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Getting evidence into practice: the role and function of facilitation Aim of paper. This paper presents the findings of a concept analysis of facilitation in relation to successful implementation of evidence into practice. Background. In... more
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      NursingEvidence Based MedicineEvidence Based PracticeConcept analysis
Sustainable development requires consideration of the requirements of systems that interact in a complex way. Consideration of these systems, with regard to the provision of infrastructure for the built environment serving an increasingly... more
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      Human GeographyDecision MakingEngineering EducationSustainable Development
Objectives and method: As the field of applied sport psychology (ASP) is witnessing a growth in interest in professional practice, it is also faced with the challenge of developing its professional status. Taking into account the lack of... more
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      Sport PsychologyEducationSport And Exercise PsychologyProfessional Development
Background: GH therapy in adult patients with GH deficiency (GHD) was approved over 10 yr ago, and the indication has subsequently gained broad acceptance. The HypoCCS surveillance database is a suitable means to examine the evolution of... more
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      Insulin ResistanceHuman Growth HormoneClinicalGrowth hormone deficiency
There is growing interest in the application of citizen participation within all areas of public sector service development, where it is increasingly promoted as a significant strand of postneoliberal policy concerned with re-imagining... more
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      EconomicsPublic sectorProfessional LearningHealth Services
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      NursingEvidence Based PracticeLibrary and Information StudiesMedical Libraries
Objective To examine the practice of concealing drugs in patients' foodstuff in nursing homes. Design Cross sectional study with data collected by structured interview. Setting All five health regions in Norway. Participants Professional... more
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      DementiaFoodBritish medical historyNorway
Ongoing or impending litigation may have a substantial impact on treatment, affecting parents' and children's interactions with the therapist and the structure and content of treatment. Psychologists must be prepared to think forensically... more
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      PsychologyMental HealthSubstance AbuseProfessional Practice
Aim: To evaluate current clinical practice in the UK in the management of the anophthalmic socket; choice of enucleation, evisceration, type of orbital implant, wrap, motility pegging and complications. Methods: All consultant... more
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      OphthalmologyConsultantsClinical SciencesGreat Britain
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      Social WorkHealth DisparitiesAfrican AmericanUnited States
Integration of conventional and complementary care in the United States is driven by the growing use of complementary therapies by patients, limitations in the effectiveness of conventional care for a variety of chronic conditions, a... more
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      Complementary and Alternative MedicineHealth CareHolistic HealthLegislation
Together with the country researchers, we set out to meet the journalists and media executives in the capital cities-Hanoi, Vientiane and Phnom Penh-where the respective country's major media organizations are located. We wanted to find... more
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      Political SciencePublic RelationsVietnamInformation and Communication technology
In this paper we analyze the current role of sketching in engineering design, and its importance as a learning outcome in engineering courses. Then we examine the current disconnection between sketching and CAD tools in the new product... more
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      Engineering EducationEngineering DesignNew Product DevelopmentConceptual Design
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      JurisprudenceBioethicsHuman RightsConscience
The experiences of people living poverty do not feature highly in the academic or professional psychology literature. This paper draws on the stories of two women who have lived poverty all their lives, and will discuss the ways people... more
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      Social ChangeSocial PolicySocial DevelopmentHuman right
Rapid clinical dissemination of CT colonography (CTC) is occurring in parallel with continued research into technique optimisation and diagnostic performance. A need exists therefore for current guidance as to basic prerequisites for... more
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      GastroenterologyEuropeBest practiceConsensus
In this article, we review 25 years of sociological scholarship published in Sociology of Health and Illness on medical technologies. We divide the literature into three theoretical perspectives: technological determinism views medical... more
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      SociologyMedical SociologyTechnologyBibliometrics
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      DentistryHealth Services ResearchData CollectionWestern Australia
This document defines minimum standards for the practice of occupational therapy. The practice of occupational therapy means the therapeutic use of everyday life activities (occupations) with individuals, groups, organizations, and... more
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      Occupational TherapyDocumentationMedical EthicsUnited States
The contemporary occupational strugle by nursing in Australia presents to the sociologist a pair of apparentb contradictory tendencies: professionalisation along the lines drawn ty the medical profession (Pittman, I985), or assertive... more
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      NursingAustraliaSocial ClassGender Identity
Background The aim of this study was to explore the current status of end-of-life care and dying of people with intellectual disability based on the experiences of staff in community living services. Materials and Methods Focus groups and... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceEthicsSocial Work
A b s t r a c t Objective: It is not automatically given that the paper-based medical record can be eliminated after the introduction of an electronic medical record (EMR) in a hospital. Many keep and update the paper-based counterpart,... more
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      EngineeringConsumer BehaviorUser satisfactionReference Data
Kindness, humanity, and respect-the core values of medical professionalism-are too often being overlooked in the time pressured culture of modern health care, says Harvey Chochinov, and the A, B, C, and D of dignity conserving care can... more
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      SpiritualityHealth CareBritish medical historyProfessional Practice
This study was developed by a group of professionals from different areas (nurses and educators) concerned with health education. It proposes the use of a problem-posing model for the transformation of professional practice. The concept... more
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      Health PromotionHealth EducationProblem Based LearningMedicine
