Property Market Analysis
Recent papers in Property Market Analysis
Chandra Rambey, Carmelo Ferlito and Alfi Syharin Ario Waskito, Indonesia’s new capital city and its impact on the real estate industry in Greater Jakarta, Jakarta (ID), Provalindo Nusa, 2020.
უძრავი ქონება, როგორც ერთ-ერთი ყველაზე ღირებული და მყარი აქტივი, უმნიშვნელოვანეს რგოლს წარმოადგენს როგორც ქვეყნის ეკონომიკაში ასევე მსოფლიო აღებ-მიცემობაში. უძრავი ქონების მონაწილეობა ქვეყნის ეკონო-მიკურ პროცესებში მაღალი პროცენტული... more
24 November 2020, Real Estate in Indonesia: Macroeconomic Trends and Market Outlook, Expert Session at the REII Connect 2020 Conference organized by Real Estate Investment Indonesia (REII). The conference was held online from Jakarta,... more
Shazana Mokhtar, National Housing Policy 2018-2025 – The Right Roadmap?, «BFM 89.9», The Property Show, 8 February 2019, Last month, the... more
1. Covid 19 dan Kondisi Ekonomi Dunia 1.1 Covid 19 dan Munculnya Krisis Ekonomi Dunia: Sebuah Pengantar. 1.2. Dampak Kebijakan Lockdown Terhadap Kondisi Ekonomi Dunia. 1.3. Efek Pandemi Terhadap Sektor Agrikultur Dunia. 2. Kondisi Ekonomi... more
Kelvin Yee, Kam Raslan, Aiman Rashad and Tasha Fusil, How Extensions for Developers Affect Homebuyers, «BFM 89.9 – The Evening Edition», 7 November 2019,... more
Bu çalışmada gayrimenkul geliştirme sürecini anlamaya yönelik literatürde üretilen analitik modeller özetlenmekte ve bu modellerin Türkiye’de tecrübe edilen gayrimenkul geliştirme süreçlerini açıklamadaki başarısı sorgulanmaktadır.... more
Global lockdown of all economic activities due to the COVID-19 pandemic have a consequential impact on all aspects of the economy including real estate. This assertion necessitates the need to evaluate the impact of the pandemic on real... more
Melisa Idris, How the Property Bubble Affects You, «BFM 89.9», The Property Show, Interview with Dr Carmelo Ferlito, 5 October 2018,
Luxury property projects freeze impedes readjustment phase: Ideas senior fellow, «», 11 January 2018,
Harizah Kamel, Big no for vacancy tax, «The Malaysian Reserve», 17 August 2020, p. 7.
ABSTRACT Turkey is well behind the many countries according to socio- economic development criteria. Activities aim to make Istanbul a financial center seem paradoxical due to less developed and risky characteristics of national... more
Many local property markets have been changed and internationalized as a result of globalisation and liberalisation processes which have speeded up significantly, especially in the last thirty years. There are some studies in the property... more
Andhika Dinata, Menimbang Untung-Rugi Pemindahan Ibu Kota, «Gatra Review», 31 October 2020, pp. 50-53.
According to Mark Thornton, we could be very close to another major economic crisis. Ten years have passed from the so-called Great Recession and Thornton's prediction confirms my view according to which business fluctuations are... more
27 November 2020, Housing Forward: From Housing Crisis to Housing Stability, a talk delivered to the REHDA Housing Conference 2020 – Beyond the Pandemic – Reshaping Real Estate, organized by REHDA Institute in the form of webinar in Kuala... more
Robin Augustin, Ahli ekonomi saran pemaju sewakan rumah tak terjual, «Free Malaysia Today», 30 October 2019,
The purpose of the study was to establish the effect of commercial bank lending interest rates on the performance of the residential property market in Kenya. Swelling of the residential property prices in Kenya vis a vis the commercial... more
Panel Discussion: Housing the Nation, Empowering the Buyer • Comparison between Malaysia and other countries on the housing agenda in national budget; • Housing affordability: A dream or reality? Moderator: Tan Sri Datuk Eddy Chen Lok... more
The study examines globalization processes in property markets through an empirical investigation into the commercial property market of Greater Copenhagen. The focus is on investment in commercial properties. Globalization of property... more
The research investigates the potential of a geographical information system to analyse the recorded displacement of office and industrial occupiers in Tyne and Wear, England. The paper demonstrates that a GIS provides an effective tool... more
Economic reality shows us that business fluctuations are everywhere and the crisis that emerged in the Western world in 2007 is just the latest and most evident manifestation of such dynamics. As mentioned in Ferlito (2016a, pp. 202-203),... more
Freezing luxury property developments not right, «MalaysiaKini», 11 January 2018,
The aim of the research presented is to explore how business occupiers decide whether and where to relocate. It captures the experience and behaviour of a range of sizes and types of business occupier and subjects their decision making... more
Carmelo Ferlito, Recent trends in the Malaysian property market, «Property360Digest», 9, July 2021, pp. 6-10.
