Australia's household sector appears to hold a greater proportion of its wealth in dwellings than do households in other countries. Average dwelling prices in Australia also appear to be high relative to household income, but dwellings in... more
With more people opting for the urban living and working, cities are becoming important for promoting economy, generating employment and providing infrastructures. Unsustainable urban growth, led by uncontrolled concentration of... more
Socialmedicinsk tidskrif t 2/2019 183 Sedan Morag Myerscough studerade på Royal College i London under 1990-talet har det varit viktigt för henne att inte identifieras med en specifik konstnärlig inriktning. Under utbildningstiden blev... more
Title: Lafayette Square [EDRA / Places Awards -- Design] ... Publication Info: Places, College of Environmental Design, UC Berkeley ... Permalink: ... Acknowledgements: This article was originally... more
This paper explores the utilisation of sensory mapping techniques to enhance livable and inclusive urban environments, with a focus on revitalising neglected void spaces. It emphasises the importance of community engagement and renewal in... more
Recent cooperative housing projects in Zurich have become icons of architectural design internationally. But what makes innovation in nonprofit housing possible within a largely for-profit real estate market? What has enabled Zurich’s... more
Artikel, Publikationen - Architektur, Kunst und Kirche, Theaterkritik (Auswahl)
The creation of democratic and ecological cities is a question of radical social transformation. The city has played an important role in human life from antiquity until nowadays. We cannot think of our future without thinking of the... more
By "nothing" she referees to the term "Shunyata" used by the Buddhist´s which means something like filled emptiness. I´ll talk about experiences of the work from my own point of view, since I visited it in July 2014, some critic´s and... more
The social life, history, and customs of historic towns are all influenced by the public domain. The urban planning and architecture of the public domain establish the distinctive identity of old towns. They help to bring people together... more
Abstract The concept of livability has gained prominence in urban planning and practice over the past five decades, though it remains ambiguously defined within urban studies. Livability reflects the quality of living and its impact on... more
The nature of public space has changed over the time period. Its role evolved and developed as per the requirement, context, and culture of people. Public space development is an art of creating a connection between the city and people. A... more
With the essay collection "Mama, darf ich das Deutschlandlied singen" and the poems "Sometimes A Single Leaf," the German-Jewish writer Esther Dischereit presents an overview of her work, which has been published scatteredly since 1995.... more
The urban 45 presents 3 policy ideas for each of 15 themes relating to Australian cities. The purpose of the Urban 45 summit and this resulting report was to provide brief analysis and practical suggestions for how to make our cities... more
In this first Shaping Qatar's Sustainable Built Environment Special Issue, we have selected three papers that were presented at the inaugural Qatar Green Building Conference 2015. The four key themes of the conference were: 1) Passivhaus... more
While youth media production work has increased dramatically over the past two decades, researchers still lack an adequate theorization of how institutionally-mediated youth production programs instigate democratic acts. Central to this... more
Baird-Frampton In the rise of contemporary architectural theory, Kenneth Frampton (b. 1930) and George Baird (b. 1939) were among the key theorists and critics who sought to grasp and recover the meaning of architecture in terms its... more
Baird-Frampton In the rise of contemporary architectural theory, Kenneth Frampton (b. 1930) and George Baird (b. 1939) were among the key theorists and critics who sought to grasp and recover the meaning of architecture in terms its... more
Urban vitality and culture and the public realm 51 15. crime and the city 55 ii New Ideas for Australia's Cities Urban '45'
The paper introduces the concept of “co-designing publics” by examining what lies at the potent intersection of the public realm and informal urbanisms, within the specific contexts of the cities of the global south. I define the public... more
Co-Designing Publics brings together a mix of academics, activists, and practitioners to discuss and debate discourses from scholarly research, grassroots activism, and design ideas for future action. The “Co-Designing Publics” global... more
In recent studies, public spaces are defined as living organisms that are subjected to continuous change. These changes affect the different uses of the urban space, its composition and design aspects, in order to cope with the users’... more
Kentte yer alan ara mekânlar, kendiliginden aktivite ve karsilasmalarin zemini olarak mekânsal ve sosyal olarak birtakim tecrubeler sunar. Ara mekânlar ve arayuzler kent dokusu icerisinde tasarlanmayan sinirlarin arasinda kalan iletisim... more
Based on traditional spatial gravity interaction models, urban quality and the time it takes for people or goods to move between cities are strongly correlated and the extent to which cities are integrated or have the capacity to become... more
Christoph Colomb'un 1492'de tesadüfen keşfi sonucu başlayan süreç günümüzde dünyanın ırk, etnik köken ve kültür yönünden en çok çeşitliliğe sahip devletinin ortaya çıkmasına sebep olmuştur. Bu çeşitliliği başlarda asimile ederek ana... more
Belfast THRI[VES] is a pilot collaboration between Ulster University’s Belfast School of Architecture and the Built Environment, the School of Psychology, and Bamford Centre for Mental Health & Wellbeing, working with Operational Partners... more
Tarihsel olarak imparatorluklarin bunyesinde varlik gosteren cokkulturluluk, Vestfalya antlasmasindan itibaren ortaya cikan milliyetci akimlar sebebi ile imparatorluklardaki yasam alanini kaybetmeye baslamis ve ulus-devletlerin hâkim... more