duration 45 Days – Weekdays 2 Hrs Demo Classes: Available At Your Convenience Course Days : Weekdays Only – Morning Batch Course Timings: 6:30 AM To 8:30 AM Contact Details : 08885515041 , Email : [email protected]... more
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      Python ProgrammingPROGRAMMING (PYTHON
Countless books, interactive
web tutorials, and developer boot camps promise to turn ambitious beginners into software
engineers with six-figure salaries.
This book is not for those people. It’s for everyone else.
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    • Python Programming
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      Database SystemsData AnalysisPython Programming
Machine learning is one of the fast growing aspect in current world. Machine learning (ML) and Artificial Neural Network (ANN) are helpful in detection and diagnosis of various heart diseases. Naïve Bayes Classification is a vital... more
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      EngineeringComputer ScienceArtificial IntelligenceMachine Learning
Training Report on Machine Learning
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      Machine LearningTraining and DevelopmentTrainingApplications of Machine Learning
The project involves creating a chatbot to be used in healthcare treatment. The app uses Artificial Intelligence and can help in diagnosing various diseases and providing necessary details about the patient’s disease or illness. It helps... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceMachine LearningComputer ProgrammingPython Programming
DESENVOLVIMENTO DE UM SISTEMA DE IDENTIFICAÇÃO E AUTENTICAÇÃO BIOMÉTRICA RECONHECIMENTO FACIAL Atividade prática supervisionada e apresentada ao curso Ciência da Computação, para fins de conhecimento na área. Orientador: Rafael do... more
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      SoftwareOpenCv or Computer VisionPython Programming
2. Problem Definition 3. Introduction 4. Description of the modules used 5. Implementation details with screen-shots (stepwise) 6. Conclusion and Future Scope 7. References 8.
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      Computer ScienceGraphical PasswordPython ProgrammingGraphical User Interfaces
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      MathematicsProgramming LanguagesCellular AutomataPython Programming