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Objectives Application of hyperbaric oxygen (HBO 2 ) treatment in the multidisciplinary setting of necrotising soft-tissue infection (NSTI) is debated as a considerable number of studies are of low quality with marked prognostication bias... more
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      MedicineComorbidityInternal MedicineSeptic Shock
The literature on the effects of foreign direct investment and activities of multinational enterprises (MNEs) on host-countries economies has been almost exclusively focused on issues of productivity, growth and wages. We argue that this... more
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Background. Mortality rates from Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia are high and have only modestly improved in recent decades. We compared the efficacies of a β-lactam in combination with daptomycin (BL/D-C) and β-lactam monotherapy (BL-M)... more
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      MedicineBiological SciencesInternal MedicineStaphylococcus aureus
Delayed surgery is significantly associated with an increased risk of disease progression and adverse outcomes in lung cancer. Evidence is available on the variation in delayed surgical treatment among patients with Non-Small Cell Lung... more
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    • Lung Cancer
EUREQua n°2003(75) 1 Financial support from the Ministère de l'Industrie (DIGITIP-SESSI) is gratefully acknowledged. I thank INSEE "Marchés et Stratégies d'Entreprises" Division, Bruno Crépon, Louis de Gimel, Elisabeth Kremp, Guy Laroque... more
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      EconomicsSocial Science Research NetworkPropensity ScorePropensity Score Matching
Background: As the proportion of anatomic total shoulder arthroplasty (aTSA) operations performed at outpatient surgical sites continues to increase, it is important to evaluate the clinical implications of this evolution in care.... more
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      Emergency MedicineMedicinePropensity Score MatchingOutpatient Surgery
Evidence-based recommendations do not adequately address the treatment of right heart thrombi in patients who present with acute symptomatic pulmonary embolism. This study included patients who had acute pulmonary embolism associated with... more
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      CardiologyTreatmentTreatment OutcomeMedicine
Introduction Increased legalization of cannabis use across the United States has been correlated with increased cannabis use in the clinical setting. However, little is known regarding the characteristics and postoperative outcomes after... more
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      MedicinePropensity Score MatchingArthroplastyMedicaid
Introduction Increased legalization of cannabis use across the United States has been correlated with increased cannabis use in the clinical setting. However, little is known regarding the characteristics and postoperative outcomes after... more
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      MedicinePropensity Score MatchingArthroplastyMedicaid
Introduction: In the United States, chronic kidney disease (CKD) affects roughly 11% of the population or 19.2 million people. As the prevalence of CKD and demand for total joint arthroplasty (TJA) continue to rise, it is critical to... more
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      PhysiologyMedicineInternal MedicineMedical Physiology
Background-Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) agonists and dipeptidyl peptidase-4 (DPP-4) inhibitors (GLP-1 agents) may be protective in heart failure (HF). We set out to determine whether GLP-1 agent use is associated with HF risk in... more
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      MedicineHeart FailureInternal MedicineDiabetes mellitus
Using Japanese firm-level data for the period from 1994-2002, this paper examines whether a firm is chosen as an acquisition target based on its productivity level, profitability and other characteristics and whether the performance of... more
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      BusinessIndustrial OrganizationProductivitySocial Science Research Network
Financial support from the Japan Securities Scholarship Foundation and the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) is gratefully acknowledged.
