Public accountability

145 papers
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Public accountability refers to the obligation of public officials and institutions to report on their activities, accept responsibility for them, and be transparent to the public. It encompasses mechanisms that ensure government actions are subject to scrutiny, fostering trust and integrity in public administration.
his study examines the unethical behaviours and errors of local governments (LGs) and their impact on public authority governance. It uses a descriptive and analytical approach and a qualitative method for data collection, based on... more
Corruptissima re publica plurimae leges." --Tacitus (There are very many laws in a very corrupt republic.
O trecho do sucesso ‘Dança do Quadrado’ de Arcoverde é pertinente quando a discussão dos limites de competências das instituições de accountability horizontal. Nos Tribunais de Contas do Brasil (TCs) há uma tendência recente ao incremento... more
This study examines governance and anti-corruption measures in Nigeria: strategies for enhancing transparency, accountability and public trust. The study performed a comprehensive analysis of institutional frameworks, previous... more
This Element comprehensively scrutinizes the key issue of the accountability of policy-makers in democratic governance. The electoral punishment of the incumbents, parliamentary control of the government, and sanctions in the case of... more
This book is an endeavor at resolving the endemic problem of persistent inability of successive Nigerian governments in translating their vision-statements into social-reality. This condemns mass of the citizenry to abject poverty in the... more
The changes recommended by the New Public Management (NPM) in public accounting have given special attention and importance to the evaluation of mayor's performance by citizens/voters. Thus, this study aims to assess the impact of... more
Public sector accounting has undergone many changes. From changes in the methods used by governments to the implementation of international standards for transparency and performance improvement. Examining the experiences of other... more
Accountability is considered a central concept in public administration. Accountability refers to a mechanism that consists of key elements, including the information provision by an agency to its principal, debating between the agency... more
In recent decades, significant reforms and changes have taken place in the public financial management sector, especially in the field of public sector accounting and budgeting. These reforms, such as extra-budgetary, include changes to... more
Accounting standards of the public sector are used in many areas due to their many advantages in the field of transparency and accountability. With the developments that have taken place in our country along with other countries, it is... more
AA number of Western developed countries initiated administrative reform programs during the early 1980’s. The nature and scope of their reform interventions became known as new public administration (NPM). This paper distinguishes... more
During the past two decades both developed and developing countries are delegating responsibilities to lower-level governments as a component of public service reforms. The earlier reforms emphasised decentralisation as improved... more
This work looks at the role of library and information services (LIS) in the fight against corruption in Nigeria. Library and information services are library processes and activities which aim at providing desirable information to... more
Nigeria’s disturbing socio-economic indicators are among the worst in the world; 70 % of its 148 million people vegetate below the one US dollar poverty benchmark (World Bank, 2010). It has about the worst maternal/child mortality rates... more
Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisis:(1) pengaruh pengetahuan dewan tentang anggaran terhadap penyusunan APBD (2) pengaruh partisipasi masyarakat terhadap penyusunan APBD. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kausatif. Populasi... more
Flexible Fiberoptic Nasopharyngolaryngoscope is an Instrument that helps to evaluate ear, nose, nasopharynx, hypopharynx, and larynx. It was First used in 1975 in the Clinics of Otorhinolaryngology and the usage indications have been... more
Ce document est protégé par la loi sur le droit d'auteur. L'utilisation des services d'Érudit (y compris la reproduction) est assujettie à sa politique d'utilisation que vous pouvez consulter en ligne.... more
The following study aims to identify the various regulatory failures which may lead to industrial disasters through the lens of a comparative study of the Fukushima Daiichi and Lac-Mégantic disasters. Through this comparison, the author... more
The application of e-government in the form of information technology in government institutions is an effort to revitalize the implementation of public administration tasks and functions in policy management or service delivery. One of... more
