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Ao abordar a promoção de políticas públicas nos procedimentos de contratação pública, é comum que o foco recaia em aspectos relacionados ao objeto do contrato. Por consequência, um elemento relevante é comumente esquecido: a duração do... more
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      Public ProcurementAdministrative LawDireito AdministrativoSustainable Public Procurement
Public procurement is a major way in which public money is spent and public services provided. As such, it should be conducted with the utmost integrity and efficiency. Moreover, the rise of New Public Management theory which advocates... more
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      Public ProcurementCorruption
The reform of public procurement regime in Kenya started in the late 1990s. By 2001, we had the first ever formal regulation of public procurement when the Exchequer and Audit (Public Procurement) Regulations 2001 were gazetted. In 2005,... more
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      Legislative DraftingPublic ProcurementPublic Finance Management Law
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      Economical Analysis of LawInstitutional ChangeLaw and DevelopmentLaw and Economics
This plan is to set up a cosmetic shop in the name of " Briox Cosmetics Enterprise ", which will be located in Easy View Arcade Garage street Mbarara. The cosmetic shop will be a sole proprietorship owned by Akampurira Brian. I will use... more
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      BusinessPublic ProcurementFinance and banking
4735 sayılı Kamu İhale Sözleşmeleri Kanunu'nda sözleşmenin feshedilmesinin koşulları ve sonuçları hem yüklenici hem de idare bakımından ayrı ayrı ele alınarak açıklanmıştır. Ancak yüklenicinin sözleşmeyi feshetmesi konusundaki... more
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      BusinessCivil LawPublic ManagementProcurement
Il lavoro tratta della possibilità per gli operatori economici di ri-correre a misure riparatorie c.d. di self-cleaning e della possibilità al contempo per le stazioni appaltanti di utilizzare blacklists, liste di potenziali concorrenti... more
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      Procurement ManagementPublic ProcurementSelf Cleaning
We show how a price analysis of stable relations between customer and supplier in the public procurement of homogeneous goods can help differentiate opportunistic from honest behaviour among economic agents. We consider two types of... more
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      Public ProcurementTransition EconomiesCorruptionRelational Contracting
Рамочные соглашения широко используются в мировой закупочной практике, как в государственном, так и в частном секторе. Данная форма закупки достаточно распространена и в разных странах она имеет разные названия. Так в Европе это... more
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      Public ProcurementPUBLIC SECTOR PROCUREMENTFramework Agreements
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      ArchitectureTransaction CostsPublic ProcurementBarriers to market entry
Better understanding of how public works are procured through policy, regulation and upon acquisition is increasingly important. This knowledge can shape how architects can effectively impact wider architectural culture through improving... more
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      DesignArchitectureCompetition LawSustainable Development
The Danish Institute for Human Rights (DIHR) is Denmark's national human rights institution. Its mandate is to promote and protect human rights and equal treatment in Denmark and abroad. The Human Rights and Business Programme is a... more
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      Human RightsPublic ProcurementFaculty of Law
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      Project ManagementProcurement ManagementBuilt EnvironmentPublic Procurement
W ramach promowania dobrych praktyk na rynku zamówień publicznych Urząd Zamówień Publicznych (UZP) w styczniu br. uruchomił na swojej stronie internetowej Forum Praktyk Branżowych. Ma być to miejsce wymiany wiedzy, doświadczeń i... more
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      Public AdministrationTranslationPublic Procurement
The purpose of the study was to investigate the effect of procurement process on tertiary institutions in Ghana. The objectives of the study include examining the effect of procurement planning on procurement performance of public... more
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      Public ProcurementStrategic ProcurementProcurement and Supply Chain Management
La collana Ricerche giuridiche accoglie per decisione dei Direttori e dell'Editore sia libri soggetti a referee che quelli non soggetti, ma meritevoli di essere pubblicati secondo la -Direzione e l'Editore. Pertanto i lavori pubblicati in... more
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      Sustainable DevelopmentRegulationPublic ProcurementSviluppo Sostenibile
Platforma sau reţeua PLAN - Procurement Law Academic Network este o reţea globală de cercetători şi cadre didactice interesate în domeniul achiziţiilor publice şi a politicilor din materie. Reţeaua are membri din toate disciplinele... more
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      ProcurementE-ProcurementPublic ProcurementPUBLIC SECTOR PROCUREMENT
While particular government activities create a fertile ground for corruption (Tanzi, 1998), public procurement has increasingly become one of the dominant fertile grounds for this 'monster' of corruption. Corruption continues to be a... more
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      Procurement ManagementUgandaPublic ProcurementBusiness and Management
