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The papers published in these proceedings are presented in the Third International Seminar on Maintenance, Condition Monitoring and Diagnostics, to be arranged in Oulu, Finland, in 29th – 30th September, 2010. Arranged by the University... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringSignal ProcessingDigital Signal ProcessingFault Detection
The reliable condition monitoring of machines and the early detection of faults play an important role in condition-based maintenance. Information on the condition of machines is needed in different forms but finally it has to be in as... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringSignal ProcessingDigital Signal ProcessingFault Detection
One of the complex processes in spectral analysis of surface waves (SASW) data analysis is the inversion procedure. An initial soil profile needs to be assumed at the beginning of the inversion analysis, which involves calculating the... more
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      Information SystemsGeologyComputer ScienceTechnology
Integrated System Health Management (ISHM) is a promising technology that fuses sensor data and historical state-of-health information of components and subsystems to provide actionable information and enable intelligent decision-making... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringAerospace EngineeringArtificial IntelligenceMachine Learning
Industrial condition monitoring is typically performed by experts working in a maintenance organisation. Especially in the process industry the roles of the maintenance personnel and operators are highly separated, which in many cases... more
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      Condition MonitoringCondition Monitoring maintenance vibration analysisPrognosis and health managementMaintenance
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      Prognosis and health managementNondestructive testingLabour Economics: flexible working practices; job satisfaction; employee and company performance; training and promotion linkages; labour market trends.Condition monitoring and fault diagnosis of electric machinery
Wälzlager stehen als hochbeanspruchte Bauteile von Maschinen seit Beginn der Einführung neuerer Methoden der Maschinenüberwachung im Mittelpunkt einer Vielzahl von Forschungsarbeiten und technischen Geräteentwicklungen. Dabei hat die... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringSignal ProcessingDigital Signal ProcessingFault Detection
The chronic kidney disease is the loss of kidney function. Often time, the symptoms of the disease is not noticeable and a large number of lives are lost every year due to the disease. Using machine learning algorithm for medical studies,... more
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      Machine LearningPrognosis and health management
Separation of solids from fluid is a vital process to achieve the desired level of purification in industry. Contaminant filtration is a common process in a variety of applications in industry. Clogging of filter phenomena is the primary... more
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      Computational Fluid DynamicsMathematical ModellingPrognosis and health managementDegradation
Real-time vibration monitoring and diagnostics system is developed and supplied for the 5 stand 4-h tandem cold rolling mill 2030 NLMC. Mechanism of chatter regeneration due to high frequency strip thickness variation and stands... more
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      Chatter VibrationRolling MillPrognosis and health managementNondestructive testing
Condition monitoring enables reliable and economical way of action for maintenance operations in modern industrial plants. Increasing number of measurement points and more demanding problems require automatic fault detection. Advanced... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringSignal ProcessingDigital Signal ProcessingFault Detection
The monitoring systems presently available for vibration observation of civil engineering struc-tures are normally based on networks of accelerometers and strain gages distributed along the structure connected to one or more central... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringComputer VisionImage ProcessingPrognosis and health management
Machine condition monitoring enables reliable and economical way of action for maintenance operations in modern industrial plants. Increasing number of measurement points and more demanding problems require automatic fault detection.... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringSignal ProcessingDigital Signal ProcessingFault Detection
Maintenance operations have significant influence on the economy and performance of mining companies. Unpredicted repairs cause interruptions and breakdowns in production. This means economic losses but, in some cases, also increasing... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringSignal ProcessingDigital Signal ProcessingFault Detection
The numerical simulation using Finite Element (FE) method is a main activity in the design - validation process of mechanical products. Using this method and CAD tools can give an efficient advantage in the CAD - Analysis loop. The... more
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      Geometry And TopologyAlgorithmsFinite Element MethodsComputer Aided Design
Dans le but de concevoir un système de diagnostic des défauts d'un moteur diesel 4 temps à combustion interne, l'incidence d'un défaut de distribution sur la vibration du moteur a été étudié. Ce défaut a été simulé en modifiant les jeux... more
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      Prognosis and health managementNondestructive testingCondition monitoring and fault diagnosis of electric machinerySignal Analysis and Pattern Identification
