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This chapter studies a two-level production planning problem where, on each level, a lot sizing and scheduling problem with parallel machines, capacity constraints and sequence-dependent setup costs and times must be solved. The problem... more
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      Production PlanningGenetic AlgorithmRaw materialsSoft Drinks
While numerous researchers have proposed dierent models to forecast trial sales for new products, there is little systematic understanding about which of these models works best, and under what circumstances these ®ndings change. In this... more
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      EconometricsForecastingNew Product DevelopmentProduction Planning
Due to increased competition, semiconductor manufacturing has received considerable research attention over the last few decades. As a result, several optimisation and heuristic solution procedures are available to solve a variety of... more
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      EngineeringSemiconductor ManufacturingProduction PlanningMultidisciplinary
The enterprise resource planning (ERP) solutions that gained acceptance in industries world over as they represent a proven, comprehensive, software backbone for achieving excellence in key business areas, have moved forward today to... more
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      ManagementQualitative methodologyProduction PlanningSupply Chain
Nowadays, one of the major challenges for enterprises is to stay competitive in today's changing market environment.
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      Distributed ComputingProduction PlanningComputer SoftwareWorkflow Management Systems
For many researchers, the subject Production and Control Planning seems to be dominated or outdated. But, when we are talking about small, or medium, manufacturing enterprises (SME's), we can see that there are a lot of things to do yet.... more
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    • Production Planning
The design and management of the manufacturing network for a firm is an important factor for its competitive position. By manufacturing network we mean the plant or plants of a manufacturing firm and the relationships with external... more
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      Supply Chain ManagementOperations ManagementSurvey ResearchProduction Planning
Secondary manufacturers in the forest products industry face a complex production planning process. Linear programming (LP)-based applications have addressed this production planning issue. However, most models have been developed for a... more
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      Relational DatabaseDecision Support SystemsProduction PlanningDecision support system
We consider a single-item, periodic-review, serial, multi-echelon inventory system, with linear inventory holding and penalty costs. In order to facilitate shipment consolidation and capacity planning, we assume the system has implemented... more
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      Optimal ControlOperations ResearchManagement ScienceProduction Planning
This paper presents results from a case study in predictive maintenance at a distribution warehouse. A simulation model was built with ARENA 5.0 for integrating predictive maintenance strategies with production planning strategies, for a... more
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      Production PlanningDistributed SystemElectric MotorCase Study
This paper considers the problem of production planning of unreliable batch processing manufacturing systems. The finished goods are produced in lots, and are then transported to a storage area in order to continuously meet a constant... more
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      Optimal ControlProductionSensitivity AnalysisProduction Planning
The need for effective planning and management techniques motivates the integration between different operations management areas. These areas include the production planning and operations scheduling which is one of the most challenging... more
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      SchedulingProduction Planning
The Capacitated Lot Sizing Problem (CLSP) consists of planning the lot sizes of multiple items over a planning horizon with the objective of minimizing setup and inventory holding costs. In each period that an item is produced a setup... more
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      EngineeringSimulated AnnealingProduction PlanningGenetic Algorithm
Literature review on hierarchical production planning (HPP) shows that a methodology for the design and implementation of such systems is necessary. An overview of its main advantages and limitations is presented. At each stage of the... more
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      Information TechnologyProductionProduction PlanningMultidisciplinary
Push/pull production mode used in CIMS and its application in re"nery are mainly discussed in this paper. Firstly, we discuss about push/pull production mode used in CIMS, where manufacturing system is introduced, push/pull combined... more
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      EngineeringProduction PlanningProblem SolvingJust in Time
Because of the booming economy, interest in China has soared in recent years. The government has decided to privatize many state-owned enterprises (SOEs), so foreigners can much more easily invest in existing firms than ever before. Is it... more
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      Information SystemsMarketingSupply Chain ManagementProduction Planning
This paper shows that managerial questions are not answered satisfactorily with the mathematical interpretation of sensitivity analysis when the solution of a linear programing model is degenerate. Most of the commercially available... more
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      Linear ProgrammingSoftware DevelopmentSensitivity AnalysisProduction Planning
This paper illustrates the results of an empirical study involving 21 engineer-to-order (ETO) companies, operating in the machinery-building industry. The study investigates the needs and requirements of such companies in terms of... more
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      Production PlanningProduction and Inventory planning and control systemsProduction Planning and Control SystemsIndustrial engineering and production planning and management
In the industrial application environment considered, different variants of a basic product type are produced using the same resources and following the same basic process plan. To support production planning and scheduling for this type... more
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      ProductionProduction PlanningMultidisciplinaryCase Study
The important practical problem of planning the production of large assemblies employing an MRP-based system is considered. The objective is to produce products on-time, with minimal cycle time and low work-in-process costs. The approach... more
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      ProductionProduction PlanningMultidisciplinaryCycle Time
This paper reports results of research into the definition of requirements for new consumer products––specifically, electro-mechanical products. The research dealt with the derivation of design requirements that are demonstrably aligned... more
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      Information SystemsRequirements EngineeringProduct DesignProduction Planning
This article surveys the recently emerged field of reverse logistics. The management of return flows induced by the various forms of reuse of products and materials in industrial production processes has received growing attention... more
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      LogisticsInventory ControlProduction PlanningMultidisciplinary
This paper provides a methodology for the demand management in multiproduct environments for several stages in a supply chain with high variability in the demand. The methodology proposed consists of two phases. The first phase looks for... more
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      Production PlanningDemand ForecastingABC ClassificationTime Varying Systems
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      Information TechnologyProduction PlanningSupply ChainMultidisciplinary
