Psychophysics of vision
Recent papers in Psychophysics of vision
To investigate the effect of intraocular straylight (IOS) on threshold measurements made by four types of perimetry: standard automated perimetry (SAP), frequency-doubling technology (FDT) perimetry, flicker-defined form (FDF) perimetry,... more
In the theoretical framework of this paper, attention is part of the inference process that solves the visual recognition problem of what is where. The theory proposes a computational role for attention and leads to a model that predicts... more
Gustav Fechner, the German experimental psychologist, coined the term psychophysics in 1860, publishing the first mathematical equation to model human consciousness. Fechner assumed that any future approaches to consciousness would... more
The timing of events can influence spatial segmentation. Neighbouring regions flickering asynchronously at a high temporal frequency appear identical, but the visual system signals a 'phantom contour' between them. Using psychophysical... more
A quarter of a century ago, the first systematic behavioral experiments were performed to clarify the nature of color constancy—the effect whereby the perceived color of a surface remains constant despite changes in the spectrum of the... more
Here we report the range and reliability of individual differences in stereo acuity in a large, well-characterised population. We tested 1000 participants aged 16-40 on a novel test of stereo acuity and on the TNO test. Participants had... more
Color constancy is usually measured by achromatic setting, asymmetric matching, or color naming paradigms, whose results are interpreted in terms of indexes and models that arguably do not capture the full complexity of the phenomenon.... more
" A new approach to the treatment of functional eye disorders successfully corrects strabismus, sports vision syndrome, migraine, tired eyes caused by eye strain, learning difficulties and disturbed clarity of vision associated with... more
Correctly perceiving the temporal order of events is essential to many tasks. Despite this, the factors constraining our ability to make timing judgments remain largely unspecified. Here we present a new phenomenon demonstrating that... more
Sakkaden, also kurze, schnelle Augenbewegungen dienen dazu, die visuelle Umwelt möglichst genau zu erkunden. Obwohl durch eine Sakkade das gesamte Retinaabbild der Szenerie verschoben wird, bleibt diese Verschiebung aufgrund der... more
For a stable visual world, the colours; of objects should appear the same under different lights. This property of colour constancy has been assumed to be fundamental to vision, and many experimental attempts have been made to quantify... more
It is known that temporal modulation of the source illuminating a scene can affect visual performance. Nevertheless, there is a lack of evidence showing this in a natural setting with a simple, natural task. We devised a simple test of... more
Ratios of excitations in each cone-photoreceptor class produced by light reflected from pairs of surfaces in a scene are almost invariant under natural illuminant changes. The stability of these spatially defined ratios may explain the... more
Despite the compelling contribution of the study of event related potentials (ERPs) and eye movements to cognitive neuroscience, these two approaches have largely evolved independently. We designed an eye-movement visual search paradigm... more
— In a comparison of two asynchronous and spatially-separated luminous disks, the second stimulus has a tendency to be evaluated lighter against a dark background and darker against a lighter background, suggesting a temporal context... more
Four issues concerning colour constancy and relational colour constancy are briefly considered: (1) the equivalence of colour constancy and relational colour constancy; (2) the dependence of relational colour constancy on ratios of cone... more
The bootstrap method provides a powerful, general procedure for estimating the variance of a parameter of a function. The parametric version of the method was used to estimate the standard deviation of a threshold from a psychometric... more
Object substitution masking (OSM) is said to occur when a perceptual object is hypothesised that is mismatched by subsequent sensory evidence, leading to a new hypothesised object being substituted for the first. An example is when a... more
This thesis examined how limiting the Field of View (FoV) impairs the ability to integrate visual information and make navigational decisions. Participants wore field-restricting goggles with a 40° or 90° horizontal FoV and were asked to... more
Body size misperception is common amongst the general public and is a core component of eating disorders and related conditions. While perennial media exposure to the " thin ideal " has been blamed for this misperception, relatively... more
A subject’s response to the strength of a stimulus is described by the psychometric function, from which summary measures, such as a threshold or a slope, may be derived. Traditionally, this function is estimated by fitting a parametric... more
Montréal. Il a pour mission la promotion et la valorisation de la recherche. Érudit offre des services d'édition numérique de documents scientifiques depuis 1998. Pour communiquer avec les responsables d'Érudit : [email protected]... more
Previous studies proposed a smart lighting system that can detect object colors and emit spectrally optimized lighting to reduce the light absorbed by surfaces. The spatial resolution of an absorption-minimization light projection system... more
Howard and Duke . Monocular transparency generates quantitative depth. Vision Research, 43, 2615Research, 43, -2621 recently proposed a new source of binocular information they claim is used to recover depth in stereoscopic displays. They... more
Discrete and continuous modes of visual pattern discrimination performance are analyzed using a model for the investigation of discrete internal pattern representations described in previous papers (Foster, 1980a, b). A simple... more
Painters mastered replicating the regularities of the visual patterns that we use to infer different materials and their properties, via meticulous observation of the way light reveals the world’s textures. The convincing depiction of... more
Color-motion asynchrony (CMA) refers to an apparent asynchrony of visual features when a repeatedly oscillating moving dots change colour and motion direction simultaneously at the same rate (Moutoussis & Zeki, 1997). It has been... more
Argomenti: La luce: cosa è, come si genera. Diffusione e assorbimento: i colori di cielo, nuvole, tramonto, spazio. La fisiologia della visione. La percezione è diversa dalla visione: forme e colori ingannevoli. Arte figurativa... more
Perceived stereomotion trajectory was measured before and after adaptation to lateral motion in the dominant or nondominant eye to assess the relative contributions of 2 cues: changing disparity and interocular velocity difference.... more
Two experiments are presented assessing the contributions of the rate of change of disparity (CD) and interocular velocity difference (IOVD) cues to stereomotion speed perception. Using a two-interval forced-choice paradigm, the perceived... more
A characteristic of early visual processing is a reduction in the effective number of filter mechanisms acting in parallel over the visual field. In the detection of a line target differing in orientation from a background of lines,... more
Object substitution masking (OSM) is typically studied using a brief search display. The target item may be indicated by a cue/mask surrounding but not overlapping it. Report of the target is reduced when mask offset trails target offset... more
One of the processes determining object substitution masking (OSM) is thought to be the spatial competition between independent object file representations of the target and mask (e.g., Kahan & Lichtman, 2006). In a series of experiments,... more
We investigate whether there are second-order form and motion mechanisms in human color vision. Second-order stimuli are contrast modulations of a noise carrier. The contrast envelopes are static Gabors of different spatial frequencies... more