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One of the primary tools for raising awareness on biological invasions has been the publication of species accounts of the most prominent alien invaders. Until now such compilations have been available only for particular taxa, biomes... more
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      GeographyEnvironmental ManagementInvasive SpeciesCzech Republic
for acute myocardial infarction (AMI) demonstrate the potential to limit infarct size and decrease mortality by coronary reperfusion and arrhythmia control. The effectiveness of these treatments is dependent on time and access to acute... more
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      Community-Based Mental Health ServicesHealth Services ResearchMass mediaTime-Delay Systems
During the years of communist rule in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) and the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), there were few significant palliative care developments. Since the political changes of the 1990s,... more
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      Eastern EuropePainPalliative CareMedicine
Osteoporosis has recently been recognized as a major public health problem by some governments and health care providers. Despite significant progress in knowledge about osteoporosis, public awareness is required for effective management... more
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      CulturePhysical ActivityPublic HealthAdolescent
There is a complexity of challenges related to scientific and technological education in Brazil, including literacy in basic concepts and principles by students; better pre- and in-service teacher training; sufficient supply of computers,... more
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      Educational TechnologyScience EducationMonitoring And EvaluationTeacher Training
Background: We planned to raise public awareness and decentralize directly observed tuberculosis treatment at village level using volunteer community members in order to reduce prolonged delays in seeking care and improve compliance to... more
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      Health CarePublic HealthCommunity Health WorkersTuberculosis
Our objective was to determine age-specific rubella susceptibility among Egyptian females. This was a cross-sectional survey in eight randomly selected communities, with the largest number of reported rubella cases in the 2007 Rubella... more
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      EpidemiologyEgyptAdolescentDisease susceptibility
Amazona imperialis) and the Red-necked or Jaco Parrot (A. arausiaca). These birds are of national as well as international significance, as their populations have been on the decline for several years. During the last 15 years the local... more
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      Human EcologySmall islandsLocal AuthorityPublic awareness
To be effective, criminal justice policies should affect the underlying social norms for which the policies were enacted. This study sought to determine whether public perceptions of criminal justice policies on domestic violence affected... more
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      Social ChangePsychologyCriminal LawCriminal Justice
Background Breast cancer is the commonest cancer of women the world over, and its incidence is rising, especially in developing countries, where the disease poses a major health care challenge. This growing incidence in developing... more
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      SurgeryEpidemiologyHealth CareCancer
If you experience problems downloading a file, check if you have the proper application to view it first. Information about this may be contained in the File-Format links below. In case of further problems read the IDEAS help page. Note... more
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      Strategic ForesightForesightNational Innovation systemSouth Africa
In recent years there has been an increase in the general public awareness of the ethical aspects of technology. The attention given by the media to computer-related disasters in technical systems such as the explosion of the Ariane 5... more
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      Research EthicsComputer EthicsQuality of lifeProfessional Ethics
In the industrialized world, Internet use has grown exponentially to become a global communication and business resource. For the time being, both theoretical and empirical research on consumption and the Internet are still in their... more
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      LawApplied EconomicsConsumer PolicySustainable Consumption
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      LawLegislationEuropean Convention on Human RightsPublic awareness
Monitoring of marine debris has been undertaken around the world for several years. Its purposes are as follows. 1. To provide information on the types, quantities and distribution of marine debris. 2. To provide an insight into problems... more
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      Coastal ManagementPublic HealthMultidisciplinaryLegislation
To assess knowledge, risk perception and behaviours of a sample of swimming pool users in Palermo. A total of 498 subjects were interviewed by self-administered anonymous questionnaire including socio-demographic questions, knowledge/risk... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringHealth BehaviorRisk TakingPublic Health
Animals that pose a threat of disease are often in conflict with human appreciation of them, despite that they may be endangered in nature. This study examined undergraduate students' knowledge of, attitudes toward, and belief in myths... more
