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      AddictionAustraliaProblem gamblingGambling
Poor South Africans are significantly poorer and have lower employment rates than the subjects of most published research on gambling prevalence and problem gambling. Some existing work suggests relationships between gambling activity... more
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      SociologyPsychologyPovertyCommunity Development
Objective To compare gambling behaviors in a random sample of community residents with and without mental disorders identified by the Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI). Method A large national community survey conducted... more
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      SociologyPsychologyAnxiety DisordersGambling Studies
There have been several recent lawsuits in which problem gamblers (or those affected by problem gambling) have sued casinos or other gaming companies for damages relating to bankruptcies, suicides, and other negative consequences of... more
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      MarketingBusiness EthicsAddictionGambling Studies
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      SociologyPsychologyCognitive StyleProblem gambling
Studies attempting to identify the specific 'addictive' features of electronic gaming machines (EGMs) have yielded largely inconclusive results, suggesting that it is the interaction between a gambler's cognitions and the machine, rather... more
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      SociologyPsychologyGambling StudiesQuality of life
Previous studies of problem gamblers portray this group as being almost exclusively male. However, this study demonstrates that females comprised 46% of the population (n = 1,520) of persons who sought assistance due to concerns about... more
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      SociologyPsychologyGambling StudiesRisk assessment
Università degli Studi di Perugia
3 dicembre 2019
Seminario di studi per i corsi di Sociologia della cultura (Prof. Massimo Cerulo) e Sociologia del mutamento sociale (Prof. Lorenzo Bruni)
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      Sociology of CultureGambling StudiesWalter BenjaminNeoliberalism
Most European sports betting operators now feature “cash out” functionalities in their online platforms. This means (as outlined in the examples above) that bettors can withdraw their bets before the event bet upon has concluded,... more
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      Gambling StudiesGambling regulationProblem gamblingGambling addiction
In 3 studies, the authors developed and began to validate a measure of the propensity to act rashly in response to positive affective states ( positive urgency). In Study 1, they developed a content-valid 14-item scale, showed that the... more
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      PsychologyPsychological AssessmentPsychometricsEating Disorders
Concerns exist that Internet gambling may increase rates of gambling harms, yet research to date has found inconsistent results. Internet gamblers are a heterogeneous group and considering this population as a whole may miss important... more
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      Gambling StudiesProblem gamblingGambling
Sports betting advertising has arguably permeated contemporary sport consumption in many countries. Advertisements build narratives that represent situations and characters that normalise betting behaviour and raise public concerns... more
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      MarketingAdvertisingGambling StudiesProblem gambling
Background and aims: In recent years online gambling has become a potential risk for young people. The purpose of this study was to analyse patterns of gambling activities and their association with behavioural risk factors and protective... more
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      PsychologyGambling StudiesSocial MediaThe Internet
The pervasiveness of sports betting marketing and advertising is arguably normalising betting behaviour among increasingly larger groups of population. In their adverts, bookmakers represent characters and situations that conventionalise... more
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      MarketingAddictionAdvertisingGambling Studies
This case report of a 31 year old woman who described her main problem as an uncontrollable urge to gamble on electronic gaming machines describes the application of exposure therapy (ET) by videoconferencing and the use of a clinical... more
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      SociologyPsychologyMental Health nursingVideo Games
Over the last years, several comprehensive training programs for problem gambling have been developed and implemented in various casinos around the world. However, the efficacy of these programs has rarely been assessed and evaluated... more
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      PsychologyProblem gamblingPublic health systems and services researchAssessment and Evaluation
Close, J., Spicer, S., Nicklin, L. L., Uther, M., Lloyd, J., & Lloyd, H. Introduction: Loot boxes are purchasable randomised reward mechanisms in video games. Due to structural and psychological similarities with gambling, there are... more
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      CyberpsychologyVideo GamesOnline GamingGaming
Recensione a Natasha Dow Schüll, Architetture dell’azzardo. Progettare il gioco, costruire la dipendenza, a cura di Marco Dotti e Marcello Esposito, Sossella, Roma, 2015.
