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Statistics: is the science of collection, organization, presentation, analysis, and reasonable interpretation of data. It also deals with methods and techniques that can be used to draw conclusions about the characteristics of a large... more
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      Probability and statisticsDescriptive StatisticsInterval analysisTrial
The aim of this paper is to appraise the current knowledge on seawall performance and reliability, and to make the case for improved reliability assessments of vertical seawalls, which are used here as a representative for coastal flood... more
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      Flood Risk ManagementProbability and statisticsFlood risk assessment and managementClimate change adaptation measures
In the last few years, several generators have been proposed to generate new distributions. Eugene et al. (2002) introduced the beta-generated family of distributions. By following the same logic, (Jones 2009) and Cordeiro and de Castro... more
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      StatisticsProbability and statisticsLiterature ReviewDistribution Theory
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      MathematicsProbability and statistics
Power law cumulative frequency (P) vs. event size (l) distributions P (≥ l) ∼ l −α are frequently cited as evidence for complexity and serve as a starting point for linking theoretical models and mechanisms with observed data. Systems... more
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      EngineeringMathematicsPhysicsInformation Theory
Geostatistics of extremes lies at the intersection of extreme values analysis and modelling the behavior of spatial events. In this paper we present a second-order stationary random field which describes the behavior of geostatistical... more
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    • Probability and statistics
The Laplace transform of the ergodic distribution of a semi-Markov random-walk process with a delay screen at zero is found.
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    • Probability and statistics
In the design of a stormwater detention tank is important to guarantee a sufficient retention time for the sedimentation of suspended solids, the biological uptake of nutrients and the die-off of bacteria carried in rainwaters. Long... more
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      Water qualityUrban And Regional PlanningWater PollutionProbability and statistics
Sunto Nei corsi di Probabilità e Statistica, un metodo molto diffuso per la valutazione degli studenti consiste nel sottoporli a quiz a risposta multipla. L'uso di questi test permette di valutare alcuni tipi di abilità come la rapidità... more
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    • Probability and statistics
• Models for dependence of one variable on some other variable or variables • Examples-smoking and life expectancy-diet and weight or BMI-height of parents and height of the child- ...
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      Applied MathematicsStatisticsApplied StatisticsPure Mathematics
In this work, we introduce a new generalization of the Inverted Weibull distribution called the alpha power Extended Inverted Weibull distribution using the alpha power transformation method. This approach adds an extra parameter to the... more
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      MathematicsMathematical ModellingProbability and statisticsProbability and Mathematical Statistics in power systems
This short report introduces a series expansion method for obtaining approximate analytical expressions for inverse functions. The method is tested using a simple, but known function, and illustrated with the inversion of two specific... more
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      MathematicsCalculusProbability and statisticsProbability
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      Probability and statisticsMedicine
Machine learning is the science of computers behaving and learning like humans with the knowledge and data of people’s observations, without being directly programmed. In fact, machine learning is inspired by the learning processes of... more
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      Data MiningProbability and statisticsData ScienceKNIME
Objectives: While the burden of dementia is increasing in low-and middle-income countries, there is a low rate of diagnosis and paucity of research in these regions. A major challenge to study dementia is the limited availability of... more
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      StatisticsEpidemiologySurvival AnalysisProbability and statistics
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      Computer ScienceStatisticsEpidemiologySocial epidemiology
Gambling and War: Risk, Reward, and Chance in International Conflict brings readers a war college course taught at a Las Vegas casino. To succeed in poker, it is not enough to simply anticipate the actions of other players and try to... more
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      Strategy (Military Science)International RelationsWar StudiesPolitical Science
Aplicación de las probabilidades para hallar el índice de desnutrición en el distrito de San Juan de Lurigancho
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      Probability and statisticsExcelDesnutricion infantilEstadistica Aplicada
The theory of belief functions, sometimes referred to as evidence theory or Dempster-Shafer theory, was first introduced by Arthur P. Dempster in the context of statistical inference, to be later developed by Glenn Shafer as a general... more
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      Probability TheoryStatisticsReasoning about UncertaintyDecision Making Under Uncertainty
The report finds the prospects of the gaming community by accessing the gamer based upon age, ethnicity, occupation, annual household income and education qualifications. The data collected as part of this survey would require further... more
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      Clustering and Classification MethodsProbability and statisticsPredictive AnalyticsExploratory Factor Analysis
Uncertainty and information are ideas that have a central role in contemporary economics in the domain of decision theory. The expected utility hypothesis is a powerful instruments widely used in theoretical and empirical analysis.... more
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      History of Economic ThoughtPhilosophy Of ProbabilityAugustin CournotHistory of Economics
Countries that suffer disturbances in their power generation are less likely to meet many of the sustainable development goals and general economic growth. This study used a three-variable SVAR model to examine the interactions of water... more
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    • Probability and statistics
The Premier League is being broadcasted in 212 territories around the world, working with 80 different broadcasters. In addition, football is the world’s most popular game and constitutes the fastest growing gambling market. As a result,... more
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    • Probability and statistics
Ejercicios. Análisis de regresión, correlación lineal y Distribuciones de probabilidad.
