Prussian History
Recent papers in Prussian History
Symposium: The Staatskapelle Berlin at 450 – A Review “Crisis and Prosperity: The Development of Prussian Court Music from 1713 to 1806“ Venue: Staatsoper im Schiller Theater Date: 7th- 9th October 2016 Call for Papers Deadline:... more
XVIII. yüzyılda Osmanlının Prusya ve diğer Avrupa devletleri ile olan ilişkileri
Nobilitierungen der Juden und jüdischen Konvertiten im Königreich Preußen im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert.
The subject of this article is the Wild & Wessel factory in Berlin, one of the foremost producers of kerosene lamps in Europe in the second half of the nineteenth century. The success of this factory was due in large part to its founding... more
About the use of tactical symbols in Prussian maps and plans 1790-1840
Sir Ribbentrops Instructions and orders for the reorganisation of Prussian hospitals 1808-1832. The general war commissioner v. Ribbentrop established a very effective hospital organisation for the reformed Prussian army in 1813-15.... more
Frederick II of Prussia (1712–1786), best known as Frederick the Great, was a prolific writer of philosophical discourses, poems, epics, satires, and more, while maintaining extensive correspondence with prominent intellectuals, Voltaire... more
In diesem Artikel wird der Wanderhandel als Ausdruck gesellschaftlicher Konflikte des 19. Jahrhunderts am Beispiel des oberlausitzer Grenzraums beleuchtet. Die Modernisierungsprozesse des 19. Jahrhunderts hielten auch und gerade für die... more
Stella Ghervas & Mark Jarrett, "Wie Frieden geschaffen wird" [How Peace was established], Die Zeit 38, September 11, 2014, p. 20. Der Wiener Kongress vor 200 Jahren gilt als... more
160pp., 4to, over 800 colour illustrations, printed boards binding. 2018. This is the major work on the subject, exploring the uniforms, organisation and equipment of the Landwehr, essential for Prussia to maintain her important... more
In diesem Aufsatz ist von zwei der bedeutendsten und engsten persönlichen und politischen Freunde Otto von Bismarcks die Rede. Im Jahr 1873 schied der enge Freund Bismarcks, Albrecht von Roon, aus seinem Amt als preußischer Kriegsminister... more
This new comprehensive study of Frederick II’s Fusilier and Garrison Regiments is organised by province reflecting contemporary practice rather than using the regimental number. It combines sources from the earliest available to the most... more
in: Damals. Das Magazin für Geschichte 7 (2018), S. 45-46.
Abstract: In an attempt to resolve contested memory narratives, the urban landscape of Berlin has given rise to the process of reconstructing German identity itself. This paper provides a critical analysis of the controversial cycle of... more
This thesis is an attempt to present modern earth fortifications from the area of the Polish Sudetes, including their time of origin, history, current state of research and preservation, as well as the presentation of author's research... more
Medieval historian argues that the true story of False Olaf would have made a much more compelling film
CPH Post, 15th-28th October 2021
CPH Post, 15th-28th October 2021
Arnold) 860 2. Forschungsstand 867 3. Die mittelalterliche Architektur im Ordensland 869 4. Der Burgenbau 871 4.1. Funktionsweise und bauliche Struktur der Konventsburgen 871 4.2. Die frühen Deutschordensburgen (1230 bis um 1270/80) 871... more
ABSTRACT Similar to some other so called sensitive issues, Freemasonry as well is avoided due to it has been accepted objectionable spoken and written. However, ''who do not know history can not shape the future''. In fact, there are how... more
Prusya ekolünün askerliğe kattığı en önemli şey, stratejik kuşatma öğretisidir. Prusya ekolü ile ilgilenen çoğu kişi Clausewitz'i bilmesine karşın Moltke ve Schlieffen'i işin içinde olmayanlar pek bilmez. Ben de bu yazıda Moltke'nin... more
In 1576, a map of Prussia “Prussiae Das ist des Landes zu Preussen Welches das herrlichste Theil ist Sarmatiae Europeae, Eigentliche und warhafftige Beschreibung” was published in Konigsberg. Its dimensions were 88.3 x 98.5 cm, and the... more
""TITLE: Prussian Musketeer Regiment of the Austrian War of Succession and Seven Years War: SUB-TITLE: Uniforms Organisation and Equipment AUTHOR: Dr Stephen Summerfield PUBLISHER: Ken Trotman Publishing ISBN Number:... more
This is a short presentation of chapter 5 in the anthology "Christianity and War in Medieval East Central Europe and Scandinavia", ed. R. Kotecki, C.S. Jensen & S. Bennett (Leeds: Arc Humanities Press, 2021), 97-115. The entire book can... more
The author investigates the position held by Macedonia in German public discourse from the beginning of 19th century until the break of World War I. In the first part the author discusses the place Macedonia held in German historiography,... more
El propósito de este artículo es analizar, contrastando obras de época con estudios actuales, el surgimiento de Prusia como potencia militar en las décadas centrales del siglo XVIII. Para ello, es necesario poner el foco de nuestra... more
NOWOŻYTNE FORTYFIKACJE ZIEMNE JELENIEJ GÓRY W trakcie wojen prowadzonych na Śląsku w XVII-XX w. umacniano swoje pozycje budując liczne ziemne fortyfikacje polowe, związane np. z obozowaniem wojsk lub ochroną danego obszaru. Kilka z... more
Im Preußenland, dem Gebiet zwischen Weichsel und Memel, existierte vom 13. bis zum frühen 16. Jh. der Staat der Deutschordensritter. In der Zeit der Ordensherrschaft entstand eine reiche Architekturlandschaft, die vor allem durch ihre... more
ABSTRACT in English (résumé en français ci-après): This article (as all my other articles on Clausewitz) isn’t a discussion “around” the thoughts of Clausewitz, which would be first based on Clausewitz – an attractive name! – in order to... more