The relentless competition among automotive companies and increased demands from customers for driver assistance functions, dynamically-controlled safety systems, driving comfort and infotainment services in vehicles are creating mounting... more
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      Cyber-Physical SystemsPrognosis and health managementNondestructive testingCondition monitoring and fault diagnosis of electric machinery
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      TribologyNon Destructive TestingPrognosis and health managementNondestructive testing
Current emphasis on improving maintenance policies and techniques while decreasing overall Life Cycle Costs (LCCs) has driven industry to develop unique and potential cost saving philosophies such as Condition Based Maintenance (CBM), a... more
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      Prognosis and health managementCondition-based maintenanceCondition Based Maintenance
The papers published in these proceedings are presented in the International Conference on Maintenance, Condition Monitoring and Diagnostics, and Maintenance Performance Measurement and Management, MCMD 2015 and MPMM 2015, to be arranged... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringSignal ProcessingDigital Signal ProcessingFault Detection
Advanced data analysis is needed to efficiently integrate maintenance and operation. A good basis for this increasingly important task is process and condition monitoring data. Intelligent stress, condition and health indicators have been... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringSignal ProcessingDigital Signal ProcessingFault Detection
D e c e m b e r 2 0 0 8 The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy (Martin Luther King) -This thesis is dedicated to who has made... more
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      System IdentificationVibrationsVibrational dynamicsStructural Dynamics
Even though prognostics has been defined to be one of the most difficult tasks in Condition Based Maintenance (CBM), many studies have reported promising results in recent years. The nature of the prognostics problem is different from... more
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      ForecastingFailure AnalysisPrognosis and health managementNondestructive testing
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      Prognosis and health managementNondestructive testingCondition monitoring and fault diagnosis of electric machinerySignal Analysis and Pattern Identification
The impact that progress in information technology has on the entire activity of humans has proportions and a complexity that are difficult to describe or summarize. On one hand, the objects built by humans become – more and more each day... more
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      PathologyVeterinary MedicineCancerDigital Image Processing
A combined signal processing and feature extraction approach can be based on generalised moments and norms, which are defined by the order of derivation (α), the order of the moment (p) and sample time (τ), where α and p are real numbers.... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringSignal ProcessingDigital Signal ProcessingFault Detection
With the increasing number of institutions adhering to Electronic Health Records (EHRs) and with the evolution of Artificial Neural Networks, the research on computer-aided medical systems has gained attention. The development of... more
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      Electronic Health RecordsMedicinePrognosis and health managementArtificial Neural Networks
The papers published in these proceedings are presented in the Second International Seminar on Maintenance, Condition Monitoring and Diagnostics, to be arranged in Oulu, Finland, in 28th – 29th September, 2005. Arranged by the University... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringSignal ProcessingDigital Signal ProcessingFault Detection
Advanced signal processing methods combined with automatic fault detection enable reliable condition monitoring even when long periods of continuous operation are required. The parameters x(3) and x(4) are very suitable for the condition... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringSignal ProcessingDigital Signal ProcessingFault Detection
‫پژمان‬ ‫چرانی‬ ‫رضایتی‬ -‫ارشد‬ ‫کارشناسی‬ ‫دوره‬ ‫مدرس‬ ‫تربیت‬ ‫دانشگاه‬ ، ‫راهنما:‬ ‫استاد‬ ‫دکتر‬ ‫سعید‬ ‫نجفی‬ ‫کاظمی‬ ‫گزارش‬ ‫چوب‬ ‫صنایع‬ ‫در‬ ‫مخرب‬ ‫غیر‬ ‫آزمونهای‬ ‫کاربرد‬ ‫درس‬ -3131 ‫گزارش‬ ‫چوب‬ ‫صنایع‬ ‫در‬ ‫مخرب‬ ‫غیر‬... more
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      Wood SciencePrognosis and health managementNondestructive testingCondition monitoring and fault diagnosis of electric machinery
Trend monitoring of vibration level is a more useful maintenance tool than a one-time survey of the absolute magnitudes of features only. A slight linear increase of feature values turns to exponential when the point of failure is... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringSignal ProcessingDigital Signal ProcessingFault Detection
It is a well-known fact that investment in condition monitoring is an effective way of improving the overall efficiency of assets in industry. However, regardless of recent developments in detection and analysis methods, condition... more
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      Condition MonitoringPrognosis and health managementMaintenance
The condition monitoring and diagnosis of machinery can today take place at any time and from any location. With web-based access to condition monitoring analysis applications and the latest condition monitoring equipment, it is possible... more
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      Prognosis and health managementMaintenance
The purpose of this study was to reveal how and with whom familly members of terminal lung cancer patients consult. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 5 family members of lung cancer patients who were entering the palliative... more
