Recent papers in Psychologism
O presente artigo visa mostrar que um dos argumentos de Frege contra o psicologismo, o argumento da comunicabilidade, pressupoe duas teses que implicam a possibilidade de uma linguagem privada, no sentido de Wittgenstein (uma linguagem... more
According to (what I call) the Explanatory Problem with Frege's Platonism about Thoughts, the sharp separation between the psychological and the logical on which Frege famously insists is too sharp, leaving Frege no resources to show how... more
Resumen El presente trabajo constituye una reflexión teórica sobre la vinculación transdisciplinaria entre la Lógica y la Psicología. Como punto de partida se explicitan los tipos de conexión entre disciplinas que caracterizan a las... more
The paper explores psychological experimentation in fiction with chronotope, point of view, a forgetful narrator to develop dual narration technique when the older character qualifies memories to synchronize with the present.... more
Slightly longer version of chapter published in I. Apostolescu and C. Serban (eds.), Husserl, Kant and Transcendental Phenomenology, De Gruyter, 2019
For more than a hundred years now, the dominant view amongst scholars has been that Kant's philosophy has nothing to do with psychology, or, at the very least, that psychology is inessential to Kant's philosophical project. In the early... more
This article is focused on answering the question to what extent one can be a sceptic. Sextus Empiricus’s Outlines of Scepticism serves as a guide. In section 1, it is investigated whether three logical laws have a certain foundation or... more
Kelly suggested that it was useful to consider anyone as functioning as a scientist, in the business of applying theo-ries, making hypotheses and predictions and testing them out in the practice of everyday life. One of Charles Peirce’s... more
This is my MA thesis for University of Tartu devoted to psychologism and neopsychologism in philosophy of logic. Psychologism is a conception according to which foundation for logic is our mental states. Psychologism was extremely popular... more
There are passages in Wittgenstein where he compares his method to psychotherapy and one or two where he seems to suggest that the ‘patient’ has the last word on his ‘illness’ and ‘cure’. This paper tries to take these seriously,... more
From his early writings onward , Charles S. Peirce defended an unpsychological approach to logic. Logicians, he argued in his Harvard lectures of 1865, should not be interested in how and what we in fact think: logic deals only with the... more
The Twin Earth scenario assumes reference to natural kinds is unique and never changes (rigid designation), and that we can give justice to the intuition of reference-permanence and things having a deep structure only by pushing meaning... more
Intentionality is a key-concept in Husserlian phenomenology, in which the proverbial tension between Modern tradition and the "thing-in-itself" comes to the fore. Conscious of the risk of revisiting an issue that has already been object... more
Humor and things related (such as the category of the merry [veselost’]), played an unusually prominent role in what is often considered the first school of contemporary literary theory, Russian Formalism, or, to be specific, its... more
Attention to the conversational role of alethic terms seems to dominate, and even sometimes exhaust, many contemporary analyses of the nature of truth. Yet, because truth plays a role in judgment and assertion regardless of whether... more
What is the logical form of judgments, if they have one? This question remains an enigma for any transcendental approach to logical thought. The paper addresses the matter by following the debate between Edmund Husserl and Christoph... more
I suggest that, although the nonsensicalist challenge (obviously) matters, it has, at least in its Wittgensteinian form, been widely ignored. On the other hand, those who still adhere to nonsensicalism (mainly Wittgensteinians) have been... more
Distribution électronique pour Armand Colin.
I am planning a history of the notion of philosophical nonsense and naturally difficult historical and exegetical questions have come up. Charles Pigden has argued that the notion goes back at least as far as Hobbes and that Locke,... more
In this paper I take the opportunity of the recent publication of Pieranna Garavaso's and Nicla Vassallo's Frege on Thinking and Its Epistemic Significance (with whose main tenets this paper is in constant dialogue) to provide an overview... more
Данная статья - первое из серии исследований автора, анализирующих трансформации феноменологической философии начала ХХ в. Отправной точкой анализа служит проблема релятивизма в «Логических исследованиях» Э. Гуссерля. В статье... more
Wittgenstein’s and Heidegger’s objections against the possibility of a science of aesthetics were influential on different sides of the analytic/continental divide. Heidegger’s anti-scientism leads him to an alētheic view of artworks... more
In : Psychologie et psychologisme, M. Gyemant (éd.). Paris: Vrin, 2015.
