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Product-Service Systems, like all complex systems, are vulnerable to unpredictable environmental changes that can seriously undermine their ability to continuously deliver value to customers. The long-term consequences of volatile... more
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      Systems EngineeringProduct-Service Systems
The development of early-stage simulation capabilities is a critical step in the quest for 'frontloading' early stage PSS design activities, reducing the cost and risk for rework associated with sub-optimal decisions. This paper describes... more
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      Product-Service SystemsValue Analysis
One issue within current product development literature entails, both with students and with professionals, the reliable scaling, and the objective assessment of products. This article will attempt to describe a way how master's students... more
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      Product Service SystemEducational Design ResearchDesign processProduct-Service Systems
Manufacturing companies increasingly try to innovate in their offers to consumers by creating more complete solutions that combine product and service components. However, shifting from a product-centric perspective to a solution-oriented... more
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      Service DesignDesign ResearchProduct-Service SystemsDesign Methodology
""Purpose – While previous studies explored the argument that allies the notion of complexity to the complex product-service offerings being procured, this paper explores whether there is a corollary with exchange governance complexity.... more
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      ContractsSupply Chain ManagementInterorganizational RelationshipsTrust
Product-Service Systems (PSS) or Product-as-a-Service (PaaS) have been heralded as one of the ways to achieve sustainable consumption and production. PSS can lower environmental impact and enable the circular economy. However, low... more
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      Technology AcceptanceConsumer BehaviorEnvironmental SustainabilityPAAS
This toolkit is an ongoing effort to develop a methodology, with tools and techniques, to design meaningful product-service systems. It mixes state-of-the-art insights of the domains of systems thinking, service design, human-centered... more
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      User Experience (UX)Product Service SystemFront end of innovationDesign thinking
In today’s fast-paced industry where fight for market share is fierce and reaching the market ahead of competition imperative, product development is a target for lead-time reductions. In this context, in product development in stage-gate... more
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      Knowledge ManagementDecision MakingDecision Support SystemsMaturity (Project Management)
In current supply chains, material suppliers sell raw material resources to producers who sub-sequentially sell produced resourced to consumers. Ownership of resources, therefore, shifts from a few organisations to many consumers who are... more
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      Service DesignProduct Service SystemEnvironmental SustainabilityProduct Service Systems
The paper is a position paper attempting to frame the foundations of an emerging topic in design research, education and practice: a transdisciplinary approach defined here as Service+Spatial design. Starting from the insights acquired by... more
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      Design educationDesign ResearchProduct-Service SystemsSystemic approach
"Product development involves a set of complex problem-solving activities. Their effectiveness depends on how well companies share learnings from one problem-solving experience to another. “Lessons learned (LL) practices” are common... more
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      Web 2.0Knowledge ManagementTacit KnowledgeKnowledge sharing
The circular economy (CE) has recently stimulated debates on sustainable consumption and production; Its regenerative systems minimise the environmental impact as practitioner reduce their externalities, including; waste, emissions, and... more
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      Environmental EconomicsIndustrial EcologySustainable DevelopmentSustainability (Organisational Strategy)
This is a working paper from the exploratory research carried out at early phases of Visions and Pathways 2040 project. The paper discusses new dynamics in the business environment relevant to sustainability and low-carbon transitions and... more
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      Sustainable BusinessSystem Innovation For SustainabilityOpen InnovationDisruptive Innovation
The circular economy is a model of production and consumption to address the relentless depletion of resources and the accumulation of waste. In the circular economy literature, there are sparse suggestions that Product-Service Systems... more
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      Functional AnalysisProduct Service SystemProduct Service SystemsResource efficiency
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      Industrial EconomicsInventory ControlTransportationSupply Chain
The move towards offering product-service systems (PSS) requires the involvement of stakeholders from heterogeneous functions or companies with knowledge of the different stages of the life cycle. This challenges the way in which... more
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      Web 2.0Knowledge ManagementKnowledge sharingEngineering Design
The continuous development of the sharing economy calls for the attention of the design community. Practical knowledge of where, how and what roles designers could play, in developing the phenomenon out of its infancy into a full-grown... more