Sygnaliści, zatroskani obywatele, którzy ujawniają przypadki nadużyć i zagrożeń dla wspólnego dobra, zyskać mają nowe możliwości ochrony. Dyrektywa w sprawie ochrony osób zgłaszających naruszenia prawa Unii z 23 października 2019 r.... more
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      Labour LawDemocracyPublic ProcurementAnticorruption
ABSTRACT. State governments have begun to introduce various eprocurement tools to improve inefficient and ineffective procurement management; however, few empirical studies have documented the diffusion of e-procurement. This study uses... more
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      BusinessPublic ProcurementPublic Administration and Policy
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      Innovation PolicyScience and Technology PolicyPublic ProcurementPublic Policy
Although there is a growing body of research exploring the transition to a more service-based orientation in complex product markets, the majority of this literature adopts what might be classified as a 'manufacturer-active' point of view... more
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      ContractsInterorganizational RelationshipsTrustPublic Procurement
""Purpose – While previous studies explored the argument that allies the notion of complexity to the complex product-service offerings being procured, this paper explores whether there is a corollary with exchange governance complexity.... more
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      ContractsSupply Chain ManagementInterorganizational RelationshipsTrust
La consideración del valor social en las transacciones con capital público debería ser un garante de mejora en las sociedades actuales. La inclusión de un reconocimiento e impulso de iniciativas de tipo social o medioambiental, por parte... more
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      Public ProcurementSocial impactSocial ValueContratación Pública
Teoksessa: Kostilainen H, Pättiniemi P. (toim.).
Avauksia yhteiskunnallisen yritystoiminnan tutkimukseen
Kustantaja : Yhteiskunnallisen yritystoiminnan tutkimusverkosto ry FinSERN. Paino: InPrint, Riika 2013.
ISBN: 978-952-264-226-4
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      Public ProcurementService InnovationSocial Entrepreneurship & InnovationSocial Criteria
Framework Agreements (FAs) are being increasingly utilized by public procurement agencies to promote value-for-money, deter corruption, and avoid the waste and abuse of increasingly scarce public resources. By aggregating demand and... more
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      Public ProcurementEmergency PreparednessElectronic MarketplacesElectronic Catalogue
Paper Presentation at the Conference Transnational Labour Law in an Era of Rising Nationalism: A New Role of Public Institutions for Sustainable Market Practices? (Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law,... more
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      Social RightsPublic ProcurementLabour rightsFree trade agreements
La publicación que se reseña resulta de la mayor importancia por el ejercicio de agrupar y ordenar de manera sistemática las garantías establecidas a favor de los interesados y oferentes en la selección de contratistas, tanto en el... more
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      ColombiaPublic ProcurementAdministrative LawContratos Administrativos
The procurement system invariably suffers various forms of malpractices and unethical conduct which includes high incidence of vested interest, contract inflation, delay in suppliers’ payment and increased procurement cycle. The review... more
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      ManagementFinancePublic Procurement
Gundes, S. (2022) Trends in Global Infrastructure Investment and Financial Consequences. European Journal of Sustainable Development, 11(1), 66-76. Abstract Governments all around the world... more
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      MegaprojectsPublic ProcurementInfrastructure FinancePUBLIC SECTOR PROCUREMENT
ABSTRACT This study examined an assessment of the Application of government accounting system in A.A city administration finance and economy development bureau. The General objective of the study was investigating application of... more
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    • Public Procurement
This paper empirically investigates whether government procurement costs are minimized through auction competition. In other words, we examine the eects of the competitive environment (number of participants) on the cost of procurement,... more
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      Industrial OrganizationApplied EconomicsPublic ProcurementNegative Affect
Training of security operative as it rubs on Halogen security operatives on the mainland region of Lagos state
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    • Public Procurement
This paper provides new empirical evidence about the impact of technological policies upon firms' innovative behavior. We take into consideration the role of R&D subsidies and innovative public procurement. While the former policy tool... more
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      Program EvaluationEconomics of R&D and innovationPublic ProcurementSmes
In recent years outsourcing has become a major factor in organisations' performance and can no longer be ignored (Tomas, 2010). Since the Industrial Revolution, companies have been concerned with how they can exploit their competitive... more
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      Supply Chain ManagementPublic ProcurementAudit Expectation GapBridging the Gap of Audit Expectation Gap.
