D. T. Blaauw was with the Advanced Design Tools Group, Motorola, Inc., Austin, TX 78729 USA. He is now with the Electrical Engineering and Com-
With the growing deployment of host and network intrusion detection systems, managing reports from these systems becomes critically important. We present a probabilistic approach to alert correlation, extending ideas from multisensor data... more
The reaction of HIV protease to inhibitor therapy is characterized by the emergence of complex mutational patterns which confer drug resistance. The response of HIV protease to drugs often involves both primary mutations that directly... more
The numerical solution of Partial Differential Equations onto random domains can be done by using a mapping transforming this random domain into a deterministic domain. The issue is then to determine this one to one random mapping. In... more
This paper presents a validation of a recently developed joi nt input-state estimation algorithm for force identification and response estimation in structural dynam ics, using data obtained from in situ experiments on a footbridge.... more
We consider the task of accurately controlling a complex system, such as autonomously sliding a car sideways into a parking spot. Although certain regions of this domain are extremely hard to model (i.e., the dynamics of the car while... more
In mobile ad hoc networks (MANET), broadcasting is widely used in route discovery and many other network services. The efficiency of broadcasting protocol can affect the performance of the entire network. As such, the simple flooding... more
Ad hoc network protocols use flooding as the basic mechanism to disseminate control packets. As such, the simple flooding algorithm aggravates a high number of superfluous packet rebroadcasts, causing contention, packet collisions and... more
Advances in hurricane climate science allow forecasts of seasonal landfall activity to be made. The authors begin with a review of the forecast methods available in the literature. They then reformulate the methods using a Bayesian... more
The hip arthroplasty with cementless hip prosthesis is a solution usually used for the patients suffering the problems of the musculoskeletal system. However, such a solution has a major disadvantage, pointed by all users: the lack of... more
Conventional methods of palaeoclimate reconstruction provide estimates of climatic parameters using proxy data which have originated from individual sites. These reconstructions yield information on the local environment but only limited... more
Dramatic changes in European vegetation occurred during the transition from the Eemian interglacial to Weichselian glacial climates, correlative with major changes in global ice core and marine records. Quantitative knowledge of climate... more
SUMMARY This summary on the paper on erosion model based on grainsize distribution ratios of weathering product of Quaternary volcanic deposits in Bandung Basin, West Java, is the latest development in these issues in Indonesia. USLE... more
The problem of object restoration in the case of spatially incoherent illumination is considered. A regularized solution to the inverse problem is obtained through a probabilistic approach, and a numerical algorithm based on the... more
Pyroclastic density currents (PDCs) are extremely dangerous phenomena so their modeling is essential for hazard and risk purposes. However, PDCs are governed by very complex processes, making their deterministic prediction impossible.... more
Use of probabilistic methods are increasing in civil engineering design. The probabilistic methods allows designers, firstly, to take into account uncertainties of input parameters and to treat them as random variables. Secondly the civil... more
The use of admixtures particularly plasticizers/water reducing admixtures for improved performance of concrete cannot be over emphasized. However, most researches on concrete containing plasticizers/water reducing admixtures concentrate... more
There exist injective Tauberian operators on L 1 (0, 1) that have dense, nonclosed range. This gives injective nonsurjective operators on ∞ that have dense range. Consequently, there are two quasi-complementary noncomplementary subspaces... more
This paper presents new statistical methods in the field of exposure assessment. We focus on the estimation of the probability for the exposure to exceed a fixed safe level such as the provisional tolerable weekly intake (PTWI), when both... more
A new automatic method of calculation of a long-term representative wind climate is proposed. The procedure is based on the calculation of the joint probability distribution of the wind at a local station and at a long-term reference... more
Reinforced concrete (RC) structures subjected to aggressive environmental exposure conditions are traditionally designed to satisfy safety, serviceability, durability and aesthetics requirements throughout their operational design service... more
Often, High Brightness LEDs (HB-LED) are connected in series to create strings. According to their data sheets, the HB-LEDs have a variation in their forward voltage drop. This forward voltage variation may create a non-uniform... more
The setting of back up zones in distance relays has to deal with fault current infeeds between the relay and remote faults. Traditional approaches to this problem are conservative, some times leaving portions of a Power System without... more
Modelling hydrocarbon migration in complex depositional environments is a difficult task. This paper illustrates a workflow that has been developed in order to make use of information at seismic resolution for migration modelling... more
