Recent papers in Production
This paper gives a survey of the infrastructure currently being developed in the MUSITECH project. The aim of this project is to conceptualize and implement a computational environment for navigation and interaction in internet-based... more
This volume has been prepared under the auspices of the project entitled, ‘Competition Reforms in Key Markets for Enhancing Social & Economic Welfare in Developing Countries’ (CREW Project). This project was implemented by CUTS in four... more
This article analyses service quality in nonprofit organizations. Based on a literature review and a case study, it discusses the differences in applying the service quality concept (customer expectations X perception) in the nonprofit... more
The principles and recent progress in the research and development of photobiological hydrogen production are reviewed. Cyanobacteria produce hydrogen gas using nitrogenase and/or hydrogenase. Hydrogen production mediated by native... more
One of the approaches suggested for sequestering C02 is by injecting it in coalbed methane (CBM) reservoirs. Despite its potential importance for C02 sequestration, to our knowledge, C02 injection in CBM reservoirs for the purpose of... more
This paper presents and compares an exact and a heuristic approach for scheduling of printed wiring board assembly in surface mount technology (SMT) lines. A typical SMT line consists of several assembly stations in series and/or in... more
Up till now, there has not been one specific correlation published to directly estimate the bubblepoint pressure in the absence of PVT analysis and, at the moment, there is just one published correlation available to estimate the... more
A numerical algorithm for computing necessary conditions for performance specifications is developed for nonlinear uncertain systems. The algorithm is similar in nature and behavior to the power algorithm for the p lower bound, and... more
This paper aims to develop and test methods for spatial mapping of population, food production, consumption, and marketed quantities in Africa. As an initial, exploratory exercise, the paper examines the spatial pattern of population,... more
This paper aims at illustrating the compared results of the application of two different approaches-respectively parametric and artificial neural network techniques-for the estimation of the unitary manufacturing costs of a new type of... more
We have previously reported the identification of a small, basic and cysteine-rich antifungal peptide (AcAFP) secreted by Aspergillus clavatus and shown its ability to prevent growth of various human-and plant-pathogenic filamentous... more
In this paper we introduce a new algorithm for simplification of polygonal meshes. It generates a variable resolution structure called hierarchical 4-K mesh. This structure is a powerful representation for non-uniform level of detail... more
Photovoltaic (PV) system performance can be degraded by a series of factors affecting the PV generator, such as partial shadows, soiling, increased series resistance and shunting of the cells. This concern has led to greater interest in... more
This paper intends to present a contribution to the development of techniques of decision-making in international projects of exploration and production of petroleum. A case study of the Multi-Attribute Utility Theory (MAUT) was developed... more
In this paper the production of laccase and the decolouration of the recalcitrant diazo dye Reactive Black 5 (RB5) by the white-rot fungus Trametes pubescens immobilised on stainless steel sponges in a fixed-bed reactor were studied.... more
To evaluate the possibility of improving glucoamylase (
There has been a rapid increase in the number and demand for approved biopharmaceuticals produced from animal cell culture processes over the last few years. In part, this has been due to the efficacy of several hu-manized monoclonal... more
Bacillomycin Lc, a newantifungal antibiotic of the iturin class, was isolated from a strain of Bacillus subtilis as a set of five congeners. The structure as determined by chemical and spectrometric analyses has been shown to differ from... more
This paper discusses what is known about the life-cycle burdens of lithium ion batteries. Constituent-material production and the subsequent manufacturing of batteries are emphasized. Of particular interest is estimation of the impact of... more
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a surge of demand for medical supplies and spare parts, which has put pressure on the manufacturing sector. As a result, 3D printing communities and companies are currently operating to ease the breakdown... more
Various systems of anther and microspore cultures were studied to establish an efficient doubled haploid production method for Indonesian hot pepper (Capsicum annuum L.). A shed-microspore culture protocol was developed which outperformed... more
This paper proposes a scheme for scheduling disk requests that takes advantage of the ability of high-level functions to operate directly at individual disk drives. We show that such a scheme makes it possible to support a Data Mining... more
Demand driven material requirements planning or DDMRP is a recent and promising material management method that has been developed and implemented in the practitioner world. Essentially, DDMRP represents a rethinking of the basic MRP... more
This article aims at proposing some elements for a grounded theor y of the network society. The network society is the social structure characteristic of the Information Age, as tentatively identi ed by empirical, cross-cultural... more
Thirty native (Turkish origin) strains of Streptococcus thermophilus and 24 strains of Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus were isolated and identified. These strains were examined for their technologically important properties such... more
Este traballio tem por objetivo principal discutir a aplicação das duas principais filosofias atuais de gestão da produção (just-in-time e just-in-case) ao caso das empresas agroindustriais. O traballio divide-se em duas partes principais.
Bifidus milk powder was prepared by supplementing cow's milk with predetermined level of additives to obtain slurry of desired concentration. The slurry was sterilized, cooled and inoculated with 24-h-old bulk culture of... more
Several wastes from agro-industrial activities were mixed in different ratios to evaluate the co-digestion process. Methane yield ðY CH 4 Þ, specific methanogenic activity (SMA) and a kinetic parameter (k 0) were determined. A second... more
This paper presents an experimental study on the homogeneous dispersion of nanoparticles in nanofluids. In this study, various physical treatment techniques based on two-step method, including stirrer, ultrasonic bath, ultrasonic... more
The design of #exible manufacturing systems (FMSs) is an essential but costly process. Although FMS design appears to be an excellent area for applying arti"cial intelligence (AI) and computer simulation techniques, to date there have... more
By allowing the estimation of forest structural and biophysical characteristics at different temporal and spatial scales, remote sensing may contribute to our understanding and monitoring of planted forests. Here, we studied 9-year... more
... KUSIAK, A,, 1983, Part families selection model for flexible manufacturing systems. Proceedings of the 1983 Annual Industrial Engineering Conference, Louisville, Ken-tucky, pp. 575-580. ... KU~IAK, A., 1985c, The part families problem... more
The article begins with a description and analysis of the three components of economic globalization: finance, trade and production, with a view to focusing ...
In this work, an indirect method for estimating the total amount and concentration of oxidative radicals in aqueous and slurry-phase Fenton's systems was developed. This method, based on the use of benzoic acid as probe compound, was... more
An automatic method for generating assembly instructions using CAD files is presented in this paper. Algorithms for extracting geometrical information of objects stored in a non-proprietary format, ISO-10303, STEP-CAD data file are... more
The purpose of this paper is to compare and contrast the experiences from four major recipients of food aid (India, Bangladesh, Ethiopia and Zambia) in normal time and after a natural disaster and draw implications for the design of... more
We obtained callus, cell suspension and hairy root cultures of Tropaeolum majus and we demonstrated their ability to produce glucotropaeolin and myrosinase. In hairy roots glucotropaeolin content and myrosinase activity were higher in... more
Vegetation condition index (VCI) is a popular index widely used in vegetation-related analyses. Traditional VCI products are fixed on temporal extent and unchangeable for common users. Customized VCI products, which contain a lot of new... more
When it comes to graphing data, most professionals show little method or creativity. They typically limit themselves to a small repertoire of graph types and select from it on the basis of habit, if not sheer ease of production.... more
The application of technologies in the teaching-learning processes is increasingly common. One of the current strategies is the use of virtual and augmented reality, which generates a learning condition in a virtual environment and... more
Recent studies point to the promise of rain forest extraction for more sustainable rural development in Amazonia but often overlook important differences within traditional communities in terms of relative economic reliance upon speci®c... more