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The central focus of this paper is the notion that the home can provide a locale in which people can work at attaining a sense of ontological security in a world that at times is experienced as threatening and uncontrollable. The paper... more
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      SociologyProperty RightsPropertyMeaning
Real Estate Investment Trusts - This paper looks at the changes to the UK REIT rules which made it easier for a REIT to invest in other REITs without impacting its tax status. We also ask whether a pure REIT Fund is possible,
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      BusinessTaxationBusiness TaxationProperty
This essay introduces and theorizes the central concerns of this special issue, “Economies of Dispossession: Indigeneity, Race, Capitalism.” Financialization, debt, and the accelerated concentration of wealth today work through social... more
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      Critical TheoryCultural StudiesBlack Studies Or African American StudiesNative American Studies
This article explores the importance of non-capitalist space within the global political economy. The issue of how to categorise and understand space in so-called peripheral regions such as Latin America has been a contentious one. Whilst... more
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      MarxismPropertyResistance (Social)Capitalism
Pilgrimage art is visual culture intended to enhance or direct a pilgrim's experience at a particular sacred site. The artwork is quite varied, but it tends to fall into broad categories including reliquaries and shrines, architectural... more
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      PilgrimageLabyrinthsPropertyCult of Saints
Brazil has endured multiple political, economic, and environmental crises-and now the COVID-19 pandemic-which have drawn social inequalities into razor sharp relief. This contribution analyzes the resilience of rural families facing these... more
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      Social MovementsLatin American StudiesAnthropologyEthics
Rapid urbanisation in Somalia, as in many other war-torn countries, is driven by in-migration of displaced people who are often amassed in camps. Although such camps become institutionalised sites of exclusion where ‘bare life’ is... more
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      War StudiesPropertyInternally Displaced Persons (IDPs)Urbanisation
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      Real EstateLawDevelopment StudiesInformation Security
In this concluding chapter we will not seek to summarise all the points made throughout the volume. Rather we bring out from these discussions some practi- cal proposals for how the law might move forward. Three models for reform will be... more
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      Medical LawProperty LawPropertyMedical Law and Ethics
Glucose oxidase from Aspergillus niger was purified to homogeneity by hydrophobic interaction and ion-exchange chromatography. Approx. 95% of the carbohydrate moiety was cleaved from the protein by incubation of glucose oxidase with... more
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      ThermodynamicsKineticsPropertyStructural Stability
This paper presents a neural network artificial intelligence model developed in cooperation with the Texas Department of Insurance as part of an early warning system for predicting insurer insolvency. A feed-forward back-propagation... more
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      PropertyNeural NetworksInsolvencyProperty & Casualty Insurance
In South Africa, the right to evict held by a property-holder is not merely incidental to property rights. The exercise of the right to evict must be understood against the bloody history of land dispossession through forced removals and... more
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      LawConstitutional LawProperty LawProperty
If you would like to write for this, or any other Emerald publication, then please use our Emerald for Authors service information about how to choose which publication to write for and submission guidelines are available for all. Please... more
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      Real EstateEconomicsUrban PlanningProperty
In this paper we show that for a set X of real numbers the function space C p (X) has both a property introduced by Sakai in [Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 104 (1988) 917-919] and a property introduced by Reznichenko (see [Topology Appl. 104... more
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      PropertyPure MathematicsFunction Space
Adult children living with their parents represent an increasingly common social phenomenon in the Unites States that challenges the boundaries of both the family and formal property rights. What is the legal status of adult children... more
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      LawProperty RightsFamily LawPolitical Science
THE MODERN CONCEPT of visual appropriation implies a 'talcing' to oneself of a view or an object in a view. One thinks of the viewpoint and the visual construction as one's own, but the land and objects making up this view are one's... more
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      British HistoryPropertyPicturesque TheoryHumphry Repton
Perubahan Kebiasaan dari calon pelanggan yang serba online membuat para pengusaha property, agency, marketing, sales mengoptimalkan Digital Marketing sebagai media pemasaran. Anda sudah siap menggarap prospek dari online? Ini strategi... more
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ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis seberapa besar pengaruh Luas Tanah, Lebar jalan dan Peruntukan terhadap nilai tanah. Hipotesis yang diajukan adalah bahwa luas tanah berpengaruh positif terhadap nilai tanah, Lebar jalan... more
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    • Property
Democracy in the Woods: Environmental Conservation and Social Justice in India, Tanzania, and Mexico Oxford University Press (January 2017) How do societies negotiate the apparently competing agendas of environmental protection and... more
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      Comparative PoliticsPolitical EconomyConservationEnvironmental Studies
Sebagai pengusaha, properti menjadi investasi dan bisnis yang paling menjanjikan. Potensinya besar, karena luas tanah di bumi tidak bertambah. Tapi tidak semua bisnis properti laris manis mirip orang jualan gorengan. Apa yang membedakan... more
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    • Property
Seventh PRRES Conference, Canterbury, 21-23 January 2002 Measuring Corporate Real Estate Asset Management Performance John McDonagh, Senior Lecturer Property Group, Lincoln University, Canterbury. Key Words corporate, real estate, asset... more
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      Real EstateCorporate Real EstatePropertyPerformance
Summarecon Bekasi dirancang sebagai sebuah kota yang modern, dinamis dan berkelanjutan dalam konsep smart city development. Summarecon Bekasi dikembangkan seluas 270 ha sebagai ikon kawasan hunian prestis yang nyaman dengan lingkungan... more