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      MultidisciplinaryFactor analysisTheUndergraduate Student
– Malaysia is a land and structure deformation active country due to long term rainy season which is common phenomena in monsoon tropical region. To secure this hazard under control, Land Stability Monitoring System (LandSMS), a web-based... more
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      Electrical EngineeringSeasonalityCase StudySymposium
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      Public ManagementFinancial managementFragile statePublic awareness
Space exploration is a multifaceted endeavor and will be a ''grand challenge'' of the 21st century. It has already become an element of the political agenda of a growing number of countries worldwide. However, the public is largely... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringAerospace EngineeringScience CommunicationInternational Cooperation
An Arabic version of the Public Opinion Survey of Human Attributes Inventory [POSHA-E;, a global instrument to measure public attitudes about stuttering. (The ASHA Leader, 22,(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)] was administered to... more
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      EducationPublic OpinionSemitic languagesFluency disorders
As countries of the world used large amounts of public funds to manage the 2008 financial crisis, public debt has risen to a critical level in many of them. due to the drop in real economy, several countries faced... more
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      Business EthicsCorporate Social ResponsibilityBankingFinancial Stability
Currently, Malaysia like other Asian countries has experienced rapid expansion of urbanization due to economic development, industrialization, massive migrations as well as natural population growth. This expansion particularly unplanned... more
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      Remote SensingEconomic DevelopmentRemote sensing and GIS applications in Landscape ResearchLegislation
Siting municipal solid waste landfills in Kuwait had not considered public concerns about the location of such facilities. Kuwait Municipality has disposed urban waste in abandoned sand quarries for the past 20 years in an unplanned... more
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      EngineeringPublic OpinionStatistical AnalysisPublic Health
This paper develops an alternative (or supplementary) theoretical justification for the regulation of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and social and environmental accounting and reporting (SEAR) to the justification contained in the... more
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      Corporate Social ResponsibilityRiskRegulationEnvironmental Accounting
The disastrous flood of 1998 was a result of excessiverainfall all over the catchment areas of the major rivers of Bangladesh. Dhaka City, which is surroundedby rivers on all sides, was seriously affected despite the completion of Phase I... more
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      PsychologyNatural HazardsAtmospheric sciencesLand Use Planning
Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP) is one of the public higher learning institutions in Malaysia to offer Biomedical Engineering at the undergraduate level. Biomedical engineering is a new branch of engineering which apply the... more
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      Biomedical EngineeringJob MarketPublic awareness
Undocumented immigrants crossing the US-Mexico border face many hazards as they attempt to enter the United States, including heat and cold injury, dehydration, and wild animal encounters. In the Tucson sector of the US-Mexico border,... more
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      Risk TakingRisk assessmentMexicoRisk Perception
Air pollution is a serious problem in thickly populated and industrialized areas in Thailand, especially in Bangkok. The air pollution in Bangkok is abundant, especially in areas where pollution sources and the human population are... more
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      Materials EngineeringAir QualityEconomic GrowthAir pollution
Sri Lanka has an exceptionally rich amphibian biodiversity with high endemism. This paper describes 106 amphibian species, the majority confined to rainforests and many threatened with extinction. The key factors causing amphibian decline... more
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      Environmental EducationClimate ChangeSri LankaInvasive Species
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      Invasive SpeciesEnvironmental ChangeBioscienceGlobal Warming
With the advent of newer diagnostic modalities more and more cancer patients are being diagnosed each year. The rising detection rate and greater public awareness have immensely increased the load on already overburdened and increasingly... more
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      Health ManagementColorectal cancerGeneral SurgeryIndia
"Sustainable housing implementation requires strong support from the public, government and the housing industry. Lack of public awareness and understanding of the language and the meaning of sustainable housing may cause lack of public... more
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      HousingSaudi ArabiaSustainable HousingPublic awareness
We present an overview of our Brain-computer interface (BCI) research, invasive as well as non-invasive, during the past four years. The invasive BCIs are based on local fieldand action potentials recorded with microelectrode arrays... more