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      User Experience (UX)Product Service SystemFront end of innovationDesign thinking
RESUMEN La educación para la sostenibilidad es una herramienta esencial para cambiar los patrones de comportamiento humano en la producción y consumo de bienes y servicios, para satisfacer sus necesidades y establecer relaciones con su... more
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      Product Service SystemSustainable DesignProduct-Service Systemsdistributed economies
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      Web 2.0Knowledge ManagementOrganizational LearningProduct-Service Systems
The demand response monitoring is one key energy-efficient production technique and can reduce costs contributing simultaneously to the reduction of environmental emissions and maintaining the stability of electrical grids following the... more
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      Product-Service SystemsServitizationAdaptive Scheduling
Access to modern energy services represents a great challenge for about 1.4 billion people living in low and middle income contexts. This paper discusses the combination of Distributed Renewable Energy (DRE) with Product Service Systems... more
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      Renewable EnergyProduct Service SystemBase Of The PyramidDistributed Generation
De tout temps, les entreprises industrielles ont offert des services autour de leurs produits ; ce n’est cependant que depuis une vingtaine d’années, avec l’avènement d’une véritable économie des services, que ceux-ci ont pris une place... more
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      MarketingServices Marketing and ManagementService-Dominant LogicMarketing Strategy
After the depletion of their consumable components, Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCGs) become obsolete. In an attempt to close the loop of resources (i.e. products, components or materials) FMCGs can be designed with revalorisation... more
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      Sustainable DevelopmentPackagingProduct Service SystemDesign For Sustainable Behaviour
This study applies a life cycle assessment (LCA) to the shared dockless standing e-scooter system that is established in Brussels. The results are given for four impact categories: global warming potential (GWP), particulate matter... more
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      Product-Service SystemsLife Cycle Assessment ( LCA )E-Scooters
Sustainable Product-Service Systems (S.PSS) carry great potential to deliver social well-being and economic prosperity while operating within the limits of our planet. They can however be complex to design, test, implement and bring to... more
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      DesignEnvironmental policySustainable DevelopmentProduct Service System
Manufacturing companies that venture into servitisation can experience difficulties when upscaling product-service systems (PSS) for further growth. This research study has two main objectives: first, to develop insight into the internal... more
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      Design ResearchProduct Service SystemProduct-Service SystemsServitization
Consumers’ eating habits are gradually changing. In the next few decades, this shift will not be solely dictated by individuals’ decisions but by the need to feed an ever-increasing population in the face of global resources’... more
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      DesignDesign ResearchPractice-Based ResearchMicroalgae
From 2012 until today, I have given several seminars on metadesign, strategic design and collaborative design in Brazil (Unisinos), Mexico (Universidad Iberoamericana and Tecnológico de Monterrey), Italy (Università di Bologna), Guatemala... more
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      Critical TheoryInformation SystemsFuture StudiesStrategy (Military Science)
Creative consumers (defined as customers who adapt, modify, or transform a proprietary offering) represent an intriguing paradox for business. On one hand, they can signify a black hole for future revenue, with breach of copyright and... more
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      Innovation statisticsParticipatory DesignKnowledge sharingPersonalization
"In recent years there has been growing interest in utilizing a product-service system (PSS) approach when developing products and services in order to arrive at a business model focused on selling function or availability instead of... more
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      Knowledge sharingProduct Service SystemBusiness DevelopmentStrategy, business value creation and stakeholder relationships
This study systematically reviews the existing research literature on product-service-systems (PSSs) to analyze the nature and characteristics of complexity in the PSS context. While mastering the PSS strategy can become a competitive... more
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      ComplexityService Supply ChainsLiterature ReviewSystematic Literature Review
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to provide further insight into operations management of the Product-Service (P-S) transition, known as servitization, and the resulting Product Service System (PSS) offerings. In exploring the... more
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      Service-Dominant LogicProduct-Service SystemsServitizationValue Propositions
Since 1959 in which one of the earliest attempts to address the problem of developing a coordinated link in a supply chain (SC) was performed by [1], managing SC performance has been a main challenge among enterprises. Supply chain... more
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    • Product-Service Systems
Researchers and practitioners have increasingly recognized the importance of offering value propositions to customers that enable value co-creation as discussed in the service dominant logic (SD-logic). SD-logic recognizes customers as... more