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      Real EstatePropertyHousingSmart Home Technology
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      GeographyUrban PlanningPropertyUrban Studies
Adalah perusahaan yang didirikan sejak tahun 2010, bergerak di bidang jasa konsultan dan produksi septic tank sanitasi "BIOSTAR" modern dan ramah lingkungan. Kelebihan dari produk kami terletak pada materi yang telah diuji, dan dalam... more
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    • Property
Demographic criteria usually relate to the person's characteristics. They measure people's affordability and capability, which could be at various levels. In addition, different demographies contribute differently to a buyer's choice in... more
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Dynamic tire properties, specifically the forces and moments generated under different circumstances, have been found to be important to motorcycle dynamics. A similar situation may be expected to exist for bicycles, but limited bicycle... more
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In 1776 Jefferson said that the most important change he made to make Virginia laws more democratic was his bill to alter Virginia's inheritance law. His bill allowed for land and goods of those who died without a will to be equally... more
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      Political TheoryHistory of SlaveryPropertyHistory of Capitalism
Iskandar Malaysia and the future of property investment following the rule of Transformation (i.e. Economic development of the 9 main clusters defined under the CDP and CDPii, new infrastructures, educational hub and so on) Timing... more
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      Real EstateLand and Property DevelopmentPropertyMalaysia
In this study, erbia (Er2O3)-doped Bi2O3 ceramics were prepared from sol–gel derived nanocrystalline powders. The morphological properties were investigated by scanning electron microscopy. X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis was carried out... more
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What does it mean to turn something into an asset—not just conceptually, but also in terms of the good itself? And what are the implications for doing business with others through assets? These are crucial questions as they connect... more
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      Economic SociologyIntellectual PropertyPropertyPlant breeding and genetics
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      Historical GeographyPolitical EconomyU.S. historyCritical Legal Theory
This casebook offers a concise, user-friendly presentation of land use law which incorporates a focus on critical thinking and practice throughout. The casebook devotes an entire chapter to complex and realistic scenarios that provide... more
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      Constitutional LawEnvironmental LawProperty LawLocal Government
Cities possess a far greater ability to be trailblazers on a national scale than local officials may imagine. Realizing this, city advocates continue to call for renewed recognition by state and federal officials of the benefits of... more
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      Real EstateEconomicsProperty LawPolitics
In Europe today, there are two main vehicles for indirect investment in real estate: real estate investment funds and listed real estate companies. With these instruments not only does the investor take a position in the real estate... more
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      BusinessReal EstateFinanceProperty
The urgency of carrying out research works on development of high-strength concrete for production of monolithic structures in the conditions of the North is shown. Results of researches on application of river sand from the Lena River... more
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      Civil EngineeringConcreteKineticsProperty
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      Social TheoryPhilosophyPolitical PhilosophyPolitical Theory
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      PropertyAnthropology of Kinship
This report explores the introduction of a system of land value taxation in Scotland.
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      PropertyReal Estate/Land Taxation
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      Real EstatePropertyInvestingWealth Dragons
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      Real EstateLawReal Estate EconomicsDevelopment Studies
Tasarım pratiğinde, üretim ve tüketim dengelerinden, sanayi toplumundan, sermayeden kaçmak imkânsız; zira mesleğin kendisi üretim ile, sanayi ile, rekabet ile var. Dünyanın içinde bulunduğu sosyal ve ekonomik değişim, bu bağlamda en çok... more
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      Intellectual PropertyDesignIndustrial DesignProperty
This agreement is made the day and year stated in Section 1 of the First Schedule hereto between the party whose name and description are stated in Section 2 of the First Schedule hereto (herein-after called " the Landlord " which... more
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      Intellectual PropertyLand and Property DevelopmentProperty LawProperty
Review of
Jacob Blumenfeld. All Things are Nothing to Me. The Unique Philosophy of Max Stirner. Winchester; Washington: Zero Books, 2018. – 168 p.
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      Metaphysics of TimePropertyPhilosophy of TimeMax Stirner
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      Real EstateProperty
This study assessed the tenants' experiences regarding satisfaction with existing complaint handling mechanisms in landlord managed apartments in Najjera, Kampala City. The study employed a case study strategy and it was backed up with... more
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      PropertyHousing Provision and Sustainability
JUAL CEPAT! Proyek Perumahan Mabda City Bandung 2,4 Hektar dan Perijinannya. Perkenalkan, Saya dari Marketing Manager PT. Mabda Sinar Utama, yang sedang mengembangkan Proyek Perumahan Mabda City Bandung di Kabupaten Bandung Barat. Proyek... more
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      Common PropertyPropertyInvestasi
This paper is an attempt to bridge the gap between, on the one hand, the mobility behaviour of households and their perception of accessibility to urban amenities and, on the other hand, house price dynamics as captured through the... more
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      Fuzzy LogicPropertyTravel BehaviourMathematical Modelling
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      Real EstatePropertyInvestingProperty Investing
In this article, we present demolition data in order to explore the way the patterns of demolition carried out by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers were constituted as a social problem by residents of the Lower 9th Ward and members of the... more
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      Land and Property DevelopmentDisaster StudiesPolitical ScienceProperty