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This article presents a new format of tool path polynomial interpolation in 5-axis machining. The linear interpolation usually used produces tangency discontinuities along the tool path, sources of decelerations of the machine tool... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringComputer Aided DesignProfitabilityInverse Kinematics
Semantic Web service discovery finds a match between service requirement and service advertisements based on the semantic description. The discovery mechanism does not consider quality and business offers of advertised Web services. In... more
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      SimulationProfitabilitySemantic Web Service CompositionWeb Service
E-commerce not only has tremendous potential for growth but also poses unique challenges for both incumbents and new entrants. By examining drivers of firm performance in e-commerce from a capabilities perspective, the authors... more
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      MarketingInformation TechnologyMarket OrientationFirm Performance
We measure the economic value of information derived from macroeconomic variables and from technical trading rules for emerging markets currency investments. Our analysis is based on a sample of 21 emerging markets with a floating... more
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      Applied EconomicsEmerging MarketsTechnical AnalysisEmerging Market
Purpose -Utilizing data envelopment analysis (DEA), this paper seeks to examine the performance of 20 Indian B-Schools, separating their profitability and marketability. The technique allows one to identify those management institutions... more
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      Data AnalysisTQMBusiness and ManagementProfitability
Eco-park LCA metrics Environmental optimization Criteria air contaminants a b s t r a c t Environmental considerations are receiving an increased amount of attention in both the residential and industrial sectors. In order to achieve a... more
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      EngineeringEnvironmental ConcernHydrogen EnergyProfitability
In an environment with increasing competition and a growing need for operational efficiencies and customer orientation, retailers are looking beyond their organizational boundaries to develop and leverage the resources and capabilities of... more
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      MarketingSupply Chain ManagementCustomer OrientationBrand Image
The paper attempts to explain the historical reasons for the dominance of the prudence concept in financial accounting by tracing the history of its meaning up to the end of the nineteenth century. Prudent accounting represented the... more
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      Nineteenth CenturyProfitabilitySocial Relation
Theory at both the micro and macro level predicts that investments in superior human capital generate better firm-level performance. However, human capital takes time and money to develop or acquire, which potentially offsets its positive... more
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      MarketingPsychologyApplied PsychologyPsychometrics
Article analyses the conditions under which resources can be sources of SCA”, with the internal accumulation of assets, capabilities, organizational processes, firm attributes, information, knowledge; controlled by a firm that enable to... more
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      Organizational Learning ProcessesCompetitive advantageCorporate StrategyDiversification
Grape production and viticulture have great traditions in Hungary. Nowadays wine-making is only profitable if the end-product is quality wine. Good-quality wine can be produced from must which has the proper high sugar content. If there... more
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      EngineeringDesalinationProfitabilitySoft Drinks
Although the stakeholder framework proposes the multidimensionality of corporate social responsibility (CSR) , previous research has yet to investigate the relationship between certain dimensions of CSR and corporate financial performance... more
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      MarketingTourism ManagementCorporate Social ResponsibilityPublic Relations
This paper considers features underlying conservation-effective agricultural systems' impacts, because they can explain present successes, suggest guidelines for future initiatives, and indicate criteria for judging their... more
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      ProfitabilityConservation AgricultureSoil QualityConventional tillage
The purpose of this paper is to explore various motivations of Merger and Acquisitions in the Indian banking sector. This includes the various aspects of banking Industry's Merger and Acquisitions. It also compares pre and post merger... more
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This article analyzes the relationship between the usage of Internet-based technologies, different types of innovation, and performance at the firm level. Data for the empirical investigation originates from a sample of 7,302 European... more
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      Information TechnologyDigital DividePolicyStrategic Planning
This paper sets out some findings of a research project carried out in private unaided schools in low-income areas of Hyderabad, India. The part of the research project documented here was designed to examine the question: ‘Is the... more
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      EconomicsAustrian EconomicsDeveloping CountryAndhra Pradesh
Toxicities of new chemistries viz. fipronil, chlorfenapyr, indoxacarb, spinosad, abamectin and emamectin benzoate, having novel modes of action, were evaluated using an IRAC leaf-dip method against Pakistani field populations of... more
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      ZoologyBiologyInsecticide ResistanceProfitability
Policy decisions at the organizational, corporate, and governmental levels should be more heavily influenced by issues related to well-being—people’s evaluations and feelings about their lives. Domestic policy currently focuses heavily on... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceSocial CapitalEconomic Development
Evidence is presented that the self-employed expect better financial outcomes than do employees but experience worse realisations. This is consistent with theories that entrepreneurship is driven by unrealistic optimism.