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      BusinessIndustrial OrganizationProductivitySocial Science Research Network
Purpose: To evaluate whether the presence of residents in hip arthroscopy (HA) procedures affects short-term surgical outcomes. Methods: The American College of Surgeons National Surgical Quality Improvement Program Database was used to... more
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      MedicineComorbidityLogistic RegressionPropensity Score Matching
in 1975, provides research-based policy solutions to sustainably reduce poverty and end hunger and malnutrition. IFPRI's strategic research aims to foster a climate-resilient and sustainable food supply; promote healthy diets and... more
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The advent of the COVID-19 pandemic augmented the propensity for fake news globally. Today, over 90% of the global population depends on the internet for information. However, there is an enormous difference in fake news propensity in... more
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      Information SystemsCognitive ScienceLibrary and Information StudiesPropensity Score Matching
Mobile health applications called Digital Adherence Technologies (DATs) are increasingly used for improving treatment adherence among Tuberculosis patients to attain cure, and/or other chronic diseases requiring long term and complex... more
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      NursingEconomicsFamily MedicineHealth Care
A third novel coronavirus leading to severe respiratory infection (coronavirus disease 2019, COVID-19) was first identified in Wuhan, China in December 2019; 1 as of January 2021, more than 90 million person infected and more than... more
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      DialysisMedicineInternal MedicineHemodialysis
Finally, the authors would like to make the following amendments to Fig. . The x-axis labels for both Fig. and Fig. currently read ''Time from TACE refractory (years)''. The labels should read ''Time (years)''. The corrected Fig. is... more
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      OncologyRheumatologyMedicineInternal Medicine
Introduction: Transcatheter arterial chemoembolization (TACE) is the first-line treatment for intermediate stage hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and prolongs survival in HCC patients. However, repeated TACE results in diminished... more
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      OncologyTreatment OutcomeMedicineInternal Medicine
The aim of this analysis was to investigate the relationship of statins with institutionalisation and death in older men living in the community, accounting for frailty. Prospective cohort study. Community-dwelling men participating in... more
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      EpidemiologyMedicineGeriatric medicinePropensity Score Matching
IntroductionResearch into what constitutes the best and most effective care for women with an acute severe postpartum mental disorder is lacking. The effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of psychiatric mother and baby units (MBUs) has not... more
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      PsychiatryMental HealthMedicinePropensity Score Matching
BACKGROUND: In the course of therapy of patients with COPD, non-pharmacologic treatment, such as rehabilitation, plays an important role. Although some studies have provided concrete evidence of the effectiveness of rehabilitation in... more
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      RehabilitationTreatment OutcomeJapanMedicine
There is much interest in understanding how using bundled primary care payments to support a patient-centered medical home (PCMH) affects total medical costs. We compare 2008-2010 claims and eligibility records on about 10,000 patients in... more
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      AlgorithmsPrimary CarePrimary Health CareHealth insurance
Background: Mitral valve (MV) repair is preferred over replacement in clinical guidelines and is an important determinant of the indication for surgery in degenerative mitral regurgitation. However, the level of evidence supporting... more
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      CardiologySurgerySurvival AnalysisTreatment Outcome
Background The role of neuromuscular blocking agents (NMBAs) in coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is not fully elucidated. Therefore, we aimed to investigate in COVID-19 patients with... more
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      MedicineCritical CareCohortPropensity Score Matching
OBJECTIVES: Benefits of using multiple arterial grafting (MAG), over single arterial grafting in major adverse cardiac event rates and the need for repeat revascularization, have been widely reported. Several guidelines have recommended... more
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      CardiologyMedicinePropensity Score MatchingArtery
This paper examines the unemployment effect on food expenditure (UEFE) for Spanish households and quantifies its magnitude in boom and crisis periods. The results show that the UEFE was negative in both contexts but was reinforced during... more
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      EconomicsFood PolicyUnemploymentRecession
Neuroendocrine carcinomas (NECs) of the tubular gastrointestinal tract are rare and associated with worse clinical outcomes. Data from 10,387 patients were collected from the SEER database with a median age of 63 years. The most common... more
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      MedicinePropensity Score MatchingGastrointestinal TractNeuroendocrine Carcinoma
Physical activity (PA) is believed to improve mental health, including depression. However, whether recommended PA levels have a similar impact in individuals with poststroke depression is unclear. The aim of this study was to apply a... more
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Comparative outcomes of transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) in patients with and without liver cirrhosis are scarce. This study aimed to assess the clinical outcomes and impact of liver cirrhosis on patients who underwent TAVI.... more