FARA AISYAH, A readjustment period as high-end properties face a daunting 2019, «The Malaysian Reserve», 24 December 2018, p. 6.
Giá bất động sản ở Hà Nội hiện nay được cho là cao không tương xứng với thu nhập dân cư. Tại sao thị trường có giá cao như vậy mà người dân có thu nhập thấp vẫn tồn tại được? Xu hướng giá cả sẽ như thế nào? Bài viết này tiếp cận vấn đề... more
Wariness over proposed property vacancy tax, «The Star», 1 September 2020, p. B3,
Tangani hutang isi rumah, bukannya minta bank mudahkan pinjaman, kata ahli ekonomi, «The Malaysian Insight», 28 November 2019,
Khairie Hisyam Aliman, Affordable housing – can PH succeed where BN failed?, «The Edge», 4 February 2019, p. 12.
Chua Ern Teck, Affordable Housing and Cyclical Fluctuations, interview with Dr Carmelo Ferlito, «BFM 89.9», Live & Learn, 14 August 2018,
Kontroversi Tapera, Skema dan Tantangan, «», 3 July 2020,
The rental market and the role of government, «The Edge Malaysia», 15 July 2019, p. 49.
IDEAS: Malaysia Needs To Be Ready For The Property Bubble To Burst, «Malaysia Today», 24 July 2018,
SURIN MURUGIAH, Freezing approvals for luxury property developments is not in right direction, says think tank, «The Edge Markets», 11 January 2018,... more
Thị trường bất động sản (chủ yếu là nhà ở) đóng băng là vấn đề được quan tâm hiện nay. Tuy nhiên, có những nội dung kể cả học thuật và thực tiễn cần được làm rõ hơn. Bài viết bàn về giải pháp phá băng thị trường bất động sản thông qua... more
With funding from the RICS Education Trust, Paul Greenhalgh and Helen King of Northumbria University, UK sought to investigate whether using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) can enhance the representation and analysis of property... more
In 2015 the British government announced a number of major tax reforms for individual landlords. To give landlords time to adjust, some of these tax measures are being introduced gradually from April 2017, with full effect in tax year... more
Eugene Mahalingam, Virus a real challenge to property sector, «The Star», 26 September 2020, p. B14,
Robin Augustin, More affordable housing than just pricing, Putrajaya told, «Free Malaysia Today», 5 August 2020,
Chin Wai Lun, Trouble brewing in bubble tea heaven, «», 29 May 2020, pp. 1, 6-7.
A fresher approach to housing policy, «The Malaysian Reserve», 3 February 2020, p. 15.
IDEAS: Developers can rent out unsold homes, «EdgeProp», 30 October 2019,
Pasaran hartanah Malaysia: Lebih atau kurang?, «BH Online», 8 July 2019,
The Affordable Housing Debate: Home Ownership or Rental – The Way Forward, a panel discussion moderated by Ms Au Foong Yee (Managing Director & Editor-In-Chief, Edge Property). Panelists: YB Haniza binti Mohamed Talha (Selangor State EXCO... more
Property bubble about to burst, warns think tank, «Free Malaysia Today», 24 July 2018,