Ptolemaic Period
Recent papers in Ptolemaic Period
After the death of Alexander III in 323 BC, the coinage in his name and with his types continued to be issued by his successors. This posthumous coinage has been the object of various studies and discussions in the past decades because of... more
ABSTRACT: Preface to the Guide: Focus and limitations: The compilation of this guide began in Spring 2007 as a series of check lists and book requests for the somewhat small collection of Egyptological and related works in M. H. Sterne... more
The mass ceramic material discovered by the Russian Archaeological Mission of the IOS RAS during 22 years of research in the eastern part of the ancient Egyptian Giza Necropolis belongs to a significant chronological interval from the... more
Le 2 février 1891, l’égyptologue Gaston Maspero faisait don au Cabinet des médailles de la BnF de deux objets étranges. Rentrés sous les numéros F 6047 et F 6048, il s’agit à première vue de deux monnaies ptolémaïques identiques à celles... more
Art Historian, Curator in the Egyptian department in Brooklyn and Professor of Egyptian Art at the Institute of Fine Arts in New York, Bernard V. Bothmer was one of the most important experts in Late Egyptian art. He spent his entire life... more
The Ptolemaic kings of Egypt struck many series of coins, mainly in Alexandria but also in various mints scattered in foreign possessions, such as Coele Syria and Cyprus. While Ptolemy I seeks to establish himself on the island from 321... more
PLEASE TYPE SAIS TO OPEN THE PDF The 2200+ selected references, constituting the core of the literature, are organised according to an elaborate classification for immediate identification of subject matter (The book may be ordered... more
Abstract This article examines the longstanding rivalry of Rome and Parthia, which began as an unintended consequence of Crassus’ decisive defeat at Carrhae in 53 BCE. It synthesizes the accounts and opinions of numerous Graeco-Roman... more
Arsinoe I is one of the least well-known Ptolemaic queens. This article aims to re-evaluate the available evidence that has been attributed to her and review in so far as possible her basic biographical information. I will examine issues... more
This article is a very short introduction to Ptolemaic hieroglyphs.
The main aim of this thesis is to investigate whether the socio-political similarities between the Amarna and Hellenistic periods have had a (partially) similar impact on the portrait sculptures that emerged from each period. Despite... more
Sanctuaries and religion were instrumental in forming the worldview of the ancient Cypriots, and one would expect that social power relations, meanings, and identities were expressed through the holistic concept of sacred landscapes. This... more
A text composition with the modern designation ‘Embalming Ritual’ has been preserved in hieratic on three funerary papyri dating to the Roman period. The content of the ritual is focused on the anointment and wrapping of a human corpse... more
The story of King Solomon's conjuring and overcoming a list of 36 demons of the world, using magic words to make them retreat. Written soon after the failed revolution of the Maccabees, after 3rd Enoch & the Letter to Philocrates. Related... more
The article analyses one of the hexametric poems copied on a second century AD papyrus, possibly from Hermupolis, P.Lit.Goodspeed 2: a Hellenistic hymn to Aphrodite celebrated as a patroness of the sea and of wedded love. This portrayal... more
This article explores the relationship between power and cult, not in the age of the Cypriot city-kingdoms per se but rather in the context of a changing political landscape that eventually led to the abolition of the autonomous polities... more
THE NECROPOLIS OF HELLENISTIC MARESHA, JUDEAN FOOTHILLS, ISRAEL AMOS KLONER, NILI GRAICER AND BOAZ ZISSU The ancient city of Maresha is identified with Tell Sandahannah, situated in the Judean Foothills, about 40 km southwest of... more
Publiées au début du siècle dernier par G. Daressy, les deux stèles hiéroglyphiques conservées au Musée égyptien du Caire (RT 2/3/25/7 et JE 44901) constituent les seuls exemplaires connus à ce jour du décret du synode de prêtres qui eut... more
Let me start with the term Enlightenment, which plays a crucial role in both Western and Eastern history.
Les demandes d’asylie nous permettent de nous interroger sur la relation entre Grecs et prêtres égyptiens à travers l’évolution de l’octroi de l’asylie en Égypte, sur la présence étonnamment prépondérante de soldats dans le milieu des... more
Index des auteurs 9-10 Études P. ArnAud, « Le "Cheïrismos de Néapolis". Un lieu, une institution, des armateurs, un rouage du processus annonaire » 11-59 M. MinArdi, A.V.G. Betts, G. KhozhAniyAzov, « Recently discovered painted imagery of... more
Zenon, the secretary of Apollonios ὁ διοικητής, sent, received and collected all kinds of correspondence – letters of recommendation, requests for assistance, business reports – which illustrates a cross-section of everyday life in... more
The Iconography of Macedonian queens from Macedon (5th and 4th century B.C.) to the Hellenistic kingdoms. Roots, associations, developments, later tradition.
Many shell, horn, tooth and bone objects were revealed by the early excavations at Naukratis, but only 159 can be identified today.1 These probably represent only a small proportion of what was originally encountered by the early... more
Reconstruction of the shrines and the library.
The volume focuses on different methods and strategies employed by individuals and/or communities when confronted with major changes in society and its reflection in the material culture. The first part concentrates on developments and... more
This unpublished thesis details the beer brewing process in Graeco-Roman Egypt during the Ptolemaic Period and the Principate (332 BC - 284 AD). Based on existing chemical analyses, papyri and ostraca inscriptions, I have detailed a basic... more
SUMMARY: Updated sources: This power point provides a selection of sources (mainly book publications) dealing with many aspects of Ptolemaic-Roman Egypt, particularly the Hellenistic period, but includes the Roman period and some areas... more
This is not the full version of the book, but just a selection of some pages '1 ' 1 1 I J I ·11 11 j s ti K i 1 g d 11 s P 0 If r Jl A 1' I • c; 0 IN S . A N . 0 I II ~fT 0 H Y Nont l tltl l )cLvis czttd ( ,'olin M . J raay 2 lll:lpN Httd... more
Mona Haggag Alexandria in the 'Corpus of Ptolemaic inscriptions' �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������115 Kyriakos Savvopoulos From Macedonia to Ptolemaic Alexandria: the cult of Dionysos... more
The vast majority of modern scholars hold that very soon or even immediately after Alexander’s death Ptolemy became a separatist who wanted to secede the satrapy of Egypt from the Macedonian empire. His conquest of areas outside Egypt is... more
Courtly love, stars and power. The Queen in 3rd-century royal couples, through poetry and epigraphic texts