Recent papers in Protocols
External ventricular drains (EVDs) are commonly used to facilitate removal of cerebrospinal fluid in patients with neurologic dysfunction. Despite a high risk for infection (upward of 45%), many hospitals lack strict protocols for EVD... more
Diplomatic Protocol & Etiquette
This paper presents the design philosophy and initial design decisions of Herald: a highly scalable global event notification system that is being designed and built at Microsoft Research. Herald is a distributed system designed to... more
This paper presents a methodology for a unified cosimulation and co-synthesis of hardware-software systems. This approach addresses the modeling of communication between the hardware and software modules at different abstraction levels... more
Anonymity protocols are a privacy-enhancing technology for Internet-based communication. Two important characteristics of anonymity protocols are the strength of anonymity provided, and the overhead required for anonymous communication.... more
Automated response to intrusions has become a major issue in defending critical systems. Because the adversary can take actions at computer speeds, systems need the capability to react without human intervention. An infrastructure that... more
This paper provides a first look at the potential for implementing a high-bandwidth air/ground (A/G) digital networked voice and data system in the very high frequency (VHF) band. The Future Communication study (FCS), a joint study... more
Some IP-phones are offering only a simple user interface with plain DTMF digits and optional function buttons, but without any graphical display. This kind of limited user interface makes cumbersome the usage of advanced IPtelephony... more
Mobile IPv6 is the protocol defined by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) to enable nodes to roam between IP subnets. Its specification requires the mobile node to be configured with at least a Home prefix to discover a home agent... more
Background • Approaches to IP integration of WSNs so far: Pure TCP/IP solutions: sensor nodes implement the TCP/IP stack (or a compatible set of protocols such as 6LoWPAN in 802.15.4 networks); and Gateway solutions: System Architecture... more
In this paper we present a state of the art review of the soft computing based approaches for trust and reputation computation. We divide the soft computing based approaches for trust and reputation computation into five different... more
Analysis 1.1. Comparison 1 Active versus expectant management of 3rd stage of labour (all women), Outcome 1 Severe primary postpartum haemorrhage (PPH) at time of birth (clinically estimated or measured blood loss ≥ 1000 mL). Analysis... more
In 2006, 100,000 servers were broken down just within 10 minutes . Those were the victims of some Denial-of-Service attacks. This news and knowing that some of those victims were so well-known companies like Hotmail and Amazon, indicate... more
We introduce models for cooperative mitigating response strategies to suppress large scale Internet worm attack. In our models, cooperating members communicate with oth- ers using a "friend protocol" that spreads attack reports... more
Quasi-Delay-Insensitive design is a promising solution for coping with contemporary silicon technology problems such as aggressive process variation and tight power budgets. However, one major barrier to its wider adoption is the lack of... more
We investigate the idea of using nodes with controllable mobility as intermediate relays for reducing the power consumption in a network of mobile wireless sensors. We present the relay deployment problem, which is to optimally position... more
In this paper different optimization of Ad-hoc routing algorithm is surveyed and a new method using training based optimization algorithm for reducing the complexity of routing algorithms is suggested. A binary matrix is assigned to each... more
Wireless sensor and actor networks (WSANs) pose stringent network efficiency requirements in order to sustain feasibility. The feasibility of such a network specifically depends on the latency and energy efficiency that the communication... more
The work station is the most important part of any CAD/CAM system in industrial operation. Uniform operating procedures and easy access to archives, engineering data, and product models are key requirements of a work station in an... more
We introduce the continuous convergence protocol for handling locally committed and possibly concurrent updates to replicated data objects in distributed real-time databases. The protocol is designed for systems where replicated database... more
From a software engineering perspective, agent systems are a specialization of object-oriented (OO) systems, in which individual objects have their own threads of control and their own goals or sense of purpose. Engineering such systems... more
Ultra-wideband (UWB) has been proposed for physical layer standard for high speed wireless personal area networks (WPAN). It has emerged as cost effective and reliable alternative to traditional wireless technologies in WPANs. This paper... more
Safety critical, Internet of Things (IoT) and spacebased applications have recently begun to adopt wireless networks based on commercial off the shelf (COTS) devices and standardized protocols, which inherently establishes the security... more
The objectives are as follows: To assess the effects of trained medical interpreters in face-to-face clinical settings for patients with low proficiency in the local language on: 1 Trained medical interpreters in a face-to-face clinical... more
Tarantula is an aggressive floating point machine targeted at technical, scientific and bioinformatics workloads, originally planned as a follow-on candidate to the EV8 processor [6, 5]. Tarantula adds to the EV8 core a vector unit... more
The key issue of the localization study is that how we can minimize the energy consumption of devices with guaranteeing high degree of accuracy. In this paper, we show that the collaboration among proxy devices with short range... more
An essential function for achieving security in computer networks is reliable authentication of communicating parties and network components. Such authentication typically relies on exchanges of cryptographic messages between the involved... more
Emergency situations require specific needs in particular in terms of communications, data transmission and sharing. Of particular concern are the transmissions of the patient's medical history to the emergency physician, the transmission... more
Ahsrrcict-Th is paper proposes I IP(I ntel I igent Internet Protocol) which effectively addresses the issues involved in wireless communication at Network Layer such a s support for mobility, frequent loss of connection due to fading,... more
We propose a novel explicit rate-flow-control algorithm intended for available-bit-rate (ABR) service on an ATM network subject to loss and fairness constraints. The goal is to guarantee low cell loss in order to avoid throughput collapse... more
To assess the effects of interventions for infantile seborrhoeic dermatitis in children from birth to 24 months of age. Interventions for infantile seborrhoeic dermatitis (including cradle cap) (Protocol)
, J. (2014). Lifestyle intervention for improving school achievement in overweight or obese children and adolescents. Cochrane database of systematic reviews, 3, CD009728.
This paper presents a 3-layer service architecture for the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) that incorporates other protocols to provide multimedia and presence communications. Beyond SIP basic services, personalized services are also... more
In the domain of content delivery over Internet, each of the Client/Server and P2P communication modes has its pros and cons. In this scope, hybrid network architectures have been recently proposed as a relevant solution. In this paper we... more
In this work a novelty use of the High-availability Seamless Redundancy (HSR) in the Train Communication Network (TCN) is presented. Nowadays, the 10 years old TCN standard is being renewed toward an Ethernet-based solution, but it is... more
Due to the growth in ubiquitous computing technology in the past few years, the need for context-aware service discovery across wide area networks is becoming prevalent. We propose GloServ, which is a global service discovery architecture... more
Energy-efficiency is key to meet lifetime requirements of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) applications. Today's run-time platforms and development environments leave it to the application developer to manage power consumption. For best... more
External Border Gateway Protocol (eBGP) is the ubiquitous protocol used today for advertisement of reachability information and for route selection among administrative domains (Autonomous Systems or ASs) in the Internet. However, many... more
The video game market is currently the fastest growing form of E-entertainment. Today's players want more from their experience, like massively multiplayer online games and the ability to play anytime/anywhere using cell phones,... more
In this paper, we propose a cooperative transmission scheme for underwater acoustic sensor networks to enhance the network performance. Relay nodes are exploited as virtual antennas to achieve diversity gains. Based on the distinct char... more