Este artículo tiene por objeto analizar cómo las compras públicas sostenibles (cps) constituyen una herramienta para afrontar al cambio climático en los países en vía de desarrollo. Para tales efectos, a partir del análisis documental y... more
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      Public ProcurementDerecho AdministrativoCompras Públicas
All countries use public procurement to some degree to further policy objectives such as sustainability, innovation, fighting fraud and corruption, value for taxpayers' money etc. Countries may learn from past successes and failures in... more
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      Public ProcurementPublic Administration and Policy
Abstract: This article represents an overview of assimilation of people from Western Europe, who greatly influenced modernisation and scientific and cultural development of Russia. The article is associated with research combining... more
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      Migration StudiesPublic ProcurementCorruption
Background WHO and Health Action International (HAI) have developed a standardised method for surveying medicine prices, availability, aff ordability, and price components in low-income and middle-income countries. Here, we present a... more
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      Management ScienceDeveloping CountriesPublic sectorVietnam
The World Bank has for decades influenced the regulation and international liberalisation of public procurement markets. However, proliferating procurement chapters of trade agreements and cheap commercial credit flooding emerging... more
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      Public AdministrationDevelopment StudiesInternational LawInternational Trade
A lot of studies have been conducted on 3PLSPs (Third Party Logistics Services Providers), mostly encompassing users’ perspectives like; outsourcing vs in-house transportation models, causes of 3PLSP selection, service level requirements,... more
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      Fighting and Preventing Corruption through LawLogisticsPetroleumPublic Policy Analysis
The discussion of sustainable public procurement, given its importance in inducing socially and environmentally desirable behavior, requires a broad debate, able to report the timely arrival of new perspectives together with the breaking... more
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      Public ProcurementSustainable Public Procurement
The topic of this dissertation is the analysis of buyer power and its treatment in EU competition law. The aim of the study and its main research question are connected to identifying, synthesizing, discussing, and evaluating the buyer... more
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      Industrial OrganizationPublic ProcurementAntitrust LawEU Competition Law
The present paper analyzes the concept of ‘arbitrability’ in the context of construction disputes arising out of contracts with public authorities from a Bulgarian law perspective. What disputes are arbitrable under Bulgarian law? Are... more
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      Civil LawDispute ResolutionConstruction ManagementInternational Arbitration
The use of public procurement to achieve social outcomes is widespread, but detailed information about how it operates is often sketchy and difficult to find. This article is essentially a mapping exercise, describing the history and... more
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      Social PolicyHuman RightsInternational organizationsSustainable Development
Vendor Management (VM) is a wholesome and well established concept in SCM. There are two (2) distinct approaches to view Supplier Relationship Management (SRM): (1) Fort (American) model, and (2) Toyota (Japanese) model. We are... more
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      Public ProcurementPurchasing and Supply ManagementSupplier relationship managementSCM & logistics Planning
This paper proposes a new public procurement evaluation model, the added value threshold model. The added value threshold model is a flexible procurement tool, which has been developed to account for the costs associated with offering... more
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      MethodologyProcurementEvaluationPublic Procurement
Martin O'Neill talks to Matthew Brown about community wealth-building and alternative economic strategies in Preston.
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsEconomicsPolitical PhilosophyLabour Party (UK)
The article covers the topic of state procurement. Institutional model of state procurement system – the most important field for the country and the business is discussed. Considering that the state procurement market is one of the... more
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      ProcurementPublic ProcurementState Procurement
The paper shows the client’s attitude towards the quasi-automation of the procurement processes in the backdrop of a digital environment in some European countries. The construction industry is increasingly competing on new bases,... more
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      Building Information Modeling (BIM) (Architecture)Public ProcurementElectronic ProcurementTendering