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1620 november 11-én szombat hajnalban a Mayflower nevű hányatott sorsú, egykori teherhajó, a közel három hónapnyi viszontagságos tengeri utazás után horgonyt vetett egy szélcsendes, biztonságosnak vélt öbölben a mai Massachusetts állam... more
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      American HistoryColonialismProtestantismNew England (History)
John Dury (1596-1680) grew up in England with connections to the heads of state, and was advised by an eminent chaplain that to reconcile the divisions of the protestant churches would be the greatest work of peacemaking (Matt 5:9) that... more
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      EthicsTheologyPractical theologyLutheranism
The prevailing consensus among historians is that natural theology within Protestantism was born in the eighteenth century as a byproduct of the Enlightenment and had a sharply diminished if not nonexistent role within Puritanism. Based... more
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      Natural TheologyChristian ApologeticsPuritanism
Like many early modern writers, Bradstreet attempted to accommodate the worldly to the spiritual. The world of finance, agriculture, and genealogy are is both merged and set into conflict with the spirit in her father-poems. The poems... more
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      EconomicsEnglish LiteratureLiteratureCapitalism
Chapter 1 of Paul's Letter to the Romans.
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      ReligionChristianityNew TestamentBaptist Theology
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      MusicMusic HistoryMusicologyEnglish Literature
From the very beginning of the U.S. history the idea of a burden mission to spread its high values thus ‘civilizing’ the other parts of the decadent world has been a crucial part of American foreign policy. Puritans during their journey... more
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      International RelationsForeign Policy AnalysisPolitical ScienceUS History
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      Emblem studiesCorrespondence AnalysisGrimmelshausenEstrangement
[From the back cover:] "As [Edmund S.] Morgan re-creates the evolution of [Roger] Williams's thoughts on the nature of the church and the state, he captures the institutions that informed Williams's worldview, from the Protestant Church... more
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      Religion and PoliticsBaptist TheologySeparation of Church and StateHistory of Religious Freedom
현대의 많은 학자들이 오웬의 신학을 삼위일체적이라고 규정했다. 대표적으로 싱클레어 퍼거슨, 칼 트루먼, 켈리 캐픽, 브라이언 키, 피터 드 프리스 등은 삼위일체론이야말로 오웬 신학의 핵심이라고 주장한다. 퍼거슨은 오웬을 가리켜 “깊이 있는 삼위일체론적 신학자”라고 부른다. 트루먼은 “오웬의 작품을 통틀어 –그 작품들이 신론이나 구원론, 혹은 칭의론을 다루든 상관없이- 삼위일체론은 언제나 근본적이다.”라고 주장한다.... more
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      TrinityPuritansTrinity (Theology)English Puritanism
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      English PuritanismPuritanismLiterary culture of PuritanismJohn Owen
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      Witch Hunt StudiesPuritanism
This paper is a character analysis on the intangible antagonist, society, in "The Crucible" by Arthur Miller. I hope it is of use to you!
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      American LiteraturePlayPuritansSociety
Isten az embert a maga képére és hasonlatosságára teremtette. A Szentírás egyik legmagasztosabb és egyben legtitokzatosabb mondata ez. Milyen az arca az istenképű embernek? 3. oldal A tudás kísértése "Isten a teremtés okán nem csak az... more
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      English PuritanismPuritanismLiterary culture of PuritanismPuritanisme
Contemporary societies have myriad reasons to be grateful for the modern innovations that allow for the eradication of the scourge of smallpox, which left its mark in nearly every part of the world for millennia. Even as far back as the... more
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      American HistoryMedical SciencesEpidemiologyTheology
Ruth's testimony of her conversion from puritanism to Anglicanism and to worship with the Book of Common Prayer. WHEN PRINTING set (1) landscape orientation (2) flip on short edge (3) double-sided. Makes a nice one-page pamphlet. Free for... more
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      Anglicanism (Anglicanism)Studies on worshipPuritanismBook of Common Prayer
The sermon Thomas Gataker gave at the wedding of Brilliana Conway and Sir Robert Harley in 1623, was published under the title “A Wife in Deed” (1623). Gataker defines marriage as an affective contract between two agents with... more
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      Early Modern WomenRepublic of Letters (Early Modern History)Early Modern Women WritersEarly Modern Women's Writing
ANDRÁS TARPAI SZILÁGYI’S UNKNOWN FUNERAL ORATION: ’JÓL MEGHALÁSNAK MESTERSÉGE’ Keywords: puritanism, funeral oraƟ on, ars moriendi, ars in Deo vivere, Tarpai Szilágyi András The paper focuses on the puritan priest, András Tarpai... more
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      LiteraturePuritanismLiterary culture of PuritanismPuritan Theology
The rise of the English separatist movement in the late sixteenth century was characterized by a polemical struggle over the applicability of the epithet of “Donatism.” A pejorative slur, the Donatist label was often utilized during the... more
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      English ReformationEnglish PuritanismDonatismPuritanism
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      American LiteratureFeminismArthur MillerThe Crucible
The Matthew Bible, like any good Anglican, found itself caught between the Roman Catholics and the Puritans. Neither group liked it. Find out why, and why its spirit is more consistent with early Anglicanism than anything else.
