Understanding the relationship between teacher Emotional intelligence (EI) and student misconduct was the goal of this research. We hypothesized that teachers high in EI tend to establish good working relationships with students by being... more
The main aim of the present study was to examine the cross-cultural equivalence of a newly developed questionnaire, the Emotion Awareness Questionnaire (EAQ30) that assesses emotional awareness of children through self-report.... more
The focus of this study was to analyze a benchmark formative assessment (4Sight) that pr edicts how students will perform on the annual Pennsylvania, USA exam that is given in grades three through eight inclusive and 11. Correlation... more
The present investigation explored the psychometric validity of the five-item Gratitude Questionnaire (GQ-5) using a construct validation approach. Concerning within-network construct validity, results of item response theory (IRT)... more
We used multilevel factor analyses to investigate the structure of the Teacher as Social Context Questionnaire (TASCQ)-short form—a prominent measure of teacher practices that promote student motivation to learn. Based on... more
ED246062 - The Reliability of the K-ABC for Hispanic and White Children: A Comparison by Year.
The home learning environment (HLE) index is composed of seven questions regarding educational parent–child interactions. To compare the psychometric characteristics of the six items of HLE index between the two different contexts of... more
Whether the mission is Unconventional Warfare, Foreign Internal Defense, or Counterinsurgency, success is often dependent on an individual's and/or unit's ability to both understand the vulnerabilities of their foreign counterparts on... more
We respond to Naglieri and Das' criticisms of the methodology used in a study designed to explore the simultaneous-successive-planning (S-S-P) model (Cowart & McCallum, 1988). That study represents the first attempt to partial trait... more
Parent and teacher ratings of adaptive behavior were compared using a new instrument designed to measure adaptive functioning for limited-English-proficient children: the Universal Brief Adaptive Behavior Index (UBABI). The UBABI was... more
Although there is a strong legislative base and perceived efficacy for multidisciplinary team decision making, limited evidence supports its effectiveness or consistency of implementation in practice. In recent research, we used the... more
Problem solving is fundamental to psychoeducational assessment practices and generally grounded in activities related to identifying problems, developing and refining hypotheses, generating solutions, developing and implementing actions,... more
Proportionate levels of emotional intelligence among NCE students of Federal College of Education (Technical) Bichi, Kano state Proportionate levels of moral reasoning among NCE students in Federal College of Education (Technical) Bichi,... more
The Personality Inventory for Children (PIC) was compared with measures of cognitive functioning (e.g., WISC-R) and classroom behavior (e.g., WPBIC). The results demonstrated that the PIC can identify salient personality and cognitive... more
This study analyzed the relationship between benchmark scores from the newly published Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills Math (i.e., Acadience™) math probes and student performance on math and reading sections of a... more
Using an iterative design along with multiple methodological approaches and a large representative sample, this study presents reliability, validity, and fairness evidence for two surveys measuring student attitudes toward science,... more
This paper offers a systematic review that follows the PRISMA protocol; its aim is to offer a compendium of intervention programs and strategies that have been developed in the university context for promoting oral competencies and public... more
Introduction. The relevance of communicative competences and the management of oral expression in university education is reflected in different curricula and subjects within the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). These skills are a... more
This study explored the factor structure and psychometric properties of the Perceived Sense of School Membership (PSSM-18) Scale in two samples of South African adolescents. Principal components analysis ( n = 1,052; males = 50.86%, Mage... more
The researchers employed a confirmatory tetrad analysis (CTA) using partial least squares–structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) with Outcome Questionnaire–45.2 (OQ-45) data, examining the measurement model of the OQ-45 scores with a... more
This article describes the development and initial validation of a new instrument to measure academic stress—the Educational Stress Scale for Adolescents (ESSA). A series of cross-sectional questionnaire surveys were conducted with more... more
Background: Borderline intellectual functioning (BIF) and schizoid personality disorder (Schizoid PD) are clinical conditions under-researched and poorly understood. The principal aim of this retrospective study... more
Given the importance of math in today’s society, it is critical that children who are at risk for math difficulty are identified early. We developed and validated a prekindergarten math subtest (i.e., CIRCLE Progress Monitoring [CPM] Math... more
Parents completed the Behavior Assessment System for Children, Second Edition: Parent Rating Scale (BASC2 PRS) while their children (94 boys, 61 girls; M = 11 years 11 months) were given tests. Evidence-based profiles of multiple test... more