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      ConsultationText MiningPrognosis and health managementLung Cancer
The time derivatives of acceleration offer a great advantage in detecting impact-causing faults at an early stage in condition monitoring applications. Defective rolling bearings and gears are common faults that cause impacts. This... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringSignal ProcessingDigital Signal ProcessingFault Detection
The detection of misfire in an internal combustion diesel engine by vibration analysis has been investigated. In the experimental study, a diesel engine with six cylinders in line and cylinder head in 6 parts has been used. Vibration... more
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      Prognosis and health managementNondestructive testingCondition monitoring and fault diagnosis of electric machinerySignal Analysis and Pattern Identification
An ambient vibration survey of the Humber Bridge was carried out in July 2008 by a combined team from the UK, Portugal and Hong Kong. The exercise had several purposes that included the evaluation of the current technology for... more
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      Civil EngineeringSystem IdentificationTime SeriesStructures and Fire Engineering
Automatic fault detection with condition indices enables reliable condition monitoring to be combined with process control. Useful information on different faults can be obtained by selecting suitable features from generalised norms,... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringSignal ProcessingDigital Signal ProcessingFault Detection
En el presente artículo se recorren investigaciones en curso sobre la inferencia clínica y la intervención en psicoterapia, con el objetivo de describir una posible vía de vinculación entre las intervenciones psicoterapéuticas y las... more
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      Psychotherapy and CounselingPrognosis and health managementPsychological InterventionsClinical Inference
During the last years, a number of techniques aimed at the experimental identification of the dynamic characteristics of structures has been developed. Their use has progressively extended to various fields, such as aerospace, automotive... more
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      Civil EngineeringStructural EngineeringSystem IdentificationEarthquake Engineering
One of the most important activities of medicine is the act of prognostication. The success of medical practice depends indeed also on the ability of physicians to make reliable and accurate predictions on the course of diseases and... more
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      Philosophy of SciencePhilosophy of MedicineClinical ReasoningAbduction
Industrial maintenance has been facing major changes during the last decades. Traditionally the industrial maintenance was carried out by own resources, often the same ones performing the operations. As the processes and equipment... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringCondition MonitoringPrognosis and health managementMaintenance
Advanced signal processing methods combined with automatic fault detection enable reliable condition monitoring for long periods of continuous operation. Root-mean-square and peak values obtained from vibration signals are useful features... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringSignal ProcessingDigital Signal ProcessingFault Detection
Advanced signal processing methods combined with automatic fault detection enable reliable condition monitoring for long periods of continuous operation. The signals x(3) and x(4) are very suitable for the condition monitoring of slowly... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringSignal ProcessingDigital Signal ProcessingFault Detection
Prognostics and health management (PHM) represents a paradigm shift from legacy condition based maintenance (CBM) frameworks by expanding the potentials to accurately and robustly detect and diagnose incipient system faults. The ultimate... more
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      ErgonomicsHuman FactorsUser InterfacePrognosis and health management
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      Prognosis and health managementNondestructive testingCondition monitoring and fault diagnosis of electric machinerySignal Analysis and Pattern Identification
Model-based prognostics approaches rely on physics-based models that describe the behavior of systems and their components. These models must account for the several different damage processes occurring simultaneously within a component.... more
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      Prognosis and health managementCentrifugal Pump
Solenoid operated valves are vital components in many process control systems. They are components that are often critical to safety. Solenoid valve degradation is difficult to detect in situ, leading to failures, which are often sudden... more
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      Prognosis and health managementCondition monitoring and fault diagnosis of electric machineryDiagnostics and prognostics in system health monitoring systemsPrognostics and Health Management
Machines seldom break down suddenly without warning. Therefore, it is crucial to monitor the vibration levels as a function of time. Regression analysis and fuzzy reasoning with triangular episodic representations, which are based on the... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringSignal ProcessingDigital Signal ProcessingFault Detection
Integrated System Health Management (ISHM) is a promising technology that fuses sensor data and historical state-of-health information of components and subsystems to provide actionable information and enable intelligent decision-making... more
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      Aerospace EngineeringArtificial IntelligenceMachine LearningAeronautical Engineering