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laws advocates have to adhere to in Kenya
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    • Proffesional Ethics
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      Social PsychologyEducationSocial WorkSocial Sciences
This theme issue has the founding ambition of landscaping Data Ethics as a new branch of ethics that studies and evaluates moral problems related to data (including generation, recording, curation, processing, dissemination, sharing, and... more
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      Business EthicsEngineeringComputer ScienceAlgorithms
Illegal practice of the medical profession has become a matter of great interest, especially following a case recently publicized by the Romanian mass media, which involved Italian citizen Matteo Politi and few clinics in Bucharest. How,... more
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      Proffesional EthicsDrept penal
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The article is divided to professional identity of woman. The article analyzes the notion of professional identity in the historical context, social status of a professional related with his or her area; way of professional identity of... more
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      Self and IdentityFeminismProffesional Ethics
1. Abstract Professional autonomy is positively related to professional involvement, job satisfaction, motivation and meta-cognitive learning processes in developing a profession and its workplace practice. It also affects the general... more
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      Health SciencesApplied EthicsOccupational TherapyProfessional Development
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Academical research. Regarding the architect' integrating skills, and their position in comtemporary society. Content: Excusatio non petita First / Some questions and a context Second / Identities: three stages:... more
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      Critical TheoryCultural TheoryArchitectural Theory and CriticismProffesional Ethics
Saat ini banyak sekali tenaga medis terutama perawat bekerja di rumah sakit dan kurang memperhatikan pasien dari segi caring atau perhatian. Dimana hal tersebut termasuk dalam kode
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      NursingProffesional Ethics
This paper dwells on the relationship between judicial empathy and integrity. It claims that for the emergence and proper functioning of judicial empathy as a kind of judicial virtue, a number of conditions needed to be fulfilled,... more
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      Development StudiesSociology of LawJudicial PoliticsLegal Ethics
The Proposed Model Code of Conduct for Mediators is based on a comprehensive theory of mediators’ ethics discussed, explained, and justified in A Theory of Mediators' Ethics. The theory presents the ethical norms that apply to all... more
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      Ethic CodesMediationProffesional EthicsMediators
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      Business EthicsMedical EthicsProffesional EthicsPublic Trust
Debiting Ethics In Indonesia Accountant's Soul: Empowerment of The Value of Pancasila By Lecturer. Ethics establishment has been being crucial problem in accounting profesion because of its important roles and its public serving function.... more
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      AccountingLecturerProffesional EthicsAkuntansi Multiparadigma
Task: professional orientation, for children and young orphans - finding born talent and offering conditions for orientation and development in adaptability to their born talent. (so the main objective of the project will be empowering... more
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      Legal ProfessionProject ManagementAdult Continuing and Professional EducationSociology of Professions
Se muestran resultados preliminares de un modelo de formación profesional para estudiantes de semestres iniciales de la carrera de Psicología, quienes participaron en estancias de un semestre dentro de instituciones privadas y... more
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      Communities of practiceFormación profesionalComunidades de práctica y aprendizajeFormación Del Psicólogo
El estudio de la ética en planificación urbana y urbanismo es un tema importante pero de baja prioridad. Ese era el caso del programa de estudios de la carrera de urbanismo de la Universidad Simón Bolívar (Caracas), al que estuve... more
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      EthicsUrban PlanningUrbanismoResponsabilidad Social Empresarial
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      EthicsLawyersLegal MethodsProffesional Ethics
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    • Proffesional Ethics
Notaris adalah Pejabat Umum yang mana berwenang untuk membuat akta autentik dan memiliki kewenangan lainnya sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Undang-Undang Jabatan Notaris atau berdasarkan undang-undang lainnya.. Dalam mengawasi para Notaris... more
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      Civil LawNotaryProffesional EthicsHukum Perdata
1. Abstract Professional autonomy is positively related to professional involvement, job satisfaction, motivation and meta-cognitive learning processes in developing a profession and its workplace practice. It also affects the general... more
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      Health SciencesApplied EthicsOccupational TherapyProfessional Development
Protecting patients’ personal autonomy is one of the most pressing issues in medicine as well as in law. In this sense, the aim of the study is to determine the essence of the patient’s personal autonomy and the legal consequences of... more
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      Medical SciencesInformed ConsentMedical EthicsDelict
This text was uploaded on December 23, however, as the access to it was definitely blocked, nobody could read it. Therefore I am trying to upload it again (Dec. 26). Now, not only the manipulation of statistics data on the... more
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      Academia ResearchAcademic RankingProffesional EthicsSocial Media and Fake News/Propaganda
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      Social PolicyProffesional Ethics
Aims To advance the education and understanding of the public, both in the UK and internationally of Green Economics and Social and Environmental Perspectives. This Charity specialises in Education. To educate the public around the world... more
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      Marine BiologyDevelopment EconomicsFinancial EconomicsEnvironmental Economics
Jobfair dapat di artikan sebagai pameran yang menyuguhkan perusahaan pencari tenaga kerja atau dengan kata lain bursa kerja. Dimana di jobfair nantinya akan banyak perusahaan yang membutuhkan pekerja
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    • Proffesional Ethics
Annotation The article is designed to describe the features of the formation of the professional culture of modern youth in Ukraine. We strive to reveal the value orientations, interests, and approaches to the choice of professions in our... more
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      Youth StudiesPolitics of UkraineUkraineProffesional Ethics
Sin duda alguna en nuestros días son evidentes los avances científicos sin precedentes. No obstante, los progresos en las ciencias no van a la par con los beneficios derivados de ellas entre los países, regiones y grupos sociales. En la... more
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      Social SciencesPolitical EthicsProffesional Ethics