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Social funds have been defined as "agencies that finance small projects in several sectors targeted to benefit a country's poor and vulnerable groups based on a participatory manner of demand" . After the first social fund was set up in... more
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      Impact EvaluationRural PovertyPropensity Score MatchingHealth monitoring
Biometrics is the science and technology of measuring and analyzing biological data of human body, extracting a feature set from the acquired data, and comparing this set against to the template set in the database. Experimental studies... more
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      Educational evaluationPublic sectorPropensity Score MatchingPrivate Sector
Almost nine million children under 5 years of age die every year. Diarrhea is considered to be the second leading cause of under-five mortality in developing countries. About one out of five deaths is caused by diarrhea. In this paper, we... more
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      EconomicsHealth EconomicsEvaluationDeveloping Countries
Sustained mass media campaigns have been recommended to stem the tobacco epidemic in the United States. Propensity score matching (PSM) was used to estimate the effect of awareness of a national smoking cessation media campaign (EX 1 ) on... more
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      Program EvaluationEducationHealth PromotionMethodology
We analyze the consequences of a teenage pregnancy event in the short- and long-run in Mexico. Using longitudinal and cross-section data, we match females who got pregnant and those that did not based on a propensity score. In the... more
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      Development EconomicsLabor EconomicsTeenage PregnancyMexico
Using panel data econometric techniques and propensity score matching procedures, this study evaluates the impact of the MAUNLAD agricultural development program - a program designed to help alleviate poverty in Philippine... more
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      EconomicsInternational DevelopmentAgricultural DevelopmentPanel Data
To reduce potential food hazards and increase the image of Thai horticultural products abroad, the Thai government introduced public standards of Good Agricultural Practices (Q-GAP). What makes orchid and mango producers in Thailand adopt... more
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      ThailandOrchidsPropensity Score MatchingGood Agricultural Practices
It is well-established that armed political conflict has a detrimental effect on food security and household welfare: conflict induces food insecurity by reducing own food production, access to food through the market, and various other... more
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      Food PolicyPropensity Score MatchingPublic Administration and PolicyFood Sciences
Social Safety Nets (SSN) is a policy instrument that is largely used for household welfare improvement and poverty reduction. Bangladesh has implemented a number of SSN program for this purpose. The Vulnerable Group Development (VGD)... more
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      Development EconomicsPoverty ReductionPropensity Score MatchingSocial Safety Net
There has been research conducted which focused on the topic of juvenile transfer to adult court. However, less research has been done focusing on the effectiveness of juvenile transfer in reducing recidivism for transferred offenders. Of... more
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      CriminologySensitivity AnalysisPropensity Score MatchingCrime justice
La serie Documentos de Trabajo Sobre Economía Regional es una publicación del Banco de la República-Sucursal Cartagena. Los trabajos son de carácter provisional, las opiniones y posibles errores son de responsabilidad exclusiva de los... more
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    • Propensity Score Matching
Objective: This study seeks to determine the relationship between referral type (legally mandated versus non-mandated) and substance use disorder (SUD) treatment completion among older adults and by primary substance used. Method: We... more
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      Older AdultsPropensity Score MatchingSubstance Use DisorderTEDS
En el presente artículo se realiza un análisis de los impactosque tiene el acceso y uso de los servicios de internet en los hogares peruanos considerando información desagregada. Así, a partir de la Encuesta Nacional de Hogares (ENAHO) en... more
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      PerúPropensity Score MatchingDiferencias En Diferencias
With the financial support from various development partners, Ethiopia has designed and implemented several programs to improve household food security. Yet, food insecurity is still a major challenge to several millions of people in the... more
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      Program EvaluationFood PolicyFood SecurityFood Consumption
As U.S. correctional systems continue to rollout evidence-based programs, the utility of " complimentary " programs that do not address recidivism reduction remains in question. Many U.S. prisons have a variety of prison-based animal... more
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      Nonparametric StatisticsEvaluationCorrectionsMultilevel modelling
The main focus of this article is to explore whether access to selected agricultural water management (AWM) technologies has led to significant reduction in poverty and, if they did so, to identify which technologies had higher impacts.... more
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      Social SciencesAgricultural EconomicsApplied EconomicsRegression Analysis
This article evaluates the impacts of a controlled irrigation technique in rice production called alternate wetting and drying (AWD). Propensity score matching (PSM) and regression-based approaches applied to farm-level survey data are... more
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      Food PolicyPanel DataImpact AnalysisProfitability
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      EconomicsAgribusinessBehavioral EconomicsKenya
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      CriminologyLawCritical Prison StudiesSociology of prison life
Los Modelos Educativos Flexibles son dirigidos principalmente a niños y niñas de poblaciones vulnerables, generalmente ubicadas en áreas rurales, en donde el gobierno busca resolver los problemas de acceso y participación de distintas... more
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      Propensity Score MatchingEvaluaciones de impactoMODELOS EDUCATIVOSVariables Instrumentales
Group homes fall into the broad category of residential care, a category that also includes half-way homes, campus based homes, emergency shelters, self-contained settings, and staff secured setting. In general, residential care services... more
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      Social WorkJuvenile DelinquencyChild WelfareFoster Care
We examine the long term post acquisition performance of 1,385 firms over 1980-2006. Prior merger long run return studies show that acquiring firms experience a negative stock price drift after performing an acquisition. One of the... more
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      Propensity Score MatchingStock Price
The Philippine government implemented the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) and patterned it after Latin American conditional cash transfer (CCT) programs, with the goals of poverty reduction and social development. With the... more