HAL is a multidisciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific research documents, whether they are published or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or... more
The No Child Left Behind Act requires that 95% of students in all public elementary and secondary schools are assessed in mathematics. Unfortunately, direct assessments of young students can be timely, costly, and challenging to... more
This research aimed to construct and validate the School Conflict Negotiation Effectiveness Questionnaire (QENCE). This objective is both based on the increasing relevance of the area of constructive conflict management in schools and... more
This study examined the convergent relations between scores from four clinical clusters from the Woodcock-Johnson III Tests of Cognitive Abilities (WJ III) and measures of executive functions using a sample of school-aged children and a... more
Culturally responsive assessment practices include validated measures appropriate for use with diverse populations. Considering the increasing population of Latinx students in US schools, measures need co-validated English and Spanish... more
School climate is an important construct for guiding violence prevention efforts in U.S. schools, but there has been less consideration of this concept in its neighboring country Mexico, which has a higher prevalence of violence. The U.S.... more
Experiences of wonder should be valued, protected, and promoted in academic settings. Identification of learning environments and interventions that cultivate students' capacity for wonder (CfW) first requires a means to measure it. We... more
Research on perfectionism with the Almost Perfect Scale–Revised (APS-R) distinguishes adaptive perfectionists versus maladaptive perfectionists based primarily on their responses to the 12-item unidimensional APS-R Discrepancy subscale,... more
Students generally report poor experiences of group work in university settings. This study examines whether individual student perceptions of team social cohesion are determined by their level of emotional intelligence (EI) and whether... more
The researchers employed a confirmatory tetrad analysis (CTA) using partial least squares–structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) with Outcome Questionnaire–45.2 (OQ-45) data, examining the measurement model of the OQ-45 scores with a... more
This article aims to investigate the reliability and validity of the Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire-Adolescent Short Form (TEIQue-ASF) score in a sample of 440 Greek adolescents. The instrument's score demonstrated good... more
There is hardly any cross-cultural research on the measurement invariance of the Brief Multidimensional Students’ Life Satisfaction Scales (BMSLSS). The current article evaluates the measurement invariance of the BMSLSS across cultural... more
Emotional intelligence (EI) theory provides a framework to study the role of emotion skills in social, personal, and academic functioning. Reporting data validating the importance of EI among youth have been limited due to a dearth of... more
The main aim of the present study was to examine the cross-cultural equivalence of a newly developed questionnaire, the Emotion Awareness Questionnaire (EAQ30) that assesses emotional awareness of children through self-report.... more
Despite its popularity, the factorial structure of the Psychological Sense of School Membership (PSSM) Questionnaire remains controversial. The current study set out to clarify its structure across different cultural contexts. The study... more
There is hardly any cross-cultural research on the measurement invariance of the Brief Multidimensional Students’ Life Satisfaction Scales (BMSLSS). The current article evaluates the measurement invariance of the BMSLSS across cultural... more
Despite its popularity, the factorial structure of the Psychological Sense of School Membership (PSSM) Questionnaire remains controversial. The current study set out to clarify its structure across different cultural contexts. The study... more
This paper aims to investigate the reliability and validity of the Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire-Adolescent Short Form score in a sample of 440 Greek adolescents. The instrument's score demonstrated good internal consistency... more
The current study assessed the measurement equivalence of the Wong & Law Emotional Intelligence Scale (WLEIS) with three groups of Chinese university students. Two research sessions were conducted-one in Beijing, China with university... more
This study presents a cross-cultural validation of the recently developed Resiliency Scale for Young Adults (RSYA) with a sample of 289 Canadian university students and 259 Italian university students. The RSYA demonstrated good internal... more
Large-scale international surveys are important to globally evaluate, monitor, and promote children's mental health. However, use of young children's self-reports in these studies is still controversial. The Dominic Interactive, a... more
Research on adults indicates other-oriented perfectionism (requiring perfection from others) is associated with various consequential outcomes independent of self-oriented perfectionism (requiring perfection of the self) and socially... more
Are feelings of not mattering an antecedent of depressive symptoms, a consequence, or both? Most investigations focus exclusively on feelings of not mattering as an antecedent of depressive symptoms. Our current study examines a... more