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      Reformation StudiesWilliam TyndaleEnglish PuritanismAnglican Studies
Several authors have highlighted the difficulties associated with constructing Edwards' Christology from his corpus, and the further troubling conclusion that, once such constructions have taken place, he does not seem to fit within the... more
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      TheologyHistorical TheologySystematic TheologyChristology
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      PuritansNathaniel HawthorneEnglish PuritanismPuritan Studies
Tentative de comprendre, avec l'approche croisée des oeuvres de Max Weber et D. H. Lawrence, comment l'homme s'est désensibilisé, de son entourage sensoriel et sémantique, de soi-même et de ses proches (les autres hommes), à travers non... more
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      History of CapitalismEschatology and ApocalypticismGilles DeleuzeFriedrich Nietzsche
The Puritans believed that habits were a means of cultivating spiritual maturity in the believer by giving a believer a greater capacity for future obedience, by uniting a believer’s will to God’s, and by conforming a believer to the... more
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      PuritansHabitsPuritanismThe Puritans
Study Guide on John Bunyan's Pilgrim Progresss
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      John BunyanPuritanismPlot AnalysisPilgrims Progress
Alberico Gentili (San Ginesio 1552 - Londra 1608) studia presso l’Università di Perugia dove si laurea in diritto civile il 23 settembre 1572. Nel 1580 è costretto a fuggire dall’Italia, per motivi religiosi, per giungere a Londra in... more
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      HistoryModern HistoryIntellectual HistoryCultural History
This article scrutinizes the representation of the lives of the 17th century puritans in Lydia Maria Child's historical novel Hobomok, A Tale of Early Times (1824). Based on the persona adopted by the author, the writer's project... more
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      American LiteratureEnglish LiteratureLiteratureEnglish language
>Brief background of the puritan dispute with the Reformation CofE, Thomas Cranmer, and William Tyndale over ceremonies and song. >Compares translations and notes from the Psalms in the1537 Matthew Bible and the Geneva Bible. >Shows... more
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      English ReformationWilliam TyndalePuritansEnglish Puritanism
종교개혁은 구원에 관한 교리의 개혁이면서 동시에 교회의 개혁이었다. 왜냐하면 교회과 성도의 구원은 결코 분리될 수 없는 관계에 있기 때문이다. 그리고 교회 개혁의 핵심에는 직분의 개혁이 있었다. 개혁자들은 초대교회를 지나 중세교회를 거치면서 확립된 교회와 교회의 직분에 대한 로마 카톨릭의 전통이 성경에서 심각하게 이탈하였다고 보고 이를 개혁하기 위한 작업에 착수했다. 교회의 가시적인 모습에 교회의 본질을 두는 로마 카톨릭... more
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    • Puritanism
This is the prepared text of a presentation by Alan E. Johnson, author of "The First American Founder: Roger Williams and Freedom of Conscience" (2015), to the Roger Williams Family Association at the Roger Williams National Memorial in... more
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      Thomas JeffersonSeparation of Church and StateJohn AdamsJames Madison
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      CalvinismEnglish NovelImaginationAllegory
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      Reformed EpistemologyPuritanismPiedad
A Quest for Godliness is the accumulation of nearly four decades of study of the Puritans and their impact on Christianity by Oxford graduate and Regent College professor, J.I. Packer. Packer, an adept historian and engaging communicator... more
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      Christian ApologeticsEnglish PuritanismAmerican PuritanismPuritanism
It has been suggested that there are at least two voices in Anne Bradstreet’s poetry; sometimes these voices are in harmony, sometimes in conflict. One of these voices is the poetic persona or the “poet voice,” who speaks as she ought,... more
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      American LiteratureFeminismAmerican PoetryPuritanism
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      ReligionAnthropologyTheologyReformation History
Of the many beliefs in the realm of human thought emergent from an Enlightenment worldview, the first to come to mind may not be the theory of extraterrestrial life. However, with the discovery and acceptance of heliocentricism and the... more
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      TheologyHistorical TheologySystematic TheologyCalvinism
This article highlights the presence within the seventeenth-century Dutch Reformed Church of a strong appreciation of their missionary calling. In the first half of the article, attention is given to the presence and character of the idea... more
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      MissiologyMissiology and Mission TheologyChristian MissionsHistory of Missions
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      American LiteratureAmerican HistoryAmerican StudiesGender Studies
A review of Michael P. Winship's work on the history of English and American Puritanism. (Yale University Press, 2019)
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      English PuritanismAmerican PuritanismPuritanism
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      New England (History)Infant BaptismPuritanism
In answering the question "Why teach literature?", Elaine Showalter says that the purpose(s) behind teaching literature vary according to class objectives, teachers' objectives, and the overview of the course (24). The author of Teaching... more
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      American LiteratureHistoryEnglish LiteratureEducation
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      Comparative LiteratureYeatsPetrarchGeorg Lukacs
The Scottish Presbyterian theologian David Dickson (c.1583-1663) contributed very much to the development of the doctrine of the covenant of redemption (i.e., the pactum salutis). Although his doctrine stood in the early stages of its... more
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      17th Century & Early Modern PhilosophyEarly Modern HistoryHistorical TheologyReformation History
An edited version of a presentation given at a colloquium at the Evangelical Theological Society meeting in San Antonio, Texas, on 17 November 2016, reflecting on the significance of J. I. Packer for Christian theology.
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      Evangelical TheologyPuritanismBiblical and systematic theologyJ I Packer
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      Vernacular ArchitectureMicrohistoryEarly Modern ArchitectureWitchcraft, Religion and Magic
In recent years, rewilding has become an increasingly popular proposal for combatting climate change. Yet rewilding continues to be a contested concept. While the re-prefix in 'rewilding' means to go back, to return, with the breadth of... more
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      TheologyClimate ChangeEnvironmental StudiesEcological Theology
Article for the inaugural issue of Theolog, the theological journal of The Log College and Seminary (formerly The North American Reformed Seminary). This paper, intentionally pitched at a pastor-practitioner level, introduces the... more
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      Pastoral TheologyEnglish PuritanismPastoral Care and CounsellingCasuistry
My syllabus for Church History 2 - Reformation to Present for Redeemer University College, Ancaster, ON, Winter Term 2017.
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