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That internet is developing fast and its cost is becoming cheaper rapidly increases the number of people using this technology. Although internet provides miscellaneous benefits for the users, it also causes them to encounter certain... more
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The purposes of this study are to: (1) develop a valid and reliable scale for measuring university students' Facebook use purposes (FbUPs), and (2) investigate their FbUPs in terms of the variables of gender, Fb friend number, and use... more
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      EducationEducational TechnologySocial MediaFacebook
Problematic use of social networking sites (SNS) and its adverse consequences has become prevalent; yet, little is known about its conceptualization and etiology. This study draws on dual-system theory to investigate the drivers of... more
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      Self-regulationSelf-EsteemProblematic Facebook UseDual Systems Theory
The problematic use of social networking sites is becoming a major public health concern. Previous research has found that adolescents who engage in a problematic use of social networking sites are likely to show maladjustment problems.... more
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      ViolenceSchool BullyingSocial Networking Sites (SNS)Problematic Internet Use
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      PsychologyComputer ScienceAddictionSocial Interaction
Celem artykułu było zdiagnozowanie skali zjawiska problematycznego użytkowania internetu (PIU) oraz problematycznego użytkowania portali społecznościowych (SNS). Badania zrealizowano w Polsce w 2017 na próbie 2670 adolescentów (średnia... more
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      Internet AddictionProblematic Internet UseUzależnienie od InternetuProblematic Facebook Use
The problematic use of social networking sites is becoming a major public health concern. Previous research has found that adolescents who engage in a problematic use of social networking sites are likely to show maladjustment problems.... more
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      PsychologyViolenceSchool BullyingSocial Networking Sites (SNS)