Persons working for VKM, either as appointed members of the Committee or as external experts, do this by virtue of their scientific expertise, not as representatives for their employers. The Civil Services Act instructions on legal... more
Range-Only SLAM (RO-SLAM) represents a difficult problem due to the inherent ambiguity of localizing either the robot or the beacons from distance measurements only. Most previous approaches to this problem employ nonprobabilistic batch... more
Precision Time Protocol (PTP) synchronizes clocks of networked elements by exchanging messages containing precise time-stamps. Based on the available timing information, different algorithms can be developed for the clock synchronization.... more
Accurate estimations of the health risks to astronauts due to space radiation exposure are necessary for future lunar and Mars missions. Space radiation consists of solar particle events (SPEs), comprised largely of medium energy protons... more
We establish a structure theorem for the family of Ammann A2 tilings of the plane. Using that theorem we show that every Ammann A2 tiling is self-similar in the sense of [B. Solomyak, Nonperiodicity implies unique composition for... more
Memory devices often consume more energy than microprocessors in current portable embedded systems, but their energy consumption changes significantly with the type of transaction, data values, and access timing, as well as depending on... more
This paper proposes a new probabilistic approach for describing uncertainty in the ensembles of latent heat flux proxies. The proxies are obtained from hourly Bowen ratio and satellite-derived measurements, respectively, at several... more
In this paper the problem of recovering a regularized solution of the Fredholm integral equations of the first kind with Hermitian and square-integrable kernels, and with data corrupted by additive noise, is considered. Instead of using a... more
Material classification is a key step in creating computer graphics models and images from volume data. We present a new algorithm for identifying the distribution of different material types in volumetric datasets such as those produced... more
Material classification is a key step in creating computer graphics models and images from volume data. We present a new algorithm for identifying the distribution of different material types in volumetric datasets such as those produced... more
In mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs), broadcasting plays a fundamental role, diffusing a message from a given source node to all the other nodes in the network. Flooding is the simplest and commonly used mechanism for broadcasting in... more
Reinforced concrete (RC) structures subjected to aggressive environmental exposure conditions are traditionally designed to satisfy safety, serviceability, durability and aesthetics requirements throughout their operational design service... more
In this paper we propose a routing strategy for enabling publish-subscribe communication in a sensor network. The approach is semi-probabilistic, in that it relies partly on the dissemination of subscription information and, in the areas... more
Location information is of paramount importance for Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN). The accuracy of collected data can significantly be affected by an imprecise positioning of the event of interest. Despite the importance of location... more
We study a class of second order variational inequalities with bilateral constraints. Under certain conditions we show the existence of a unique viscosity solution of these variational inequalities and give a stochastic representation to... more
We study a class of second order variational inequalities with bilateral constraints. Under certain conditions we show the existence of a unique viscosity solution of these variational inequalities and give a stochastic representation to... more
The paper presents a probabilistic-based methodology for the assessment of a pipeline containing internal corrosion defects. Two different models have been used to predict the future CO 2 corrosion rates namely a linear growth and the... more
ABSTRACTThe paper discusses the role of George L.S. Shackle in fostering an unconventional approach to individual decision making. Up until the early 1970s Shackle was the single critic of the probabilistic approach to decision making who... more
This paper argues that Ellsberg's and Shackle's frameworks for discussing the limits of the (subjective) probabilistic approach to decision theory are not as different as they may appear. To stress the common elements in their theories... more
Summary A wide variety of similarity indices for comparing two assemblages based on species incidence (i.e., presence/absence) data have been proposed in the literature. These indices are generally based on three simple incidence counts:... more
We introduce a new approach for establishing fixed-parameter tractability of problems parameterized above tight lower bounds. To illustrate the approach we consider three problems of this type of unknown complexity that were introduced by... more
A model, based on detailed descriptions of spatial configuration and a probabilistic approach to the user's choice, is proposed to measure the relationship between demand and supply locations in urban local systems. According to this... more
Recent advances in air traffic Communication Navigation and Surveillance (CNS) have encouraged investigations into the concept following which Air Traffic Control functions can be delegated to the flight deck, allowing more freedom of... more