Recent papers in Pubmed
dysplastic and malignant IP, it may have a higher detection rate than another series which contains only nondysplastic IP. We hypothesize that the higher rates of HPV detection in dysplastic and malignant IP may be related to HPV... more
The purpose is to provide an update the Bone Metastases Guideline published in 2011 based on evidence complemented by expert opinion. The update will discuss new high-quality literature for the 8 key questions from the original guideline... more
This letter describes the criteria for the promotion of Indian medical teachers and the differences among MEDLINE, PubMed Central, and PubMed.
Background: An increasing number of childhood cancer survivors need long-term follow-up care. Different models address this problem, including that of follow-up by general practitioners (GP). We describe models that involve GPs in... more
Your assignment: Write a scholarly paper for a nursing course. What is your reaction? Panic!? Confusion? A need to get prepared! Most nursing students ask the following questions: "What is considered scholarly writing style?" "What should... more
In addition to maintaining the GenBank Õ nucleic acid sequence database, the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI, provides analysis and retrieval resources for the data in GenBank and other... more
The treatment of anxiety is on the edge of a new era of combinations of pharmacologic and psychosocial interventions. A new wave of translational research has focused on the use of pharmacological agents as psychotherapy adjuvants using... more
Introduction: Reduced dopaminergic activity in the pre-frontal cortex may partially explain the negative symptoms of schizophrenia. Animal models have shown that adding an alpha-2 adrenergic receptor antagonist to a D2 antagonist can... more
Eipe N, Tarshis J. A system of classification for the clinical applications of capnography. J Clin Monit Comput 2007; 21:341-344
Substance abuse is the most prevalent comorbid psychiatric condition associated with schizophrenia, and cannabis is the illicit drug most often abused. Apart from worsening the course of schizophrenia, frequent cannabis use especially at... more
Biocompatibility or tissue compatibility describes the ability of a material to perform with an appropriate host response when applied as intended. Poly-methylmethacrylate (PMMA) based resins are most widely used resins in dentistry,... more
Objectives: This article attempts to cover pragmatic clinical considerations involved in the use of cannabinergic medicines in pain practice, including geographical and historical considerations, pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics,... more
Some thoughts on whether the Beall's list tells you the 'whole' and 'indisputable' story when it comes to alleged predatory journals and publishers. Including a call for more consideration for researchers in this matter.
En este documento se explica de manera detallada como obtener información en la base de datos PUBMED. PubMed es una base de datos gratis creada y mantenida por la Biblioteca Nacional de Medicina de los Estados Unidos. Esta base de... more
The COVID-19 pandemic requires a fast response from researchers to help address biological, medical and public health issues to minimize its impact. In this rapidly evolving context, scholars, professionals and the public may need to... more
BACKGROUND CONTEXT: Spine trauma is relatively common, and each year approximately 10,000 to 17,000 people in the United States will sustain a spinal cord injury and approximately 150,000 to 160,000 will fracture their spinal column.... more
Background: Focus group studies are increasingly published in health related journals, but we know little about how researchers use this method, particularly how they determine the number of focus groups to conduct. The methodological... more
Este artículo busca ilustrar a profesionales de la salud sobre la importancia y utilidad de la Medicina Basada en la Evidencia (MBE) como un método para la toma de decisiones clínicas en el ejercicio actual de la medicina y se enfoca en... more
Background: With the increased knowledge of biological risk factors, interest in including this information in forensic assessments is growing. Currently, forensic assessments are predominantly focused on psychosocial factors. A better... more
Nutraceutical is the bio active substance and the constituents with therapeutic activity or are with chemicals outlined substance usually accepted to contribute well to the therapeutic activity of the drug.
Background: The goal of the gene normalization task is to link genes or gene products mentioned in the literature to biological databases. This is a key step in an accurate search of the biological literature. It is a challenging task,... more
The distribution of scientific citations for publications selected with different rules (author, topic, institution, country, journal, etc…) collapse on a single curve if one plots the citations relative to their mean value. We find that... more
Objective: Male, non-barrier, contraceptive options are limited to vasectomy and inadequate methods such as withdrawal and periodic abstinence. Herein we give an overview of current research on male contraception by pharmacological means.... more
de Información médica en
bases de datos de acceso abierto en
el contexto del COVID19
de Información médica en
bases de datos de acceso abierto en
el contexto del COVID19
The BRENDA (BRaunschweig ENzyme DAtabase) ( represents the largest freely available information system containing a huge amount of biochemical and molecular information on all classified enzymes as well as... more
The evolution of the electronic age has led to the development of numerous medical databases on the World Wide Web, offering search facilities on a particular subject and the ability to perform citation analysis. We compared the content... more
The management of chronic pain remains a challenge because of its complexity and unpredictable response to pharmacological treatment. In addition, accurate pain management may be hindered by the prejudice of physicians and patients that... more
Background Child abuse presents in many different forms: physical, sexual, psychological, and neglect. The orthopaedic surgeon is involved mostly with physical abuse but should be aware of the other forms. There is limited training... more
The effect of bisphenol A (BPA) exposure on human brain and behavior is a relatively new issue, and particular concerns have been raised about its potential impact on children. The primary objective of this review was to analyze the... more
Background: Advances in biotechnology and in high-throughput methods for gene analysis have contributed to an exponential increase in the number of scientific publications in these fields of study. While much of the data and results... more
Different mechanisms are involved in a complex network of interactions resulting in the painful and impairing disorder, complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS). There is convincing evidence that inflammation plays a pivotal role in the... more
Objective: Propriospinal myoclonus (PSM) is a rare disorder with repetitive, usually flexor arrhythmic brief jerks of the trunk, hips, and knees in a fixed pattern. It has a presumed generation in the spinal cord and diagnosis depends on... more
Effective access to the vast biomedical knowledge present in the scientific literature is challenging. Semantic relations are increasingly used in knowledge management applications supporting biomedical research to help address this... more
The present study provides a meta-analysis of cognitive rehabilitation literature (K 115, N 2,014) that was originally reviewed by K. D. Cicerone et al. (2000, 2005) for the purpose of providing evidence-based practice guidelines for... more
The goal of the gene normalization task is to link genes or gene products mentioned in the literature to biological databases. This is a key step in an accurate search of the biological literature. It is a challenging task, even for the... more
The comprehension of living organisms in all their complexity poses a major challenge to the biological sciences. Recently, systems biology has been proposed as a new candidate in the development of such a comprehension. The main... more