Psychoanalysis And Literature
Recent papers in Psychoanalysis And Literature
This volume offers a rich tapestry of psychoanalytic thought. The authors demonstrate bold creativity in their use of psychoanalytic concepts to think about a wide range of problems in philosophy, art and the clinic. The collection grew... more
הן הקבלה והן הפסיכואנליזה תופסות את הנפש האנושית כמרובדת ובנויה שכבות על שכבות. פרויד השווה לא אחת את מלאכת האנליטיקאי לארכיאולוג שמשחזר שרידים הקבורים תחת ההריסות, ואף המקובלים מפתחים תורת בריאה וגאולה המושתת על זיכרון של עולמות שחרבו,... more
This study analyzes the language used in the construction of the personal identity of Dr. Heidegger through the labels attached to him, both given by self and by others, and his stance-taking. The researcher applies Discourse Analysis to... more
This paper aims to concretize this notion of literary theories being in dialogue by exploring the intertwining of the Marxist theory, mainly depending on Karl Marx and Vladimir Lenin’s theories, and Freudian psychoanalytic theory, based... more
Original scanned copy. April 2005 Explores Maureen Folan, in Martin McDonagh's "The Beauty Queen of Leenane," as a psychological borderline, someone who is afraid to achieve a man she can have a relationship with, and so defaults to... more
Lacan’s concept jouissance marks the both painful and joyful disturbance of a mind’s libidinal equilibrium which also gives coherence to the basic structure of reality from the point of view of the individual. Because someone can live a... more
La première pièce de Joanna Laurens, The Three Birds, (2000) propose une révision dramatique du mythe grec de Philomèle qui s’inscrit en contrepoint de la fable telle qu’elle est relatée dans les Métamorphoses d’Ovide. Le rapport à la... more
From the ancient times onwards, the definition and the concept of dreams have always been open to discussions and various interpretations. They have been defined as the messages we receive from the macrocosms(heavens or the forces warning... more
Ce travail s’intéresse à la poétique de la dissociation mise en œuvre par Helen Cooper dans sa pièce Three Women and a Piano Tuner (2004). Réunies pour mettre en commun leurs talents respectifs de compositrice, pianiste et productrice... more
This thesis explores Maurice Blanchot’s notion of the “limit-experience” through a close reading of Thomas the Obscure. I examine Blanchot’s notion of the limit-experience through Thomas’ symptoms of psychosis and melancholia. These... more
This study analyzes the language used in the construction of the personal identity of Dr. Heidegger through the labels attached to him, both given by self and by others, and his stancetaking. The researcher applies Discourse Analysis to... more
Volume One: A – F
Volume Two: G – PR
Volume Three: PS - Z
Volume Two: G – PR
Volume Three: PS - Z
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A la recherche du temps perdu, the last great pre-Freudian novel of the mind, has attracted much attention from psychoanalytic critics since its publication. This article explores the analysis of Proust’s novel by critics, with a... more
This paper has been published in a somewhat different form in Meg Harris Williams' "Aesthetic Conflict and its Clinical Relevance." - Karnac, 2018. It outlines the various "knife-edge" defenses the infant mind must struggle with... more
Response to Tennessee Williams “The Glass Menagerie”
Trata-se de artigo sobre: Transtorno de personalidade histriônica (TPH) é definido pela Associação Americana de Psiquiatria como um transtorno de personalidade caracterizado por um padrão de emocionalidade excessiva e necessidade de... more
Tageldin’s book engages with postcolonial thought, foregrounding the distinctiveness of the French in Egypt. Rather than emphasize the difference between Briton and Indian in South Asia, this colonial encounter begins with Napoleon... more
Drawing from various understandings of the concept of "transference" in psychoanalysis, this paper seeks to provide a critical overview of its adaptations and uses in the field of literary and translation studies. Focusing on some of the... more
Nellie Wong is a Chinese American who was born in Oakland, California. Her family was affected by the World War II and her family borrowed money to start a restaurant. She later joined San Francisco State University where she started... more
Depression is inactivity. So stay active, no matter whether you feel you are sliding into a depression, are already in it or are recovering from it. Go see a friend. Do some volunteer work. Exercise. Go see a football match with your... more
