Psychotic Disorders
Recent papers in Psychotic Disorders
Purpose Religious delusions are common and are considered to be particularly difficult to treat. In this study we investigated what psychological processes may underlie the reported treatment resistance. In particular, we focused on the... more
There is now a well-established link between childhood maltreatment and psychosis. It is, however, unclear what the mechanisms are by which this occurs. Here, we propose a pathway linking the experience of childhood maltreatment with... more
Circadian rhythm abnormalities have been described in various psychiatric disorders, but they have not received much attention in studies of schizophrenia and schizophreniform psychosis. The present study used the cosine model to... more
Background The presence of schizotypal personality traits in some people with bipolar disorder, together with reports of greater cognitive dysfunction in patients with a history of psychotic features compared with patients without such a... more
Objective: The authors examined in an epidemiologic sample the contributions of genetic predisposition and history of fetal hypoxia to hippocampal volume in patients with psychosis.
Despite increasing calls for shared decision making (SDM), the precise mechanisms for its attainment are unclear. Sharing decisions in mental health care may be especially complex. Fluctuations in service user capacity and significant... more
Objective: This study aimed to examine the stability of psychiatric emergency diagnoses and factors influencing diagnostic concordance. Methods: The concordance between psychiatric emergency and inpatient diagnoses was calculated using... more
A three-fold enhanced risk of schizophrenia is conferred by learning disability. Here we use voxel-based morphometry (VBM) to investigate grey matter correlates of early psychotic and related symptoms in 137 adolescents at enhanced risk... more
Objective: Recognizing the prodrome of a first psychotic episode prospectively creates the opportunity of intervention, which could delay, ameliorate or even prevent onset. Valid criteria and a reliable methodology for identifying... more
Background: Poor adherence to HIV protease inhibitors may compromise the effectiveness of treatment. Few studies have compared methods for measuring adherence or have related adherence measures to a clinical outcome.
We addressed the following three questions: (i) are there sex differences in outcome in the functional psychoses?, (ii) what is their effect size, and which variables mediate the effect of sex on outcome?, (iii) is the effect of sex... more
Auditory verbal hallucinations (AVH) are prevalent experiences that can induce distress and impede social functioning. While most voice hearers benefit from antipsychotic medication or cognitive-behavioural therapy, additional effective... more
Since the discovery that the therapeutic efficacy of antipsychotic drugs was significantly correlated to their ability to block dopamine D 2 receptors, abnormal dopamine transmission in the forebrain has been postulated to underlie... more
Compliance with antipsychotic treatment is a well-recognized concern in the ongoing management of individuals with schizophrenia. The present investigation incorporated the Medication Event Monitoring System (MEMS®) to evaluate compliance... more
The first double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trial of an atypical neuroleptic medication is being conducted in symptomatic treatment-seeking patients meeting new diagnostic criteria for a putative prodromal syndrome. This identifies... more
This qualitative study explores the experiences of emerging adults with serious mental health conditions (e.g., bipolar disorder, posttraumatic stress disorder) before and after they emancipate from the child welfare system and exit a... more
In this multicentre study the two-year outcome of two groups of consecutive patients (total N = 106) with first-episode functional non-affective psychosis, both treated according to the 'need-specific Finnish model', which... more
There has been increasing recognition of the high physical morbidity in patients with severe mental illness, but little has been written about cancer in these patients. Therefore, we review the published work on risk of cancer in patients... more
Since its first definition in the literature, schizoaffective disorder (SAD) has raised a considerable controversy regarding its clinical distinction from schizophrenia (SCH) and mood disorders (MD) as well as its validity as an... more
Background: Factors such as poor insight, amotivation, suspiciousness, disorganized speech and attentional problems may interfere with the ability of acutely ill individuals with psychotic disorders to provide a valid account of their... more
Patients with psychosis exhibit a wide range of cognitive deficits which are associated with poor functioning and poor outcomes in psychosocial interventions. Recently, virtual reality (VR) has been demonstrated to be a useful tool for... more
Objective: To describe the development of a community-based mental health service, the patterns of care provided by this new service established in 1978 and its costs.Method: The South-Verona Psychiatric Case Register, the South-Verona... more
Recent studies have found that clients with schizophrenia rate therapeutic alliance more highly than therapists. Unclear is whether there are clinical characteristics which predict the degree of difference in client and therapist ratings.... more
Little is known about risk factors for violence among individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). This study uses data from Swedish longitudinal registers for all 422 individuals hospitalized with autistic disorder or Asperger... more
Ob jec tive: To com pare the de mo graphic and clin i cal fac tors and fa mil ial psychopathology of chronic psy chi at ric in patients with, and with out, polydipsia. Method: We un der took a case-con trol study of chronic psy chi at ric... more
An ongoing debate concerns acceptability, benefits, and shortcomings of coercive treatment such as assisted outpatient treatment (AOT). The hypothesis that involuntary commitment to outpatient treatment may lead to a better clinical... more
The aim of this study was to determine the impact of essential tremor (ET) on quality of life and its relation with tremor severity and the personality profile of ET patients. One hundred and five patients with definite or probable ET... more