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      EntrepreneurshipEconomicsApplied Economics LettersProfitability
The legislative modifications, both in accounting/book-keeping and fiscal manner, influenced the leasing which is known in our country as a modern financing technique for investments, beeing thus an alternative of economical entities... more
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      BusinessEuropean UnionLegislationFinancial Institutions
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      Evolutionary BiologyEcologyEvolutionary EcologyProfitability
Increased litter sizes and associated piglet performance consequences, challenge swine producers. Stochastic modeling captured bioeconomic performance of individual piglets. As average litter size increased from 8.8 to 20.8 piglets, costs... more
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      Decision MakingAgribusinessStochastic ModelingProfitability
Fruit thinning has been practised for thousand of years, and serves a number of purposes. Too many fruits per tree can result in small fruit size and poor quality, breakage of limbs, exhaustion of tree reserves, and can also partially o... more
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      ProfitabilityLaboratory experimentField ExperimentLow Power
Joint capture of multiple species by multiple fleets results in technical and economic interactions between fleets. This paper develops a bioeconomic model that incorporates interrelationships between fleets for a representative fishery... more
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      LawPolitical ScienceDeveloping CountryProfitability
A disequilibrium model of endogenous innovation and growth is presented. The behaviour of the agents is supposed to be governed by routines, not by maximization. The entrepreneurs are assumed to invest a fraction of their operating... more
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      Evolutionary EconomicsEconomic TheoryEconomic DevelopmentProfitability
Good news, My paper titled:
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Fair valuation is becoming a major concern for actuaries, especially in the per- spective of IAS norms. One of the key aspects in this context is the simulta- neous analysis of assets and liabilities in any sound actuarial valuation. The... more
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      ProfitabilityLife InsuranceFair ValueInvestment Strategies
Using a simple downstream duopoly model with vertical relations and downstream R&D, we investigate the effect of non-assertion of patents (NAP) provisions. A monopoly upstream firm decides whether to employ NAP provisions. If it does so,... more
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      Social WelfareInvestmentProfitability
Mobility is now the central focus of the lives of European citizens in business, education, and leisure. This will be enriched by pervasiveness in the future. The Daidalos vision is to seamlessly integrate heterogeneous network... more
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      Business EducationIdentity managementProfitabilityAd hoc network
The pharmaceutical industry has produced many drugs that have benefited man. Political frameworks designed to govern the industry must maintain these benefits. However, regulation needs to be sufficiently robust to protect public health... more
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      GovernmentPoliticsRegulationDrug development
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      PharmacologyBiochemistryBioinformaticsEvolutionary Biology
We study manager-employee interactions in experiments set in a corporate environment where payoffs depend on employees coordinating at high effort levels; the underlying game being played repeatedly by employees is a weak-link game. In... more
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This study investigated a dilemma faced by companies when they set their prices -to engage in tacit price cooperation to achieve acceptable average profits or to increase market share through intensive price competition. The results... more
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      EconomicsGame TheoryCompetitionCooperation
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A b s t r a c t The research investigates the performance of Islamic banking in Global economic recession period in Compare with Conventional Banking from the period of September 2008b to December 2009 in Pakistan. Data were collected... more
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      Islamic BankingProfitabilityFinancial SectorBanking Sector
The biggest producers and exporters of agricultural products have been adopting the genetic engineering in order to improve the factors productivity and the firms profits In the last decade, the United States of America (US) and the... more
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      European UnionFood SecurityGenetic EngineeringLegislation
The Internet is growing to the point of needing more serious, scalable management infrastructure. Telecommunications companies and Internet Service Providers alike face the pressures of upgrading and provisioning their networks while... more
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      Environmental ManagementNetworksQoSQuality of Service
RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) systems are one of the most pervasive computing technologies with technical potential and profitable opportunities in a diverse area of applications. Among their advantages is included their low cost... more
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      Information SystemsPervasive ComputingClassificationRadio Frequency Identification
Effort to decrease cost of production is a mainly step to improve profitability at the farm. Hidden cost, specifically, days open cost as a huge part of operation cost in dairy herd is one of important task of the managers. The aim of... more
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      Impact FactorProfitabilityPregnancy Rate
The liberalization of electricity markets has forced energy producing companies and traders to calculate costs closer to the profit frontier. Thus, an efficient risk management and risk controlling are needed to ensure the financial... more
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      MarketingMechanical EngineeringEnergy EconomicsMethodology
For enterprises which are growing, developing products or facing tough competition, cash flow is often a limiting factor which determines their success or failure. This article is based on action research in a small enterprise with... more
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      MarketingAction ResearchBusiness and ManagementProfitability
FREE TRADE is one of the most cherished goals of American economists. The the-ory of comparative advantage, taught in every introductory economics course, is regarded as a triumph of scientific reason and a compel-ling argument to reduce... more
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      International TradeFree TradeDeveloping CountryTrade Liberalization
Rising costs, falling ore grades and a stagnant gold price are steadily eroding the economic viability of gold mining in South Africa. This paper explores the major economic dynamics behind the profit squeeze. The empirical analysis... more
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      EconomicsSouth AfricaProfitabilityProfit Sharing
Decoherence may significantly affect the polarization state of optical pulses propagating in dispersive media because of the unavoidable presence of more than a single frequency in the envelope of the pulse. Here we report on the... more
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      Physical sciencesProfitabilityQuantum error correctionBang-Bang Control
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      EcologyAnimal EcologyForaging ecologyBiological Sciences
This research aims to determine the influence of Capital Adequacy ratio, Bopo, Loan To Deposits ratio, and Net profit Margin on profit growth in banking companies from the 2014-2018 period. This Research conducted by the kind of data is... more
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      MarketingBankingProfitabilityCapital Adequacy
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      Power GenerationProfitability
Stomach contents from tiger sharks, Galeocerdo cuvier, caught on lines off the central coast of Western Australia were analysed to investigate variations in the diet due to sex, size and geographic location. Stomachs from 84 specimens... more
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      ZoologyEcologyPredationEnvironmental Biology
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      EngineeringEconometricsStatisticsApplied Statistics
Many basic economic theories with perfectly functioning markets do not predict the existence of the vast number of microenterprises readily observed across the world. We put forward a model that illuminates why financial and managerial... more
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      EntrepreneurshipEconomic TheoryProfitabilityMeta Analysis