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    • Probability and statistics
The theory of dual numerical means of random and experienced variables is briefly described in the framework of the new theory of experience and the chance that arises as an axiomatic synthesis of two dual theories — the Kolmogorov theory... more
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      SociologyProbability TheoryQuantum ComputingExpert Systems
Subspace selection approaches are powerful tools in pattern classification and data visualization. One of the most important subspace approaches is the linear dimensionality reduction step in the... more
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      Information SystemsAlgorithmsArtificial IntelligenceInformation Management
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    • Probability and statistics
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      Probability TheoryMathematics EducationProbability and statisticsIntroduction to Probability
A new approach towards probabilistic proof of the convergence of the Collatz conjecture is described via identifying a sequential correlation of even natural numbers by divisions by 2 that follows a recurrent pattern of the form 𝑥, 1, 𝑥,... more
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      MathematicsNumber TheoryStatisticsProbability and statistics
At the point of common coupling (PCC), the summation of two harmonic voltage vectors at same frequency is only certain if their amplitudes and phase angles are well known. Therefore, there are many cases where the phase angle difference... more
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      Harmonic AnalysisPower SystemsElectromagnetic CompatibilityProbability and statistics
Abstract This study uses a novel approach to describe modern English academic texts in terms of the amount and distribution of syntactic subordination, coordination and phrasal structures. Inconsistent results have been reported in... more
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      English for Academic PurposesTeaching English as a Second LanguageEnglish languageAcademic Writing
Why Study Statistics? Modern Statistics Statistics and Engineering The Role of the Scientist and Engineer in Quality Improvement A Case Study : Visually Inspecting Data to Improve Product Quality Two Basic Concepts - Population and Sample... more
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      StatisticsMultivariate StatisticsInnovation statisticsApplied Statistics
A method for computing Mackey-Glass equation of the form   () (), () y t f y t y t    is examined in this paper. For a given lag  , uniformly generated and fixed beta is observed for estimating the y  (density  time-units in the... more
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      MathematicsMathematical StatisticsProbability and statisticsDifferential Equations
A selection of papers in legal theory, focused on evidence, proof, truth, and especially the place of scientific testimony.

New York: Cambridge University Press, 2014.
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      Probability TheoryEpistemologyPhilosophy of ScienceTestimony
The aim of this paper is to give recursive and integral equations for ruin probabilities for generalized risk processes under interest force with homogenous markov chain premiums. Inequalities for ruin probabilities are derived by using... more
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      Probability and statisticsIntegral EquationRuin Probability
In this report, the probability density functions of imaginary and complex random variables are determined in terms of the probability density function of real random variables. Equivalent expressions of the change of variable theorem are... more
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      StatisticsProbability and statisticsProbability and Mathematical Statistics
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      StatisticsProbability and statistics
Data Science as a scientific discipline is influenced by informatics, computer science, mathematics, operations research, and statistics as well as the applied sciences. Many research papers have come across that probability and... more
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      MathematicsAlgebraMachine LearningProbability and statistics
Statistical distributions are widely applied to describe different real world phenomena. As a result of the usefulness of statistical distributions, many researchers have studied their theory extensively and new distributions are... more
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    • Probability and statistics
Foliensatz für Statistik I in den berufsbegleitenden Studiengängen BWL und Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen in den Fachbereichen Automatisierung und Informatik sowie Wirtschaftswissenschaften im Sommersemester 2016.
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      StatisticsMultivariate StatisticsSurvey SamplingApplied Statistics
Vários tipos de modelos de regressão com exemplos em R
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      EngineeringStatisticsApplied StatisticsIndustrial Engineering
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    • Probability and statistics
Aulas (parte 1) do curso de Probabilidade e Processos Estocásticos, Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica
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      Stochastic ProcessProbability and statistics
WHY A MATHEMATICS OF UNCERTAINTY? - probabilities do not represent well ignorance and lack of data; - evidence is normally limited, rather than infinite as assumed by (frequentist) probability; - expert knowledge needs often to be... more
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      Probability TheoryConvex GeometryStatisticsApplied Statistics
Caesarian Section (CS) rates have been known to have geographical varaitions. The purpose of this paper was to determine Ghana's situation (regional trend) and also to provide a two-year forcast estimates for the ten (10) regions of... more
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      MathematicsApplied MathematicsMultivariate StatisticsApplied Statistics
While planning target parameter retrieval experiment in farmers' fields using Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) remote sensing, it is very important to answer three questions. The first question is, "How large should a farmer's field be from... more
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      Probability and statisticsModel validationSynthetic Aperture RadarGround Truth