The book is the first monograph which examines the correspondences between the oeuvre of Jack Kerouac and the thought of Jacques Lacan, the two apparently incompatible worlds which prove to be complementary when taking a closer look. The... more
In melancholia as well as obsessional neurosis, Freud writes in 1915, "patients […] succeed, by the circuitous path of self-punishment, in taking revenge in […] their loved one through their illness" 1 , while still maintaining the... more
Postmodern culture, with its fetishization of the mash-up, the pastiche, and the recombinant, mirrors a contemporary vision of subjectivity as performative and protean, and the current emphasis on being oneself—in an environment where to... more
This paper contains quotations that some readers may find offensive. It is a critique of the novel Fear Of Flying (1974) and its representation of sexuality, in the context of sexological writing by Freud, Kinsey, Laing, and Masters and... more
The empirical experience of surviving the virus inside the body is inseparable from its effects on the mind. I feel an urgency to write how these effects are working inside of me; at the same time this is my umpteenth attempt at writing... more
A psychoanalyst and a detective share a common goal and methods: they interpret covert clues to reveal the truth(s). Some neo-Victorian detective novels show an awareness of this commonality when they combine psychiatry and detection.... more
This article discusses the options that narrative and language have in their attempts to capture or describe traumatic experience and death. It concentrates on two prose texts by Karel Čapek, Obyčejný život and Povětroň, and the first... more
Résumé. ― Ce qui s’y passe est un deuil décompensé qui déclenche un délire, lequel mène à brève échéance à un carnage. L’arrière-plan du « cas » est un Œdipe resté en suspend depuis l’enfance, n’ayant trouvé à l’âge d’homme, dans l’amour... more
'Paul Lawley takes up another of the neglected works in the Beckett canon, and his analysis of EMBERS is a concentrated, Freudian explication of Beckett's transitional radio play, written between ALL THAT FALL and WORDS AND MUSIC' (S. E.... more
This non fiction novel is an attempt to understand the cicumstances of the suicide of Marilyn Monroe through an imaginary reconstitution of her relationship with Ralph Greenson, her psychoanalist. Ce "roman" est une fiction documentaire... more
NIETZSCHE AND THE PROBLEM OF SUBJECTIVITY Edited by João Constâncio, Maria João Mayer Branco and Bartholomew Ryan Published by de Gruyter, Berlin/Boston: 2015 Nietzsche's critique of the modern subject is often presented as a radical... more
Dumbo tells a coming of age story about a young elephant who must gain psychological independence from his mother; Fantasia consists of eight episodes on various subjects, but they are strung together with the image of the conductor,... more
Ciel noir, corps noir, trou noir, matière noire et énergie noire, les cinq sujets abordés dans ce livre relèvent du même questionnement : pourquoi les physiciens éprouvent-ils le besoin de noircir certaines de leurs idées ? Loin d'être... more
Interrogating the relationship between reading, writing and ‘conversion disorder’, this creative-critical essay explores the eversion of the glove in the work of Woolf, Genet, Freud and Derrida. Gathering together reflections on gloves... more
One of the paradoxes of Robespierre’s Republic of Virtue is that the author from whom he so largely borrowed did not really consider himself virtuous. Virtue may mean purity of heart and motive in one’s daily actions, but as Jean-Jacques... more
Over the last few decades psychoanalysis has piecemeal lost ground as an appreciated source of inspiration and fresh conceptual models for researchers in the humanities. Particularly, within the field of literary criticism, psychoanalysis... more
Psychoanalytische interpretatie van een scene uit het 3e bedrijf van Albee's toneelstuk, geschreven door Henk Hillenaar, met speciale aandacht voor de personages
Psychoanalytische interpretatie, geschreven door Henk Hillenaar, van een scene uit de roman van Cela ter illustratie van de begrippen overdracht en tegenoverdracht
Jung called it The Coming Guest. A new possible future or a world with fresh appearances is seeking self-realization, with our conscious participation, now—one which is no longer concerned with any gap between consciousness and world!... more