Psychology of Music
Recent papers in Psychology of Music
Aesthetic perception of music has been extensively researched in the last decades. Numerous studies suggest that listeners find a piece of music more or less pleasant according to its complexity. Experimental results show that complexity... more
The term yanık, a desired quality of music, is one of the most important aspects of Turkish response to music in terms of the perception of meaning. As a discourse of sentiment, yanık is an image of the bittersweet emotions in music. What... more
A fundamental purpose of this study was to test whether theories and principles of music cognition and perception derived using western music can be applied to other styles of music, in this case, Carnātic music. Previous investigations... more
COGS 149: Music, Language, and Cognition (UC Merced, Fall 2021, Syllabus)
In the present paper, we intend to investigate the musical choices of Brazilian teenagers. We present the theory that support our thinking, that is based in concepts of identity and musical identities. For the purpose of this... more
Music plays an enormous role in today's computer games; it serves to elicit emotion, generate interest and convey important information. Traditional gaming music is fixed at the event level, where tracks loop until a state change is... more
Literacy could be elevated through innovative and one of the unique and unparalleled approach amongst the children and though music has already been proved influential in many ways towards life, therefore it could even be used in... more
It has been argued, in view of the social evolutionary origins of music and the social deficits found in autism, that individuals with autism will be emotionally unresponsive to music. However, a recent study of high-functioning adults... more
Few activities fully engage the brain. Listening to music is one of them. Hearing your favorite song activates sensory, emotional, motor, and creative areas of the brain simultaneously. This book provides a broad introduction to the... more
This report evaluates the impact of live music in two hospitals in Nottingham, UK, as provided by Wellspring Music CIC. Observations and surveys showed positive responses among patients, which were also in line with what staff and... more
This essay is about a phenomenon that, paradoxically, both disrupts mind wandering and accounts for its spontaneity: distraction. It is more about one of the mechanisms underlying mind wandering than its phenomenological content. However,... more
The present study examined the relationship between music preferences, values and musical identities in a sample of 606 Greek college students in the three institutes for higher education in Thessaloniki (Greece). Students indicated the... more
Music can be a powerful tool in the treatment of brain disorders and acquired injuries, helping patients recover language and motor skills. New music-based therapies can trigger neuroplasticity—fostering local connections and long-range... more
Os Anais do 4º. SIMCAM (Simpósio de Cognição e Artes Musicais) são o resultado da seleção de trabalhos enviados para o Simpósio, seleção esta que contou com um comitê científico realmente dedicado ao qual agradecemos o empenho e a... more
Dieser Text zeigt am Beispiel der populären Musik, dass nicht nur Klang Emotionen übertragen kann, die für bestimmte Ideologien nützlich sind, sondern dass auch die Musikwissenschaft selbst als Erfüllungsgehilfe ideologischer Dogmen... more
Choosing to listen to self-identified sad music after experiencing negative psychological circumstances seems paradoxical given the commonly-held view that people are motivated to seek a positive affective state when distressed. We... more
A relationship between participation in musical activity and well-being has frequently been observed in recent research reports. Of these, some propose various well-being-related correlates of musical participation, but the varying... more
Musik merupakan realitas yang terbangun oleh kemampuan berpikir kreatif sehingga menghasilkan karya-karya yang estetis. Dalam konteks pendidikan musik, kegiatan yang dilandasi aktivitas kreatif dan ekspresif juga menjadi aspek yang sangat... more
Concerns have been raised that prolonged exposure to heavy metal music with aggressive themes can increase the risk of aggression, anger, antisocial behaviour, substance use, suicidal ideation, anxiety and depression in community and... more
A short exploration of the application of Gestalt psychology to music. Updated 2014.
Στα πλαίσια της ημερίδας για τα 250 χρόνια από τη γέννηση του W.A.Mozart, η οποία πραγματοποιήθηκε στο ΤΕΙ Ληξουρίου στις 17 Μαϊου του 2006, η παρούσα διάλεξη επιδιώκει να κάνει μια μικρή αναδρομή στις μέχρι τότε έρευνες και τα αντίστοιχα... more
Can simply listening to a music piece affect the harshness of a moral judgement? A priming experiment was run to answer this question. Participants gave moral judgements, after listening to musical pieces inducing certain emo-tions (Joy,... more
This chapter examines the question of whether everyday music listening influences internalizing psychopathology. First, it offers a conceptual framework arguing that music listening may have influences on internalizing psychopathology... more
Background Most research on correlates of music preference considers micro-level influences, such as personality and social positional levels (Rentfrow & Gosling, 2003; North & Hargreaves, 1996). However, it is important to consider... more
ALVES, Anderson César. Domains of competence of an expert pedagogue in music performance. Dissertation (Ph.D. in Music).Language and Arts Center, Graduate Program in Music, Music School, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de... more
Handbuch Mus kpsycholog e D e Mus kpsycholog e st e n fasz n erendes Geb et an der Schn ttstelle von Psycholog e, Mus kw ssenschaft und Mus k pädagog k. Ihre Fragestellungen beschäft gen s ch be sp els we se m t dem Hörverhalten, dem Mus... more
Myths about the power of music to regulate and change emotional states are found in each culture. Googling the words ''music and stress'' produces promises for different types of music specially designed to assist managing stress. Music... more
The human physiology is tuned to the musical patterns. The paper reviews the effects of musical patterns on the human physiology. Musical patterns therefore developed as a separate discipline, endeavoring to incorporate the legitimate use... more
"This thesis investigates the role of music in office-based workplace settings. While many studies in the past have examined the effects of researcher-selected music on work performance, fewer studies have taken into account the effects... more
We examined the effect of background music on reading comprehension. Because the emotional consequences of music listening are affected by changes in tempo and intensity, we manipulated these variables to create four repeated-measures... more
The short narrates about the foundational interpreteation of music as a vast cognitive link between humans and between mind and body. The short is based on life experience and takes a personal approach to the matter through the example... more
How does a musician's system of coding influence their sonic perception? As part of a greater research project involving Greek musicians (Athanasopoulos and Kitsios, 2015) we asked participants to depict a short excerpt of Western 'art'... more
Listening to music while working is by no means a new innovation. Songs, for a long time, helped people synchronise their movements and made the day go quicker. In the 1930s, recorded music was often used in factories to improve... more
In this paper I address questions of continuity and process building in Mozart’s string quintet K.516. I attempt to show that this work, probably more than any other Mozart composition, exemplifies the concept of an overall structure,... more
Music has cognitive, psychosocial, behavioral and motor benefits for people with neurological disorders such as dementia, stroke, Parkinson’s disease and Autism Spectrum Disorder. Here we discuss seven properties or ‘capac- ities’ of... more
Creative thinking in music has received only limited attention in the psychology of art and creativity, yet it appears to be one of the most important issues in the field of music education. As creative thinking in music exists in the... more
Are there universal patterns in musical preferences? To address this question, we built on theory and research in personality, cultural, and music psychology to map the terrain of preferences for Western music using data from 356,649... more