Recent papers in Provenance
TransCultAA International Conference of the HERA Project, Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte, 16-18 May 2019, Munich (DE)
Cordia americana, C. saccelia and C. trichotoma are native trees of the subtropical Andean forests of Argentina. Due to their high value as a wood source, these species are under threat from the over-exploitation of their populations and... more
Sediment geochemistry is a powerful tool to investigate earth surface processes because sediments record geochemical signatures of their provenance, generation, transport, deposition, and environmental conditions. A significant... more
This 2nd edition of the internationally acclaimed guide to forensic stable isotope analysis uses real-world examples to bridge discussions of the basic science, instrumentation and analytical techniques underlying forensic isotope... more
This study presents a geochemical investigation of Tikak Parbat and Tipam Sandstone Formations occurring in and around Dilli area, Sivasagar, Assam. Petrographically Tikak Parbat and Tipam sandstones are mainly quartzose arenite to... more
A new research privacy preserving data mining develop due to the recent advanced in data mining, security technologies. The basic concept of PPDM is to correct the data in such a way so as to perform data mining algorithms definitely... more
The petrographic and geochemical composition of the Dharla River sediments has been examined to infer their sediment type, degree of weathering, provenance, and tectonic settings. Petrographically the sediments are characterized by the... more
Detrital sand grains from three beaches (Tecolutla, Nautla, and Veracruz) along the western Gulf of Mexico were studied by a scanning electron microscope, to investigate the depositional environment and paleoclimate. Totally, 24... more
Ex-libris; Marcas de propriedade; Acervo Raro; Biblioteca Rio-Grandense (Rio Grande, RS); Property marks; Rare collections; Rio-Grandense Library (Rio Grande, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil)
Provenance research, use of inventories, and acquisitions journals: Kartellen · Erwerbungsbücher · Erwerbungsakten · Inventarbücher · Das Lesen von Erwerbungsnummern · Erwerbungsformulare (chronologisch absteigend) ·... more
Criminal records are highly sensitive public records. By incorporating criminal records in a blockchain, authenticity and rigidity of records can be maintained; which also helps to keep the data safe from adversaries. A peer to peer cloud... more
A pesar de que el maíz es uno de los cultivos más estudiados en la actualidad, resulta de gran importancia conocer su origen y clasificación, así como la clasificación de las razas existentes en el mundo. Cuba cuenta con una gran... more
The National Gallery in Ljubljana keeps a portrait previously known as the Portrait of a Noblewoman, which has been accompanied by an unsupported claim that it represents a lady from the Auersperg family ever since its first public... more
Conference Programme incl. abstracts and speaker affiliations.
The first catalogue raisonné of Rembrandt’s paintings was established by the London art dealer John Smith. Published in 1836, it originated as part of a larger series, itself motivated by the author’s endeavour to transcend his daily... more
The study of Indian Art has been the constant focus of various art historians around the world since the colonial times. A significant body of textual sources coupled with substantial secondary research, therefore, exists before... more
Die Masterthesis untersucht die Debatten um sogenannte "koloniale Objekte" im Musée du Quai Branly (Paris) und im noch entstehenden Humboldt-Forum (Berlin). Dabei vergleicht sie gleichermaßen die Institutionen selbst wie auch die Debatten... more
The convoluted post-war history of artworks forming part of the Royal Castle in Warsaw collection highlights the assorted form and manner of delivering the idea of restituting the royal collection. The notion of restitution was applied... more
Publikasi provenan batupasir vulkanik formasi Semilir yang diendapkan pada submarine fan masih terbatas. Komposisi batupasir Formasi Semilir dianalisa menggunakan teknik sayatan tipis dan klasifikasi Dickinson & Suczek (1979) untuk... more
Various red, black and grey 'Belgian marbles' (coloured dense fossiliferous Palaeozoic limestones suitable for polishing - 'calcaires marbriers') decorated private and public buildings as well as sanctuaries within and beyond the civitas... more
Abstract and list of chapters for doctoral thesis.
My Mother's Village is a personal documentary response to The Sri Lanka Series (1980), a series of ethnographic films produced by the author's anthropologist mother, Sharon Bell, and filmmaker father, Geoff Burton. Four women, a community... more
British Institute of Persian Studies (BIPS) Seminar Wednesday 20 July 2022 5pm (GMT) Zoom Webinar Registration: ***** Originally... more
In the summer of 1911, after having created the first of his now-acclaimed ‘metaphysical’ paintings, the modern Italian painter Giorgio de Chirico (1888-1978) left Florence for Paris, where he went on to produce some of his most... more
Este texto analiza el estado de la cuestión sobre imprentas y librerías jesuitas en la Nueva España, e intenta compilar las noticias conocidas sobre los documentos históricos que se han identificado en esta temática
During the Early modern age, the Society of Jesus was the religious institution that, more than any other, linked its reason for existence to the world of the book. Indeed between the Sixteenth and Seventeenth centuries, Jesuit founded... more
Monastery library of Order of Hermits of Saint Augustin in Prague is an outstanding book collection of considerable scientific and historical value. Nowadays, it consists of more than 18 000 volumes. Saint Thomas Monastery was founded by... more
This is the latest version of my attempt to compile a list of all the western medieval manuscripts that passed through the collection of Alfred Chester Beatty and his wife Edith. Please let me know if you have more information.
The Lost Manuscripts from the Sistine Chapel: An Epic Journey from Rome to Toledo is an exhibition that focuses on the codices from the sacristy of the Sistine Chapel in Vatican City. These richly illustrated manuscripts were originally... more
Over the centuries, Western connoisseurs honed a fascination for objects from Asia, Africa, the Americas and the Pacific, many of which are part of public and private collections today. What trajectories did they follow, how were they... more
During the first half of the eighteenth century, before its dispersal in a memorable Florentine auction of 1852, the Rinuccini collection underwent a decisive evolution under the aegis of Marchese Folco and his sons Carlo and Alessandro.... more