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      Brain Computer InterfaceVisual CortexMicroelectrode arrayStatus
We explored the relationships among human attitudes towards biodiversity, its economic value and the public awareness for biodiversity conservation. Behavioural items and specific human attitudes to species were studied in the framework... more
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      Human EcologySocial PsychologyConservationBiodiversity
While many countries have developed and expanded efforts to sustain and enhance the protection of biodiversity, the effectiveness of such programs, as well as the manner in which funds are distributed, has been questioned. We examined... more
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      Decision MakingConservationBiodiversitySocial Perception
To establish the views of physiotherapists and general practitioners (GPs) on self-referral and physiotherapy scope of practice. Design Survey questionnaire design utilising both qualitative and quantitative questioning. Setting... more
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      PhysiotherapyPrimary CareGeneral PracticeQuestionnaire design
We can notice that the general public awareness on ethical aspects of technology is increasing. The high level of media attention given to computerrelated disasters in technical systems such as the explosion of Ariane V in 1996 and the... more
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      Research EthicsComputer EthicsQuality of lifeProfessional Ethics
Background and purpose In Pakistan, almost 70% of the population lives in rural areas. Ninety-four percent of households in rural areas and 58% in urban areas depend on biomass fuels (wood, dung, and agricultural waste). These solid fuels... more
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      Air QualityInternational organizationsIndoor Air QualityPakistan
Public awareness of the need to reduce global warming and the significant increase in the prices of conventional energy sources have encouraged many countries to provide new energy policies that promote the renewable energy applications.... more
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      EngineeringRenewable EnergyEnergy PolicyOptimization
Over the past two decades, a misguided, militaristic war on drugs has been waged through a variety of means, including drug interdiction programs on the streets and highways of the United States, and high-profile campaigns in the United... more
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      CriminologyCritical CriminologyDrug UseUnited States
This study assessed the impact of Information, Education, Communication and Marketing (IECM) strategy by Malawi's Technical, Entrepreneurial and Vocational Education and Training Authority (TEVETA) on potential clients' awareness of the... more
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      GenderPublic awarenessTechnical SkillsTEVETA
Malaysia context would be gathered. This paper discusses the findings as well as some of the limitations of the methodology.
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      Creative IndustriesInformation ServicesDeveloping CountryMotion Pictures
In 1991 the Philippine government shifted many coastal management responsibilities to local governments and fostered increased local participation in the management of coastal resources. In their delivery of integrated coastal management... more
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      Coastal ManagementMultidisciplinaryLaw EnforcementCoastal
In India Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) has been formally introduced in 1994. It relied on the institutional framework that has a strong supporting legislative, administrative and procedural set-up. Both central and state... more
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      Environmental Impact AssessmentEnvironmental SciencesProject evaluationLegislation
‘Virtual globe’ software systems such as Google Earth are growing rapidly in popularity as a way to visualise and share 3D environmental data. Scientists and environmental professionals, many of whom are new to 3D modeling and visual... more
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      GeographyEthicsPerceptionDecision Making
... 1991) combined remote sensing technology with ... spatial variation using GIS reduces the uncertainty caused by spatial averaging; for example, change in the land ... These applications ofGIS with water quality models enable... more
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      Groundwater modelingWater Resources ManagementMultidisciplinaryWater Supply
The study aimed to disclose and described the prevailing sentiments on the different news articles on mental depression among public school teachers in the Philippines. The study utilized a mixed-method research design utilizing content... more
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      DepressionPhilippinesPublic awarenessPublic Schools
The present scenario of municipal solid waste management (MSWM) in four study countries of Asianamely China, India, Sri Lanka and Thailand is highlighted comparing technical, economic, legal and, health issues. An overview of various... more
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      Municipal Solid Waste ManagementSri LankaSolid Waste ManagementMunicipal Solid Waste
The most common expression of phenolic compounds is flavonoids abundantly present in plants, fruits, seeds, and vegetables. Flavonoids have the basic chemical structure of diphenylpropanes (C 6 eC 3 eC 6 ), and most often aglycones e.g.,... more
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      Drug metabolismMedicinal PlantsPhytotherapyAdipose tissue