Print media
Recent papers in Print media
The Mapping Digital Media project, which examines the changes in-depth, aims to build bridges between researchers and policymakers, activists, academics and standard-setters across the world. It also builds policy capacity in countries... more
Although public relations has been a controversial subject for the print media as far back as the early 1900s, there have been few studies that have addressed the profession's media image. This study examines how the print media portrayed... more
The role of media has today stretched far beyond the supply of information because of the outreach and technological sophistication. The media as a chronicler of events, an informer, an educator, a transformative space and a tool to... more
La civilisation du journal ne voit pas seulement apparaître une circulation accrue des idées, une extension du lectorat, un mode d’information tissé de romanesque et de nouveaux rythmes liés à la quotidienneté. Elle instaure aussi... more
This article analyzes how mass media proliferation influenced and changed advertising market in Czech Republic in 2010–2016. The analysis builds on a dataset containing a full monitoring data in Czech Republic in the selected years. The... more
Journalists are not only storyteller but also they are the watchdog of the society for different dimensions. In the era of globalization when everything is changing very fast, the status of all human being is also changing with the same... more
his article regards the development of computer-mediated communication in the light of its relationship to traditional media offerings for a given brand. On the level of entire categories of media, recent studies show that print is... more
Visual and cultural analysis of Meiji shōnen kaiko 明治少年懐古 (Reminiscences of a Meiji youth, 1944), an illustrated book that nostalgically recalls Japan's late nineteenth and early twentieth century period of modernization. The book is in... more
Media holds a very significant role in liberal democratic regimes. Media actors influence the way social and political events are seen and evaluated. Free and plural media is the safeguard of a healthy democracy. Media has critical... more
L’invention et le développement de l’imprimerie en Europe révolutionna l’accès au texte. L’accroissement exponentiel du nombre de livres disponibles au cours des dernières décennies du XVe siècle eut un impact profond sur l’ensemble de la... more
A study of the limits of multilingual literary expression in print culture. Beginning with the insight that multilingual literature defies simple translation, Brian Lennon examines the resistance multilingual literature offers to book... more
Laic cultural globalization is conceived as a material and spiritual process, deeply rooted in the evolution of humanity. Its delocating and moral disengaging features, the cultural monopoly (language, printed publications, media, music),... more
Using the Internet and other new information and communication technologies has become an inherent part of human life since a lot of our work and private activities take place in online environment-thanks to various communication tools... more
Today's trend there is a noticeable raise in the frequency of advertisements of slimming and weight loss products in print media. Being slim has become an obsession for many people in the last couple of decades. Recently many people do... more
Louis Vuitton is a one of world-class products in the world were born in 1854. As one of multicultural country, France is also gave birth many famous designers. To market their products, there are several of methods to attract the... more
Terdapat dua corak pemilikan media iaitu berasaskan undang-undang dan berasaskan kuasa ekonomi. Pemilikan yang berasaskan undang-undang merujuk kepada semua pemegang saham sesebuah organisasi media manakala pemilikan berasaskan kuasa... more
Abstract This study is intended to examine the operation of a sheet-fed offset press, the problems and their causes and the strategic management required to prevent operating problems or find possible solutions. A sheet-fed offset press... more
Art historians have long looked to letters to secure biographical details; clarify relationships between artists and patrons; and present artists as modern, self-aware individuals. This book takes a novel approach: focusing on Albrecht... more
Metaphor, a significant linguistic resource for representing events, people and their actions in conflict situations, is capable of revealing ideological positioning and inclinations of news reporters. This paper therefore examines... more
Обложка журнала рассматривается как образец мультимодального текста. Дается теоретический обзор научной литературы, посвященной изучению мультимодальности в рамках лингвистики. Приводятся определения понятия «мультимодальность».... more
Online availability of information creates new ways of communication. This provides a variety of ways for users to interact, though chat, messaging email, video, voice chat, file sharing, blogging and discussing groups. The social... more
India has a glorious tradition of print media since pre-independence times. The Indian print media had a significant role to play in securing independence. After independence, various forms of media have made a great contribution in... more
Research concerning computer hackers generally focuses on how to stop them; far less attention is given to the texts they create. Phrack, an online hacker journal that has run almost continuously since 1985, is an important touchstone in... more
This chapter seeks to examine a phenomenon that has gone largely unexplored: the rise of digitally-born Australian literary journals since the 1990s. My intent is to demonstrate how such journals in the digital sphere also exert material... more
Reklaminės žinutės šaltinio įtakos reklamos efektyvumui modeliavimas: teorinis aspektas Straipsnyje analizuojami reklaminės žinutės šaltinio įtakos reklamos efektyvumui teoriniai aspektai. Reklama yra viena dažniausių marketingo... more
Copyright © 2015 Luís-Sérgio Santos
Título original: Projeto Gráfico. O redesenho do Jornal O Estado
ISBN: 978-85-88661-48-6
Título original: Projeto Gráfico. O redesenho do Jornal O Estado
ISBN: 978-85-88661-48-6
Today, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has become a worldwide concept whereby, organizations consider the interests of society by taking responsibility for the impact of their activities on customers, employees, shareholders,... more
This paper deals with the print media industry in India and the challenges it fails from falling readership and emergence of news on the digital platform. The researcher intends to predict the future of the Print Media industry by taking... more
3D printing has been admired as a cutting-edge technology, which will change manufacturing [1]. Recent advances in bioprinting technologies have enabled rapid manufacturing of medical models in many fields and areas. Recently in the... more
In the visual art world, illustrators have sometimes been considered less important in comparison with fine artists and graphic designers. The term ‘illustrative’ is sometimes used as a negative critique. But, possibly in part due to the... more
This chapter examines the contemporary Czech foodscape, especially its media, from a discursive perspective. After description of the Czech culinary press, it analyses the formation of discourse of culinary tradition in gourmet magazines... more
This essay presents new insights into Henry Darger’s disturbing images of violence against children and his art's treatment of mass cultural ideals of innocence and deviance. It argues that his endangered heroines develop visual... more
Community media was not a subject of importance nor did academicians take up the matter with seriousness till 1960s. Though community media exists and function prior to that, the concept become a matter of concern with the Bolivian crisis... more
This paper deals with the print media industry in India and the challenges it fails from falling readership and emergence of news on the digital platform. The researcher intends to predict the future of the Print Media industry by taking... more
Previous studies have noted the dominance of official sources within the news process and their unique ability to shape media narratives. This research addresses the role and implications of news sources in contributing to the... more
Bir kimsenin bir başka kişiyi bilerek ya da isteyerek öldürmesi anlamına gelen cinayet ağır bir eylemdir. Bu suçun cezası müebbet hapis ya da idamdır. Cinayetin pek çok sebebi olmakla birlikte erkek ya da kadını bu edimi yapmaya iten... more
The aim of this thesis is to examine in detail the value that letterpress printing provides by connecting people to the craft. By looking at relevant sources from examples of contemporary letterpress work to literature surrounding the... more
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