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      MedicineInternal MedicinePropensity Score MatchingOdds ratio
Using regression methods and propensity score matching applied to two different retrospective samples, this study finds evidence of a positive "property confiscation" effect on educational attainment. We use a 1993 survey of adults (aged... more
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      Political SciencePublic ChoiceApplied EconomicsPanel Data
In this article we introduce the concept of inverse probability of treatment weighting (IPTW) and describe how this method can be applied to adjust for measured confounding in observational research, illustrated by a clinical example from... more
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      StatisticsMedicinePropensity Score MatchingInverse Probability Weighting
Background Although self-expandable metal stent (SEMS) placement as bridge to surgery (BTS) in patients with left-sided obstructing colonic cancer has shown promising short-term results, it is used infrequently owing to uncertainty about... more
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Background Combined laparoscopic resection of liver metastases and colorectal cancer (LLCR) may hold benefits for selected patients but could increase complication rates. Previous studies have compared LLCR with liver resection alone.... more
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      MetastasisMedicineColorectal cancerHepatology
Background: Incidence of serious complications after MH has remained high despite considerable improvement in mortality rates over last two decades and it has significant negative impact on post-operative survival and quality of life in... more
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      MedicineColorectal cancerGeneral SurgeryInternal Medicine
The aim of this study is to compare the postoperative outcomes and early mortality of peripheral and central cannulation techniques in cardiac reoperations using propensity score matching analysis. Methods: In this retrospective cohort,... more
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      CardiologySurgeryMedicineCardiac Surgery
Background Head lice are a main public health problem and the most important human ectoparasites and the use of pediculicides is the most common way to control it. One of the possible causes of treatment failure is the lack of improper... more
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      MedicinePropensity Score MatchingPediculosisInfestation
Background Head lice are a main public health problem and the most important human ectoparasites and the use of pediculicides is the most common way to control it. One of the possible causes of treatment failure is the lack of improper... more
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      MedicinePropensity Score MatchingPediculosisInfestation
Neste estudo, avaliam-se os impactos da participacao no Programa Bolsa Familia sobre o consumo de calorias advindas de diferentes grupos alimentares e o consumo de diferentes nutrientes. Com dados referentes ao consumo alimentar da... more
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      GeographyEconomiaAvaliação de impactos
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      CardiologyMedicineHeart FailureInternal Medicine
This paper evaluates the e¤ects of a remedial education programme implemented in Spain between 2005 and 2012 that o¤ered after-school classes for underperforming students from poor socioeconomic backgrounds. We use two di¤erent estimation... more
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      PsychologyMedicineApplied EconomicsNo Child Left Behind
This paper provides an approximation to the measurement of public sector wage gaps in Spanish regions. By using data from the European Community Household Panel, it is shown that the balance between what private firms pay in the local... more
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      EconomicsProductivityPublic sectorLabour Economics
Grade retention practices are at the forefront of the educational debate. In this paper, we use PISA 2009 data for Spain to measure the effect of grade retention on students'achievement. One important problem when analyzing this question... more
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      PsychologyCounterfactual ThinkingEconomiaSocial Science Research Network
The assessment of real-world effectiveness of immunomodulatory medications for multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C) may guide therapy. We analyzed surveillance data on inpatients younger than 21 years of age who had MIS-C... more
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      MedicineInternal MedicinePropensity Score MatchingNew England Journalof Medicine
This paper sought to evaluate the economic impact of the Cotton YIELD Programme on crop income of smallholder cotton farmers in Zambia. Specifically, the study sought to (a) identify factors that influence smallholder cotton farmer’... more
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      MathematicsAgricultural SciencesPropensity Score Matching
Purpose: To compare long-term disease-free survival (DFS) between patients receiving tegafur/gimeracil/oteracil (S-1) or capecitabine plus oxaliplatin (CAPOX) adjuvant chemotherapy (AC) for gastric cancer (GC).
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      MedicineInternal MedicineGastric CancerPropensity Score Matching
Background It is uncertain whether the association of the intraoperative driving pressure (ΔP) with postoperative pulmonary complications (PPCs) depends on the surgical approach during abdominal surgery. Our primary objective was to... more
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CD is now an employee of Pharmerit International, Bethesda MD. CMRO peer reviewers on this manuscript have no relevant financial or other relationships to disclose. Author Contribution: CD was involved in the conceptualization of the... more
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