Recent years have witnessed a significant shift in the financial reporting frameworks available in the UK and Ireland affecting entities of all sizes with the Financial Reporting Council issuing three financial reporting standards... more
Secara umum, Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah (DPRD) mempunyai tiga fungsi, yaitu fungsi legislasi, fungsi anggaran, dan fungsi pengawasan. Sehubungan dengan fungsi pengawasan, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membangun sebuah model... more
Traduit de l'anglais « open government », le terme de « gouvernement ouvert » recouvre des initiatives assez variées comme l'administration en ligne et les portails de diffusion de l'information publique. Mais derrière cette notion... more
Internationally, governance has emerged as a focal point in the discipline and practice of public administration and its nature, extent and characteristics have changed the environment within which public administration functions. Public... more
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah ada pengaruh penatausahaan barang milik daerah terhadap kualitas laporan keuangan Bappelitbangda Kabupaten Bandung. Mahmudi menyatakan bahwa laporan keuangan akan berkualitas jika memiliki... more
This study discusses the Analysis of the Effect of the Implementation of the Financial Information System, the Adherent Supervision System and the Transparency Principle on the Management of Regional Budget and Expenditure (APBD) which... more
Soru yanitlama dizgeleri uzerinde surdurulen calismalar ya bilgi tabanli ya da genel agdaki verileri kullanarak calismaktadir. Bu makalede tanitilan calisma bilgi tabanlidir ve Turkceye ozgudur. Ural dil ailesinin uyesi olan Turkce sondan... more
Recent years have witnessed a significant shift in the financial reporting frameworks available in the UK and Ireland affecting entities of all sizes with the Financial Reporting Council issuing three financial reporting standards... more
Since local government is the nearest to service users it is expected that it is at the forefront of service delivery. Local government needs to demonstrate that performance is managed, measured and improved on a continuous basis. For... more
to enrol and study for the degree of Masters of Business Administration (MBA). It has been a difficult period for me and my colleagues as I always had to strike a balance, sometimes at their inconvenience, between my studies and work... more
The IPSAS CP asks the following questions in its REQUEST FOR COMMENTS. The responses prepared by the Task Force IRSPM A&A SIG, CIGAR Network and EGPA PSG XII are presented hereafter. The IRSPM A&A SIG, CIGAR Network and EGPA PSG XII are... more
ÖZET İşletmelerde finansal bilgi sisteminin veri kaynaklarından biri olan maliyet muhasebesi ilk dönemlerde sadece işletmede üretilen mamul ve hizmetlerin maliyetlerini saptamak ve maliyet kontrolü için gerekli bilgileri derlemek amacıyla... more
In this technological dispensation, foreign languages are already on board with ICT applications and advancement with different language courses online thereby encouraging independent study of these languages. Teaching and learning of... more
The purpose of parliament is to present a discussion of policy in a fashion that will bring about a consensus that results in collective action. Such a collective action serves the common good of the state, although second-order effects... more
This chapter aims to analyse on current governance issues in the existing governance practice and to propose on the new direction on governance practices for PTEs in Malaysia. Data collection on current governance issues in PTEs were... more
Government bureaucracy, especially the implementation of local public services into the public spotlight due to the lack achieves effective results, transparency, and the lack of assurance services. The performance of the public service... more
The purpose of this research was to compare perceived organizational justice and workplace violence emergence on the basis of demographic variables. The research method was ex post facto and statistical population consisted of men... more
Public organizations are subject to many kinds of control mechanisms and analysts worry that they often suffer from an "accountability overload." This article argues that such diagnoses are typically set without an adequate demarcation... more
A Research on The Usage Level of 7/A and 7/B Cost Accounts by Accountants: Kayseri Case This study is aimed at investigating usage level of 7/A-7/B cost accounts alternatives in uniform accounting system and determining factors effecting... more
Ulkemiz tarafindan kabul edilen uluslararasi duzeydeki Avrupa Peyzaj Sozlesmesi’nde Peyzaj planlama, peyzajlarin gelistirilmesi, iyilestirilmesi veya yaratilmasi icin yapilan ileri goruslu eylemler olarak tanimlanmaktadir. Sozlesmede... more