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      EconomicsDevelopment EconomicsPoverty Reduction StrategiesPhilippines
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      Computer SciencePolitical ScienceRegression DiscontinuityPropensity Score Matching
Die Dokumente auf EconStor dürfen zu eigenen wissenschaftlichen
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      Foreign Direct InvestmentLabour MarketPropensity Score MatchingWage Differential
The purpose of this study was to identify determinants of motor pump adoption and its impact on Smallholders Farmers' income, in Southern Ethiopia. Primary data were collected from 140 sample respondents drawn from both motor pump... more
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      AdoptionPropensity Score MatchingLogit ModelIrrigation Technology
Theory suggests that securitization provides financial institutions with an opportunity to lower the cost of funding; improve credit risk management and increase profitability. In practice, however, it might lead to adverse consequences... more
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      Economic TheoryRisk ManagementApplied EconomicsCredit Risk
This study examines whether the decision to voluntarily (i.e. without a statutory obligation) employ two audit firms to conduct a joint audit is related to audit quality. We use separate samples and empirical designs for public and... more
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      Perceived RiskCredit RatingPropensity Score MatchingAudit Quality
Notices 1 Effective January 2007, the Discussion Paper series within each division and the Director General's Office of IFPRI were merged into one IFPRI-wide Discussion Paper series. The new series begins with number 00689, reflecting the... more
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      EconomicsDevelopment StudiesSocial ProtectionImpact Evaluation
This study examines the adoption of improved maize germplasm in Oaxaca and Chiapas in Mexico. It employs a propensity score-matching approach to analyze the impact of the adoption of improved maize varieties on household income and... more
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      EconomicsImpact AssessmentMaizePoverty Reduction
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      Impact AssessmentPropensity Score MatchingSupply and DemandControl Group
We measure the relationships among income, poverty and charcoal production in three charcoal-producing districts of western Uganda. Using household survey data and propensity score matching techniques we find positive and statistically... more
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      Rural PovertyApplied EconomicsForest PolicyStatistical Significance
Contract farming is a form of vertical coordination largely aimed at correcting the market failure associated with spot markets that arise due to imperfect information. However the impact of contract farming on the welfare of smallholder... more
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      AgribusinessBehavioral EconomicsKenyaImpact
MatchIt: Nonparametric Preprocessing for Parametric Casual Inference, 2005b. URL R package version – Ho, Imai, et al. ... Examining the impact of missing data on propensity score estimation in determining... more
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      Health ServicesMissing DataPropensity ScorePropensity Score Matching
This study analyzes the impact of remittances on poverty in Nigeria, using data from the 2004 Nigerian National Living Standard Survey (NNLSS). The paper used a multinomial logit model with instrumental variables and the propensity score... more
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      PovertyPropensity Score MatchingInstrumental Variable
We evaluated the impacts of the Ethiopian Productive Safety Net Program (PSNP) on rural households' holdings of livestock and forest assets including trees. Using panel data, we applied both regression analysis and propensity score... more
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      Business AdministrationEconomicsDevelopment EconomicsApplied Economics
This paper examines the impact of being an innovator on firm productivity in Taiwan. Using a panel of 48794 firms observed over the 1997-2003 period, and distributed across 23 industries, we compute TFP by estimating Translog production... more
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      Innovation PolicyPanel DataMathematical SciencesPhysical sciences
Decades of studies identify personality traits as prospectively associated with life outcomes. However, previous investigations of personality characteristic-outcome associations have not taken a principled approach to covariate use or... more
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      PersonalityPropensity Score MatchingPrediction Model
When experimental designs are infeasible, researchers must rely on observational data to discern differential impacts of social services on treated and untreated clients. More generally, when assignment to conditions is nonrandom,... more
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      Social WorkChild WelfareExperimental DesignEvent history analysis
This study measures the impact of fanya juu bunds (an important soil and water conservation technology and the most popular type of contour bund in east Africa) on the value of crop production in a high-rainfall area in the Ethiopian... more
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      DecompositionEast AfricaStochastic dominanceSoil Erosion
En el presente trabajo se evalúa el valor agregado de la universidad pública respecto al de las universidades privadas en razonamiento cuantitativo y lectura crítica. Para ello, se utiliza la metodología de Propensity Score Matching, la... more
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      Propensity Score MatchingInstituciones De Educación SuperiorValor agregado
When evaluating programme impact in a context where a randomised control trial is either infeasible or not appropriate, the quasi-experimental approach of Propensity Score Matching (PSM) is often used to construct a counterfactual.... more
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      EducationImpact EvaluationTanzaniaPropensity Score Matching
We estimate the e ects of college quality using propensity score matching methods and the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1979 cohort. Matching allows us to relax the linear functional form assumption implicit in regression-based... more
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      EconometricsPropensity Score MatchingStandard Error
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      Human GeographyEconomicsAgricultural EconomicsImpact Evaluation
This article examines the impact of marketing cooperatives on smallholder commercialization of cereals using detailed household data in rural Ethiopia. We use the strong government role in promoting the establishment of cooperatives to... more
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      Agricultural EconomicsApplied EconomicsPropensity Score MatchingAgricultural
A R T I C L E I N F O JEL code: Q15 Q16 O13 C34 Keywords: Conservation agriculture-based tillage Double-hurdle model Econometric analysis Farm household survey Propensity score matching A B S T R A C T In this study, conservation... more
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      Propensity Score MatchingEconometric analysis
We applied the "informed citizen" thesis to public confidence in the police in the Philippines-a topic that has surprisingly received little research attention. We analyzed four waves of survey data from the Asian Barometer Survey (ABS),... more
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      PhilippinesPolicing StudiesPolitical trustPropensity Score Matching