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This Report was produced just before the Law Commission of Canada was defunded by the newly elected Conservative government. The Report argued for a new governance structure to oversee policing that incorporated the rapidly increasing... more
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      Police ScienceSecurityGovernancePolicing Studies
China is pressing ahead with ambitious plans to create a massive infrastructure network connecting it with many countries across the globe. Some of the 'belt and road' infrastructure will however, run through regions convulsed by chronic... more
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      International RelationsStrategic StudiesChina studiesPrivate Military Companies
The trend towards privatization of security, ranging from the provision of logistics and supply to the utilization of armed units, has spread across democratic states since the 1990s. This article examines the Dutch Government's... more
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      International SecuritySecurity StudiesPrivate Security FirmsPrivate military contractors
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      Private Security FirmsOutsourcing, Offshoring, and Insourcing StrategiesPrivate military contractorsAccountability of Private Security Firms
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    • Private Security
A exemplo do que tem ocorrido em diversos países do mundo, a expansão dos serviços de segurança privada no Brasil tem sido marcante, sobretudo pela sua presença em uma grande variedade de contextos e pela rápida evolução do número de... more
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      Policing StudiesPrivate Security
A Segurança Privada no Brasil: alguns aspectos relativos às motivações, regulação e implicações sociais do setor Resumo A partir de meados do século XX pode ser verificada, em diversos países, uma grande expansão dos serviços particulares... more
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      Policing StudiesPublic SafetyPrivate Security
The U.S. national military hires private security companies (PSCs) to operate in zones of conflict. This article introduces the concept of a legitimacy transfer mechanism to answer the question of how nonnational providers of military... more
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      Strategy (Military Science)Political TheoryInternational SecuritySecurity Studies
Mire kell gondolni bármilyen épület, iroda, telephely, raktár, üzlethelyiség stb. tervezésekor, építésekor, milyen hatósági előírásoknak kell megfelelni? Az objektumok biztonsága érdekében kötelező és ajánlott megoldások, feladatok.
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    • Private Security
Global security assemblages' concept, in a decade of its existence, has been a useful tool to explain a lot of atypical security collaboration between private and public entities. It has hugely improved understanding of collaboration... more
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    • Private Security
The UN is increasingly relying on private military and security companies (pmscs) for a wide range of services. Until recently, UN use of pmscs was not governed by system-wide rules and standards. The establishment of guidelines on the... more
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      United NationsPrivate military contractorsPrivate SecurityPrivate Military and Security Companies
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      SecurityCrimePrivate Security
Resumo A grande expansão dos serviços particulares de proteção, verificada em diversos países, sobretudo a partir de meados do século XX, trouxe à tona importantes questões relativas à responsabilidade do Estado sobre a segurança e à... more
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      Policing StudiesPublic SafetyPrivate Security
La seguridad es un aspecto central de la calidad de vida individual y colectiva. Analizar los problemas de seguridad de nuestras ciudades y diseñar las respuestas adecuadas es una necesidad ineludible para asegurar el bienestar de las... more
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      Public SecurityPrivate SecurityPublic Policy
This article will reflect on the multiple ways in which private security can, and is, being held responsible and accountable to the public (and other security providers), in formalised, polycentric, or nodal assemblages. Drawing on... more
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      Policing StudiesPolice and PolicingPrivate Security
El crecimiento del mercado de la seguridad privada no fue acompañado por un proceso de adecuación normativa. Si bien en algunas jurisdicciones se sentaron las bases para una coordinación entre la esfera privada y la pública, este... more
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      SecuritySecurity StudiesPrivate Security
Increased crime and violence added to police’s ineffectiveness have increased the demand for private security services to protect both private and public places in recent years. Nevertheless the private... more
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      São PauloPrivate Security
In this thesis, I interrogate the relationship between the intervention of private security guards in tree plantations and the emergence of the figure of the ‘Mapuche terrorist’ in the Central-South of Chile in the late 90s. The work is... more
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      SecurityChileLaw EnforcementMilitarization
The past two decades have witnessed dramatic growth in the number of private security companies in the Caribbean and significant expansion of their remit, a trend reflected in wider global developments in the industry. In some cases,... more
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      GlobalizationCaribbean StudiesCaribbean PoliticsCaribbean
The study illustrates the complexity of the issue of football hooliganism, and highlights the innovative solutions for the treatment of it. The background of football hooliganism by presenting domestic and foreign examples, the types of... more
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      Football HooliganismPolice and PolicingPrivate Security
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      Military HistoryInternational RelationsPolitical EconomyEconomics of Security
Como consecuencia de la asimetría de las amenazas a la seguridad y la privatización de la violencia, las Empresas Militares Privadas (MPF´s por sus siglas en inglés) representan un nuevo actor que nos obliga a incorporarlo al análisis de... more
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      International SecuritySecuritySecurity StudiesArmed Forces
Members of OACUSA who employ Special Constables commissioned a report to examine the role and responsibilities of campus special constables in Ontario. This report was prepared by George Rigakos, a professor of the political economy of... more
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      CriminologyPolice ScienceSecurityPolice
