Productivity, Efficiency and Profitability of Banks
Recent papers in Productivity, Efficiency and Profitability of Banks
Son yıllarda Türk bankacılık sektörü küresel rakiplerinin çoğuna kıyasla daha iyi performans göstermektedir. Bu çalışmada, Türkiye’de faaliyet gösteren 30 ticari bankanın 2002-2012 yılları arasındaki verileri kullanılarak karlılık analizi... more
An end-to-end workflow analysis tightly coupled with a dashboard reporting approach provides management with a capability for quick assessment of a changing environment and the ability to achieve the highest payback levels. In addition,... more
ABSTRACT Financial Services in the UK have been subjected to extreme criticism over the last couple of years during and after the 2008 recession. This report is concerned with student current accounts in the UK. The service sector has... more
This study examines the impact of capital structure on profitability in the UK banking industry from 2002 to 2012, focusing on six major banks: Santander, Barclays, HSBC, Lloyds, RBS, and Standard Chartered. Utilizing panel data and... more
It could be affirmative to say that the index for measuring any growing economy's advancement is the extent to which its industries both the large and small scale has been growing over time. It's a fact that none of these industries can... more
Though SHG banking proved to be immensely beneficial to both the poor women and banks, the progress is slowing down and the inter-regional and inter-state variations are increasing in recent years. In many states the SHG banking has not... more
The study aims to ascertain the effect of risks on the profit efficiency of Ghanaian banks. Ratio analysis is used to measure risk while the mean of ratios is used to test the returns to scale property of the industry. The non-parametric... more
he financial sector is one of the most significant sectors for any country, especially if a country is a developing in nature. In such an environment, banking sector plays the vital role to strengthen the economic conditions. Economic... more
Pupose- The paper aims at analyzing the impact of priority sector advances of scheduled commercial banks operating in India on their profitability. Design/methodology/approach- All the scheduled commercial banks operating in India were... more
The main purpose of the paper was to examine the impact operational efficiency, and productivity has on the profitability of Ghanaian banks. Secondary data obtained from the annual financial reports of nine sampled banks for nine years... more
The world economy is still suffering from the severe global financial crisis that caused the failure of several banks. This has encouraged economists worldwide to consider alternative financial solutions and attention has been focused on... more
In this paper, we tried to see if the Tunisian banks are ready to confront the different and main challenges of financial liberalization. The main objective of this paper is defined in this context. We investigate the cost efficiency of... more
Using a panel data set of 4995 banks across 11 developed and emerging countries during the period (2011-2015), this report analyses the amount of liquidity created by banks, how liquidity creation, bank-specific and the macroeconomic... more
Od czasu reaktywowania w 1990 roku w Polsce samorządu terytorialnego na rynku bankowym pojawiły się gminy-nowe podmioty prowadzące specyficzną działalność, które zgłaszają popyt na rozmaite usługi bankowe. Krąg tych podmiotów powiększył... more
Banks in India have focused on non-interest income streams to complement their income from traditional interest earning activities for some years now. This move to innovation adoption and new income streams has been more pronounced for... more
The aim of this study is to examine the relationship between banking sector reform and bank performance – measured in terms of efficiency, total factor productivity growth and net interest margin – accounting for the effects through... more
Dienstleistungsunternehmen stehen bzgl. der Wirtschaftlichkeit ihrer Kundenbeziehungen unter grossem Handlungszwang. Dies betrifft insbesondere das Geschäft mit privaten Endverbrauchern. Gemäss einer Umfrage wurde die fehlende... more
This article presents an empirical banking application illustrating the use of a nonpara-metric frontier model relying on a probabilistic definition of the production frontier. It investigates the statistical significance of nonperforming... more
Nell' ultimo biennio il processo di cambiamento e di concentrazione del sistema bancario italiano, in precedenza più lento che negli altri paesi europei, mostra chiari segnali di accelerazione. Un processo destinato a rafforzarsi nei... more
This paper seeks to examine empirically whether foreign banks on an average operate with greater efficiency and so attain higher levels of productivity and profitability. For this purpose, first, a stochastic frontier production function... more
In this paper, we use a semi-parametric two-stage model to examine the effect of bank-specific, industry-specific and macroeconomic determinants of bank efficiency. This method, proposed by Simar and Wilson (2007), relaxes several... more
This article examines cost economies, productivity growth and cost efficiency of the Chinese banks using a unique panel dataset that identifies banks’ four outputs and four input prices over the period of 1995–2001. By assessing the... more