Punk Culture
Recent papers in Punk Culture
Nel presentare la voluminosa raccolta -si tratta di un libro di 900 pagine -di materiale inerente a vent'anni (da metà degli anni '60 a metà degli '80) di storia delle controculture nel nostro paese, Ignazio Maria Gallino ha giustamente... more
Pussy Riot’s surprise punk prayer at the altar of Moscow’s Cathedral of Christ Our Savior instigated significant controversy in Russia and resulted in the conviction of three Pussy Riot members on the charge of “hooliganism motivated by... more
Libro compilado y editado por David Ponce, realizado en coautoría con Susana Díaz, Luis Felipe Saavedra, Freddy Olguín, Leyla Manzur y Javiera Tapia.
Punk. The sound of the streets, the music of protest, the shouts and screams of the disadvantaged and oppressed, the anguished howl of the underdog, the unclean and the unworthy. Political, agitational, provocative, subversive, awkward,... more
A summary of the 'productive' character of punk expressions of shame across time and place.
Le cinéma de John Waters est imprévisible. Là où une certaine cinéphilie devrait l’inciter à investir le champ de la culture highbrow, il n’a de cesse de réinventer le lowbrow, là où son goût de la contre-culture devrait l’inciter à... more
El punk fue uno de los herederos del rock. Y se construyó en torno a la manifestación masculina y masculinizante de la música. Pero se hizo desde la tensión hacia él, con elementos que facilitaron la subversión discursiva. En cuanto a la... more
By the mid-70s New York is a dying city, crippled by the burden of massive public debt, the constant rise of crime and a worsening economic recession; violence, drugs but also music, street art and poetry are everywhere. This is the city... more
The main objective of this section is to contribute to the debate on the transnational punk/rock struggle and movement. We will be approaching the punk/rock scenario from an academic perspective, to understand its political, cultural and... more
A short essay on Philadelphia's Khyber Pass Pub, appearing in an anthology accounting for vanished or otherwise repurposed spaces where punk and indie-rock shows used to occur in the 80s, 90s, and early 00s.
Mi tezih dohtorá / Nere doktore-tesia / Mi tesis doctoral / My PhD Thesis. Autor como Juan Porras Blanco del libro digital ‘Negación’ punk en la sociedad vasca. Investigación socioantropológica de un simbolismo liminal. Leioa (Bizkaia,... more
La période comprise entre les années 80 et 90 pourrait être bien remémorée comme un moment de transition sociale. Des tensions politiques internationales, la chute du mur de Berlin, les dictatures en Amérique de Sud, la famine africaine,... more
Research on punk culture often falls prey to two main dilemmas. First, using a Marxist economic lens, the underlying implication is fieldwork reveals already known conceptions of class and culture. Second, an ageist bias exists in most... more
This article investigates the relationship between biography and authenticity within the aesthetics of grunge musician Kurt Cobain, using the 2002 Riverhead Press volume of his journals as a primary source. Focusing on Cobain's... more
What makes Christian punk “Christian”? And what makes it “punk”? Drawing on his previously published work on punk and religion, and engaging his own experiences as a musician and theologian, Iafrate’s chapter offers a theological... more
The paper is about the economy of the production, organization and circulation of punk labels and distros in Southeast Asia. This includes the activities involved in the organization of labels and distros, the exchange of resources... more
The journey from proto-punk to punk occurred at high speed in many of London's satellite towns. Among these, the town of High Wycombe in the home counties offers a narrative that can trace an involvement in the earliest stages of that... more
The PhD dissertation Cyberpunk and New Media Art: Digital Art and Performance aims to examine the literary and visual legacy of the Cyberpunk movement and to explore its ideas, concepts and methodologies in the context of New Media... more
When you visualize the term “punk,” what do you see? Many contemporary viewers have an inclination to associate “punk” with a specific visual image, composed of a selection of iconic dress artifacts, such as the Mohawk hairstyle, leather... more
The paper is part of the ‘Back Home’ research project carried out by a group of PhD students from the Polytechnic University of Milan within the framework of the Paquebot Laboratory. The goal of the present research is to reveal... more
his life to the cause of freeing his peasant countrymen from the yoke of oppression. It is indeed a unique and worthy contribution that helps fill a large void in the historiography of the second half of the twentieth century.
The book is a comparative study of popular music cultures in 1980s Torino, Tampere, Manchester and Düsseldorf and their relation to the industrial city as imaginary, as heritage and as everyday reality. Popular music genres, such as... more
Life-size, beautifully sewn, fully dressed, wearing heavy make-up and fancy hairstyles, Greer Lankton’s dolls are all at once glamorous and grotesque, and their highly ambiguous personalities echo the works of Hans Bellmer, the ravaged... more
c RT ' TH All Wl~ 4 P 0 P III DAS ENDE DER KUNST ALS POLITIK-ERSATZ Tatsächlich glaubt jede Generation dass es früher i~gendwie einmal "besse;" war. ~nde:d, every generation believes that it Der Popdiskurs macht da keine Ausbas better zn... more
Characterized by ambiguous sexual energy and resistance to male domination and objectification, the visual idiom of punk rock communicated feminist prospects through the performance of fashion. This essay interprets the creative agency of... more
Queercore is a queer and punk transmedia movement that was instigated in 1980s Toronto via the pages of the underground fanzine ("zine") J.D.s. Authored by G.B. Jones and Bruce LaBruce, J.D.s. declared "civil war" on the punk and gay and... more
This article considers the impact of time-based signal processors on the shape of alternative rock recordings. The concept of musical shape is considered here as both textural and gestural. In this instance, texture pertains to the... more
El artículo destaca el papel de las prácticas DIY realizadas en una escena hard-core-punk circunscrita espacialmente a un pueblo -La Roca del Vallés- en la construcción y renovación de una identidad local y en la diferenciación respecto a... more
“Não há apóstrofe em zine. Zine não é abreviação para magazine. Uma revista é um produto, uma mercadoria comercial. Um zine é um trabalho de amor, produzido sem lucro. (…) Informação é a razão pela qual um zine existe; qualquer coisa... more
The Hartford Catholic Worker The Hartford Catholic Worker Established November 3, 1993 Volume 27 Number 2 The Hartford Catholic Worker is published quarterly by the St. Martin De Porres Catholic Worker community.
When the Sex Pistols “encouraged the young to become producers of culture rather than consumers” during the explosion of the punk music and art movement of the 1970’s, they were speaking to those who wished to find ways to resist... more
Pussy Riot emerged in 2011 as an anonymous Russian political activist art collective that impersonated a punk rock band in their staging of protests against the autocratic regime of Vladimir Putin. In 2012, three of its members were tried... more
Abstract Punk Rock and Islam; no two things could ever be so radically different, and yet, similar. A juxtaposition exists between these two lifestyles that invites interesting comparison and contrast of values, dress, media... more
This book is about how and in opposition to what punk is defined and lived out by punks in Sweden and Indonesia. Arguing against the previous research’s presumption that subcultural meaning constitutes a single set of meaning, this study... more
'Are we punks?-yes, we drink!': The politics of drinking in a youth subculture Abstract This article investigates the role of excessive drinking in a subcultural scene of Russian punk. Based on an extensive long-term field research,... more
An analysis on the factors that allowed for the emergence of the punk subculture and music genre