Psychological Factors
Recent papers in Psychological Factors
Pain-related emotions are a major barrier to effective self rehabilitation in chronic pain. Automated coaching systems capable of detecting these emotions are a potential solution. This paper lays the foundation for the development of... more
Parafunctions of the masticatory system are increasingly common disorders diagnosed in the 21st century by dentists. Such functional disorders occur in both children and adults. Among the causes of occlusal and non-occlusal parafunctions... more
This article presents a new approach in the analysis of capital markets, namely behavioral finance. Behavioral finance is the study of the influence of the psychological factors on financial markets evolution. Financial investors are... more
Behavioural finance related to the psychology of investors and its impact in taking financial decision. As we all know that human are social animal and they have emotion which influence their decisions. The decision which are influenced... more
This research attempted to identify the psychological factors that affect the speaking performance of students enrolled in Postgraduate English Language Teaching programs in Pakistan. A quantitative approach was used to address the main... more
The study conducted in Tirupur district of Tamil Nadu state has investigated the consumers' buying behaviour towards organic food products based on the data collected from 240 respondents (120 organic food consumers and 120 non-organic... more
The study aimed to identify the factors and to demonstrate their effects on academic achievement in various publications that utilized meta-analyses. For this purpose, the meta-analyses publications on the Web of Science-All Database till... more
The question whether psychological factors affect cancer development has intrigued both researchers and patients. This review critically summarizes the findings of studies that have tried to answer this question in the past 30 years.... more
The global markets have witnessed major shifts in the consumers' behavior that have been much influenced by the change of technology, innovation, research and development. The consumer's needs thus dynamically change in order to respond... more
Background: Motorcycles have a higher rate of fatality than cars within the same distance travelled. Head injuries are the main causes of death in motorcycle crashes. The objective of this study is to investigate intrinsic motivation and... more
Understanding the psychological characteristics and factors and provoking the anxiety of death in today's living conditions, as well as its psychological events and consequences are among the topics discussed in psychology. Many... more
The role of leadership is considered critical for project success, however, the leadership style that produces the best results are still under debate. Among different leadership styles, less attention has been paid to the role of... more
Introduction: according to the literature, psychosocial factors significantly contributeto both pathogenesis and expression of coronary artery disease (CAD). Depression, anxiety, anger and hostility, social isolation ... more
The primary objective of this research study poster is to explore differences in sources selected by undergraduate students in relation to two factors: 1) purpose of search, and 2) scores on the Problem-Solving Inventory (PSI) based on... more
The global markets have witnessed major shifts in the consumers’ behavior that have been much influenced by the change of technology, innovation, research and development. The consumer’s needs thus dynamically change in order to respond... more
Recent natural hazards (floods and wildfires) which hit some of the most visited Greek tourist destinations during the summer season 2018 are threatening to decrease the number of tourist visits in the affected regions. As these regions,... more
This study highlights the major emotional and psychological factors related to the medium of instruction (use of First Language (L1) in the classroom) in the domain of bilingual education for adult Saudi English as foreign language (EFL)... more
Since a long time entrepreneurship is a wide field of discussion for researchers. As a field of academic investigation entrepreneurship has attracted the researchers from different domains including economics, management, sociology,... more
The influence of perceived HIV/AIDS vulnerability, condom-use self-efficacy and attitude towards condom-use on sexual attitude among youths living with disability (YWD) was investigated. The cross-sectional survey involved YWD (N=181) and... more
In einer interdisziplinären Arbeitsgruppe aus Fachdidaktiker/innen, Pädagog/innen und Psycholog/innen wird an der Pädagogischen Hochschule Ludwigsburg seit einigen Jahren der Einfluss emotionaler Faktoren auf schulische Lernprozesse... more
The present study focused on the investigation of work-related stress and its effect on teachers’ performance at secondary level. The objectives of the study were to identify the main work-related stressor among the secondary school... more
Being in an environment, which causes stress, anxiety and uncertainty, are some of the elements, which have an influence on the well-being of human beings. Health care providers, health care receivers and health care workers all... more
This research attempted to identify the psychological factors that affect the speaking performance of students enrolled in Postgraduate English Language Teaching programs in Pakistan. A quantitative approach was used to address the main... more
The purposes of this study are to find out the impact of students' psychological factor in learning from home policy during pandemic covid-19 in learning English. The sample of this study from 15 students of XII MIA 5 class at SMA Negeri... more
This paper focuses on nano-enabled drug delivery systems (NDDS) in the context of cancer medicine. It regards NDDS as relational objects whose modes of existence are defined by their relationships with a complex biocultural environment... more
This research attempted to identify the psychological factors that affect the speaking performance of students enrolled in Postgraduate English Language Teaching programs in Pakistan. A quantitative approach was used to address the main... more
Backgrounds Given the importance of psychological factors in the development and exacerbation of symptoms of migraine, this study aimed to compare the psychological status of patients with migraine with healthy subjects. Methods &... more