Purpose -The main purpose of this paper is to address the impact of product design changes on supply chain risk, and to identify the supply chain risk dimensions in the Chinese special-purpose vehicle (SPV) industry in the context of... more
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      Supply Chain ManagementProduct DesignRisk ManagementChina
Background and justification Dessert banana and plantain (Musa sp.) are the fourth most important staple food crops in the world after rice, wheat and maize [1]. Dessert banana in particular is a commercially important crop in the global... more
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      Constraint ProgrammingProduction PlanningMarketing ManagementBanana Trade
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    • Production Planning
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      LogisticsInventory ControlProduction PlanningMultidisciplinary
Implementation of Human-centred Design methods in the Fuzzy Front-End is not likely to lead to diversification in educational product planning exercises, where time lines are short and executors lack experience. Companies, interested to... more
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      User Centred DesignProduction PlanningCompetitive advantageDiversification
This paper presents a review of mathematical programming models for supply chain production and transport planning. The purpose of this review is to identify current and future research in this field and to propose a taxonomy framework... more
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      Mathematical ProgrammingProduction PlanningProduction ManagementSupply Chain
While data mining has been widely used in many fields, little research has been done on its applications to sizing systems for the manufacturing of garments. The goal of this study was to establish systems for using a decision tree... more
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      EngineeringData MiningProduction PlanningMathematical Sciences
The management of food distribution networks is receiving more and more attention, both in practice and in the scientific literature. In this paper, we review quantitative operations management approaches to food distribution management,... more
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      Food SafetySupply Chain ManagementOperations ManagementFood Production
The present paper aims to propose an integrated framework, based on two levels, able to characterise collaborative relation between two or more partners in a Supply Chain, evaluating their related performances. In the first level, related... more
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      Information TechnologyProduction PlanningSupply ChainMultidisciplinary
Prototyping of embedded hardware/software systems is important, because it shortens the path from specification to the final product. Prototypes play a major role in decision making, concept and design validation, feature and limit... more
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      Decision MakingData AnalysisConjoint AnalysisEmbedded Software
The resource-constrained production planning problem in semicontinuous multiproduct food industries is addressed. In particular, the case of yogurt production, a representative food process, in a real-life dairy facility is studied in... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringChemical EngineeringProduction PlanningFood Processing
A medium sized UK based academic publishers own a subsidiary printing business. Presently the Academic Printers (AP) is experiencing productions line flow problems reducing the efficiency of the operation. Most of the problems are... more
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      PublishingProduction PlanningOperant ConditioningEconomic performance
In this paper we consider a stochastic inventory system with production, remanufacturing, and disposal operations. Customer demands must either be fulfilled from the production of new products or by the remanufacturing of used products.... more
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      Inventory ControlProduction PlanningMultidisciplinaryProduct Life Cycle
Production engineers are urged to take ergonomic considerations into account when planning for production. However, the means to do so are often inadequate with respect to training as well as support. There is a lack of methods to... more
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      Production PlanningIndustrial ErgonomicsPublic health systems and services research
Engineer-to-order (ETO) companies, operating in the machinery-building industry. The study investigates the needs and requirements of such companies in terms of software support for governing the businesses, with particular emphasis on... more
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      Production PlanningMultidisciplinaryProduction and Inventory planning and control systemsMachinery
In facing the problem of building a complex yet fast and resource efficient Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) or Extended Resource Planning (XRP) system the first obstacle is the creation of a Bill of Materials (BoM) algorithm, which is... more
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      InformaticsProduction PlanningProduction SystemsData Structures
Scheduling and sequencing compounds on banbury mixers is a daily production planning function in a tyre company. The current scheduling procedures are based on experience. A number of factors, such as, capacity, cost, time, speed, set-up... more
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      EngineeringProduction PlanningMathematical SciencesAdvanced manufacturing technology
Organisations willing to succeed in global competition have to integrate their internal and external processes. This especially includes planning and production control (PPC) processes. Optimised allocation of the production resources and... more
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      ManufacturingSystems AnalysisProduction PlanningEnterprise Modeling
The purpose of this paper is to ask the questiondoes mass customization really hold the key to customer value? It is argued that while mass customization can, and often does, increase the value of an offering, it is not always the case.... more
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      Production PlanningMultidisciplinaryMass CustomizationHealth Service utilization
laporan PSIT modul forecasting
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      ForecastingIndustrial EngineeringProduction Planning
Computer simulations are used to represent the essential features of a real system so that analyzers can test their design skills in a convenient and safe environment. Organizations throughout the world are quickly moving to adopt process... more
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      Food EngineeringProduction PlanningFood SciencesComputer Modelling
The world needs to reduce its dependency on fossil fuel (non-renewable energy) as it is fast depleting and due to the harmful impact to the environment – most notably ‘Climate Change’. Therefore, Green Technology now becomes an even... more
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      Knowledge ManagementKnowledge & Creativity ManagementSustainable Production and ConsumptionCleaner Production
Production monitoring is an important task for proper production planning. For this task the information that a system of this nature can possibly gather assumes significant importance. Among all the information available during... more
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      Fault DetectionProduction PlanningProduction SystemsRaw materials
This paper addresses the selection of optimal shift numbers considering inventory information, customer requirements and machine reliability using fuzzy logic.
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      Fuzzy LogicProduction PlanningFuzzy ControlRaw materials
This paper presents a case study of an implementation of a new method for Production Leveling designed for batch production. It includes prioritizing criteria of products and level production plan. Moreover, it was applied on a subsidiary... more
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      Production PlanningMultinational EnterpriseCase StudyProduction System