Public Sector Human Resources

105 papers
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Public Sector Human Resources refers to the management and development of personnel within government and public organizations. It encompasses recruitment, training, performance evaluation, and employee relations, aiming to enhance workforce efficiency and ensure compliance with regulations while serving the public interest.
Human resource management (HRM, or simply HR) is a function in organizations designed to maximize employee performance in service of their employer's strategic objectives. (HRM in changing organizational contexts, 2009). HR is primarily... more
This research, conducted by the author when a Senior Researcher at Newcastle University, UK, was funded by a UK governance organisation to help them assess, integrate and improve their understanding of the governed population.... more
Crowdsourcing is rapidly evolving and applied in situations where ideas, labour, opinion or expertise of large groups of people are used. Crowdsourcing is now used in various policy-making initiatives; however, this use has usually... more
Citizens and public organisations are increasingly engaging in the co-creation of public services. To be successful, such co-creation efforts require public organisations to engage in organisational learning about citizens' value-creation... more
by K Mat
Most supervisors dread employee discipline and often employ strategies not officially sanctioned by the organization. Poorly designed discipline systems cause this variation in discipline practices. Inconsistent discipline can cause... more
by Tim Moore and 
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Leadership is deeply attached to culture. This study compares leadership styles in Thai and Australian public sectors. The data were collected from staff in public sector settings in Australia and Thailand. The results confirm four... more
The first purpose of this paper is to describe the personality traits of an ideal employee. The literature indicates there are five identifiable personality traits that should be assessed during the hiring process. The traits are... more
Recently different forms of evaluation for Performance-Related Pay have been growing up and exploited in the Public Sector. Many experiences and normative efforts in Italy as abroad, however, don’t stress enough the intrinsic results and... more
This study investigates the relationship between family-friendly policies and organizational performance, voluntary turnover rate, and labor productivity, using the Korea Workplace Panel Survey data from 2005 to 2009. The sample of this... more
In this research, the author has elaborated on detection of effective factors on maintenance and retention of human resources. Since human resources are the most resources for obtaining competitive advantage, it is essential to pay... more
Th is pay policy is an organisational development (OD) intervention that aimed at ensuring internal and external pay equity. Th is process culminated in the design of the single spine pay policy whose implementation commenced in January... more
This study explores how Human Resources (HR) environment (i.e., job autonomy, opportunities for advancement, involved communication, and decisive action) promotes psychological well-being of public employees. We advance the literature by... more
Purpose – Attempts to modernise the National Health Service (NHS) in the UK involve promoting flexible approaches to work and training, restructuring postgraduate training and increasing control and scrutiny of doctors' work. However, the... more
Previous research has found that people collectively wronged by an outgroup take insult when its representative offers compensation, and that an expression of shame but not guilt can lower such insult. This experiment showed a moderating... more
Please provide an overview of initiatives in developing countries which seek to provide targeted recruitment, professional development and retention for indigenous or ethnic minority employees. Please focus on public sector... more
This paper focus is on how Management and Leadership affects senior employees in the modern public sector. Thereby evaluating questions such as what is the modern public sector and its goals? what is the role of senior employee's in... more
This pilot study seeks to explore the effects of different economic conditions on the public service motivation (PSM) levels of a small group of government and private sector employees in Malaysia, a developing country in East Asia. It... more
This study is an assessment that is based on a research study completed by Rebecca E. Short titled “A Content Analysis of State Employee Handbooks” (Southwest Texas State Applied Research Project, 1997). Like the Short (1997) study, there... more
Working for public organizations has many rewards most of those rewards are not always direct but internal and can either be pride of a sense of self-worth by helping others. However working in the public sector, managers often have... more
Purpose -Attempts to modernise the National Health Service (NHS) in the UK involve promoting flexible approaches to work and training, restructuring postgraduate training and increasing control and scrutiny of doctors' work. However, the... more
Why do government employees work long hours, and what are the consequences? Although there is generally littles scope for extra pay in return for extra hours in the Australian Public Service (APS), a significant proportion of its... more
" Previous research has found that people collectively wronged by an outgroup take insult when its representative offers compensation, and that an expression of shame but not guilt can lower... more
Governments are Canada’s largest employers. Federal, provincial and municipal administrations together employ 3.6 million people. In some provinces and territories, the public sector employs more than 25% of the total labour force.... more
During the last decade, senior civil service (henceforth, SCS) systems have been reformed in many countries, while in the East and Central Europe countries they have been established anew. These changes have affected not only the elements... more
In the era of globalization, reliable human resources are required to compete with human resources from other countries. If they cannot compete, reason, various efforts must be conducted. needs for professional human resources for... more
Significant changes in employee demographics and values and the nature of public service employment have impacted personnel administration. This study evaluates the impact of both gender and race on the assessment of current HRM practices... more
A submission to the Northern (Limpopo) Province of South Africa's  Provincial Government's Human Resources Committee under the Chairpersonship of the then Director General of the Province, Mr. John Malatji. 26 December, 1995.
ii. Las PoLíticas de género en Los MuniciPios esPañoLes: eVo-Lución e instruMentos PrinciPaLes.-iii. Marco teórico.-iV. Método.-V. resuLtados: 1. Representación femenina en los municipios. 2. Dimensión estructural del área de... more
White-collar 'office work' is often thought to be more skilled because more abstract.. While skilled labour in classical liberal philosophy was associated with conscious, instrumental technique, in opposition to 'unconscious' caring or... more
Using the training needs projection methods in the Spectrum Policy Modeling System software module ProTrain™, JHPIEGO collaborated with the Malawi Ministry of Health and Population (MOHP) Reproductive Health Unit (RHU) to estimate numbers... more
Most supervisors dread employee discipline and often employ strategies not officially sanctioned by the organization. Poorly designed discipline systems cause this variation in discipline practices. Inconsistent discipline can cause... more
En el presente trabajo abordaremos un aspecto central en la implementación de las medidas para mejorar la efectividad y eficiencia del sector público, principalmente en el marco de medidas adoptadas por el Estado chileno a partir del año... more