Gestalt psychology emerged in Germany in the opening decades of the twentieth century and grew to become one of the major psychological schools alongside functionalism, structuralism, behaviourism and psychoanalysis. As a case study in... more
I investigate the role of the subject in judgment in Kant, Frege, and Husserl, situating it in the broader and less-often-considered context of their accounts of presentation as well as judgment. Contemporary philosophical usage of... more
The paper considers the question of whether Mill’s account of the nature and justificatory foundations of deductive logic is psychologistic. Logical psychologism asserts the dependency of logic on psychology. Frequently, this dependency... more
When not ignored by scholars, Lotze's logic is understood as an example of either psychologism or Pla-tonism. As a matter of fact, despite his allowance for the topic of the origin of concepts, Lotze manages to avoid logical psychologism.... more
The present contribution elucidates Husserl’s relationship to Lotze in the light of Winthrop Bell’s notes on Husserl’s 1912 seminar on Lotze’s theory of knowledge. Once again, these notes make it clear that Husserl highly appreciated the... more
The article develops the concept of "political judgement" - a new, affirmative understanding of the phenomena which are criticized as "political correctness" by both right-wing and liberal commentators. To that end, it takes the right's... more
Franz Brentano, it has been argued 2 , is far too often neglected among contemporary philosophers and does not receive the attention he deserves, given the importance of his contributions to philosophy. In fact, Brentano is nowadays... more
Lacan helps me apply Holzkamp’s critique of psychology to Holzkamp’s psychology itself. To be more precise, I try to draw on some of Holzkamp’s critical ideas in order to enrich and expand a Lacanian critique of Holzkamp’s alternative... more
Der Platz des Subjekts in der Bachelardschen Epistemologie ist keineswegs klar. Einerseits scheint diese Epistemologie jegliche subjektive Grundlegung abzulehnen, sei es in Form einer ontologischen Theorie der Vernunft oder einer... more
Sostengo l'opportunità di esplorare con attenzione i pro e i contro di un drastico riorientamento della teoria del diritto, e della teoria delle norme in generale, nella direzione di ciò che chiamo " psicodeontica " : l'adozione di un... more
In the following text I reexamine the connotations of the term habit from the perspective of Peirce’s pragmatism. I start by tracing back the roots of the term in the Metaphysical Club’s discussions of Alexander Bain’s theory of belief.... more
Peirce’s anti-psychologism hinges on two main assumptions. First, logic and psychology belong to two separate disciplines – respectively, the normative sciences and the experimental sciences. Second, externalism must be understood as a... more
Horizont ist der Gesichtskreis, der all das umfaßt und umschließt, was von einem Punkt aus sichtbar ist. In der Anwendung auf das denkende Bewußtsein reden wir dann von Enge des Horizontes, von möglicher Erweiterung des Horizontes, von... more
La psychologie de la forme cherche à penser les émotions comme des relations causales, psychologiquement « manifestes », c'est-à-dire ressenties, entre les corrélats physiologiques des objets perçus et le corrélat physiologique de notre... more
My psychological standpoint is empirical; experience alone is my teacher. Yet I share with other thinkers the conviction that this is entirely compatible with a certain ideal point of view.
Resumo: Em todas as críticas feitas por Franz Brentano contra a filosofia do século XIX, seja na Psicologia a partir de um ponto de vista empírico, seja em seus últimos escritos, indubitavelmente Kant ocupa o lugar de honra. Na visão de... more