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      Problem gamblingGambling
Traditional therapies for addictions are underutilized and characterized by high attrition rates suggesting they may not meet the needs of a proportion of individuals with addiction-related problems including problem drinking, smoking,... more
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      PsychologyClinical PsychologyTobaccoTreatment Outcome
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      Corporate Social ResponsibilityCyberpsychologyAddictionGambling Studies
Background and objectives: The etiology of problem gambling is multifaceted and complex. Among others factors, poor decision making, cognitive distortions (i.e., irrational beliefs about gambling), and emotional factors (e.g., negative... more
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      Decision MakingAddictionGambling StudiesAddiction (Psychology)
Previous research has demonstrated that adult pathological gamblers (compared to controls) show risk-proneness, foreshortened time horizon, and preference for immediate rewards. No study has ever examined the interplay of these factors in... more
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      AddictionChild and adolescent mental healthGambling StudiesAdolescence (Psychology)
On October 9th 1993, the Casino of Montreal opened up as a new adult public place owned by the provincial government through the corporation of Loto-Québec. Today, it still inherits the original exterior design of the ‘Pavilion de France’... more
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      SociologyCultural StudiesAnthropologyCultural Sociology
Գրքում ներկայացված են խաղամոլության հիմնական տեսակները, վերջինիս պատճառականության, զարգացման և հաղթահարման ժամանակակից պատկերացումները։ Քննարկվում են խաղամոլության ոչ դեղորայքային, հոգեթերապևտիկ հաղթահարման մեթոդները։ Ներկայացված են... more
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      Cognitive Behavioral TherapyPsychotherapy and CounselingGambling StudiesSelf-help
This review summarizes studies of pathological gambling and personality. Meta-analyses were conducted on 44 studies that reported personality traits of pathological gamblers (N = 2134) and nonpathological gambling control groups (N =... more
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      PsychologyClinical PsychologyPersonalityProblem gambling
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      Gambling StudiesProblem gamblingGambling addiction
Games of chance are developed in their physical consumer-ready form on the basis of mathematical models, which stand as the premises of their existence and represent their physical processes. There is a prevalence of statistical and... more
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      Applied MathematicsEpistemologyGambling StudiesProblem gambling
This study was undertaken through a review of the British and international research evidence on the social impacts of gambling and casinos. It also analysed fresh data from the 1999 Prevalence Survey of gambling in Great Britain to... more
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      Gambling StudiesEconomics of GamblingProblem gambling
A large, integrated survey data set provided by the Ontario Problem Gambling Centre was used to investigate psychometric properties of the Problem Gambling Severity Index (PGSI). This nine-item self-report instrument was designed to... more
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      SociologyPsychologyPsychometricsGambling Studies
In this article, online sports betting is explored with the objective of critically examining the potential impact on problem gambling of the emerging product features and advertising techniques used to market it. First, the extent of the... more
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      MarketingAdvertisingGambling StudiesMarketing Research
Environmental stimuli in the form of marketing inducements to gamble money on sports have increased in recent years. The purpose of the present paper is to tackle the extended definition of the gamblification of sport using sponsorship... more
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      Football (soccer)Economics of Football (soccer)Gambling StudiesSponsorship
One of the most significant changes to the gambling environment in the past 15 years has been the increased availability of Internet gambling Internet, including mobile, gambling is the fastest growing mode of gambling and is changing the... more
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      AddictionGambling StudiesProblem gamblingInternet addiction, cyberpsychology, gaming, gambling, sex, social networks
The expansion of simulated ‘free-to-play’ gambling-themed activities on social media sites such as Facebook is a topic of growing research interest, with some conjecture that these activities may enable, or otherwise be associated with,... more
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      Gambling StudiesGamingProblem gamblingSocial Gaming
Numerous responsible gambling (RG) strategies are promoted to assist consumers to “gamble responsibly”. However, consumer adoption of RG strategies, how this varies by gambler risk group, and whether usage is associated with... more
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      Self-regulationProblem gamblingGamblingResponsible gambling
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      Gambling StudiesProblem gamblingGambling addiction
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      SociologyPsychologyGambling StudiesPrediction
The aims of this qualitative study were to explore Tongan male perceptions and experiences of gambling and to identify how their attitudes to gambling and problem-gambling behaviours were learnt, including and determining the importance... more
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      Cultural StudiesPhenomenologyGambling StudiesProblem gambling
The Problem Gambling Severity Index (PGSI) is a screening instrument frequently used to identify risk and problem gambling. Even though the PGSI has good psychometric properties, it still produces a large proportion of... more
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      Qualitative ResearchProblem gamblingGambling
The aim of this paper is to identify possible regulatory, policy and program measures to address gambling harm to bingo players and their communities, and in doing so extend existing public health approaches to gambling to better include... more
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      Gambling StudiesBingoGambling and CultureProblem gambling
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      Corporate Social ResponsibilityGambling StudiesGambling regulationProblem gambling
Problem gambling is a social issue that increasingly involves women; however, research into gambling and gambling problems amongst women has not kept pace with the feminisation of gambling. The aims of this paper are to review relevant... more
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      Gambling StudiesGender RolesMultidisciplinaryProblem gambling
In 2005 the Northern Territory of Australia conducted its first population-based gambling and problem-gambling prevalence survey, administering both the South Oaks Gambling Screen (SOGS) and the Canadian Problem Gambling Index (CPGI) to... more
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      Problem gamblingNorthern TerritoryFactor structureGeneral Population
Gambling behavior is pervasive, apparently growing, and of methodological and substantive interest to economists. We examine the manner in which the population prevalence of disordered gambling has been estimated. General population... more
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      AddictionBehavioral EconomicsProblem gamblingSample Selection Bias
Research shows that culture influences gambling behaviours. While there is anecdotal evidence about the pervasiveness of gambling and the seriousness of problems in Asian communities in the US, there is little information in the academic... more
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      Gambling StudiesHealth DisparitiesMultidisciplinaryProblem gambling
This study helps to address a deficiency of gender-specific research into problem gambling. It focuses on the gambling behaviors, family and personal histories and comorbid psychological disorders of 365 female gamblers from across... more
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      SociologyPsychologyMental HealthDepression
We report data collected in a representative sample of 17-year-old Norwegians to investigate prevalence rates of non-problem, risk, and problem gambling, as measured by the Problem Gambling Severity Index (PGSI). In addition, we explored... more
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      SociologyPsychologyGambling StudiesGambling and Young People
Raport z badań dotyczący konstrukcji Łódzkiego Kwestionariusza Problemów Hazardowych wśród Adolescentów (ŁPHA). Zawiera pełen opis prac konstrukcyjnych i treść narzędzia, które może być wykorzystane w pracach naukowych i pomocniczo... more
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      Gambling StudiesGambling and CultureProblem gamblingGambling addiction
National Association for Gambling Studies (Australia) 2004 Conference Proceedings 72 A PROFILE OF PROBLEM GAMBLING CLIENTS IN NORTHERN NSW Barry Evans, Yvonne Corrigan, Jeremy Buultjens, John Haw, Nerilee Hing & Helen Breen Contact:... more
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      PublishingProblem gamblingAcademic researchCommissioning
Executive summary of an analysis of the Responsible Gambling Trust Machines Research Programme.
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      AddictionGovernancePublic Health PolicyPublic Health