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      Service DesignService Dominant Logic (S-D Logic)Product-Service Systems
Este trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar sugestões específicas para a adaptação do Sistema de Gestão da Qualidade (SGQ) em empresas que desejam implantar o Sistema Produto Serviço (SPS) ou que já o tenham implantado. Estas sugestões... more
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      Product Service SystemProduct Service SystemsProduct-Service Systems
"The paper analyzes changes in suppliers’ organizational structures to deliver integrated solutions by examining the bundling across different project phases with a focus on realizing risk transfer and through-life innovation. A multiple,... more
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      Interorganizational RelationshipsPublic ProcurementPublic Private PartnershipsHealthcare Management
O sistema produto-serviço é uma proposta de integração entre produtos e serviços no qual tem por finalidade atender as necessidades do cliente e também gerar diversos benefícios, tais como: Vantagem competitiva, vantagem financeira e... more
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      Product Service SystemProduct Service SystemsProduct-Service SystemsServitization
Product-service systems (PSSs) are advocated consumption models in a Circular Economy as they have potential to reduce consumption’s dependency on resources. We proposed a set of guidelines to design PSSs that facilitate closed resource... more
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      Environmental SustainabilitySustainable DesignClosed loop supply chainProduct-Service Systems
Product Service Systems can be presented as a viable alternative for the development of products and services that meets specific demands of users and, at the same time, provide better environmental performance (lowest environmental... more
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      New Product DevelopmentEnvironmental SustainabilityProduct-Service Systems
Service growth in product firms is one of the most active service research domains and is open to a variety of conceptualizations. This article provides a critical inquiry into the past, present, and future of the research domain. The... more
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      Services Marketing and ManagementB2B MarketingServices MarketingProduct-Service Systems
The knowledge about a product and its value adding services is becoming as important as the physical product itself. This paper aims to address some knowledge management challenges to support the so-called "dynamic" productservice... more
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      BusinessInformation SystemsKnowledge ManagementProduct-Service Systems
The recent SDN Global Conference in Madrid ended with some clear upscaling insights. Delivering great experiences for customers requires organisations to expand their design activities beyond the silos. Preferably, all ecosystem... more
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      Service DesignFront end of innovationProduct-Service Systems
Nowadays, a lot of manufacturing companies are shifting their value proposition from a product-centric perspective to sustainable Product-Service-Systems (PSS). This transition allows companies to improve the customization of their offer... more
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      Product Service SystemModeling and SimulationEnvironmental SustainabilityProduct-Service Systems
. Structured Abstract: Purpose The purpose of this paper is to provide further insight into operations management of the Product-Service (P-S) transition, known as servitization, and the resulting Product Service System (PSS)... more
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      Operations ManagementService Dominant Logic (S-D Logic)Product-Service SystemsServitization
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      RetailingProduct-Service SystemsWarehousingSupply and Demand
Product-Service System (PSS) is a sustainable strategy that shifts the focus of the business from selling physical products to providing service by using the product. The innovation proposed in the PSS, focused on sustainable production... more
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      Cleaner ProductionSustainable DevelopmentProduct Service SystemMachining
This study responds to calls to further investigate ways to make feedback more effective for students in the context of higher education. More specifically it scrutinizes the feedback practice, adapted to the exceptional reality of a... more
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      Design educationMetacognitionMetacognitive Learning StrategiesProduct-Service Systems
Despite the growing awareness of the concept of sustainability society-wide, the diffusion and uptake of sustainable innovations and practices remains slow and niche. Many have attributed the lack of uptake to an ineffective... more
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      Product Service SystemSustainable DesignCultural AnalysisSocial Semiotics
Remanufacturing represents a well-suited approach for sustainable development in environmental, economic and social dimensions. Product-service systems (PSS) are among the most important enabler for remanufacturing. Companies that remain... more
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      BusinessMarketingIndustrial DesignIndustrial Engineering
RESUMO A implantação de um Sistema Produto-Serviço (PSS) em empresas de manufatura visa o alcance dos benefícios esperados e amplamente divulgados na literatura científica. Entretanto, verifica-se nas publicações casos em que, apesar dos... more
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      Product Service SystemProduct Service SystemsProduct-Service SystemsPSS