In 2012, the United Nations approved new Guidelines on the Use of Armed Private Security Companies by its agencies, funds and programmes. The Guidelines hold the potential to not only enhance the quality of armed security services... more
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      Private SecurityPrivate Military and Security CompaniesMercenaries and Private Security
حلقة نقاشية بعنوان  ” الأمن الإقليمي واستقرار اقتصادات الشرق الأوسط“ 16 ديسمبر 2015
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      Middle East StudiesSecurity StudiesPrivate Security FirmsMiddle East
The goal of the book is to present the latest research on the new challenges of data technologies. It will offer an overview of the social, ethical and legal problems posed by group profiling, big data and predictive analysis and of the... more
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      PhilosophyPolitical PhilosophyFree Will, Moral ResponsibilityDigital Divide
A grande expansão dos serviços particulares de segurança, verificada em diversos países a partir de meados do século XX, traz à tona importantes questões relativas à responsabilidade do Estado sobre a segurança e sobre a necessidade de... more
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      ViolenceHuman RightsPolicing StudiesPrivate Security
RESUMEN El presente trabajo se ha propuesto investigar el rol de la industria de la gestión privada de la seguridad en la ciudad de Asunción. El fundamento principal consistió en la enorme carencia de estudios que existe sobre el... more
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      Latin American StudiesMilitary ScienceStrategy (Military Science)Terrorism
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      Gender StudiesMasculinitiesPrivate military contractorsFeminist Security Studies
The purpose of this study is identifying the impact of cross-cultural adjustments on expatriate’s job performance. A conceptual framework comprises of four (4) factors (cross-cultural training, organisational and family support,... more
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      Higher EducationMalaysiaCross-Cultural StudiesJob Satisfaction
Private security has become a global concern due to the lack of regulations, accountability and its consequences on democracy. Based on a historical-institutional approach this book explores the origins and development of private security... more
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      GuatemalaPrivate Security
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      Chinese StudiesPrivate Security FirmsPrivate Security"Belt and Road" Initiative
Private contractors provide a wide variety of services, supporting international contingency operations that range from disaster relief to peacekeeping missions, and frequently occur in conflict and post-conflict areas. The size of the... more
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      Humanitarian InterventionPeacekeepingPrivate Security FirmsCorporate Accountability
Studies on the private security industry have mainly focused on the growth of private security firms and the regulation thereof. Research focusing on the working experiences of security guards has been notably absent. However, in a recent... more
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      SociologySociology of WorkSecurityEmotional Labour
This book provides a comparative and transnational examination of the complex and multifaceted experiences of anti-labour mobilisation, from the bitter social conflicts of the pre-war period, through the epochal tremors of war and... more
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      Political Violence and TerrorismPolitical ViolenceStrikesPrivate Security
O mundo contemporâneo vem passando por importantes mudanças no conjunto de atividades que chamamos de policiamento. Dentre essas mudanças, o processo de expansão da segurança privada é um dos aspectos que mais chama a atenção, pela... more
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      Policing StudiesPublic SafetyPrivate Security
The first publication of the project explores and assesses the origins and current state of the private security sector in each of the target countries, with specific reference to principles of good governance and the protection of human... more
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      Private Security FirmsPrivate Security CompaniesPrivate SecurityPrivate Security Companies and State
Private Security Companies (PSCs) are a rapidly expanding industry. This paper examines the various aspects of private security taking into account the broad scope of their activities, and the necessity of examining the posivite... more
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      Human RightsSecurity sector ReformCouncil of EuropePrivate military contractors
The Volume Private Security in Practice: Case studies from Southeast Europe presents eight case studies that explore the impact that private security has on security, human rights and the democratic order in four Southeast European... more
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      AccountabilityPrivate SecuritySecurity Sector Reform/Security GovernancePrivate Military and Security Companies
U radu se analizira i komaprira razvoj privatne sigurnosti u BiH u periodu od 2009. godine do 2016. Podaci koji su analizirani dobijeni su putem intervjua i dopisa od zvaničnih institucija. U radu je korišten kvalitativni istraživački... more
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      Network SecurityPrivate SecurityPrivate Security and Policing
A look at ethics and codes of conduct in private security and military companies at home and abroad.
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      Business EthicsEthicsApplied EthicsInternational Law
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      EntrepreneurshipHuman GeographyUrban GeographyGender Studies
Yeni bir hizmet kolu olarak 2000‘li yıllarda yükselişe geçen özel güvenlik sektörü modern devletin temel görevlerinden biri olan güvenlik hizmetinin niteliğinde dönüştürücü bir etki bırakmaktadır. Özel güvenlik hizmet alanının yaygınlaşma... more
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      Public AdministrationPublic SphereKamu YönetimiKamusal Alan
After sixteen intensive months, I quit my employed position as a security guard at a local hospital. By drawing on my autoethnographic experiences in the form of “ethnographic fiction writing”, as well as eight interviews with my former... more
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      SociologyMental HealthMasculinity StudiesSecurity
In a wake of last October 2015 general election results controversy and a cut off from Zanzibar development partners and donor community budget support, now the country need a strategic thinking to institute an added sources of revenue to... more
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      Security StudiesPrivate SecurityPrivate Military and Security CompaniesMercenaries and Private Military Contractors