Recent papers in Pseudoscience
More than any other object of historical and anthropological study, Islamicate occult science cuts to the quick of what it means to be modern, to be Western, to be scientific. Yet nowhere else are 19th-century colonialist metaphysics and... more
For security and justice professionals (e.g., police officers, lawyers, judges), the thousands of peer-reviewed articles on nonverbal communication represent important sources of knowledge. However, despite the scope of the scientific... more
It is mostly agreed that Popper's criterion of falsifiability fails to provide a useful distinction between science and pseudo-science, because ad-hoc assumptions are always able to save any theory that conflicts with the empirical data... more
Kośnik, K. (2019). Virtual historical “reality”. Identity consequences of the Great Lechia narratives. International Relations Review 2(2), 199-209.
For security and justice professionals (e.g., police officers, lawyers, judges), the thousands of peer-reviewed articles on nonverbal communication represent important sources of knowledge. However, despite the scope of the scientific... more
La délimitation entre science et pseudoscience fait partie de la tâche plus générale qui consiste à déterminer quelles croyances sont épistémologiquement justifiées. Karl Popper a proposé la falsifiabilité comme critère important de... more
Past scientific investigations of paranormal/superstitious assertions have proven that they have no basis in objective reality. However, there have been a number of studies on the supposition that the full moon causes an increase in... more
На сегодня «генные ассоциаторщики» не несут ни моральной, ни юридической ответственности за свои предсказания. получается как с ГМО, только с противоположным знаком: ГМО мы бездумно запрещаем, а DCT (Direct-To-Consumer Test) столь же... more
Why is astrology not a science? In this short essay I attempt to answer the problem of a demarcation criterion that will answer this question.
This paper presents a preliminary analysis of homeopathy from the perspective of the demarcation problem in the philosophy of science. In this context, Popper, Kuhn and Feyerabend’s solution to the problem will be given respectively and... more
This article is a fragment of scientific research devoted to the analysis of modern approaches to the understanding of architecture. The author opposes the productivity of the analytical approach to the architectural theory and the... more
Several studies have investigated the motivations driving the use of complementary and alternative medicines (CAM). Nevertheless, the general public view of these therapies remains relatively unexplored. Our study identifies the social... more
Om te leren hoe archeologie als wetenschap bedreven wordt is het leuk en instructief te kijken naar gevallen waarin de 'spelregels' van de wetenschap al dan niet bewust overtreden worden. In deze presentatie uit 2006 (geschikt voor... more
Karl Popper, as a critical rationalist, was an opponent of all forms of skepticism, conventionalism and relativism in science. A major argument of Popper is Hume's critique of induction, arguing that induction should never be used in... more
علم با مابعدالطبیعه- متافیزیک چه نسبتی دارد؟ آیا علم مدرن درباره متافیزیک سکوت میکند؟ درباره شبهعلم چطور؟ آیا میان علم و شبهعلم نیز نسبتی برقرار است؟ برای پاسخ به پرسشهای بالا و تبیین نسبت یا موضِع هریک از این حوزهها به یکدیگر،... more
A good question for ‘integrated history and philosophy of science’ is that of what other philosophical disciplines and intellectual traditions we ought to integrate with. Few historians and philosophers pursued this question more... more
A history of Melba Ketchum's promotion and failure of the Bigfoot DNA project.
The communication of scientific hypotheses, and more broadly of the provisional and non-absolutist nature of science in general, to a lay audience is being increasingly compromised by the public’s distrust of experts. This distrust... more
Ever since Socrates, philosophers have been in the business of asking questions of the type "What is X?" Th e point has not always been to actually fi nd out what X is, but rather to explore how we think about X, to bring up to the... more
This is the Draft Table of Contents for my forthcoming book (Lexington--hopefully December 2016): Eco-Nihilism: The Philosophical Geopolitics of the Climate Change Apocalypse. I post it here to give my readers--for whom I'm tremendously... more
The motivation to write a paper on the general nature of science comes from the scientific nature of Quran, which has been a guidance and help in revealing that science is an ontological and teleological construct which the Quran... more
Continuing Medical Education Program
UPMC, Williamsport Hospital
David Kyle Johnson, Professor of Philosophy,
King’s College, Wilkes-Barre, PA
April 2, 2021
Continuing Medical Education Program
UPMC, Williamsport Hospital
David Kyle Johnson, Professor of Philosophy,
King’s College, Wilkes-Barre, PA
April 2, 2021
Resumen: La reciente aparición del SARS-CoV-2, causante del covid-2019, ha afectado al mundo entero. Diversas estrategias políticas y sanitarias han sido emprendidas para contenerlo. Como era de esperarse, los defensores de diversas... more
In this education-oriented paper essential features of science and pseudoscience are contrasted and representative examples of the latter are shortly characterized. The group of these examples consists of essential features of... more
The philosophical and scientific reasons why Koestler's arguments for parapsychological phenomenon are nothing more than pseudoscience, rather than his acclaimed scientific phenomenon.
The identification of deviant burials as those of ‘vampires’ is a feature of excavated skeletons from sites across Eastern, Central and Southern Europe as well as the Balkans. Based on a close reading of historic and folkloric sources... more
Karl Popper, ca raționalist critic, a fost un oponent al tuturor formelor de scepticism, convenționalism și relativism în știință. Multe dintre argumentele sale sunt îndreptate împotriva membrilor “Cercului Vienez”. Popper este de acord... more
El fraude de los fósiles reciclados abre el debate en el seno de la comunidad científica
This paper presents some linguistic features of manipulation and deception by analyizing examples from pseudo-scientific texts. There are several contents on the internet that source and credibility is doubtful, and these contents are... more
Criticisms of Karl Popper’s critical rationalist epistemology are often confused and misleading. In part that is due to Popper’s somewhat lax use of language, in which technical terms are used in more than one sense. I attempt to clarify... more
Семененко А.А. О недопустимости распространения псевдонаучных данных через систему образовательных учреждений школьного и профессионального образования (на примере тиражирования псевдоколесничного «арийского» мифа в учреждениях... more