Psychology of Perception in Architecture
Recent papers in Psychology of Perception in Architecture
Space analysis based on the psychology of architecture and environmental psychology
The article implies a critical review of the use of the term in contemporary architectural theory and criticism after its transmission from psychology. The term was introduced by C. G. Jung in 1919 to designate universal patterns that... more
Abstract: Marta Cobel-Tokarska Bezludna wyspa, nora, grób. Wojenne kryjówki Żydów w okupowanej Polsce. [Desert island, burrow, grave. Wartime hiding places of Jews in Poland] Warszawa: IPN, 2012, s. 304+aneks, ISBN:... more
A B S T R A C T Architects and non-architects have different perceptions, and assume differently. Previous studies show that uniqueness, Novelty and originality depend significantly on the general aesthetics in the view of non-architects.... more
The purpose of the present study was to compare the structure of experience of architectural expressiveness of architects and non-architects. Twenty architects and twenty non-architects rated twenty photographs of architectural objects on... more
If we consider the city as a set of objects, it is easy to understand how their presence becomes a perennially observable and/or per- ceptible scenario. The urban ele- ments that are “building” our cities are part of what could be obser-... more
Islamic Arab societies have a distinctive but culturally common system of beliefs, attitudes and values that over time have formed traditional expression. These traditions have been articulated through art, architecture, community... more
The paper outlines the theoretical framework for the concept of applying analytical psychology to architectural design. What has been discussed are methods and process of designing tools for the analysis of perceptual experiences... more
В статията се прави опит да се представи теорията на композицията като наука за манипулация на възприятието и поведението на рецепиента на архитектурата.
Acoustics is central to church design, as are the other perceptual modalities. There is good research that what users say they want for church design is not an effective metric for selecting that design. Quantitative subjective visual... more
The paper outlines the theoretical framework for the concept of applying analytical psychology to architectural design. What has been discussed are methods and process of designing tools for the analysis of perceptual experiences... more
There is no strict definition for the architectural concept of Out of scale. Nevertheless, European forma mentis is fed by centuries of architectonical orders and proportion studies. For this reason, most of Europeans pretend to be able... more
The article implies a critical review of the use of the term in contemporary architectural theory and criticism after its transmission from psychology. The term was introduced by C. G. Jung in 1919 to designate universal patterns that... more