This study compared the difference in decision making regarding retreatment of endodontically treated teeth by general dental practitioners and endodontists. Thirty radiographs of endodontically treated teeth taken from undergraduate... more
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      DentistryDecision MakingAdolescentDental Education
Background: The importance of theory in underpinning interventions to promote effective professional practice is gaining recognition. The Medical Research Council framework for complex interventions has assisted in promoting awareness and... more
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      Patient SafetyEvidence Based MedicineHealth Services ResearchScotland
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      Higher EducationEnglish languageCritical ThinkingComputer Literacy
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      NursingCommunicationMental HealthMental Health nursing
Background: Missed or delayed diagnoses are a common but understudied area in patient safety research. To better understand the types, causes, and prevention of such errors, we surveyed clinicians to solicit perceived cases of missed and... more
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      Risk assessmentInternal MedicineUnited StatesIncidence
PURPOSE As recently as the 1990s long-term care facilities (LTCFs) were the main housing option for semi- or fully-dependent elders. Today, 90% of those 65 and older want to "age in place." The growth of the elderly population... more
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      DentistryLong Term CareMedicineIndependent Living
Most studies of borderline personality disorder have drawn patients from among hospital inpatients or outpatients. The aims of this study were to examine the nature of borderline personality disorder patients in everyday clinical practice... more
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      Clinical PsychologyPsychiatryAnxiety DisordersPsychometrics
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    • Professional Practice
Study objective: To identify the incidence and major causes of patient and parental complaints in a pediatric emergency department. Design: Retrospective analysis of complaints received regarding patients seen between January 1987 and... more
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      Consumer BehaviorHealth Services ResearchPennsylvaniaClinical Sciences
background. Antibiotic prescription is frequently inappropriate in hospitals. Our objective was to evaluate whether the quality of antibiotic prescription could be measured using case vignettes to assess physicians' knowledge.
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      Infection ControlParisInfectionPhysicians
This study sought to describe the characteristics of mastery in occupational therapy practice. A Delphi survey (i.e., an inquiry technique used to predict and define constructs [Linstone & Turoff, 1975]) of 33 occupational therapy experts... more
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      Occupational TherapyPersonalityClinical SciencesProfessional Practice
Scandinavian research projects in system development have traditionally put a strong emphasis on user participation as a strategy for increasing working life democracy. The article analyses a few of these projects with respect to this... more
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      User ParticipationTrade UnionSystem DevelopmentProfessional Practice
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      NursingCommunicationOrganizational CulturePatient Safety
Objective To describe current hospital pharmacy services and facilities provided to United Kingdom Emergency Departments (EDs), identify potential roles for pharmacy technicians and possible benefits pharmacists may bring to the ED.... more
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      United KingdomProfessional Role SocializationInterest GroupsPrescription drugs
Critical systems heuristics (CSH) is a framework for reflective professional practice organised around the central tool of boundary critique. This paper, written jointly by the original developer, Werner
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      Social ChangeEnvironmental EducationParticipatory ResearchReflective Practice
A profession is defined by neither a set of structural qualities nor a description idiosyncratic to a single culture. Rather, a profession detects problems in an area of work, intellectualizes that work, and offers solutions, developing a... more
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      NursingSocial behaviorProfessional PracticeNursing Theory
Resumen Uno de los principios y objetivos que más frecuentemente aparece en la formulación de políticas, programas e intervenciones sociales, es el de participación o participación ciudadana. Entendido como una estrategia básica que debe... more
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      Social WorkCivil SocietyCitizen participationProfessional Practice
Recreation professionals continually strive to serve a host of diverse program con-stituents, while leisure researchers attempt to uncover barriers to leisure participation. Much of the barriers or constraints research has come from the... more
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      Group TheoryEthnic minoritiesLeisure (Social Sciences)Ethnicity
Journal of Advanced Nursing 48(5), 519-529 Advanced practice nursing roles: development, implementation and evaluation Aim. The aim of this paper is to discuss six issues influencing the introduction of advanced practice nursing (APN)... more
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      NursingAdvanced Nursing PracticeNurse PractitionersProfessional Practice
Purpose This White Paper examines the pharmacy profession's future. It discusses pharmacy's changing philosophy of practice, factors influencing the evolution of professional roles and responsibilities, preparation for future roles,... more
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      PharmacyMedicineUnited StatesPharmacy Education
Tertiary nurse practitioners are proposed to meet the specialized health care needs of complex patients. Societal changes, increasing numbers of medically vulnerable people and increased costs of health care demand innovative responses to... more
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      NursingCurriculumNurse PractitionersProfessional Practice
An abundance of literature has attempted to provide insight into the association between cervical spine manual therapy and cervical artery dysfunction leading to cerebral ischaemic events. Additionally, specific guidelines have been... more
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      Manual TherapyLiterature ReviewClinical Decision MakingStroke
The question of whether clinical ethics consultants may engage in patient advocacy in the course of consultation has not been addressed, but it highlights for the field that consultants' allegiances, and the boundaries of appropriate... more
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      Applied EthicsReligion and medicineConflict of InterestAdolescent
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      PsychologyNursingCarbon DioxideRisk Management
The purpose of this article is to examine the guidelines of psychological loading within three major periods of training: preparatory, competition and transition. The article briely provides the fundamentals of periodization and... more
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      Psychological InterventionProfessional Practice