Recent papers in Proterozoic
Lower and Middle Cambrian carbonate rocks of the Çal Tepe Formation, cropping out in the western Taurus Mountains, yielded a large number of microfossil remains. Small shelly fossils from a single level in the upper Lower Cambrian... more
A proposal is put forward to rede®ne the geological time scale for the Precambrian. Flaws of the present, chronometrically de®ned, time scale are discussed and illustrated. It is concluded that we need to go back to the rock record to... more
In the last decades Fe-oxide Cu-Au (IOCG) deposits attracted the interest of exploration geologists and geophysicists. General geophysical descriptions of IOCG deposits have been published in the recent past, but there is still a lack of... more
C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Sciences de la Terre et des planètes / Earth and Planetary Sciences 332 (2001) 283-289 2001 Académie des sciences / Éditions scientifiques et médicales Elsevier SAS. Tous droits réservés S1251-8050(01)01542-7/FLA... more
The geological record of consolidation and uplift of crustal protolith identifies three major groupings of Archaean cratonic nuclei . These comprise 'Ur' (∼3.0 Ga cratons of Southern Africa, Western Australia), 'Arctica' (∼2.5 Ga cratons... more
Contingent origin of water on Earth Elements of a synthesis based on geological and geochemical evidence as well as astronomical and planetological models Michel Detay 1
Abstract Microscopic phosphatic scales are found in limestones and cherts from the 812–717 million year old Fifteenmile Group of the Yukon Territory. These enigmatic microfossils, which to date have not been identified in any other... more
A group of less disturbed and unmetamorphosed ‘Proterozoic’ platformal sediment package lying over deformed and metamorphosed Archean to Paleoproterozoic basement in several parts of Peninsular India is informally termed as ‘Purana’... more
The moderately metamorphosed and deformed rocks exposed in the Hampden Synform, Eastern Fold Belt, in the Mt Isa terrane, underwent complex multiple deformations during the early Mesoproterozoic Isan Orogeny (ca 1590(ca -1500. The... more
The 2.7-2.0 Ga volcano-sedimentary records of the African, Indian and Australian cratons indicate two broadly defined periods of extensive drowning of the emergent continental areas, concomitant with lowered freeboard. Carbonate-banded... more
Life is an inordinately complex unsolved puzzle. Despite significant theoretical progress, experimental anomalies, paradoxes, and enigmas have revealed paradigmatic limitations. Thus, the advancement of scientific understanding requires... more
There are only two kinds of organisms on the Earth: prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Although eukaryotes are considered to have evolved from prokaryotes, there were no previously known intermediate forms between them. The differences in their... more
Ongoing discoveries of new rangeomorph fossils from the Ediacaran of Avalonia allow us to put forward a unified and approachable scheme for the description and phylogenetic analysis of frondose genera and their species. This scheme... more
The Zgounder ore deposit (Anti-Atlas, Morocco), is hosted in a PII-PIII Proterozoic volcanosedimentary series. Disseminated mineralization is dominated by mercuriferous native silver (2 to 30 wt.% Hg), with few silver sulfosalts... more
Soapstone deposits on the Belcher Islands are a product of intrusion of the Haig gabbro sills as part of 1960 ±160Ma plume-related volcanic events. Multiple sills intruded into wet sedimentary units underlying the Flaherty pillow basalts.... more
In September of 1869, while studying sponges off the Norwegian island of Gisoe, Ernst Haeckel (1834-1919) discovered a tiny, flagellated ball-shaped organism swimming about in his samples. Appearing first to be the planula larva of an... more
Geological history from the late Palaeoproterozoic to early Neoproterozoic is dominated by the formation of the supercontinent Columbia, and its break-up and re-amalgamation into the next supercontinent, Rodinia. On a global scale, major... more
The Olympic Dam polymetallic deposit is located 520 km northnorthwest of Adelaide, South Australia. The deposit has an inferred resource of 2660 Mt at 1.2% Cu, 1.4 kg/t U 3 O 8 , 0.5 g/t Au. The deposit occurs in a hydrothermal breccia... more
The North African section of the Gondwana margin was the site of voluminous, arc-related magmatism during the Late Neoproterozoic (Avalonian–Cadomian orogen). The lower (and older) metasedimentary sequence that constitutes the Basal Units... more
Analysis of more than 900 wireline logs indicates that the Middle Devonian Marcellus Formation encompasses two thirdorder transgressive-regressive (T-R) sequences, MSS1 and MSS2, in ascending order. Compositional elements of the Marcellus... more
Whereas both meteorite impact and volcanic mechanisms have been proposed to explain the rocks and associated ore deposits within the Sudbury structure (1.85 Ga), few models take into consideration the paleogeographic constraints implied... more
"Diploblastic eumetazoans of the phylum Cnidaria originated during the Neoproterozoic Era, possibly during the Cryogenian Period. The oldest known fossil cnidarians occur in strata of Ediacaran age and consist of polypoid forms that were... more
The Kitto intrusion is a Mesoproterozoic 1117.7 ±1.8 Ma peridotitic to gabbroic intrusion, that formed as a result of plume magmatism and was emplaced along Mesoproterozoic and Archean faults in the East Nipigon Embayment of northern... more
The siliciclastic lacustrine rocks of the~1000 Ma Diabaig Formation, northwest Scotland, contain a remarkable diversity of macroscopic structures on bedding planes that can be compared with various kinds of microbially induced sedimentary... more
Palaeomagnetic data are used to study the configurations of continents during the Proterozoic. Applying stringent reliability criteria, the positions of the continents at 12 times in the 2.45- to 1.00-Ga period have been constructed. The... more
The study of life remote in space has strong parallels with the study of life remote in time. Both are dependent on decoding those historic phenomena called 'fossils', here taken to include biogenic traces of activity and waste products.... more
Recent geological studies have provided new concepts concerning the timing of the final break-up of the Archaean craton. Age data on detrital zircons from sedimentary rocks in Sweden and Finland show marked similarities and indicate... more
The Kufra Basin is a large\ underexplored\ Palaeozoic intracratonic sag basin in SE Libya and NE Chad with extensions into NW Sudan and SW Egypt[ The basin _ll consists of shallow marine to~uvial deposits ranging in age from infracambrian... more
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Planetary climate and surface chemistry are tightly coupled; atmospheric composition affects the transfer of solar and infrared radiation, and therefore climate, whereas the components of climate, including temperature and precipitation,... more
The Paleoproterozoic Woodline Formation forms a 50 km long, northeast-trending belt of metasedimentary rocks that unconformably overlies Archean granites and greenstones of the Eastern Goldfields Superterrane near the southeastern margin... more
The ∼1000 Ma Torridon Group of northwest Scotland are here shown to contain a rich diversity of organic walled microfossils preserved in exceptional detail within sedimentary phosphate. The phosphatic nodules and bands in which they occur... more